#📚 my posts
burning-sol · 3 days
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chip art??? from me???? no freaking way!!!
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burning-sol · 5 months
Edit: I have no clue if anyone is going to see this but oh well. Just wanted to say that the horrors were left vague on purpose so you could insert whatever symptoms you don't like as a part of it. Basically, all this question is is if you wanna be bleeding once a month.
Some people are asking, "why would you want periods?" and I'm very much in the minority but idk I just think it's cool. You could fake a murder for fun, you can do some weird n fucked up painting.. I like the enrichment of thinking I'm a werewolf or some other form of beast for a week, since it's about the same amount of time for the lunar cycle to complete. Some people have said they like having the free pass of "oh no its my period i guess i have to stay at home" like, yeah, periods are the prime time for exploitation. It's free blood you guys, you can easily think of things to use it for if you're creative enough.
Also, in case u are like me and never thought of the idea before, you can put down towels or some other form of dedicated sheet onto your bed before you sleep and bleed through onto that. You can put something down before you sit too. PLEASE have stuff dedicated to ur periods, it'll (mostly) save your sheets and other things from getting dirty, and it can help keep cleaning more manageable.
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burning-sol · 8 months
actually, i think ppl who identify as queer due to trauma and hurt are just as valid as people who identify otherwise. if someone identifies as asexual because of sexual trauma, they're allowed to do that. if someone identifies as trans because their assigned gender is linked to trauma, i really couldnt care less. "you only identify this way because you're running away from your trauma" why are you asking someone to identify with something that obviously hurts them? so what if they are. you dont have to live their life and bear their trauma, and you're most definitely not qualified to say what they should do with their life.
you know sometimes i think that, yeah, maybe i could have been cis if i hadn't been hurt. but *i* wasn't the one who failed to be cis, it was the cis identity that failed *me*. just because YOU stayed and committed to mending your relationship doesnt mean anyone else has to. im allowed to leave, im allowed to decide i dont want to deal with that anymore.
assuming that youre right and that every one of us identifies this way because of trauma (which isnt true just to be clear), do you think its a good look to search out for victims and tell them how they should cope with their trauma? like, full offense, you come across as a weird gross missionary. even in the case where youre correct, youre still acting in a completely disgusting way. just saying.
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burning-sol · 2 months
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im not sure if im down with how this turned out but omgg the long quiet <33
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burning-sol · 1 year
Asexuals and aromantics and aplatonics are the specialist, loveliest people on planet earth. <3
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burning-sol · 9 months
no cause like gillion is the model child that jay never was, and jay is the free spirit that gillion always longed to be. do you understand??? do you get me???? they are reflections of what their lives could have been if they had gone down a different a road. did you notice how jay has come to shun her jacket and show more of herself, but how gillion has acquired armour to hide himself away. do you!! see!! them!!!!! how are we all not less normal about these two.
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burning-sol · 6 months
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they need to get high together.
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burning-sol · 9 months
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we gotsa go thatta way crew!!!!
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burning-sol · 2 months
i wish i could bite into someone and tear away a huge chunk of flesh and we look into each other's eyes romantically as blood sprays all over us. unfortunately humans cannot recover from these wounds because god fears my sexuality.
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burning-sol · 5 months
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SUCKENING FANART LESGOOO. had to draw void like a void creature. also i love making shirts where it says some random bullshit i made up. some more art (not the suckening) below the cut
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drew this on the 21st but i wasn't satisfied with things like how kian turned out so babygirl so i wasnt sure whether to post it or not. figured i would share it anyhow since i know there's probably someone out there who'll like it.
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burning-sol · 4 months
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burning-sol · 5 days
JRWI PCs react to being called a faggot.
Chip: *pulls you aside* Who told you, I want names.
Jay: *turns around to see if you were talking to someone else but no one is there* Who. Me?
Gillion: Fagging it up, Gillion Fagstrider!!! Champion of the Undersea, Hero of the Deep, The Faggot!!! Yes, i am faggot.
William: *does a wispy laugh* Hahahah!!! I'm making a callout doc on you what is your twitter handle.
Vyncent: You can't say that in Prime, it has a different meaning here :(
Ashe: Huh? *takes off headphones* Sorry, what did you say?
Kian: *smiles* Nice dude. What up my fellow fag.
Rand: *coughs* Huh? What. no man get your own fags.. *squats in the alley doing fuck all and continuing to smoke*
Rolan: I'm being hate crimed.
Rumi: *looks completely shell shocked like they'll never recover*
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burning-sol · 23 days
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burning-sol · 5 months
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You didn't r̶e̶a̸l̸l̷y̵ think I just g̶r̸e̶w̸ ̴t̵h̸e̷ ̶s̷k̷i̷n̶ ̸b̸a̸c̷k̶.̵.̷ Did You?
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burning-sol · 8 months
Written ver under the cut :)
Charlie: What do you remember her looking like?
Grizzly: Well back in highschool, she had very straight long black hair.. Very, know you, like pale skin like.... *fades out*
Kian: You know, nothing changes! (she hasn't changed)
[Kiss me (kiss me), down by the broken treehouse.]
Becky: I didn't uh, I didn't know you'd be here either! I was just..back for the weekend visiting my parents.
[Swing me (swing me), upon its hanging tire.]
Becky: But uh, shit, we' got a lot of catching up to do, huh?
[Bring bring (bring bring), bring your flower hat, we'll take the trail marked on your father's map.]
Kian: 'Actually got invited to a.. You know, sort of a party for tonight if you uh wanna head over there. ..you know, with me?
Becky: Yeah.
[Kiss me, down by the faded warnings.]
Becky: I'm... Supposed to be spending the weekend with my parents but..
Kian: Fuck it right?
[Lead me, out through the crumbling wall.]
Becky: Honestly, they're- Yeah, they're treating me like I'm um, like I'm in highschool again. *chuckles*
[Lift the barricade.]
Becky: So.. I'd really like that
[Strike up the band and make the blowflies dance..]
Kian: Alright, yeah, let's uh.. Let's fucking do it then!
Kian: See where the night takes us!
Becky: Let's do it.
[..so kiss me.]
[*chipper tune plays*]
Kian: Y-Yo-u just end up wak-wa ki n g  next to some b-b-b-bodies that that that you forget in a few ho u h ours. fa ce- You know faces pass but..
Becky: ..faces pass, 《but hey you're home bound》. *she will not be leaving galloway*
[*song sounds stranger in tone*]
[Kiss me (kiss me), besides the melting tree stumps.]
Kian: I dunno ha-ha-have.... Since you've been home for the weekend,
[Kiss me (kiss me), down on the dead grey grass.]
Kian: -has anything been like weird for you like..? Anything feel strange.?
[Sniff sniff (sniff sniff), it smells so sickly sweet, but everywhere I turn there's ROTTING MEAT..]
Charlie: You can tell she's trying to play it kind of cool but li-like... She seems a little awkward about something.
Becky: Kian Stone.. You nervous?
[Kiss me, down by the bubbling crow skulls.]
Kian: You know for old time's sake, you wanna take a walk? You know, down to Willot street? *he wants to believe*
[Kiss me, beneath the black wet chains.]
Kian: Like we used to, you know. That's kind of what I came here for if you- I-If you're-
[It's impossible..?]
Becky: Yeah!
Kian: Oh you're down? Cool!
Becky: Yeah! Okay, okay.. *she knows she shouldn't*
[I hear the voice of long-dead loved ones calling to leave quickly...]
Becky: Oh man.. Well 《at least there's one good thing》 about being back!
Kian: I'll say...
[..so kiss me.]
[*ominous interlude*]
Becky: *lets out a snicker, sounding like she's working herself up to tearing up* You know shit just happened and i i i i t kept happening and I I I.. You know, 《SIGNED ON》 with -> s o m e  th i n g <-   sh[]  y (I) shouldn't of and t h  e e n-n... I guess I got so caught up in it all.
[Kiss me (hold me), (hold me) the air got cold so quickly (kiss me).]
Becky: Eventually I- I figured it out.. But um... *she hesitates*
[Kiss me (hold me), perhaps we should go in (kiss me).]
Charlie: I-It's quiet. And you feel your eyes pull back to hers.
[Wait wait!! (WAIT WAIT)]
Becky: I didn't know you were waitin'. *she was alone*
[What was your father's name?]
Becky: I didn't know I left you waitin'...... *she lost hope*
[Why does this map feel just like human skin? (HOLD ME)]
Kian: *reassuring* Hey I mean.. We're here now.
Charlie: She's (already dead) crying man.
Becky: *laughs full of mourning*
[HELP ME (kiss me), beside the boiling tendrils.]
Becky: I.. Even though we both have to go.. 《WHEREVER WE'RE GOING AFTER THIS》..
[HELP ME (kiss me), why do the trees have veins??]
Becky: ..I think we should make this last.
[Are there bugs on me!?? (WAIT WAIT!!!)]
Becky: I think I'm in a memory I want to be making.
Becky: ..you know that feeling?
Kian: Yeah, uh..
[So help me.]
Kian: If you wanna run away..
[..(wait wait)....]
Kian: There's still time.
[Help me.]
Kian: ..right? (..right?)
[..(w a  i tt w a ii t.).....]
[*unsettling interlude*]
BecKY(¿): It's It's It's not all that I mean  I'm sure y ou ou ou .. I'm sure you kno o  *breathes out eerily* w w ..
[*music builds*]
Kian: Uh.. *he doesn't want to believe it*
[*bitb track is introduced, adding to the buildup*]
what remains of rebecca jones: Y-You know I.I... I I I shot my shot!! (she tried her best) *breathes out with a smile*
[*music halts on some disquietening notes*]
[K I  S S   M E]
[Kiss me (kiss me), I'm feeling so much better!!]
Charlie: So she's writing this song with you and her behaviour is becoming increasingly st- r  a a n g e  as she's like [Kiss ] flitting through the [m] n n [m] n [me]  otes [Kiss me]  repeatedly and repeatedly [AND I CAN MAKE YOU STRONG] and then like  l-l--looking back to you  like [..hide hide...! (hide hide!!!)] *jumbled* noth  wrong  things were  then like  scribling  sense non on the page.
she made an honest mistake: This song's al(it hasn't) been inside me and [ ^.^ Your bones will harden and your skin will slough!! \(^.^)/ ] it just wants to (KIAN) GET OUT- OUT- OUT!! *she's pleading*
Kian: Like metaphorically oo o r..?
Charlie: You start to notice as you guys are kind of singing it together like testing out the..
Charlie: The lyrics and stuff and you flit back your eyes to the page she's writing on.
Charlie: ..and it feels like the words, the letters are almost 《C CR R A W L ING》 and you blink for a second and she is [SO KISS MEEE] NOT [EE] human. [EE] SH[E] IS SOM[E]THING ELS[E].. [EEE]
[Kiss me...]
Charlie: And you blink again and once again it's you and.. Her.
[Kiss me...]
Charlie: At the base of this tree. And you blink and it's gone-
[kIsS m.e..]
Charlie: -and you just see her nice, very cute legible handwriting again.
[*music fades out*]
[*the music takes on a hopeful note*]
Becky: *stops his hand* Kian that's uh.. That's really good.... I'm sorry, I'm sorry.... *she leans her head against him* I'm sorry, I didn't know.. (it would turn out this way)
Forgive her: I j-just.. (wanted to be with you one last time)
[Kill me... I won't stay down much longer...]
[Kill me... I'll only wake up stronger...]
[Kill me...]
She's sorry: You know the only thing not so shitty..
[I've opened up the path..]
I'm sorry: About this 《SHITTY TOWN》..
[You'll wake up from this scary dream and laugh..]
Was you: ..is you.
[*song cuts out*]
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burning-sol · 23 days
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