#''we're pro endo but don't involve us in syscourse'' THAT makes sense
transillusionisms · 2 months
bro how you gonna be "endo neutral". either you believe people know what's going on in their head better than you, some random stranger on the internet, or you're a fakeclaimer
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emojifarm · 8 months
Making this post because we were recently blocked out of the blue by @felonsmojis and possibly others that we just haven't noticed yet. We think we know why after going over their DNI. Because of this we need to clarify once more: we are pro-endo. Other people's system origins and trauma or lack there of is no one else's business and definitely not ours. We reblog stuff from anti-endos because we like the art styles or find them useful and are choosing to separate the art from the artist. If we have that art reblogged here, even if they block us, we still have access to it to add to our servers. We do not support anti-endos. But the emoji side of Tumblr is pretty much all anti-endo or full of syscourse anymore that it's near unavoidable for me to not reblog their works even on accident at this point. If I made it a rule to not reblog from anti-endos, there would be no content on this blog. Compared to other reasons to avoid a blog, their views on who's a real system or not is such a small hill to die on. I still don't even understand why that stupid online discourse even needs to be involved in the emoji community to begin with, but I digress. It's just all very frustrating and very "rock and a hard place". This is a decision I have been sticking to for years and have no reason to change my stance on. Syscourse has no place in the emoji community. Outside of posts like these, I simply do not acknowledge that stuff at this point. It's pointless and not even worth it
Felonsmojis, if you see this somehow, I hope this explanation makes sense and helps you understand my thought process and I hope you'll be willing to unblock me. I completely understand if you choose not to, though. And I apologize for this being public. I had no other means of contact. I even made a new Tumblr account and was unable to send you any asks or messages through it. I will gladly delete this post upon your request no matter what decision you make here. I plan to in a week anyways. Thank you for hearing me out if you read this.
And I hope this makes sense to anyone else that finds this. I'm attempting to be a neutral party in this weird little war. We, obviously, do have our opinions. But this blog is not the place for that. All bias is to be left at the door. We're all just here to look at cute little pictures to express ourselves with at the end of the day. Let's just be respectful of each other and vibe, okay?
That's all. Goodnight
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