#( and she instinctively mistrusts anyone with connections to academia as they have the highest likelihood to know what she did for the prof
lcfthaunted · 2 months
what's this? a whole ass fucking verse page written up? more or less more information likely to come as i continue refreshing my memory, but there, at least, is a story. there is even a blurb at the bottom of the verses page, copied below for ease of reading 💜
With enemies in both high and low places, Mazie is desperate for protection and is willing to pay any price to achieve it—no matter how bloody she may get in the process. Her loyalty goes to whomever can keep the wolves at bay, though she will sell them out in a heartbeat if it buys her a little more time. There is only so long one can stand being glanced askance at before deciding to live down to expectations of a society woman with a viper dæmon.
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