#(can u understand why my walk to the station was so enjoyable??? i was running over all of this in my head and just grinning like the fuck!)
ayyponine · 7 years
yo if the way u spend nye is indicative of what the rest of the year’ll be like, apparently 2017 is the year i have a good time and slut it up ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
i was hanging w a good friend in antwerp where btw it was cold as heck and she was a bit late which never makes me a happy camper bc im always early but i spent some time talking to a cute girl so that softened the blow even if some IDIOTS were constantly lighting loudass firecracker bomb type shit just outside and at one point i found myself seated between two loud children (they didn’t even arrive together!! they just came separate and somehow converged, unfortunately, with me right in the fuckn middle of this just waiting fr my friend to arrive)
we went to one gay bar which had a great vibe except there was barely a crowd and i’m p sure everyone there was older. but the staff was nice and the pictures on the door to their toilets divided people into duchamp's fountain (or smth that looked like it anyway) or “three toilets with flowers in em” and like im not even gonna say which one i am this speaks fr itself
uh we managed to catch a bus just in time. also there are some gorgeous houses in the cogels-osylei like if i ever make money big time...sign me the fuck up
after bus came metro and shouldve come tram except it was close to 12 already so it was time fr FIREWORKS so we followed the stream of people to the quays/docks and aaaa. it was misty as heck which meant we saw some fireworks the regular way and some we didnt see at all, and every now and then the big ones would light up the entire fuckn sky so like suddenly itd flash into golden brown or bright green or just vivid red like fuck.....thats nice
then walked over to our second gay bar of which we knew it’d be a bigger party. a lot of the men there tho were either a. old b. bald or c. old and bald and also shirtless and of course fuckin gay as heck so we mostly danced w each other. while keeping an eye on the crowd. bc there were also hot guys dancing in like the barest minimum of clothing B)) melody is a social butterfly though so she talked w some of the girls that WERE there (we were vastly outgunned. outmanned. outnumbered outplanned) including the most beautiful one who was wearing a low corset she seemed to be in constant danger of spilling out of. she seemed to be havin a gr8 time w her bf.
also yeah i did see some good lookin people but then later on i’d see them make out w each other so i was like :)))) this is dandy alrighty then
btw do you know how many girls tried to hit on me??? zero
do you know how many guys???? f our
we were at. a g a y b a r
a lot of ths happened after u left melody (traitor) like u remember the cute bartender came over a few times bedore u left he came back
but first u remember the fukn dude in the black shirt who was just creepily standing by looking at us as he were dancing?? when u were leaving i saw frm the corner of my eye he followed us to the exit and then he followed me back in and straight away started saying flattering things abt the way i looked but also he was creepy as heck and i was not digging it at all i was missing u already like hoo boy
and then while i was reluctantly sort of dancing w him god bless him i know he wasnt yr favourite but the loud dutch gay came over like “where is yr friend??” “she left!” “nOOo, why??” “she was tired *mimes sleeping*” “nO!! and she left you?? how do you get home???” “im taking the train back” “ALONE???” *mimes a big shrug* etc etc and like at this point the creepy dude had slinked off somewhere so honestly god bless that guy. also turns out the bartender was working till 5 so he came up to me just abt then and was like hey do u want me to stay i was like yeah sure! so he said he’d be right back and the dutch guy again was looking at me like who dat boi why he talk to u “he’s frm the waiting staff, he already approached me earlier” and god bless this guy he looks at me with genuine concern and says “it’s better to go home alone then stay the night here with some random stranger” and i was like ye no of course but he still wouldnt let me go until i’d promised i’d shout fr him if there was any trouble. i had to shake his hand and everything. god bless the like late thirties dutch gay he was the best.
creepy guy resurfaced a few times throughout the night to just stand and stare (also when i was first dancing and then just fuckn making out w the cute bartender) so that was kinda yikes. in the end i just said AGAIN like look bud. snot gonna happen. because no. okay. get it out of yr head (which i had been saying to him THE ENTIRE TIME) and like i tried to b nice abt it but i had to be blunt bc this dude was not getting any fukn hints.
bartender had been up since 5 the previous morning so he left at like half past six. he’d been asking fr my number suggesting he come to my city if i didnt want to come to antwerp again, asking if i’d come back some night, sayng some gr8 things abt my appearance while fukn kneading my ass and biting at my fukn neck as we’re dancing like B)))) but i was like naw man (bc lbr this. is not the kind of person i am on a regular basis. he was hot and into me and a good kisser but lets not fukn spoil it bud. i didnt even ask fr yr name that should tell u enough). he was leaving and asked if i wanted to come or needed a place to sleep. i said i wanted to stay n dance, wished him a happy new year, and then i was dancing on my own again B))))
after which creepy guy 1 had apparently left (thank fuck) but, enter creepy guy 2. he was easier to get rid of though lol i just went back to dancing on my own and ignoring him until he was gone. also melody you know bartender guy said one of his colleagues had an eye on me too??? it was draco malfoy i fuckn! i thought it mightve been him bc after you left he was doing the same CREEPY ASS THING w like standing still and staring as you dance but i was thinking like maybe he’s just working. looking at the people for security reasons or some shit like he did have one of those lil earbuds in with the curly wire. anyway bartender boy #confirmed this and after he had left this guy was ready to fukn swoop in making one of his colleagues come over to me and say like hey the blond guy in the blue shirt wants to dance w you im like “he better hurry bc i dont plan on staying too long” (at this point there were only three other people dancing and maybe like half a dozen people standing by the side. lotta people had left ok). and then just after seven they stopped the music and the lights came on so the rest of us applauded like,??? wasnt this supposed to go on till 8? which was confirmed by draco who had just finished his shift and was ready fr dancing except suddenly the party was OVER bc there was barely a crowd left and they werent rlly making money anymore at this point so we talked a little and then i left.
i walked all the way back to the station which mightve been my favourite part of the evening (/night/morning). just seeing the wide streets after a good party. the decorative lights all over the city were still on and it seemd like it was just for me. workers had started clearing up the glitter and confetti. i passed two hotels w ground floor windows where inside breakfast was being served, and smiled at the people inside. i just loved those deserted streets man.
took a slow train home with a few other party goers like. heyyy. one girl was stting close by and still calling one friend after the other to ask em where they are and what they were still planning to do bc she still felt like going out. this was past 8 am now i respect her.
in mechelen i just had to take the bike home B) which the night before had been pure suffering bc it had been cold as HECK and i was out of breath and worrying abt missing a train or smth but now it was great bc it meant more deserted streets, christmas lights and evidence of partying the night before as the city reawakens and people start the cleanup. i had hoped to see the orange glow of a new dawn break but as it’s fukn winter as heck the sky just got lighter tinges of greyish blue. ehh. still nice. by the time i reached my front door (it was getting close to 9) the streetlights went out and a neighbour loudly pulled up their blinds like aight aight...it is truly over now and the year has begun. so i slept till 12, took my time w breakfast/lunch and now here i am again. god i had a gr8 time
tldr: i went to my big gay party and got to be the hot mysterious stranger.....amazing. also i love strobe lighting and getting free drinks and being a harlot bye B)
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