#🧤 〚 you can lose your way groping among the shadows ● adelita ic 〛
secondsiight · 2 years
There was something freeing about being back home. Freeing, but also a little unsettling, which left Adelita feeling disoriented. It was as if she'd been spun in a circle for hours, left to teeter and tip as she made her way through a family both familiar and foreign. She was not the same girl she'd been seven years ago, and they were not the same people themselves.
It wasn’t a bad thing at all, of course. People grew and changed. Adelita had always been quiet and withdrawn, nervous and uncertain. But after three years without her mother and longer without her father, all she wanted was to try - for the first time in her eighteen years - to reach out to the family she’d missed.
Coming home when their gifts had faltered had to have been a good thing. Now they could really start rebuilding.
“Tío Agustín?” Hopefully she wasn’t interrupting him. She had memories of her uncle being accident prone when she was a girl. “Are you busy? I saw you outside and just... I wanted to say hi is all.”
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secondsiight · 2 years
@honeydewmuses​ said: The figure is familiar. Too familiar. Luisa must be seeing things. Lack of sleep, or stress, or strange shadows because she's coming home after a longer day of work than usual. Because Adelita left, and it wouldn't make sense for her to be back.
Luisa rubs at her eyes and squints into the light, where the figure is- can it be? where Adelita is standing, gazing around Casita with what Luisa reads as love.
"ADELITA!" she bellows, throwing her arms open and running to her cousin. She scoops Adelita up in a crushing hug, shaking her around and laughing through tears.
"Oh, mi prima, I've missed you! I would have written if I had an address! Are you okay? Where have you been? And your siblings and Tia Aldonsa? Have they come back with you? And why now? Am I asking too many questions?"
It all flows out of her without being processed or filtered, Adelita still dangling in her arms, but when Luisa realises how much she's asked, she sets her cousin down. She smiles fondly, tears still pooled in her eyes.
"I am so glad you're home."
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It was all the girl had a chance to get out before she was swept up by her cousin, pulled into a hug that would’ve been almost painful if she hadn’t been anticipating it the moment she heard that familiar voice. She hadn’t seen so much of her family for so long, but seeing the one she’d grown up right next to was the best feeling of all.
Throwing her arms around her cousin’s neck, Adelita gave a little hiccup of a sob of her own, a brilliant smile on her face through her tears. She had forgotten how good it felt to have so many people around who were part of who you were- who knew that fantastic feeling.
“I’ve missed you so much, Luisa, I’m so sorry I didn’t have time to tell you where Mamá took us! We’re all here, me and Benito and Desi and Emilio and-”
She felt her voice cut off. Of course, their beloved Mamá hadn’t come home with them. For the last three years, Adelita had been following in Luisa’s footsteps in many ways, pulling so much responsibility onto her own shoulders, trying to take care of her siblings at the cost of her own peace of mind. But that could wait- they were home. She was with her family again.
“I’m so glad to be home. Everything’s been so weird lately!”
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secondsiight · 2 years
@honeydewmuses​ said: Antonio approaches Adelita slowly, carefully.
"Mirabel says you're my big cousin," he says.
His voice is quiet, but it doesn't shake as much as it would have even as recently as his ceremony. He's growing braver every day with the help of his family and the animals. Already he's brave enough to talk to this strange lady without any help.
"Is it true? Why didn't I know about you?"
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It hurt, a little bit, how much they had missed. In just seven years, things had changed so much for their family- the whole family, not just the little circle Adelita inhabited with her three siblings. They had even added a new Madrigal, a little boy with an incredible gift, being able to speak with animals as clearly as one might have any conversation with a neighbor.
A moment or two passed before she knelt, hair falling over her shoulder as she smiled at the boy, ignoring the feeling of grief twisting in her gut and the hot tears pricking at her eyes.
They were back with their family again. Just like their mamá had told them: old wounds could start to finally heal.
Easier said than done.
“Well... that’s because when my mamá left with my siblings and I, no one wanted to talk much about us. No one talked about Bruno, right? Well. Bruno is my papaíto. So I guess if no one was talking about Papá, no one was talking about us, either.”
She offered out a gloved hand to him, her smile remaining warm and welcoming. One careful step at a time.
“I’m Adelita. Your Tío Bruno’s daughter. And I’m so happy to finally meet you.”
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secondsiight · 2 years
It had started well before she left. Adelita had often felt jealous of her older cousin, frustrated that though both of them were what those living in the encanto saw as “traditionally” pretty, it was Isabela’s gift that elevated her in the eyes of their grandmother... where Adelita, just a few years younger, had carried the burden of the past.
That jealousy had been childish and she knew it, and the longer she and her siblings had spent away from the family, the more anxious she’d become. Those thoughts were pushed aside- the circumstances they’d been given were not their fault, and she shouldn’t have been so stand-offish.
Now that she actually had a chance, though, she felt deeply anxious, far more than she’d expected, pulling her long hair over her shoulder as she cleared her throat, hoping to get her cousin’s attention.
“I just... wanted to say that I’m sorry. For how I acted when we were kids, after my ceremony. I just... I feel bad, for how I acted...”
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secondsiight · 2 years
“I missed your birthday.”
It’s a simple statement. Honestly, Adelita is aware she’s missed a lot of birthdays- more than just one. Seven whole birthdays, and it hurts more than she thought to think about. She had grown up close with Luisa, just a year apart, sharing the small nursery space with a gaggle of other Madrigal children.
Having someone their own age had helped, too, when their gifts became individually apparent. Though the younger girl didn’t have her older cousin’s impressive strength, what she did have was the weight of the past in her hands, and they understood - in strange ways - what that could be like. It gave them both some place to find solace.
Now that she and her siblings had come home, she really felt like she had to make amends. Reconnect with Luisa and Dolores, apologize to Isabela, and get to know her younger cousins much better than she’d known them before.
Especially little Antonio. He hadn’t even been born when they left!
But for now, this is what she had. A box wrapped in soft fabric, containing a mochila from her mother’s home village. held up with an awkward half smile.
“I hope you like it. It doesn’t make up for much, but... still.”
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secondsiight · 2 years
Seven years later, and she genuinely found it nice to just sit by a wall overlooking the central space of the casita. It was good to be home, even if she was still a little anxious of approaching her family. Picking the hem of her gloves, she just watched everyone come and go quietly, staying in the background, and soaking it all in.
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secondsiight · 2 years
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@sidestreetmuses​ said:  “ you deserve the whole world. “
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There was a certain sense of anxiety when speaking with her cousins these days. Of course, that was to be expected- her mother had bustled she and her siblings off so quickly, they’d barely even had time to say goodbye. It was bad enough that when they did finally return to the encanto, she worried that they wouldn’t be accepted back.
But here was at least one of her cousins trying to alleviate some of her fears, and slowly she let her shoulders relax, picking at the cuff of one of her gloves with a strained but genuine half-smile... something she certainly had gotten from her father.
“Well so do you, Macario. Really, though, it’s... nice, to hear that. It’s a little too easy to feel adrift after being gone so long, you know? We’re just trying our best to rebuild bridges. It can be a lot, you know?”
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secondsiight · 2 years
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