#💎 A Jewel Of Stolen Butterfly Dreams (Senpujin)
universestreasures · 4 months
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"S-Sorry Gao, I need to go. I'm kind of in the middle of a date right now..."
Only @senpujin may reblog!
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universestreasures · 2 years
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Same energy. @senpujin​ 
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universestreasures · 2 years
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@senpujin​ is Yusei’s adopted little sister now, and he will protect her till his last breath. 
Expect a full post about this after me and TC do some more plotting!!!
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universestreasures · 2 years
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Is this what Setsuna wants Yudias to do to Riku next time he tries to hang out with Towa LMFAO
@senpujin​ @kaizokv 
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universestreasures · 2 years
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Only @senpujin may reblog!!!
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universestreasures · 2 years
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Omg...Yudias and Setsuna being siblings in law because I 100% plan for Yudias to officially get the Ryuenjii last name as Tasuku’s adopted older brother for Buddyfight...
@senpujin​ !!!!!
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universestreasures · 2 years
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“Has anyone ever told you that you're beautiful, Setsuna?” 
“Only you a million times.”
Merry Christmas Tc!!! <3 <3 <3
For @senpujin and only she may reblog!!!
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universestreasures · 2 years
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Yudias & Setsuna
Only @senpujin may reblog!!!
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universestreasures · 2 years
Yudias Buddyfight AU Bio!
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Name: Yudias Velgear
Age: 16
Eye Color: Green with a golden touch.
Species: Monster (Alien/Star Dragon Knight)
Worlds: Hero World/Star Dragon World (DDD Onward).
Allied With On Earth: Buddy Police.
Core Gadget: Sword with a red Neo deck case crystal, modeled after his sword from his homeland.
Short Bio:
Yudias Velgear is a citizen of the parallel world Hero World, specifically from the Velgear Star Cluster far off into Hero World’s many galaxies and solar systems. Like in much of Hero World, there is much conflict between heroes and villains in order to maintain order. This conflict has reached Yudias’ own home system, where participated on the front lines of battle under Commanded Zwijo in order to defend his home. 
However, the war got too vast and forced him and 8.8 million of his countrymen to retreat inside a spaceship, and along their journey they learned of the other parallels worlds and the game Buddyfight that connected them in peace. After hearing this, Yudias is determined to go to Earth, the world where Buddyfight as a game began, to learn all about it to possibly take what he’s learned back to his home to stop the needless fighting. And after finding Earth’s coordinates through some Buddyfight cards he received from a mysterious hero named ‘Captain Answer’, he travels there with his ship that crash lands in a field on the outskirts of Cho-Tokyo. 
Soon, he is found by the Buddy Police’s Slayer Unit that Setsuna ( @senpujin​​ ) is apart of who then try to arrest him and the 8.8 million countrymen inside of his ship the Valvelgear for coming to Earth illegally. Yudias shows some resistance to their actions, naturally upset at the sudden hostility when they had no idea they could not come to Earth without some sort of agreement. However, despite Yudias and his ship’s best efforts, they are quickly overpowered by the Buddy Police and incarcerated inside their Buddyfight cards, Yudias being honestly confused and doing all he can try and break free of the card prison due to the fact he does not know he is what they on Earth call a ‘monster’.
After returning to HQ, Tasuku Ryuenji, Takihara, Stella, Setsuna, Captain Kohaku, Hisui, and Commander I all come together to interrogate Yudias and the countrymen within his ship, the warrior still trying to use all of his strength to get out of the card. Naturally, everyone is confused by Yudias’ own confusion regarding his no knowledge of Buddyfight or the fact he came from ‘Hero World’. Tasuku, being someone with great instincts, decides to let Yudias explain himself as he does not sense any ill will from the illegal monster. And with that, the proud warrior of Velgear explains his story, instantly gaining the sympathy and understanding of everyone in the room except for Setsuna. 
Upon hearing Yudias received information from who they figure out is Captain Answer, they decide to allow him and his ship filled with his countrymen live on Earth to learn more about Buddyfight and grow stronger under Tasuku’s roof and under Takihara’s guardianship. Yudias, forever greatfu to the Earthlings, asks if he can do anything in return, and Commander I gets the idea to have him help out with the Buddy Police considering he has battle and military experience. Thus, he helps them as a trainee along with attending Aibo Academy disguised as a human, similar to Mr. Neginoyama aka Captain Answer. 
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universestreasures · 3 years
@senpujin​ Sent:
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“And I love you, my girlfriend, so much.”
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universestreasures · 2 years
@senpujin​ Happy Tasunaversery TC! <3
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Tasuku was a guy who was very good at remembering dates. Whether he wanted to remember it or not, he can look at a calendar and see memories within just the numbers. He remembers the birthdays of all of his comrades at the Buddy Card Office. He remembers the day he first joined the first. He remembers the day he met Jack, and most importantly for today, he remembered the day he and Setsuna Taisho had started dating. 
The two had been through much before and after their confessions. If Tasuku was being honest, he had feelings for her so long that he can’t remember when they first appeared. He reasons with himself that he realized his feelings when he dawned the dark persona of the Purgatory Knight, a stain on his past he will never erase, and yet he can’t help but feel they were there before that. It was just that circumstance and the fight he had with her that made him see just how he felt. What else could it be when his heart bled to push her away, even if he thought it was for the best?
Thankfully, the two had restored their bond and became closer than ever before, even if they were no longer co-workers after the Yamigedo incident. Tasuku had a feeling it was his fault she left, but then again he did encourage her to go and follow her dreams. Whatever the reason, he can tell Setsuna was happier like this. She was happier not fighting, and while she always could, it was clear her path as a musician was where her heart truly lied. And he would always support her, now and forever.
He manages to take the day off for one to set aside the day for just the two of them, dragging her along to all sorts of things. Tasuku certainly sought the advice of Setsuna’s sister and cousin for advice, combining it with his own observations to plan out the best day possible. It’s not a heavily exhausted list of activities, knowing full well Setsuna does not like being overloaded, yet he feels like it’s enough for her and him to say they did much. However, the part he as looking forward to the most was right now, the part where they simply flew through the air at night like they had done on what most considered their ‘unofficial first date’ when Tasuku offered to take her home for the first time. 
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“Well, someone’s having fun I see.” It’s a jest, but Tasuku can’t help it when he sees Setsuna simply be happy. Her smile was one that lit up even the darkest of lights, something he had strove to make appear more often. After all, in his eyes the girl deserved the world. She had forgiven him for his mistakes. She had fought bravely at his side on multiple occasions, and most important to him, she stayed with despite how much he knows she has suffered because of him. It’s no wonder he was so protective of her, never wanting to have her get hurt ever again if he can help it, especially if it was because of him in some way.
He takes hold of her hand, guiding her to the balcony of her apartment after the flight and their day had seemed to have come to an end. Tasuku wishes it could have lasted longer, but knows keeping her out too late would not make him look good in the eyes of his father and worry-wort of a twin sister. The boy lets go of her hand after a successful landing, the two children’s buddies deciding to give them a moment as they often did when they said goodbye in this place. 
Tasuku reaches forward towards her, grabbing her hands and gently pulling her close until their foreheads touch. She is so warm, so calm and inviting. Being with her makes him feel so at peace, and it’s a feeling he wishes to never stop. No words can express his gratitude towards her, and yet Tasuku decides to try anyway. In comparison to her, words were his strong suit and he knew she needed to hear them. After all, he had made a promise of himself to make sure she would never forget how he felt, that she would never forget how much he believed in her and wanted her around. He wanted her to never forget his promise to not push her or anyone else close to him away never again. 
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“I love you...Setsuna Taisho, and no matter where life may take us, you will always be in my heart. Please know I am forever grateful to have you in my life. Please know you are the strongest woman I have ever met, and the only one I’ve ever loved. Please know I will always be by your side...as long as you want me to be.” With that, he moves to give her a kiss on the forehead before starting to float back into the air to prepare to leave for his own apartment. Parting was such sweet sorrow as Shakesphere would say, but Tasuku is happy he will see her tomorrow at school. He is happy he can once again spend another day with her, a day as wonderful as all the rest. 
“Happy anniversary, my dearest Setsuna.” 
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universestreasures · 3 years
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💙 They say the stars were created so the moon never had to be alone in the sky, both lighting up the uncertainty of night together. 💜
( 💙Tasuna💜: Tasuku Ryuenjii X Setsuna Taisho)
Happy Birthday @senpujin !!! 💙💜
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universestreasures · 3 years
@senpujin​​ sent: 
she thought the best approach to this would be to do it seriously ; not a single hint of emotion on her face that could give away the awkwardness she felt at what she had put herself on a situation to do . setsuna was not one to use honorifics on people , especially not on those she saw on a daily basis . but a dare was a dare.. & she took her ' word ' seriously .
the fourteen year old took a deep breath & approached the other with a lack of emotion on her face ; extending her arm to hand over his buddy police badge that she found on the floor of her balcony after their stargazing moment came to an end .
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❛    you forgot this last night , tasuku sama .   ❜
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He and Jack had been in a panic the second they got ready for the day, frantically searching every nook and cranny of his apartment for his badge that he lost track of sometime between last night and this morning. A Buddy Police officer’s badge was everything to an officer, a symbol of their authority that also gave them access to various things normal individuals would not have. Out of all his years on the force, he has never once let it out of his sight. Guess he got too distracted enjoying a nice night stargazing with his girlfriend.
Before heading off to school, he makes a stop by the Taisho residence to see if the item was there. He was hoping it was, not exactly wanting to search the entire city for an important item that probably would have been stolen and sold off at this point. Tasuku was quite the celebrity after all, and a powerful one at that. Thankfully for him, his reliable and caring girlfriend found his missing object, a wave of relief washing through Tasuku as he takes the object from her
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“Thank you so much, Setsuna. I’m so glad that it was you who found it and not some-”
The boy then pauses, finally registering just what the girl said. His relieved expression all but melts away. Replacing it was a cold sweat, something only a select few were ever able to make him do. Needless to say, he was unnerved by her sudden use of that specific honorific. 
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“Did...Did you just call me...Tasuku Sama?” Only Paruko and other rabid fans of his called him that, and Setsuna knew he wasn’t a fan of it. Was this some kind of early morning joke to get back at him for being not responsible and leaving his badge? She didn’t seem like she was joking. Oh, thank goodness they were inside their home and not out in the public because he is quite embarrassed and freaked at this moment.
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universestreasures · 2 years
@senpujin​​ Sent:
❛     tasuku . we need to talk .       ❜ her greeting came as calm & cold as she could muster . trying to keep her face stoic despite the nerves eating her inside ; but she had to ask , & she certainly didn't want to continue dancing around the subject anymore ( not after her last conversation with suzuha anyway )
❛     i want you to be honest .     ❜ she began , marking a pregnant pause as she prepared herself to spit it out . ❛     -did you ever think of having children?      ❜
( for tasuku ; ace [ you can thank suzuha for this , tc ] )
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Tasuku felt a slight shiver down his spine at her words, instantly knowing the conversation he was about to have with his wife would be a serious one. Some people might not be able to differentiate how Setsuna spoke, thinking she always talked the same way, and yet he was able to see the deeper meaning in her vocal tone and especially the look in her eyes. Her lilac hues he swears had the power to look through anything, and it felt like right how they were looking through him. Considering the topic of her question, it shouldn’t be unexpected.
Ruby hues stare at her, Tasuku taking a few moments to think to make sure he delivers his feelings in the best way. This was a topic he certainly had been asked about before, Gao casually mentioning it the day Yuga was born. And now with Setsuna’s own twin sister being pregnant with her and Zanya’s child...it only made sense why the topic would weigh on her mind. He takes a step forward, gently taking both her hands into his own, and lastly a deep breath before starting.
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“Of course I thought about it. Why wouldn’t I consider that possibility?” He says with no hesitation, ruby hues staring into her own lilac ones. “However, I also have thought about what would come of that possibility. It’s no secret you and I my dear are busy individuals. We usually only get to spend time with one another during the evenings, and that’s if you do not have a concert or other engagement where you must perform. Considering our responsibilities, I...I do not think we are in the ideal situation to have children of our own. At least...not at this moment.”
He then moves to gently plant a kiss on her lips, not going for the forehead this time. “It’s not that I wouldn’t want them. For you to be a mother and I to be a father would be a wonderful thing. However, you and I both know what it is like to grow up without...parents around. It is not something I’d wish up on anyone, especially...my own children. Do you...understand, my songbird?”
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universestreasures · 3 years
@senpujin​​ Happy Birthday TC!!! 💙💜
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The boy wonder of the Buddy Police simply sat at the seaside dock in thought, the waves crashing beneath him and his buddy. For some reason, the sounds and serenity of the ocean was always calming to him. Some might find that shocking considering it was a tsunami in part that ruined his life during The Disaster, but he never associated the event with the natural aspect of it. What more affected him was the emotions he felt and how the isolating mountains seemed to symbolize them, the feeling of helplessness and loneliness seeming to consume him more than anything else.
Regardless, he had come to the shore to not only try and relax, but also contemplate what he should do. The school dance was that evening, and he had everything he needed to attend. The only problem was Tasuku had never gone to a dance before. Formal events, sure, but never anything like this. He never really had a reason to go to anything like that, not until Setsuna became his girlfriend that is.
He wanted everything to go smoothly, make it absolutely perfect for the girl he loved so much and had stuck with him despite everything. People often said dances like this were some of the most important moments in a youth’s life, and he didn’t want to ruin that for her. So, what was he supposed to do?
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“What am I going to do, Jack? The dance is in a couple of hours, and I still think I’m going to mess everything up. Some boyfriend I am...”
“Tasuku. You’re overthinking this. It’s understandable that you’re nervous. This is the first time you’re attending an event such as this with Setsuna, after all. However, you shouldn’t let that hold you back from simply enjoying the evening.”
“I just want to be perfect for her. I want to be what she deserves.”
“Setsuna knows you’re not perfect, Tasuku. No one in this world is. She decided to go into this relationship with you because you’re you. Even with everything that’s happened in the past, she decided that. Besides, do you think someone like her would want a boring perfect prince?”
He pauses for a moment, truly considering what Jack is saying. It was true that Tasuku tried to be the best boyfriend possible, always going one step beyond what one might expect. However, what truly made Setsuna smile more than anything else, was when they were simply...spending time together. In particular, when they were simply gazing at the stars as they both expressed their musical talents.
Maybe being himself...was all that she needed. Maybe that was all that he needed to do. HIs eyes close gently, a gentle smile now across his face as he laughed softly. It was times like these that he really was grateful to have the dragon by his side. And the boy knows he will always be able to count on him. After all, they were buddies till the end.
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“I guess I really am not the Buddyfight Prince like how some say, and you know what Jack? I’m just fine with that.” He replies before standing to his feet, quickly tacking out his core deck case and giving Jack a nod. The dragon responds in kind, his eyes glowing that vibrant gold as the Star Pulsar transforms and Tasuku’s Sky Circles appear on the sides of his feet. Without any hesitation, the two fly into the air to head back into their apartment to prepare for the big night. 
Even if he wasn’t perfect, he was going to do everything in his power to simply enjoy the night with his girlfriend. After all, this was their first public ‘date’ together, and that is something to be celebrated. All time with the Scourging Swallow was precious to him, indeed. 
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universestreasures · 3 years
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Buddyhime DDD Ep 44
Now knowing that Setsuna is going to recover just fine from the vile deeds of Dr. Gara, Tasuku now has his full attention on defeating the doctor and bringing him to justice for daring to go after his girlfriend. 
For @senpujin for writing this beautiful storyline with me and for always being supportive of me and just being the best twin cousin ever. <3 Love you Emma <3
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