#you dont go out much??? what?? you should come here more often!! a pretty girl like you!!
sukunasweetheart · 2 months
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<the butterfly perched upon you>
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slice of lifey vibes with trueform sukuna! youre like a servant-turned-girlfriend to him and dont mind me making it the clumsy girl trope sorry... lots of falling over and making a fool of yourself oops- mostly lighthearted, eventual romance, fluffy, very minor/implied smut. mentions of cannibalism, murder.
the warning of ooc sukuna goes without saying <3 hope u enjoy nonetheless <3
dividers by @/saradika, @/firefly-graphics and @/animatedglittergraphics-n-more
word count; 8.1k
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how can someone be this useless?
its not uncommon that you trip over your own feet. the food you try to make always ends up charred and inedible. and anything that wounds up in your hands seem to either break or get misshapen. seriously, uraume considers you an eyesore.
very much like a stressed mother in law, they try to whip you up into shape to best please lord sukuna, but you can't do a thing right. goodness gracious.
there are only a handful of servants here at the lord's estate, mainly due to how he dislikes crowds and has a low tolerance for people in general, and will only accept a few for maintenance of his abode only. and yet, an awfully incapable and bumbling girl like you finds yourself at such a place. uraume wouldn't be surprised if lord sukuna lopped your head off one day, if he managed to catch sight of your silly mistakes.
the servants have very minimal contact with the lord. he's often out tormenting whomever challenges him on the battlefield, and even when he's home, none of you are brave enough to be loitering about in areas where he's currently present. uraume is the only one who usually speaks with him directly.
today, you've been reluctantly given the job of wiping down the floorboards of the engawa before the courtyard. you quite like this, because it's nice and sunny outside, and so you'll get to admire the butterflies while you work.
theres a pretty little pond with koi fish here as well, and you've been permitted to feed them some vegetable and seafood scraps, so you'll be doing that afterwards.
you've run up and down against the wooden flooring a couple of times with a rag, and soon enough, you get catch eye of a bright blue butterfly that flutters around the garden. you stand on the edge of the engawa, absorbed with the view. it's not everyday that you get to be here, after all. allegedly, this is lord sukuna's favourite spot to lounge about when he's home.
you get so distracted that you don't notice the intimidating presence behind you, even though he's a man whose aura bleeds all over the place, wherever he may be. sukuna looms over you and is silent as he ponders taking your head for annoying him by standing about in front of him like an airhead with an incredibly lacking sense of survival.
no, he shouldn't. he'd get more annoyed if your blood spilled over the floorboards, and he'd have to wait until the stench of your blood flees the area. however, before he can say a word of 'get lost', you manage to notice the shadow of the figure behind you.
you turn around and see him close up for the first time. a strange noise escapes your throat. you get so startled, your feet loses its balance, and you go backwards off the edge of the engawa. the dirty rag is thrown up in the air in a frenzy by accident as you try not to fall over.
thud! you're on your back on the garden floor. making haste, you frantically get into the position you were taught to get into by uraume, if you ever happened to come across lord sukuna by any chance. you kneel and lower your head until your forehead hits the ground.
and with such nice comedic timing, the dirty rag you'd thrown into the air falls directly onto the back of your head. you shut your eyes tightly and bite your lip in sheer embarrassment. you then realise that your humiliation is not what's really important right now. you might lose your life here.
perhaps you should apologise? are you even allowed to speak to him? what would you be apologising for, anyway? for breathing in the same direction as him? for not noticing him right away?
when uraume runs into the scene, what they witness is rather... unique. the useless servant girl on her knees and with a dirty rag on her head, trembling frantically. and lord sukuna, who seems to be viewing her with what seems to be mild amusement, and not annoyance.
"sukuna-sama... i apologise for any tardiness displayed by the servant. i didn't realise you would be coming here as soon as you came back."
usually, he enjoys a full meal before going out to the courtyard.
amongst your frantic thoughts, you almost tear up at the sound of that familiar voice. uraume-san! can they save you? i mean, sure, they only care about lord sukuna and him only, but surely they wouldn't want your blood to taint this perfect courtyard, right? especially when it's his favourite view!
"we shall accept any form of punishment you see fit for us."
we!? who's we?! you internally sob.
"it's fine."
a deeper voice responds. it's the first thing he's said since you noticed him.
"you can take her away. i'm going to stay here a while."
you hear the large man sit himself down.
"you. stand up and head back to your quarters."
you get up as quickly as you went down. the rag drops to the floor and you have to bend down to pick it up again with speed. you bow deeply again before following uraume out of the area. you can finally breathe again.
"consider yourself lucky. it seems sukuna-sama is in a pleasant mood today."
you later get scolded by uraume after you tearfully explained how you managed to get dirt all over your back and ended up with rag over your head.
meanwhile back in the courtyard, sukuna replays that scene of you in his head--of you turning around with eyes as wide as saucepans, something about you left an impression on him, and its not just because of way you made an absolute fool of yourself.
later, he comments to uraume about how you seemed a little different than the usual ones they pick to have as servants.
"shall i get rid of her? servants can always be replaced if you desire it, sukuna-sama."
"no, leave her. i was only curious."
uraume is left a little stunned. curious? over a mere servant girl? they are in no place to judge, but goodness, it's a rare thing for lord sukuna to be curious about somebody.
uraume has absolutely no qualms of disposing a person if they end up being no use to the lord. however, they never step out of line and act upon their own judgements alone. if there is someone who has piqued his interest, then uraume shall make sure that nothing interferes with their master's source of entertainment.
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it's been a while again since you last saw lord sukuna. and you're quite thankful for it, after that humiliating first impression you gave him.
the days have been somewhat peaceful, with only the occasional grumbling from uraume, upset by your helplessness in preparing and cooking food, as usual. after multiple cuts and burns, they decided that you were not to come even a metre into the kitchen area.
that's fine by you, anyway. cleaning and sweeping while you hum your silly tunes is what you prefer.
night arrives with the moon hanging up brightly, like it always does. you think it's going to be another uneventful closure to the evening, but uraume soon appears at the servant's quarters, looking for you. they look a little uneasy. the very few other female servants whisper amongst themselves.
"sukuna-sama has requested for you. come with me."
you feeling like crying.
there is nothing that you can do. 'requested' so they may say, but everyone knows rejection means possible death. so you follow uraume outside.
walking with them in the corridor, every step feels like it's bringing you closer to disaster.
"uraume-san... what exactly is sukuna-sama requesting me for...?" you ask cautiously.
"i'm unaware know the details myself. but he's in the middle of a bath. perhaps there's a splatter of blood he can't reach on his back."
yes, but why has he chosen me out of all people?!
but you know better than to question such orders. your hands become clammy with sweat.
you reach the bath area too quickly for your liking, and uraume ushers you inside without further concern for your wellbeing. their only concern is hoping that you don't do anything to displease the lord.
lord sukuna sometimes has a tendency to act upon his own whims, but even uraume was surprised when he suddenly asked for the servant girl he met in the courtyard...
the warmth of the misty steam inside caresses your face gently and also makes your kimono stick to you uncomfortably... making you sweat even more.
lord sukuna is sitting in his oversized, wooden bathtub wordlessly, his back turned to you. splashes of crimson against his skin, just as uraume had said. you take a quiet, deep breath.
kneeling before him as per protocol, you bow your head, despite the floors being soggy with water.
"sukuna-sama. how may i assist you this evening?"
the eyes on the side of his distorted face dart down to look at you.
"it's fairly obvious, isn't it? wash the blood away."
"right away."
you stand up straight, and it was apparently too fast for your poor blood pressure, getting you dizzy momentarily. foolishly so, you still decide to take a few steps with haste on the wet, slippery floor. with a loud yelp, you slip and land on your bottom. you want to scream.
"i-i apologise..." you say tearfully, getting back up.
"...not a dull moment with you, as i figured." he uses a tone of mockery.
there's a hint of a chuckle in his voice, and you're only glad he's amused rather than annoyed at your stupidity. your backside hurts again. it hasn't even been that long since the bruises stopped hurting from the last time you fell over!
you grab a cloth to start scrubbing the man down, holding back your tears. the metallic scent is prominent, and your mind begins to wander about exactly whose blood you were currently wiping away into the bathwater. you try not to think about it too much.
it's not new information that lord sukuna kills mercilessly, and even feasts on humans should he feel like it. you've seen the types of "ingredients" uraume has used in the kitchen at times, and the blood that paints the bottom of the sink. these were all things you needed to get used to seeing and knowing as a servant at this estate.
you keep your face stern as you clean him down delicately, thoroughly. the damp, warm cloth runs along the muscles on his back, neck and shoulders. you squeeze out the blood and dip it back in clean water, before wiping again. he has a delightfully toned body, with many tattoos. and more muscles than you could ever count. you take note of the neck tattoos that resemble the lines on a butterfly's wings. it draws you in, but you have to make sure you don't get too distracted.
you notice there's some blood on his hand as well. you move towards it and clean it down, gentle in the way you go over each finger. you're holding hands with him inevitably as you have to lift it up, and this makes you realise how large this man is. your hand seems almost like a child's in comparison to his. there's something rather exhilarating, yet also terrifying about this size difference.
the hairs on the back of your head rise, for some reason. you notice how his big red eyes are boring into you from the edge of your vision. you feign ignorance and focus on cleaning.
time passes in haste as you finish wiping down the last spot of visible blood from the lord's body.
"all the blood has been cleaned away, sukuna-sama," you tell him.
"is that so?" he asks, looking down at his own body. "but there's a spot left over here," he objects, pointing to the side of his neck, vaguely.
"i- i'm sorry, i must have missed that area. i shall clean it immediately-"
you crane your neck to look towards where he was pointing, your face getting closer to his. the place he mentioned is clean. no blood in sight. you meet his eyes. his lips curl upwards, seemingly pleased.
"finally, you look this way," he says, capturing your gaze.
you freeze on the spot, face heating up.
"your... your neck seems clean... sukuna-sama," you respond quietly, unable to think of anything else to say.
"i was only teasing. was it not apparent?" he smirks at you, and you feel that your heart may burst any second now. from either fear or excitement. or both.
"pardon me. i should have noticed sooner," you say, moving your face away from his.
"...i digress. where's the fun in that? just remain gullible for me."
he flicks your forehead, making you whisper 'ouch!' under your breath.
"yes, my lord."
without further conversation, he stands up to his full height, the water droplets racing down against his skin. you hurriedly grab some towels for him... doing your best to avoid looking at his... ahem. when you hand over the towels, your eyes are shut tight. sukuna gives a deep chuckle.
"silly girl."
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since the bath, lord sukuna has developed a tendency to call you over during unpredictable moments, and for unpredictable errands. then, he disappears again for a while. and merely moments before you get too comfortable without his presence around you, he returns to repeat it all over again.
recently, he's taken towards looking for you himself, rather than asking uraume about your whereabouts. it scares the other servants when he barges into their spaces, but he pays them little mind.
this afternoon, he finds you sweeping down the leaves away at the front of the estate, humming to your heart's content.
"i come to check what's making all that noisy ruckus... only to find out that it's you."
your whole body goes stiff at the voice, and you reflexively try to get on your knees, but he stops you.
"keep your head up," he commands you.
"your face is worth gazing at, after all," he adds, albeit under his breath.
the compliment doesn't even register into your head as you immediately stand back up, broom in hand. you thank him for the pardon.
"are you done with the sweeping, yet?" sukuna suddenly asks, looking around with his arms crossed. well-- one pair of them, at least.
"not yet, sukuna-sama. but only a little bit to go," you respond with honesty.
"come to my chambers with a plate of fruits and a knife with you, once you're done. don't take too long."
after that, he promptly takes his leave without further explanation. you stand still for a moment, as you always do. every interaction you have with him leaves you in a bit of a daze. often, you wonder if he's a part of your daydreams.
you shake your head and continue to sweep, silently, this time around. don't take too long, he had ordered.
after you're done with that, you make your way into the kitchen on your tiptoes. you wonder if uraume would believe you, if you were to tell them that you're entering upon sukuna's own request.
but once you make your appearance to the entrance of the kitchen, uraume is already there, ready with a tray with a plate of assorted fruits on it. and a knife sitting next to the plate. the sight of the sharp utensil makes you feel nervous, somewhat.
you take the tray without a word, and head towards the lord's chambers.
three sharp knocks.
"sukuna-sama. i've come with the items you sought for. may i come in?"
"you may."
you slide the door open, and sukuna is there, waiting on the tatami mat while holding a kiseru in his hand. once you enter, he sets it aside after one more puff.
"put it here," he points towards the empty space in front of him.
you place the tray down where he gestured towards, and then sit yourself in front of him. there's a moment of silence as you flicker your gaze from looking at him, to the fruit before you.
"well? what are you waiting for? prepare it for me."
oh, no. you had prayed with every ounce in your body, that he wouldn't request for such a thing, but of course it didn't work. now, you have to display your terrible cutting skills to the very head of this estate.
hands trembling, you reach out for the knife and pick up a peach from the plate. you make a cut towards the seed in the middle. then, you cut diagonally to get one slice out. sukuna opens up his hand, waiting for you to place it in the middle of his palm. you do so, and the piece looks so pathetically tiny that you almost feel ashamed.
"faster," he demands, with a small smile on his face.
you swallow thickly, and try to speed up your cutting. the pieces get more and more jagged and unsightly. but sukuna doesn't display any signs of anger or annoyance.
"such poor knife skills. no wonder uraume left you to do the cleaning only. is that really the best you can do?" he taunts you, laughing through his nose.
"i'm afraid so... i apologise for my lack of skills, sukuna-sama," you confess, trying not to make your lower lip wobble from the anxiety and dejection. did he bring you here just to mock the way you cut fruits?! your brows furrow in determination and you try harder.
after the peaches, you grab a persimmon. they're trickier to prepare, since you have to carefully peel the skin off them as well. you purse your lips.
things go somewhat smoothly at first, but then you start to slip up again. it's slippery, and the blade of the knife slices through your thumb.
"ah-" a small noise leaves your lips and you watch as a drop of your blood runs down your palm. sukuna matches your gaze and narrows his eyes at the same scene.
"such a helpless, troublesome woman."
he grabs your wrist and slowly brings your thumb to his mouth. your eyes widen, and you're speechless as you watch him run his tongue up the trail of your blood and then suck on the small incision on your thumb.
you're like a steaming kettle, with the way your blood rushes through your veins, temperature rising with how flustered you are. sukuna looks at you with your finger still in his mouth.
"su-sukuna-sama... you needn't do such a thing-"
a shiver runs down your spine when you feel his tongue swirl around your wound. he then releases it from his mouth, with a smirk, still holding onto your wrist.
you retract your hand suddenly, due to an indescribable feeling growing in the pit of your stomach. you then begin to fear that snatching your hand away like that might've offended him.
"my apologies, sukuna-sama! if you will excuse me-!"
you stand up and run, and he lets you scurry away, with the same sweet, arrogant grin on his face. down the hallway, he hears you trip over yourself before exiting. it makes him chuckle.
you're a fun way to pass time, when he's not slaughtering millions on the battlefield.
back in your own quarters, you lean yourself against a wall and pant, being out of breath. what had just happened? he... he licked the wound on your finger. and that did something to you. your insides feel all squirmy.
you look down at your thumb, only to realise that the cut has mysteriously disappeared.
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after running away from sukuna abruptly like that, you had expected to uraume to chase you up and drag you to him, where you'd be executed for fleeing. but it never happens.
in fact, you haven't seen him again for a while. however this time around, his absence does nothing to keep you relaxed, as you're always on your toes, not knowing when he'd next make an appearance before you. you wonder what he will do to you next, when he does come back sooner or later.
before you can drown in those concerns of yours, uraume sends you outside to hang some laundry out in the sun. some white sheets, freshly washed. you struggle a bit, to carry the large bucket of sheets out to the yard.
the laundry line is a bit high, so you need to grab a small stool as well to successfully get the sheets over it. the wind is gentle, and the sunlight pours endlessly from the skies. truly a perfect day to dry the laundry outside.
the sheets are large, so you find it difficult to squeeze the moisture out by yourself, but you suppose they will eventually dry anyway, thanks to the nice weather. you smile as the cool breeze runs through you, making you feel pleasant.
from afar, sukuna observes this scenic view of you, surrounded by the pure white of the swaying sheets around you, smiling as the wind jostles your hair slightly and the sun accentuates your features rather beautifully.
he walks towards your light.
you're busy trying to hang another sheet on the second line this time. you wish the stool was a tad bit taller. this is rather challenging. even standing on top of it, you need to get on your tippy toes to reach properly. and it doesn't help that the water-weight makes the cloth heavier...
a large hand brushes aside the sheet that covers you from view, startling you. you nearly topple over, but a pair of strong arms catch you, keeping you standing upright.
"how ridiculous. don't you get tired of doing that every time?" he sighs. his second pair of arms are crossed, while the first pair hold you so warmly.
"i'm sorry..." you mumble, staring at him with wide eyes. it's like he appeared out of your thoughts. could this perhaps be a daydream of yours? he fixes your stance so that you can stand on the stool properly again. despite your height boost from this stool, sukuna is still a bit taller than you.
"it feels strange, having you meet me eye-to-eye like this..." sukuna comments, while staring down at you curiously.
and it does feel strange, being almost at his height. how close you feel to him now. maybe this offends him.
"i shall get down immediately," you tell him respectfully, trying to get off the stool. his arms come around again to keep you still.
"tch. don't overreact. i didn't mean it that way," sukuna mutters, tutting at you.
you stand stiffly with your hands by your sides as he inspects you, anxious yet also excited to find out what his intentions are this time around. every touch he lands on you makes you skin jump, in an intoxicating way.
you focus your vision particularly on the odd looking side of his face. it looks like it has a strange texture. would it still be skin? you want to try and touch it. and... his extra eyes look cute. you gasp at yourself for having such disrespectful thoughts about him. all four of his eyes then focus on your face, as if to notice your gaze, and you feel as though your heart may leap out of your throat. there's a part of sukuna that makes you question whether he can read your mind or not.
"you're curious about this face of mine, are you?" he asks, while smiling.
your jaw hangs open in shock, and you don't know whether to tell him that he's correct or to apologise for your insolence.
"what a strange expression you're making," he chuckles, "so easy to read."
it's not that he can read minds, it's only because you're openly letting yourself known to him, whether you're aware of it or not. transparent, like a perfectly pristine and delicate glass cup. shall he leave his fingerprints on you? shall he leave some cracks in that fragile vessel of yours?
his hands come off your body, and you have to concentrate to keep your balance on the stool, no longer being able to rely on his hold to stand still.
"continue with your duties. i shall call for you later," sukuna states sternly, looking off at the sheets that still wave gently in the wind.
"you didn't squeeze out enough water. it's dripping," he points out the soaking wet ends of the sheets.
you practically jump off of the stool and get to work. in the meantime, the lord has disappeared again. you look into the distance to catch a glimpse of him if you can, but he's nowhere to be seen.
and he never got around to clarifying about what happened to his face. perhaps that's a clear sign to mean that he's not interested in talking about his past.
upon finishing the laundry in completion, you make your way to the kitchen, due to the time being close to serving the lord's evening meal.
the other servants and uraume included, are running around to prepare his dinner to perfection, as usual. for the most part, you're left with nothing to do at these times since none of them trust you with handling the food.
lord sukuna did say he was going to call for you later. you wonder if you'll be able to help bathe him again. or if this time, he'll make you do something different. you're plagued with such daydreams as the servants bustle about behind you.
by the time the busy period finalises, the moon hangs high up amongst the stars, and the darkness of night consumes all. and yet, he still hasn't requested for you at all. you suppose when he said he'd call for you later, he perhaps meant tomorrow or the day after. you never know with the lord. trying to navigate him is like trying to look through the murky depths of the ocean at night.
right when you were about to return to your quarters with everyone else, uraume suddenly approaches you.
"sukuna-sama wishes to see you. make your way to the courtyard now."
your stomach starts stirring once again.
the courtyard is beautiful, even at night. sukuna sits in the now moonlit area, drinking from a sake cup in a languid manner.
it takes courage to speak up behind him.
"did you wish to see me, my lord?"
sukuna turns slightly to the side to look at you, before facing the front again.
"...come. pour me another glass, will you?"
as you pour him more of the crystal clear wine, you have to stay vigilant in order to not accidentally splash any of the expensive liquid outside of the cup from your shaky hands.
tonight, the lord's gaze rests not on you, but on the moon above. you watch along with him. there is nothing but silence in the first few moments you have with him together.
"the moon is beautiful tonight," he finally says, while taking another sip of his sake.
is it normal for one to be envious of the moon? even so, thanks to the moon, you are able to see him bathed in its light, making him look almost ethereal.
"yes it is, sukuna-sama," you agree with him.
there's another momentary silence between the two of you, before you bring up a sudden question.
"...do you enjoy watching the moon often?"
"not often, but at times. it would get boring if i did it everyday."
like almost everything else in life.
"i see. that is most understandable."
the chirping of crickets is audible within the garden, and you pour him another glass of his sake after he finishes his previous cup.
you look up at the black canvas of a sky, littered with specks of white all across it. it's easy to get lost in the sight. and much more comfortable than looking at something like the sun, which could burn the delicate areas of your eyes. you begin to get immersed in the view, and your previous train of thoughts ebb away.
you don't notice the way sukuna has stopped gazing at the sky. he's watching you, instead.
"you must know by now... that i favour you more than the other servants," sukuna brings up carefully.
you stop staring up, and turn around slowly to blink at the man.
"...is- is that true, my lord?" you ask, wondering if he really means that. you don't want to get ahead of yourself.
his brows furrow. how dim-witted can you be?
"perhaps actions will speak better than words."
that phrase alone makes your heart feel like it could leap out of your throat.
"sit closer to me."
you swallow dryly, and shuffle closer to the larger man. he sets his cup down beside him, and brings you even closer to him. his hand holding your waist. sitting with him, hip to hip.
sukuna begins to lean his face down closer to yours. your hands grab your own kimono in tight fists, questioning the reality of this scene, feeling skittish yet also giddy, all at the same time.
"don't run away, this time. i won't allow it."
the way his breath ghosts over the skin of your face, how close his voice is to your ears, sends goosebumps all the way down to your legs. is he going to kiss you? can you handle that?
his lips reach yours, and the softness of them is unreal. this must be a dream. he tastes of the rice wine was sipping on before, and he's doused in the same moonlight as you are, and he's now kissing you. a mere servant.
your ears pound with your own heartbeat, and your hands grip onto your kimono so tightly that it's bound to leave wrinkles behind. they shake slightly. sukuna's large hand comes over one of them, and grabs your wrist delicately.
"relax", he's telling you.
and so, you share your first kiss with him, under the moonlight.
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quite a bit of time has passed since that day.
you could say that nothing much has changed - you still have your duties as a servant, and the lord still leaves his home vacant for periods of time.
however, on days when he has returned...
you gently sway your legs that hang off the edge of the engawa, on the very same courtyard as that fateful night. sukuna lays his head on your lap, eyes closed and completely at rest, both sets of his arms relaxed as the breaths he takes are slow.
your hand is unable to stray far from the soft bed of his hair, fingers combing through the peach-coloured strands, nails raking against his scalp with the right amount of strength, the way he loves. he gives the occasional purr when you go over his favourite spots.
it's odd, when merely a few weeks ago, you had trouble initiating these harmless touches without explicitly asking for permission beforehand.
"sukuna-sama, may i touch your hair?"
"would it be alright if i could hold your hand, sukuna-sama?"
"may i press a kiss against your cheek, my lord?"
you giggle to yourself as you remember his response to your endless series of questions and requests.
"tch... quit asking me about every little thing. just do it. i'll let you know if i don't like it."
and from then on, you've been bravely placing your hands on him whenever you wanted. and he hasn't been displeased by you, as of yet.
you freely caress the side of his face that you would describe as... unique. you're always curious about the nature of it, even now. but you don't invasively ask questions. you wonder if you'll ever feel brave enough to, one day.
his larger eyes open up narrowly in an abrupt manner, and they squint at you. it makes you nervous, in the way that heart fluttering way. you never get used to the feeling of being under his intense gaze.
red, with ringed irises. you've started to enjoy this colour more ever since you started to meet his eyes more often. you stare back at him but, oh- he's closed them up again.
your hand continues to softly caress him.
sukuna remains mellow, not really falling asleep, but also not in a state of full alertness. your lap serves as a great pillow.
this continues, until suddenly your touches become slower and more distracted. and he can tell your attention has been divided to something else.
the dismayed lord cracks open one eye to check what might have served as a distraction to you.
a butterfly...?
your eyes follow the pretty blue creature, landing on the flora of the garden, in it's carefree nature. a small smile blooms on your face and your hand's movements dwindle, which should displease him. he could cleave the thing into little bits, and let its remains scatter the lush garden.
but, he doesn't. sukuna lets you indulge in these small moments of joy, simply because he's gotten rather softhearted. he doesn't enjoy seeing you get upset at him. though he has control over you as your lord, his hand can't extend all the way to your heart and mind.
(and may the world burst into flames if you ever end up disliking him.)
he recalls... you were also staring at a butterfly the day he first met you, weren't you? so distracted that you didn't notice his presence. he doesn't understand your affection for such a fragile creature.
but...he supposes that he's the same.
what came over him, that he wound up caring for a silly woman like you?
as if to reaffirm your concept of being 'silly', you suddenly give a small sneeze, facing away from the front. his head gets jostled in your lap, which makes him frown and sigh.
"my apologies, sukuna-sama... perhaps it was due to the pollen from the garden..." you give your excuse sheepishly.
well, no matter. he'll keep you with him for as long as he desires. perhaps he can use your butterfly-infatuation to his advantage.
not long after, once the sun dips over the horizon and the area becomes a little chilly, sukuna decides he wants to take a bath before the day comes to an end. and you'll be coming along, of course.
...by now, you've been with him in the bath area at least a dozen times before.
nevertheless, you never seem to get used to seeing him in his naked glory.
sukuna is sitting in his tub, and you're running a warm, wet cloth over his shoulders, scrubbing lazily. he was already quite clean enough today, in your opinion.
a feeling of deja vu hits when your gaze falls onto the tattoo on the back of his neck. you remember having such a thought before. though it's not the strongest resemblance, you see it regardless.
without much resistance, you give in to the desire, and bring your lips to the area to give him a small kiss. it takes him by slight surprise.
"the tattoo on your neck resembles the lines on a butterfly's wings, sukuna-sama. it looks elegant, and wonderful," you tell him.
...he is not displeased with that comparison, strangely enough.
"is that so? no wonder i've felt your stare on it multiple times before," sukuna responds.
you never realised that he'd caught onto that. were you always staring that prominently? you continue wiping him down with the warm cloth, feeling a bit shy all of a sudden.
sukuna thinks for a moment.
"how about you join me in here, tonight?" he asks, out of the blue.
"quit acting so timid. go on, get yourself cleaned. i'm waiting."
you feel your face heat up at the thought of being... naked with him. anxiousness starts running through your body. you wonder if he really means it, or if he's trying to fluster you again. your lack of action causes him to raise an eyebrow.
"what, you don't want to?"
"no, no! i do, my lord! i'm just... a bit taken aback."
you spring into action. heart pounding as you shed your clothes. he doesn't turn his head or peek at you from where he sits, but your eyes dart to him to check anyways. you clean and rinse yourself adequately, with shaky hands.
"shall i lend a hand in scrubbing your back?" sukuna suddenly calls out. there is sarcasm in his tone.
"that wouldn't be necessary, my lord... i can do it myself..." you respond bashfully.
you only pray that you don't slip over on the way to the tub.
when you do eventually finish up, you walk carefully towards him. walking past where he sits, you reach the other side of the tub. you avoid his eyes as you enter at a slow pace, arms making an effort to cover your breasts. you're finally seated in the same tub as him. the water is steaming, and it's quite deep. still, you hang on to the edge and keep yourself a little distanced from sukuna.
"aw come on. it was mere moments ago that you kissed the back of my neck. so shy all of a sudden?"
"that- that was a different situation, sukuna-sama..."
"the only difference now is that we're both nude," he shrugs.
"nevermind that...the water looks a little deep for you," he says, almost mockingly so- "come. i'll let you on my lap."
you cannot tell whether he is only teasing, or if he actually wants you on his lap.
"quickly- don't run my patience thin."
you make your way towards him without further hesitation.
sitting on his lap, you find that he's oddly comfortable. an arm of his loops around your waist, holding you tight against him, as if to prevent you from running away.
the lord takes your hand and caresses it between his thick fingers. your back leans against his bare chest and abs as you relax yourself more. you wonder if the mouth on his stomach doesn't feel uncomfortable when you sit against it like this.
sukuna's extra arms begin to get more and more handsy with you. you feel his large palms on your breasts, squeezing the flesh gently. not that you find it unpleasant, but it makes you feel all squirmy and restless and hot. when he touches your chest like that, you can't help but turn your head slightly to give him a needy look. it makes him lean down and kiss you warmly.
his tongue explores your mouth in a thorough manner, encouraging a growing heat inside of you. you start gripping his hand harder, though you doubt he feels a thing from it.
when lord sukuna kisses you, you can't tell whether time is passing too quickly, or too slowly. you lose the ability to think of anything else, other than his soft lips and his rough tongue. and you believe that he's aware of this fact himself. why else could he be smiling against your lips like he is right now?
you don't know how long you'd kissed him for in that bathtub. but by the time you stepped out of it, your hands were wrinkly from the prolonged moisture.
and you came out with... feelings of unsatisfaction. rather than getting a little further than kissing, sukuna had stopped abruptly and told you with a smirk that he was ready to get back to his chambers now.
upon getting dressed again, you linger awkwardly around the man, wanting more but not knowing how to inform him of it. the lord looks at you keenly.
"well? aren't you going back to your chambers?" he asks with a sly undertone.
"...i would like to escort you to your room... my lord," you tell him, averting his gaze.
"oh? i don't recall needing an escort, when my room's right around the corner. but if you insist." you can't see what kind of expression he's wearing right now, but you imagine he's smiling at you teasingly. like he always does.
you trail behind him as he walks over to his chambers.
for sure, it doesn't take long until he reaches his room. sukuna slides open the door and makes his way to his large futon in the middle of the tatami floor. he makes himself comfortable, and lays on his side while you watch him from outside his room.
"you're still here. well? are you planning on tucking me into bed next?" he asks with his usual mockery, chuckling through his nose.
you frown cutely, feeling a deep sense of unfairness in the pit of your stomach.
"i was just about to leave, sukuna-sama," you respond a bit haughtily, getting bold with him.
"is that so. then run along," he ushers you, following that with a big yawn. your frown gets deeper.
you begin to slowly close his door, but then stop when it's only cracked open slightly. you brace yourself for the request you are about to make.
"sukuna-sama... could i sleep beside you, tonight?" you ask meekly.
his lips curl up similarly to that of a cheshire cat. finally, you're getting honest with him. he loves the feeling of having you run about in the palm of his hand.
"i thought you said you were going to leave?"
"please...?" you muster your best puppy eyes.
the lord smirks again, and eventually beckons you in with his index finger. you perk up, and step into his room with excitement, running into his futon like a dog, tail wagging from the happiness of being with its owner.
"you're like a silly mutt. foolish, but cute. i like the way you beg for my affection."
you're not sure on how to feel about being compared to a mutt, but you suppose it's not the worst comparison in the world.
"woof," you say quietly, shuffling closer to him. he laughs deeply at you. from your tight embrace with him, you feel the vibrations from his chuckling against his chest.
...there's always something hot or warm about sukuna.
his whole presence feels like a roaring fire at times, burning with his strength and charisma - the flames and temperature threatening to scald anyone around him.
right here, when you're in his arms, the fire becomes tame. still an unrelenting and strong flame, but something more controlled and comfortable to be around.
you close your eyes with a smile, satisfied with this outcome.
"oi. i don't recall saying you could sleep yet."
that makes your eyes bolt open with confusion. sukuna furrows his brows and grabs your face, squishing your cheeks together.
"you're in my futon, and all you can think about is sleeping? i don't know how to feel about that."
"oh... was there something else you wanted from me, sukuna-sama?"
he looks further displeased by your question and suddenly grabs both your wrists, pinning them above your head. you gasp, surprised by his sudden shift in mood.
"we should continue with where we left off, shouldn't we?"
another hand comes up to hold your neck gently for a moment, before he slides it down slowly to your chest, the warmth from his palm trailing with it, reaching your clothed breasts, making your head spin with arousal.
"were you not anticipating something like this? when you asked to stay the night beside me."
he leans down and presses his lips against the space just below your ear, making you shudder. he likes this reaction, and continues kissing down your neck.
"what a lewd tone you're using with my name. i hope you're prepared for the consequences of that."
he overtakes your senses with another searing hot kiss. hands clawing away at your kimono. teasing touches to your chest. his flames are threatening to envelop you, producing yet another unique kind of heat.
but you've never welcomed anything else more in your life. you'd gladly burn to ashes if it means being so close to your lord, your light.
...it's safe to say that you woke up the next morning with more bruises and bite marks than the number of fingers you have on your hands. and the lord lays beside your exhausted frame, aimlessly curling a lock of your hair around his finger with a satisfied grin on his face.
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during one quiet afternoon, uraume beckons you towards them.
"i've been ordered to dress you lavishly. come with me."
you follow them without question, wondering what the sudden occasion could be. lord sukuna has left for the battlefield once again, so he's been missing for a couple of days. is he due to come back this evening?
such hopes fill your mind.
you stand awkwardly as uraume fits a rather elegant and expensive, but beautiful looking kimono onto you. it feels odd. you could even say you feel a bit guilty; in what world would someone dress a servant so extravagantly? nonetheless, you accept the treatment with silence. you get lost in your own daydreams, while uraume prepares you for whatever's been arranged for you.
by the end of it all, they angle you to face the mirror properly, their hands placed on your shoulders.
"it's complete. feel free to take a look at yourself."
you turn your face to one side, and then the other, all while keeping your eyes on the mirror. you look... stunning.
"th-thank you..." you tell uraume, quite speechless.
"please withhold that gratitude for lord sukuna. he was the one that arranged for this, after all."
you're then told to wait at the courtyard, for the lord's return. tingles of excitement run through your veins, and reaches the tips of your fingers, at having your hopes confirmed. he's due to return tonight.
quite a bit of time passes. yet, no signs of him coming back yet. you swing your legs back and forth languidly over the engawa, looking up at the sky aimlessly. though you shouldn't be doing such a thing when you've been fitted with a lovely kimono, there's no one around to scold or stop you from your usual habits.
you sigh, wondering when he'll be back. your eyes wander around the garden, this time. under the moonlight, there's a singular butterfly that flutters about, appearing in good timing as if to help cure your boredom.
you step out onto the grass and approach it, lending out a finger towards it to see if it decides to land on your hand. it takes a bit of effort, but after some gentle movements and patience, it eventually stops to linger on your index finger for a while. it allows you to admire every ridge, and all the patterns on the wings in better detail. you wonder whether you'll ever get another opportunity to observe a butterfly so closely again in the future.
a few footsteps resound behind you, getting you startled. when your body moves slightly from the scare, the butterfly flees and seemingly disappears out of sight.
yet, right now, you have no room to feel disappointed by a mere butterfly.
sukuna is smirking at you from a distance, looking very pleased with the way you're dressed for him. he steps down and walks into the garden as well, approaching you languidly, one arm concealed under the sleeve of his kimono.
"welcome back, sukuna-sama. i've been awaiting for your return," you greet him, smiling.
"were you now? missed me that bad?" he asks, reaching out to caress your cheek.
"yes, my lord. i missed you so much. not a day goes by where i don't think about you."
"why, how sweet...perhaps you deserve a reward for your honesty."
"a reward...?" your eyes grow wide and you start getting embarrassingly overjoyed at the idea of a reward given to you by the lord himself.
"so eager. you seem like you're truly getting committed to playing the role of a mutt."
you try to change your expression in haste, but you end up looking more bashful than anything. sukuna laughs at another one of your strange expressions.
"i'm only teasing."
he then pulls his arm out of his sleeve, revealing something you never thought you'd see in his hands.
a hairpin... specifically, one with a large blue butterfly on it. embedded with pretty jewels, and shaped to perfection. it would've been something difficult to obtain. for someone who's always busy creating chaos, when would he have had the time to find such a thing amongst everything else?
"i thought you would enjoy having something like this. do you like it?"
"oh... like would be an understatement, sukuna-sama. i adore it. is it really for me?"
"who else could have it? don't ask foolish questions."
it could only ever belong to you.
he places the pin into your hair, graceful and elegant with his hands. it makes you feel overjoyed. heat rises to your cheeks and they hurt from how much you're smiling.
"not bad at all. it was worth obtaining."
your hand rises to where the hairpin is, and you touch it gently, letting your fingertips feel the texture of the pin and it's butterfly pattern.
"am i... am i pretty, my lord?" you ask sheepishly, looking up at him with your doe eyes.
he's smiling at you rather gently, his eyes mirroring your reflection within them as he gazes down at you in silence. his lack of a verbal response almost makes you nervous, however.
sukuna reaches out to hold your hand, and pulls you closer towards him. he's glad that nobody else is around, for he's certain they would've also felt so drawn to you, like he is right now.
he palms your cheek again, before letting his thumb brush over your lips delicately.
you never sever your gaze from him, continuing to await his reply.
"... you're beautiful,"
he finally relents.
sukuna then presses his lips against yours, underneath the moon's blessing. once again, and forevermore.
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stealingpotatoes · 8 months
Invitation to talk about Sayuri and Nymie?
:D CAN OF WORMS: OPENED!! i'll tell u abt how they got found as Jedi
ok so Sayuri is one of the students that doesn't rlly go home bc there isn't much to go back to. Basically her parents were Rebellion pilots (or one was a pilot the other a mechanic. kinda unsure) but were both killed in action against the Empire abt 3-4ABY ish. obvs the Rebellion couldn't look after a 7-8yo while fighting the Empire
so the remainder of the squad manage to get her back to her parents' home village/ where she was born. so having like Everything change all at once leaves her pretty ?? and gives her some serious trusting-her-environment issues. her coolgirl "i dont care" persona is very much a result of this bc she's worried abt getting too comfy in smthn. (which is at odds w the OTHER issue she got from this event which is "deathly afraid of flying" an issue not helped if Master "traffic laws are just guidelines" Skywalker is piloting. but she tries 2 act like shes fine)
this is gonna get kinda long so im gonna smack some unposted art here and then go into a readmore
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anyway fast forwarding to when Sayuri's abt 13 (roughly 9aby) she's visiting her parent's old squadron on a New Republic bc they'd all come visit whenever she could and after the Empire's fall they did a lot more pick her up and fly her to a base to ALL see her. and they're like omg Sayuri you came at the PERFECT time bc this rlly amazing pilot war hero who's also some like. mystical whatever is here!! he's on his way to some magic place we heard. maybe u can meet him!! which sayuri meets w her usual whatever bc she's not that gassed abt war heroes.
very worth noting that the squad's probably all seen her move shit with her mind, but theyre like oh you know how it is with teenage girls. the "nobody knows what a jedi is" + "the empire existed for a decent bit of her childhood" thing has kept anyone from being like yeahh sayuri should like. talk to someone abt this.
anyway she goes along when the squad are like c'mon let's see if we can see him. ok the only way i can describe this is you know the spiderverse like... spidey-sense recognition thing? that's basically what happens LOL Luke and Sayuri both have a FORCE USER RECOGNISED?? moment and Luke then makes a beeline for her then realises oh shit tiny teenager not jedi. would you LIKE to be a jedi?? and sayuri who hates her village and is feeling the strongest emotional connection she's felt in forever w this stranger she met 2 seconds ago is like okay fuckin sure yeah. and woo jedi!!
i posted my unposted nymie art yesterday but likkeeee pretend theres some here <3
So Sayuri falls into the "one of the Jedi found them thru the force or by chance" category of students who get found. However Nymie very much falls into the second category, which is "CAN SOMEONE DEAL WITH THIS WEIRD SUPERPOWERED CHILD FOR US????"
So 2 things about Nymie: 1. like i've said before, she's from a very rich high class pantoran family. super stuck up, mostly raised by nannies & tutors, but somehow Nymie just didn't get the stuck-up genes like all her (4!!) siblings who are just obsessed w their social standing etc and is instead just :D all the time. 2. her proficiency ig is the living force esp in the 'good at connecting to animals' way (which I think means I legally need to draw her w Ezra).
so the former often led her to escaping her family's stuffy parties and galas or whatever (usually to whoever's house it is' garden or somewhere she wasnt meant to be) to find something interesting. usually a pet <3 one particular time when she was 9 she was following her Pet Sense but couldnt find anything in the house. so she kinda just reached out more and long story short thats how Nymie managed to call this hugemassive beast (i'd tell u what it was if i knew pantoran animals LOL) out of the nearby countryside to her. massively distressing for everyone, all these rich ppl were like "OH MY GOD I NEARLY DIED" (it didnt attack anyone). very funny exciting time for Nymie who was enjoying this new beastie friend til animal control showed up. saddening. everyone is confused bc HOW did that happen
a dude old (and cool) enough to have seen more than one jedi in their heyday (+ idk uni researcher knows his shit) noticed what happened w it going straight to Nymie and overheard her account and realised what happened and was like hi nymie's parents. i think u need to get into contact w the new republic bc thats a jedi right there (which they take and go oo social climbing. we have a jedi child people will think we're cooler. bc theyre assholes)
and yeah im losing steam now but luke shows up and she joins the academyyay!
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fcknstar · 1 year
Hey, how are you?
I would like to make a wish for number 3
Of the character Marcus Lopez
(If possible, could the jealousy be on the part of the reader?)
,, building blocks "
pairings : marcuslopez x fem!reader ( lara )
summary : sometimes you cant force yourself to do things you dont want, maybe this time you can.
content warnings : jealousy, (possible) unrequited love.
** lowercase intended **
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it was normal for people to make friends..right? new student, getting to know one another from their own category. what more can one ask for? 
it was rare to see students from different ranks mix, too rare. but here you are, watching saya wrap her hands around marcus. a sickening sight for you. you and saya relatively knew marcus at the same time, hers more intimate. you cant help but sigh at the thought that marcus might not even consider you as a friend. he should be lucky you were there to stop chiko from slicing his throat the first time he met him. 
" pretty rancid, mate? tough love, tough love. " lex appeared next to you, smoking a blunt. 
" im not in love with marcus. "
" who said anything about him? " 
" fuck you. " lex sighed. he knew you for long enough to read you like a book. it was like reading in another language, you just got to guess and hope for the best. lex was always lucky. 
" c'mon, lara. him? you could do so much better. " willie stood next to you. 
" willie, dont be a dick. " lex sighed. 
" well, its in his name. cant blame him. " you earned a nudge from willie, who glared at you. lex on the other hand, cheered you on. 
" atta girl! "
" atta girl. " willie mocked, " shes not your girl. "
" well, she can be. " lex winked at you. 
you can't help but think whether you just were jealous because you cared about him, or that you cared about him too much that you heart beats faster, threatening you. 
laughing at the possibility of you liking marcus, you invited lex and willie to grab a drink, trying to drown the thoughts of what saya and marcus may be doing. 
" hey lara! " marcus happily planted himself by your side the next morning. 
" morning. " you bluntly reply, the said thoughts also planting itself in your mind almost immediately. 
" i didnt see you at the party last night, where were you? "
" i- " you were rudely interrupted by lex. 
" well mate, she was there. you were just too busy with saya to even notice. " lex often had no filter. 
" lex- " you were then rudely interrupted by marcus. 
" you were? shit, im sorry- "
" its whatever. " shit. that was the wrong response. it made you sound like you were hurt, and you often put a tough facade. its fine was always your go to answer, but what happened just now just slipped, like how your heart started to slip through its designated holder, right into marcus hands. 
you continued to walk as if everything was alright, lex pursing his lips with marcus struggling to get a word out. he had felt guilty for not seeing you when he begged you to come to the party with him and the rest, quoting that you can protect them. but that feeling fell when he saw saya. 
" hey saya! "  he greeted with much more enthusiasm than how he greeted you. its not like you payed attention. but there he is, following says like a lost puppy. 
" fucking hell, love. think you might wanna cut ties with him. " 
" dont you think that's a bit far fetch? " i stopped walking, turning to him. 
" well no? with the way he just left us, i mean you for her? woah. id be lucky to even have you breathing the same air as me. " 
" its fine lex.. "
" its most definitely is not. i can see that you like him, or i think you do. and hes not worth the time. your time! " 
" and i should be taking advice from a guy who sniffs the live out of glue? " you chuckle. it was fun having lex around, he knew how to stand his own ground and knew how to influence others to do the same. 
you thought about what lex said. you didnt want to just break off a friendship just because your heart ached whenever he was with someone and not you. maybe you should have just cut off your feelings because marcus eventually caught on to the sudden changes in your behavior. 
" hey lara. " he greeted. 
you just hummed. just like clockwork, you would just hum. not even share a word with him. not even a glance. the star he once saw in your eye whenever he was around just vanished. he noticed how you hung out with your own league more, besides lex and petra. 
" look saya, i really need to go now. " he winced before running off. him and saya was just having their own time chatting and drinking when he noticed the time. 8.15pm. he was late, 15 minutes late. it was the time whenever you had to spare. he knew, because you would often spend that time with him even if it was your only time to breathe. but you chose it to be with him. 
marcus ran to your dorm, praying you were still in there. 
" lara! " he saw you turn in confusion, after shutting your dorm room door. 
" hey. " he greeted, properly. 
" hi. " you never say hi. unless you want nothing with the said person. 
" you free? or… " he glanced at your outfit which looked like you were dressing up for a date. that made him furrow his eye brows, heart sinking lower into the depths. 
" no. why? " you dryly replied. 
" well, you wanna go out? spend some time together like we used to? " he offered. 
you had worked so hard rebuilding your guard that he easily broke down like building blocks. and now it was shaking. 
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daydream-cement · 1 year
Hello, I just wanted to let you know that your Larissa ffs are so wonderful 💖 thank you so much.
I had a one-shot idea/ request whilst listening to this song. I thought it would be cute to have Larissa go to a lesbian nightclub, but have her all nervous and bump into OC (or reader) and have them interact all flirty and dance together really close. Lots of sexual tension and eventual smut? Idk, just a thought :) I hope you have a wonderful day
Strangers in a Bar
Larissa Weems x f!reader (NSFW)
Authors Note: I had an anonymous request for a reader taller than Larissa so I am combing it with this idea!!! SO ANON I HOPE YOU SEE THIS AND DONT THINK I FORGOT YOU!!!
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Your eyes were glued to the tall blonde as soon as you entered the lesbian bar. You had been out with your friends all evening and just at the mere sight of her, you knew who you wanted to go home with.
"Hi, my name is y/n. What's a pretty girl like you doing in a bar like this?" You approach her from behind as she leaned against the bar, talking to a friend. She turns to face you, her eyes staring at you chest, creeping upward to look you in the face. Her eyes were wide. It wasn't often that she had to look up at the people who flirted with her.
"I..." She paused for a moment, a smile and usual head tilt gracing her features. Her eyes looked back down, scanning you from your feet all they way up to your face, "...was looking for you. My name is Larissa.”
You liked her fire. The mutual flirtation was nice, "Anyone taking you home tonight, Larissa?”
Her name tasted wonderfully on your tongue, but you were sure that she would taste even better. She tilted her head upwards, glancing down at your lips and licking her own, “Just you, I think."
“Care to dance?” Your hand creeps forward slowly coming to rest on her hip. You straightened your back out, wanting to fully look down at her.
Larissa took a step closer into your embrace, allowing your hand to drift down her back and rest above her ass. Your fingers daring to inch lower.
“Lead the way…”
Larissa’s heart was racing. She had flirted with such a false bravado and confidence that she was now dancing with you in the middle of the club. Part of her felt like she was in too deep. Her college friends convinced her to come with them and she had been so nervous. With you, her accelerated heart beat was more due to the anticipation of what was to come.
You held eye contact as much as possible with Larissa. You gripped her hips and held her close as you danced. She seemed a little tense at first, but when her arms reached up to wrap around your neck to pull you closer you know she had loosened up.
Your dancing progressed until you were lost in one another. You adored when she turned around at one point, allowing you like to grind against her ass. You arm drifted around her waist, holding her against your body.
It wasn’t often that you found such a gorgeous woman that was almost your height. You knew that she would be an absolute delight later when you took her back to your apartment.
Larissa turned around in your arms. The music was pounding, but she drew you in close so she could speak right in your ear, “Maybe we should get out of here…”
God, she was the woman of your dreams. You responded to her by bringing your hand up to the back of her head, pulling her into a hungry kiss. Lariss’s hands came up to your hair and returned the kiss with the same fervor.
Larissa was the one to pull apart the kiss, taking your hand and weaving your fingers together so she could pull you from the crowd. When she pulled you out of the club, you pulled her against you and pressed her to the brick wall outside, pressing another rough kiss to her lips. Her hands were on the sides of your face and your hands gripped her hips.
When you parted, Larissa let out a little laugh and pressed a quick kiss to your lips before speaking, “You are you taking me to your place or what?”
Larissa was once again nervous when she walked into your apartment. She didn’t partake in casual hookups like this, so she didn’t know what to do next. You gently closed the front door and took her hand, pulling her against you once more. Your hand rose to her cheek and you pressed a gentle kiss to her lips.
Larissa felt her nervousness rising as you reached your hands to her back and slowly pulling down the zipper to her dress. You guided the dress over her shoulders and she let it drop to the floor. You make it a point to pull away so you could admire her, “Beautiful…”
Her body lit a fire in you. She looked so vulnerable in front of you. You leaned forward, your forehead pressing against hers when you whispered, “Do you want me to fuck you?”
Larissa felt her heart stop in that moment. It wasn’t often that a tall gorgeous woman such as yourself offered to top her. She felt herself nod quietly, “Please…”
You took her hand, walking backwards towards your bedroom. Once there, you pressed a kiss to her hand and pushed her backwards towards the bed. Larissa took the cue to sit. She leaned back on her elbows and watched you.
You pulled off your shirt, tossing it to the side, then you unbuckled your belt. Seeing her half-naked there before you made you forget about undressing. You fell to your knees, kissing up her shin to her knee and then repeating the process on her other leg. Gently, you guide her legs open, kissing the exposed flesh of her thighs. You can feel the shivers that run across her skin.
You skip over her panty clad pussy and begin kissing her stomach up to her breasts. You smile as the hook to her bra is in the front. Nimbly, you undo the clasp and move the fabric away from her breasts. Your mouth moved over a nipple and you begin sucking, pulling at it with your teeth. Your hand moves to cover her other breast, gently twisting at her other nipple.
Larissa was biting her lips, trying to hold back the moans, but her body betrayed her. Her moans spurred you on. You release her nipple and begin sucking at her flesh, hoping to leave a few dark bruises for her to find later. You move to her other breast, paying it the same attention with your mouth.
Up you move again, kissing at her neck and up to her lips, “Tell me what you want…”
“Fuck me, please.”
“Please? Such a good girl…”
Larissa felt a waterfall between her legs. Good girl? No one had ever praised her like that. Usually she was the one doing the praising.
You pressed a final kiss to her lips and moved back down. She seemed so put together. You sucked at the flesh of her neck, eliciting a guttural moan from the pale woman beneath you. You moved down lower, pressing kisses down her collarbone and to her sternum. You kissed down her stomach and stopped when you settled back to your knees, ready to eat her pussy.
You gingerly guided her panties down her legs and in response she squirmed with anticipation. Tossing her panties to the side, you move a teasing hand to her pussy, opening her lips with two fingers. You blow air against her clit before dipping your tongue down into her. Your tongue moved up and down her slit, pausing every so often to circle her clit. Your arms wrapped themselves around her, your hands resting on her pelvis to try and keep her hips still.
She rocked herself against your mouth, a string of curses leaving hers, “Fucking hell. Oh my god, fuck me. Shit…”
You keep up your licking and sucking, bringing her closer to the edge. Her body began to tense up and you knew she was close. You focus in on her bud, circling it rapidly. That was enough for Larissa, her hands that once gripped the sheets now wove themselves into your hair. Her hips bucked into your mouth as she came.
As she came down off her orgasm, you fetched your strap-on. Finally, you dropped your pants to put on the strap. You adjusted it to yourself and approached her once more.
You gently cooed to her, “Come here baby.”
Larissa sat up slowly and you wrapped a hand around the fake cock, holding it out to her, “Suck it.”
Larissa couldn’t have looked hotter sucking on the blue strap-on. She stuck out her tongue and opened her mouth wide. Her hand came up to grasp the cock, shooing your hand away. As she sucked on the plastic dick, her eyes looked up at you in a way that almost made your knees weak.
You put a hand into her hair, running a hand through her blonde locks, “Look at you… So beautiful sucking on my cock.”
Larissa hummed with delight as she released the cock with a popping noise.
“Get on all fours, baby.” You take her chin between your fingers, tilting her face up to meet your gaze and wiping a bit of drool from the corner of her mouth, “I’m gonna fuck you now.”
Larissa wasted no time getting into position for you, even arching her back by resting her chest down to the bed. Her ass was out for the taking. You lift a hand to her dripping cunt, spreading her open with your fingers and using your other hand to guide the cock into her.
You give her a few thrusts to adjust, but between moans she said, “Fuck me harder…” and you just had to oblige the pretty woman’s wishes. You begin thrusting into her with deep, hard strokes, your hands on her hips, pulling them towards you with each thrust.
Her moans and groans brought you more pleasure than anything. You had her whimpering with every thrust. You bring one hand around her waist, and beginning rubbing her clit.
Larissa had never had someone fuck her like this. She had always been the dominant one in the bedroom, but relinquishing control to you was incredible. She could feel her wetness dripping down her legs as you continued fucking her. She knew she wouldn’t last much longer
“Please make me cum…” Larissa begged you.
“Such a good girl using your manners…” You leaned over and purred into her ear. You brought a hand around her throat, bringing her up so her back was flush with your front. You other hand wrapped around her middle as you quickened your pace, absolutely demolishing her cunt.
“Fuck!” Larissa cried out with a final orgasm.
She was absolutely spent as you released her from your grasp, allowing her to lay back down on the bed. You pulled out of her and spoke to her as you removed the strap-on from your body, “Care to spend the night? I make good pancakes.”
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intheholler · 4 months
reading an article for a class (appalachian studies) and i kept being reminded of u
[positive] [with no foul intent] [its a good article]
i have read this article a few times since you sent it in and i still don't exactly know how to express my thoughts on it.
first: amen
second: yall literally have no idea how it makes me feel when you say somethin appalachian-related reminded yall of me. for real <3333
third: time to get long winded and sentimental, because i've never considered it this way, but it's so true. when i think of appalachia, i dont think about lifted trucks and gun shows.
i think about my badass grandma who was a fiery divorced, sex-positive, weed smoking, unapologetic feminist in her day and who didn't take no shit from no mountain men.
i think about my gospel loving, soft spoken mama who loudly loved jesus, a woman anyone would write off as an average "southern christian white lady" on the surface. how she didn't bat an eye when i nervously told her i was gay as a preteen. i think about how she hugged me and told me how much she loved me, how not everyone was gonna be nice about it or understand but that i was going to be safe and it was gonna be okay. how when i was a kid she stood up to that fire n brimstone southern baptist preacher and got us the fuck out of there.
i think about one of my best friends in high school, a visibly queer butch lesbian in our tiny bible beating western NC town. how fucking brave and cool she was for being one of maybe three "out" queers at school and so visibly queer at that. i think about how she got married to a pretty girl last year in that same town.
i think about two of my close friends who had to grow up so heartbreakingly fast, a pair of sisters who were at the time so young but selflessly spent their free time caring for their terminally ill mother by themselves up in their lonely holler without ever lodging a complaint
i think about my sister who dropped everything to raise me when she was only 23, breaking her back and making shit work because no one else was gonna make it work for us. i think about how one of my great aunts literally cleaned out her bedroom to furnish mine when she learned i was sleepin on a shitty couch in a cold basement.
i think about my other great aunt who apologizes for absolutely no part of who she was and holds fast to her beliefs no matter what. i think about her filling her house with the warm smell of soup beans and biscuits that were gonna feed the whole family when they come later.
when i think about appalachia, i think about the women in my life. appalachia is divine and it is absolutely divinely feminine. it's the heart of these hills and patriarchy taints it like it does everything fuckin else.
as an aside, i really loved this section here. it was kind of empowering:
Despite our region’s diversity and passionate socialist and pro-union roots, many have bought into the capitalist terms and definitions inflicted upon us. The religiosity of the place exacerbates this messaging, and the prevalence of evangelical Christianity in rural hollers means we often internalize toxic ideas about ourselves. Or perhaps we have simply tired of fighting to be seen. The pressure of religious and economic patriarchy, particularly in an exploited region like this one, means we live inside a perpetually loaded question. Nothing is more exhausting than trying to prove you exist. But the consequences of surrendering are stark: worsening wealth gaps, lost histories, continued erasures of diverse people and ecosystems. To live in Appalachia nowadays is to live with our failure to break down systemic racism, and with our complicity in the abuse of our bodies, labor, and land by unregulated corporations and himbo charlatans.
whew, okay. anyway, thanks for sending this in <33 it really made me think. yall should check it out. it's a long read but its worth every syllable!
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cawcawbeech · 2 months
(Welcome to this silly but intricate guide nobody asked for)
Just so everybody knows and is fully aware, I literally never kissed anybody in my whole damn life. I dont much care to try (for now) unless your name is Amita fucking Suman (jkjk, or not), but that doesnt mean I didnt do some very extensive research on the topic just so I can write what are hopefully non-generic scenes where all of my favorite characters make out till the following sunrise without a single other thought plaguing their empty little minds (exception being if the said thought is used to deepen 'the plot').
Before I say much else, I would like to note that THIS is just a very detailed bullet point list on kissing for all of my boys and girls separate of their partners assigned to them in canon or by the fandom. We will get to how it would actually go in different scenarios with different ships a bit later on if I decide it wont be a waste of my time. PS: No, not every kiss / kisser has to be extraordinary or unique or have whatever traits I ended up slapping on these characters here, Im just extra like that. And its not like anybody can stop me. Deal with it and simply enjoy (whatever this may be)!
Jesper has had his fair share of practice in this particular field, we all know it. That is no reason to say that he is a perfect kisser, there are many who have done way more, constantly brag about it, and yet still leave you disappointed. But, this is Jesper we are talking about. Kuwei has said that he is a great kisser too, I choose to trust him on that. That joke he made to cheer up Wylan at Olendaal, the one about kissing Nina / Matthias 'with tongue', it doesnt have to mean anything, but I like to think he is a tongue kind of guy. I also like to think that he is adaptable to any type of person though, he aims to please through-and-through. It saddens me to look deeper, to think about how that may be a result of his low self-esteem, but in moments like these, it makes him happy most of the time, and it is all I could hope for when it comes to my boy.
The first relationship he had been a witness to, the one his mother and father shared before her death, had been a very healthy one. I wouldnt call Colm the perfect father, certainly not after his wife was gone, albeit he is significantly better compared to the hands the rest of our favourite characters have been dealth with, but he was good to Aditi. Most kids, including myself, were the type to be grossed out by PDA, especially when its between their parents, and while thats not in any way a bad thing, we can clearly see that Jesper was not of that type.
Despite his many faults, he was raised fairly well. He knows how to make a comfortable environment, to recognize a clear invitation, what to ask and what not to ask, what is acceptable and what he shouldnt do without a more in-depth discussion. He knows how to create and opportunity where one could deny him if they so wished. I wouldnt say its some overly high bar to jump over, if anything it is the most basic standard any and all should hold themselves to, but I call Jesper 'the consent king' for a reason.
Its said in the book that his mind empties when he kisses the right person, that thinking of methaphors clearly means something is wrong, but hes still pretty descriptive in his POVs if you ask me. Its also very clear that he likes to kiss deep, slow, and involve other sensations throughout which is the part where Id like to include some of my very own hcs (slight temperature / texture play where he drags his rings over skin, hair pulling is a given but I can see him also liking to touch peoples ears a lot, talking in between and whispering during the few subtly initiated pauses, etc). Jespers favourite type of kiss would probably be those he iniciates as soon as he wakes up in the morning. It rains often in Ketterdam, its normal, so he would also probably be one of the rare creatures among the regular Kerch citizens who finds kissing in the rain romantic.
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Kaz will have to go through some major healing first, no doubts about that, but Id say he would probably be one of the elite members of the 'Im keeping my eyes open for this' club (until he isnt). I doubt he does much analyzing during, mentally he is on another planet thats probably many lightyears away as he tends to do with a lot of other even remotely intimate things, but theres lots of squinting, eyelid fluttering... Kaz is basically a personafication of that cliche 'when did I close them' quote. In my own experience, I can barely hold eye contact when talking, but I dont really see this as a bad trait. I also dont see it as a trauma response either like some would assume it would be for Kaz, I think its just a him thing. If this man didnt want to kiss somebody, you would not be kissing him, end of.
He likes to focus on teeth, whether by unconsciously (or consciously) biting his partner, having your teeth bump into each other, or licking his own after youre done. Theres lots of shuddering, youll feel him there more than youll hear him, but he is not completely silent either. I dont think he would like beeing cornered, picked up or lifted in any way except on very rare occasions. Just like the pulse thing where he feels for it on the wrist (or neck once he is more comfortable), feeling his weight including the pain of his leg serves to ground him. Perhaps he might also like feeling of you breathing through your nose on his face for the same reasons? He doesnt like leaving things unfinished, even if its just a peck, he will make sure it feels 'complete', I dont know how else to put it. If anybody could overuse the words "Again?", it would be Kaz motherfucking Brekker.
Im in no way saying he will be good, in fact, theres lots of traits here that many wouldnt like, but he tries when he wants to (and again, you would not be kissing this man if he didnt want it), he will learn and he will remember the smallest of details (so that he can ponder over them later). The only thing we hear about Kazs appearance related to his mouth is that there is a scar running through his upper lip. I never got it when people talked about kisses having a taste, but Kaz seems to often call people light-weight, so clearly, he handles his alcohol well, perhaps having developed such a habit to settle down his own supposedly non-existent nerves. It might not be the main reason, we heard about him being on the receiving end of many fights that in certain circumstances and with the ways they are handled lead to similar results, but liquor does leave one dehydrated and with chapped lips.
Unless he is particulary fired up, Wylan likes to start slow and chaste no matter if you are the first, the thousanth person he has kissed or just a person he has kissed a thousand times. Unlike Kaz, he has some experience, sheltered kids know how to have fun in secret (and Im the last person who would ignore that 'lie' about him being kicked out for bedding the tutor, theres some truth to everything), but he is also nowhere near the level of Jesper or Nina or Matthias. We know he likes when his partner feels calm and like they are actually in their body before he goes in for the kill, we saw it with Jesper, but we also see that he isnt the type who needs to ask every time and will just do it when 'the time feels right'. Look out, he just might squeeze into your shirt while youre wearing it and do a makeshift 'surprise attack' from there if he is determined enough for it.
From that, we could say he might have some other habits, including but not limited to the familiar one of guiding his partner through breathing patterns. Maybe sometimes he likes to hold onto your forearms more tightly than necessary (not forcefully though), have your knees touch and bump into one another, straighten his own / your items of clothing, compare hand sizes while making weirdly-intense eye contact, use his thumb to subtly rub at a random tensed muscle, touch foreheads if he is tall enough or rub his face along the side of your neck, anything that would focus your attention to him and the moment... Ironically, as a follow up to the last point and as the kiss drags on, he forgets that he is an actual person who has a weight to them and has to lean back against something with the help of his partner before he falls down and cracks his goddamn skull open.
He likes to leave an effect on whoever he is kissing, but he also likes to 'clean up after himself' as much as possible after its done, which once again serves to bring both of you back down. So yeah, he would probably do something like twirling a stay peace of hair around his finger before neatly tucking it back in place, running that same finger across a brow, down the nose or along the jawline, nudging you playfully with his shoulder, hips or elbows, swaying a bit to slowly return the atmosphere back to relaxed as he secretely links your pinky fingers together. Lips would be his main focus, and he especially likes the soothing effect it has when he is sleepy, but he could also grow to like eyelid, nose, tummy or thigh kisses when it comes to placement.
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Inej has had many men kiss her throughout her life, and unfortunately, theres no need to debate whether she truly enjoyed any of them. Oh how I would love to say that every shitty person is also shit at every other skill they try to master, however, that doesnt have to be the case. The fact that she was a brothel girl doesnt have to mean all of her kisses were bad (to specify, that refers to the technique). That being said, I think she would appreciate the message more than the way its done. It also might result in her not exactly caring about the placement of a kiss, palm, knuckles, hair, cheek, neck, lips, any of them would be equally as intimate to her, platonic or otherwise. Its somewhat similar to what Wylan also likes, but very different too once you look further.
As is with Kaz, you would not be kissing the Inej we know now unless she didnt want you to. I probably should have said this earlier, no, I dont mean that any of the other Crows would enjoy a kiss that was not what they wanted, they wouldnt ignore the signs and will fight the person off if needed, but I hope you understand why Im emphasizing it for these two in particular. I think her kisses would be short, but sweet, a petite little package that can deliver a punch under a right set of conditions, just like she can, the same going for her ship. Physically, we know her lips have an upturn to their shape. As is true with alcohol, salt water has the same drying effect that is only made worse by licking.
One other feature that might make Inejs kisses unique is a possibility of her aquiring more jewellery during her travels. I always imagined that the Suli find piercings to be very meaningful. Perhaps she had some since a very young age, perhaps they were taken from her too during her time at the Menagerie, maybe the holes closed naturally over the long months, maybe she got more whilst working for Kaz, and although it was not put there for such a reason, a lip ring (just as an example) has quite a pleasing effect for either side.
She holds a special appreciation for people who remember their first kiss, or at least remember their first kiss with her, a courtesy she will offer in return as well. It takes special kind of brave to get close (she knows better than most) and never lets the feat of overcoming fear go unappreciated. For some reason, I can see her counting the seconds, not for any reason at all. I wouldnt say its something particulary good nor bad, but Inej doesnt give me the 'let me kiss your words away' signals no matter the situation. The phrases that would fit more would be "We will get through this", "Stay strong, for you", "Lets face it together" or "We shall see each other once more". She seems like the type to keep her affairs secret, but at the end of the day, I also dont think she would mind PDA all that much.
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I know the fandom likes to joke that Kuwei is the bad kisser between the two, seeing as to how Jesper was left 'disappointed' even before knowing the truth behind who he was actually kissing... But I dont think that had to do much with the kiss itself. We were told that Jesper liked Kuweis body plenty enough, but even if it were really Wylan (both in shape and spirit), Jesper wasnt in the right space, and Kuweis silence and mannerisms didnt do much to help.
Now, this is a personal headcanon, but one of the habits I think he might pick up in the Little Palace would be scratching his nose or covering his mouth before he goes in for a kiss. Or well, I like to imagine that being his tell among all the snarky comebacks, vicious flirting and sly glances. And seeing as to how playful he is with his powers and how much he grows to use them for mischief and otherwise in KOS, I like to think that his face is always warm to the touch as Kuwei himself is constantly touching it. Random instert, this man unironically likes lemons and you will without a doubt taste quite an assortment of teas while with him.
Some people care about the emotional setting, some like keeping it casual, and some like having that perfect mix of both. Kuwei might acknowledge that in different ways and act accordingly, but I also think he might care more about the physical setting and connect good actions with places rather than specific people or mutual feelings. This man is a certified tease, unless you pull him towards you which is exactly what he wants, he is 100%, absolutely ready to keep a partner on the edge of their seat, kiss the corner of their mouth, or maybe with the lips barely touching. Instead of licking his own lips out of habit or to seduce, he would lick yours. Kuwei being a tease might also be a way for him to set up walls? In a sense that hes reminding both himself and the person hes kissing that this is just a kiss and it doesnt mean anything. And when hes kissed by someone he loves and trusts, hes downright pathetic, super soft and annoyingly sweet about it.
I dont know where else to put it so it will have to be here, but I like to think he chewed on his lips a lot as a child and whilst in captivity, leaving him with barely visible indents once he reached adulthood. When it comes to the type, Id say he could end up enjoying goodnight kisses next to the fireplace or lit by the flame in his own hand more than he would like doing anything in the early morning. Kuwei tends to get frustrated and bored easily so that might lead to certain effects as well, more specifically the speed, angle and desperation. He has hid for long enough and doesnt much care about who sees what, only whether they got a nice view from wherever they were standing at the time.
Nina has practiced CPR from a very young age (I wouldnt call any of those a true kiss by any means, but it will make slightly more sense in just a moment), we see her perform one on Kaz in the books without hesitation, so I doubt her first 'kiss' was particularly enjoyable or wholly consentual or that she even remembers it. Perhaps from that, her kisses would grow to be particulary breathy in the future, although that doesnt mean its some kind of rule or that its not just a result of her personality being put into how she goes about it. We already know temple kisses are her thing among some other stuff, but she also doesnt seem to have a similar kind of bond with any other type that is not at neck level or above. Shes fine with them, but always seems to go to certain spots herself when she has a choice, singing and laughing through all of it. As Matthias tends to say a lot, the chase is a game to her, whether on top or beneath, she still wins.
Her skin is said to be soft, and supposedly so are her lips, plus the girl is a Heartrender and that surely results in many privileges. Surprisingly enough, I wouldnt say she is particularly experienced in the world of romance, even if her talent at sweet-talking might suggest otherwise. Perhaps shes had flings, one or two, maybe even a relationship at some point, but I dont see much more in my visions of her backstory. "Dont you want to play with me?" and "Cant you handle it?" are some of the repeating phrases in her vocabulary, but oh, it only gets worse once she feels well and truly romanced, swept off her feet as one might say, and that takes lots of effort. Its a good thing we know Nina has some high expectations, that way all of us can be her personal wingmen.
If anybody could obtain the famous movie achievement of leaving a string of saliva to connect her lips with her partners for just a few more moments, it would be Nina. Speaking of such things, she may also be the only one for who the 'let me kiss you against this wall so that they dont spot us' scenario might actually work (in theory), or at least give her enough time to incapacitate them during their confusion since she tends to be quite loud appearance wise. Likes being attended to and coddled, and no kiss has a chance without a firm grab or two. Will die if you do a tango dip with her in your arms. She is one of the biggest fans of mistletoes and finds it extremely romantic. Sometimes, when she is invited to watch a play or show, she will turn around and kiss her partner whenever the actors do. "Consider me madly in love. With the kisses, not you. ... But maybe also you if you did it again."
And finally, we have our romantic-at-heart of the group, Matthias. Now, his and Ninas romance is the most obvious and out-in-the-open throughout the whole duology, and frankly he is the one I had the most trouble with writing, but the difference between seeing their first kiss from Ninas perspective and the one of Matthias is that theirs was his first kiss ever. All of his actions leading up to it, as well as those after, are a promise in some way or another, and Im not only talking about his vow to her. Nothing could have prepared me for when he lifted Nina straight off her feet and held her there as he kissed her, yet it was also the most in-character thing he ever could have done.
Matthias will absolutely, every time, start an hour long conversation on what led him to this moment, if it is the right time, the right place, the right everything... He will continue up until he himself is basically internally shouting at his own mouth to shut itself (he has very low patience despite everything mentioned above) or his partner takes the initiative themselves. The second option is prefered by both parties and a 5-star whine is the expected plus-one to excellent service. He is the type to gulp when you get too close. Will go mad if you can tell when he is holding on by a thread despite his lack of many facial expressions, especially if told something along the lines of "Just lose control, love".
He is particularly sensitive for textures. All humans are to some extent, the lips have more nerve endings in them than fingertips, but Matthias is the one who is fullfilled by it the most and frequently says stuff related to it like "Are you wearing chapstick?" or "I can feel the dip of your scar". Often acknowledges indirect kisses. Matthias has once said that kissing isnt about romance, that it should be proper and only done as a follow up to a conventional Fjerdan courtship, and while lots about him has changed during his canonical relationship with Nina, I think he might still enjoy going through at least some of these with somebody who might appreciate his efforts. Matthias is still highly religious even if he is now seeing the world from another perspective and there are some cultural things that for him go deeper than just tradition. In a very specific headcanon of mine, he has grown up fantasizing about having to lift up your chin to do it, and so now he does so even with taller partners who can reach his mouth just fine.
He would 100% take the 'Will you love me if I was a worm' jokes way too seriously. "How am I supposed to handle a worm? I could hold a butterfly, maybe kiss you if you were a wolf (but thats after a very extensive inspection of your molars)". Kisses the back of your neck after putting on a necklace. Pretends that lipstick stains dont turn him on to the highest setting.
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cowboyjen68 · 1 year
hiii how do i give hints to my dad? cause i have this childhood bestfriend (we've been friends since i was 11-12) and we're rlly close to the point that i always go to his house (and sometimes stay for a bit if me and my parents have some problems) and basically hang out in his bedroom mostly bc we watch movies or study (even tho he just procastinates while i suffer because of math) and after we hang out he basically brings me home which is the reason why my dad thinks we're a thing bc of how much we hang out. but the truth is he already has a girlfriend while I'm here hopelessly crushing on a straight girl from my school's theater club. so how do i give hints to my dad that i am definitely gay af and me and my friend are just close friends? i dont really wanna come out to him and only wanna come out to him once i go to college
I am going to answer this partially from a parent's point of view and partially from my experience of having a parent (Mom) in somewhat of a denial.
You really don't have the correct or tell him anything until you are ready. As a parent I see signs of stuff in my kids all the time. I can address those things, let them go or completely ignore and wish them away and it all depends on what it is . There is a good sized chance that your dad knows you are, at least, not straight, but he is not ready to work to change his "vision" of how he sees you or your future. But I would almost bet the seed is planted in there somewhere. However, some people are terrible at picking up any hints or clues so you can't really be sure.
If he is one of those clueless people the only way to make any headway is to be clear and forward with him. "Dad, because I love you and care about our connection I wanted you to know I am a lesbian and my BFF is just a BFF not anything more" . There is really no reason to do this until you are out of the house and in college. OR even wait until you are independent of him financially and securitywise(housing, insurance, car, phone etc.) That is what I did and Mom and Dad were pretty chill, but in 1993 I just had no real way to judge how they would react so I played it safe.
You can spend a lot of time and energy to give hints, tell your dad or not tell your dad and that decison to put forth the effort has to be for you and not him. IF you feel the need and it is important to you that you be honest with your father then that is one thing. Doing it for his benefit will do you no good. Here is how I know:
I had a best friend in college and we are still close today. He was out as gay when I met him (I was 19, he was 18) and he was the first person I told I was a lesbian sometime in our college years. He came home with me a lot (he is clearly gay even to the untrained eye) and he was pretty close to my mom and dad. Mom and Dad KNEW Shawn was gay. We both moved to Iowa City and were roommates after college and we went to my parents house on weekends for dinner or to ride the 4-Wheelers or horses.
In 1993 I started dating my first girlfriend and game out to Mom and Dad. Mom started crying because "life would be harder for me" and I remember Dad calmy saying "Doris, we have known since she was 6 or 7 AND this is Jippy (my nickname) she will be fine". SO mom and dad were clear on two things. I was a lesbian, Shawn was gay. YET she often said 'you two would make such a cute couple" Or "you know, you two could just try it"
When I married Wife (after many years together) she had finally stopped saying anything. HOWEVER when she was on her death bed and only had a day or two left in 2012, Shawn went to visit her and she told him "I sure wish you and Jippy would get together, you would make a great couple". Moral of the story: Don't waste a lot of time and effort convinicing others of your sexuality. They will think what they want and the best you can do is just live your life. Coming out to them once is enough, you should not have to continually try to "prove" anything. My advice. Don't come out while you are living with him if you think he will just ignore you or not believe you. It just becomes a hassle and unless there is some overwhelming reason he needs to know, it is work you don't need to do.
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The "Happy Couple" then, and now.
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f1 drivers + sororities .ೃ࿐
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a lovely anon asked me what sororities f1 drivers would be sorted into so here we go. i would like to say as a disclaimer is that greek life varies from campus to campus, so do take my opinions with a grain of salt. also, i was vp of recruitment last year so i know a thing or two about matching girls with chapters hehe.
i am gonna do class of 2023, with a bonus of our two fav reserve drivers so here we go! also, i'm including sororities that aren't on my campus and doing very limited research on them.
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max v. - delta zeta
i dont have much knowledge on dz (seeing as they were kicked off my campus before i rushed), BUT they were the it girls on my campus. they we're top house, everyone either loved or hated them or wanted to be them.
checo p. - gamma phi beta
gphi on my campus is so hit or miss (as are most organizations, but the chapter on my campus is more out right about it). they're either really nice or they really mean. i think checo has that charm about him LOL
charles l. - alpha chi omega
i don't have achi o on my campus, but of every video i've seen about them, they are more often than not the pretty, philanthropic, top house kind of gals. charles would fit right in. (also the cherry on top is that red is one of their colors).
carlos s. - kappa kappa gamma
i know nothing about kkg, but their mission statement says "...respect for intellectual development, and an understanding of and an allegiance to positive ethical principles" which i feel like is very carlos. carlos is always trying to learn more and get a better understanding.
lewis h. - alpha phi alpha / not rush
lewis would NOT join a phc organization. he would join one of the divine nine for sure, just in solidarity with culture and history. but i will say that the rush/pledging process of the divine can be fucking brutal so there's a chance he'd drop. or better yet, he wouldn't rush at all because he's better than that.
george r. - zeta tau alpha
george would 100% be a zeta. zeta is also a very top house sorority, but when you're zeta you are a die hard zeta. i feel like every sister of zta i've met lives and breathes zta. very george.
esteban o. - delta delta delta
they describe their org to be "an assembly of women with shared values where you can be yourself and belong to something bigger. we are brave, bold and kind." thats so esteban, and considering the work he's put into alpine + the time he's spent in the team. very este bestie of him.
pierre g. - pi beta phi
i was gonna make him a zta, but when i was reading other sorority values i came across this chapter. under reputation it said "many consider them obsessed with their looks" and that just feels like pierre.
lando n. - sigma kappa
sk on my campus is on the come up. they recruit a bunch of cute, sweet little girls who are very active on campus. they're everywhere. like lando. he's every where.
oscar p. - gamma phi beta
i know what i said under checo but pretend you didnt read it for this. oscar is also gphi to me because theyre new member class is so bold and just wants to be involved in everything. giving oscar energy i think.
valterri b. - alpha gamma delta
agds on my campus arent top house by any means, and they have girls who you would've thought would end up in top house but they chose agd. thats valterri to me.
zhou g. - alpha xi delta
these girls on my campus are super underrated. known to have the most genuine sisterhood on campus. they aren't super active on campus, and aren't super well known. but the people the know them, love them.
lance s. - kappa kappa gamma
aligning with carlos. i think lance does try his best at what he does, and improve. he definitely aims to be bigger than daddy's boy. you know?
fernando a. - pi beta phi
please he is just pretty. thats all fernando would bring to the table. he's a pretty boy and should be in a pretty sorority.
kevin m. - alpha gamma delta
i love agds so much. they're a bunch of goofy girls who are loved by a lot of people. theyre on the smaller side on my campus, but are just full of girls you would generally like.
nico h. - alpha gamma delta
this also makes sense to me because he just- he loves f1 and he'll never leave. i've met my fair share of 25+ greek women in their chapter and they just...... never leave. but he's dedicated. and that counts for something...... right?
yuki t. - alpha phi gamma
an asian sorority. i love these girls. theyre so goofy, but really sweet and also die hard for their chapter. yuki would thrive.
nyck d.v. - alpha delta pi
i love my adpis. so much. they're the sweetest girls ever. on my campus theyre super strong in academics and support so many diff organizations on campus. nyck is one hundred percent an adpi.
alex a. - alpha phi
part of their mission statement is "high expectations for character and a drive for innovation" which i feel is alex coded. i can't say what exactly, but alex just screams that.
logan s. - zeta tau alpha
he just has the look that would land him into zeta. what he brings to the table, we'll just have to wait and see.
bonus !
daniel r. - alpha delta pi
he gives me vibes of one of my friends in adpi. just always so happy and dedicated to their chapter. also daniel gives off the vibe of adpis on my campus. and he'd 100% be a sweetheart of a fraternity.
mick s. - delta gamma
their values read "foster high ideals of friendship among women, to promote their educational and cultural interests, to create in them a true sense of social responsibility, and to develop in them the best qualities of character." i just think thats mick. always fostering growth and developing his charachter.
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another addition to d's shitpost studies. submit an ask if there are other topics you would like me to do!
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iiep-wop · 9 months
Theres something about the song 'Kiss Goodnight' (By IDKHOW) which feels so Ineffable Husbands coded
So many lyrics just feel like them idk how to explain it
But here is my attempted rundown of the lyrics and how I feel it fits them
Warning spoilers for end of S2
(I'm not a proper Good Omens fan unfortunately, Ive only seen it a couple of times, so sorry if I get some things incorrect regarding character motivations and such haha)
'No, I don't care, about anything at all'
Very Crowley coded, he likes to keep himself more hidden and 'closed off' with alot of people, giving off the vibe that he dosen't care to everyone around him
"But I still stop and stare, every time that you call"
He is often seen staring absentmindedly at Aziraphale, and also across the road at the end, just in hopes that Aziraphale will change his mind last minute and stay
'See, I know girls like you, they don't come with guarantees'
He knows that theres danger and hurt in wanting to be with Aziraphale due to the nature of 'their sides', he knows that Aziraphale has often been very about their respective side's, with the fact that Aziraphale left him to join his again
"So If you've got to spend your time, won't you spend it with me?"
I don't really have much for this one other than the fact that he enjoys spending time with Aziraphale
"I hope we kiss goodnight, It might just end my life"
Him admitting his feelings for Aziraphale straight after he had been told he was leaving was such an insanely brave thing to do, but it seemed to absolutely shatter him. His entire life has been flipped because Aziraphale has left, he has barely anything to live for now his love is gone. Aziraphale was his life.
Skipping the next couple lines because they're pretty much just repetitions of that last one because chorus
"Should you invite me in? To spend the night on the floor" He's a demon, he thinks he should be invited in but Aziraphale has given him full reign of the bookshop so he's allowed where he wants.
I don't really have anything for the night on the floor bit
"Oh please beleive I'll be a gentleman, Or you can show me the door"
He thinks that he's not good enough for Aziraphale and that he shouldn't be in his life
"While all my friends and I, Leaf through the books on your shelves"
Self explanatory, Aziraphale's bookshop, Muriel and James short for Gabriel long for Jim being the friends
"No I don't want to spend my life, with anyone else"
Pretty much just what he says to Aziraphale in his final speech to him
Then it repeats the chorus a couple more times because its a song and y'know
Anyway I hope this was somewhat coherent, go check out the song because its very cool (/nf), If anyone else has anything they want to add please tell me because I want to hear more Good Omens adept people tell me things and facts about it because its very interesting
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pesterloglog · 5 months
Kanaya Maryam, Roxy Lalonde
Act 6, page 7777-7782
KANAYA: Thank You
ROXY: no problem!
KANAYA: I Didnt Think
KANAYA: It Would Be This Easy
KANAYA: Not That It Was Easy For You By The Sound Of It
KANAYA: What I Mean Is I Thought It Was Going To Involve An Arduous And Lengthy Process For Myself To Undertake In Order To Figure Out How It Was Even Possible To Reconstruct The Orb Let Alone Actually Do It
ROXY: nah
ROXY: nope!
KANAYA: So Instead Of All That
KANAYA: Its Just
KANAYA: Handed To Me
KANAYA: Like A Nice Present
ROXY: yes
KANAYA: I Dont Know What To Say
KANAYA: This Changes So Much
KANAYA: About Everything I Thought I Had To Do
ROXY: does it?
ROXY: the way i see it is you shouldnt have needed to worry about makin the thing
ROXY: i think it will be challenging enough like...
ROXY: hatching it??
ROXY: and tending to all the stuff that comes next
ROXY: isnt that basically being responsible for the preservation of an entire race of people?
ROXY: like not even a simple kinda people that all go about havin their own babies by themselves n such
ROXY: u have to set up and deal with this huge creature that does it all herself right?
KANAYA: Thats How It Works
KANAYA: And Yes That Will Be
KANAYA: Probably Very Challenging
ROXY: yeah so just focus on that!
ROXY: im sure you will have help if you need it
ROXY: i mean... after all this shit is over obviously
ROXY: hey speaking of which
ROXY: howd it go here? did you do the thing?
KANAYA: Yes I Think We Did The Thing
KANAYA: Our Frog Should Be Good To Go
ROXY: we?
ROXY: oh yeah karkat came too didnt he
ROXY: where did he go?
KANAYA: Hes Still In The Cave
KANAYA: Meditating
ROXY: meditating huh
KANAYA: It Was A Very Spiritually Uplifting Encounter With The Denizen
KANAYA: It Really Uh
KANAYA: Blitzed Our Chakras
KANAYA: He Needs Some Time To Clear His Head
ROXY: heheh ok
ROXY: so you are roses girlfriend right?
KANAYA: I Dont Know
KANAYA: Is That What Humans Call A Matesprit When The Matesprit Is A Girl
ROXY: umm
ROXY: i dunno
ROXY: is a matesprit the thing trolls call each other when they are girlfriends or boyfriends with each other?
ROXY: ah ha!
ROXY: then uh
ROXY: the answer is yes?
ROXY: lmao
ROXY: ok it was kind of obvious i was just makin sure
ROXY: anyway thats cool!
ROXY: did you meet on ur fancy meteor vessel
KANAYA: In Person We Met There Yes
KANAYA: Originally We First Spoke While She Was Still In Her Session
KANAYA: I Assisted Somewhat
KANAYA: But I Think I Bugged Her Mostly
KANAYA: That Seems Like A Lifetime Ago Now
ROXY: so i guess you mustve gotten to know each other a lot better during the trip
KANAYA: A Lot Of Free Time
ROXY: i bet :)
ROXY: man... three years was it?
ROXY: thats crazy!
ROXY: for a whole bunch of people who only just met including humans AND aliens
ROXY: or i mean trolls whoops sorry if thats rude
KANAYA: We Call Each Other Aliens All The Time
ROXY: haha
ROXY: but then you all IMMEDIATELY have to hunker down together for three years
KANAYA: That Is Very Much What Happened And What We Had To Do
ROXY: it sounds fun!
ROXY: kinda wish i could have been there
ROXY: i guess i had my own less long stint with people in my session
ROXY: only like half a year tho
ROXY: which was cool in its own way but it wasnt nearly as... social as your scene sounded?
KANAYA: It Was Pretty Social Yes
KANAYA: But We Also Had Little Groups Who Generally Convened With Each Other More Often Than The Entire Ensemble Crowded Together For A Singular Noisy Affair
KANAYA: Such Events Were Pretty Rare So Maybe Not As Social As You Are Picturing
KANAYA: In Fact It Was Quite A Subdued Situation Compared To The Crowd I Was Formerly Accustomed To Congregating With
KANAYA: There Were Twelve Of Us Back Then
ROXY: yeah WOW!!!
ROXY: i remember hearing about that from a friend
ROXY: who...
ROXY: never even existed from this frame of reference :(
ROXY: i guess thats another weird thing about my lil sojourn to get to this point...
ROXY: it is all made of memories now that didnt even happen for other people
KANAYA: That Does Sound Like A Lonely Predicament In Its Own Particular Way
KANAYA: A Sort Of Sacrifice Youve Had To Make Yes
ROXY: yeah
KANAYA: Sacrifice Abounds It Would Seem
KANAYA: I Dont Know Of Anyone Presently Alive Who Hasnt Had To Trade Something Very Important To Them In Exchange For Continuing To Be A Material Seeker In This Endeavor
KANAYA: You Were Forced To Trade Something Too But In Return Youve Been Able To Do Something
KANAYA: Something So Wonderful That
KANAYA: I Guess Im Judging Your Accomplishment From An Especially Personal Vantage
KANAYA: But No Matter What Else You Have Been Through
KANAYA: I Believe You Can Say Youve Done Something As Important As Anyone Could Ever Hope To Do
ROXY: aw yeas 8)
ROXY: i hope so!
ROXY: i really hope it all works out and you make a super successful trollworld 2
KANAYA: I Want It To Be A Good Place
KANAYA: Not So Much Like Where Im From
KANAYA: It All Sounds
KANAYA: Really Daunting Actually
KANAYA: Not Even Just The Propagation Of My Kind But Managing To Do It Responsibly
KANAYA: Just Causing Millions Of Beings To Exist For The Sake Of Doing So
KANAYA: And Dismissing Responsibility For What Sort Of People They Become
KANAYA: That Isnt Good Enough For Me
KANAYA: I Think Echidna Was Right
KANAYA: Ill Need Him
ROXY: who
KANAYA: Nobody
KANAYA: Lets Say It Was A Figure Of Speech
KANAYA: Ill Need Everyone
KANAYA: Whoever Is Good And Wishes To Have A Hand In The Way Our World Is Shaped
ROXY: count me in! :D
KANAYA: As Of The Immediate Point In Time
KANAYA: I Dont Know What To Do Anymore
ROXY: hm??
KANAYA: Before You Came
KANAYA: I Was On My Way To Join You And Rose And John
KANAYA: Feeling Quite Sure I Was About To Get Ready To Fight
KANAYA: But Then You Gave Me This
KANAYA: And Now Im Unsure Of Everything To Which I Just Imminently Committed Myself
ROXY: how so
KANAYA: I Want To Help Us Win
KANAYA: But I Also Have A Lot Of Responsibility Now
KANAYA: In A Way That Is Much More Tangible And Also Spiky And Round And Sharp Than Just A Few Minutes Ago
KANAYA: And I Feel I Have To Consider Risk To Myself Is Now Also The Same As Risk To The Future Of My People
KANAYA: Does That Make Sense
ROXY: ooh i see
ROXY: yeah!
ROXY: it is like.....
ROXY: like say a mother wolf being all ready to stand up to some other asshole of nature
ROXY: like a nasty bear
ROXY: and shes ready to fight and all but also shes got to think about what happens to her pups if she gets hurt yeah?
KANAYA: Something Like That
KANAYA: Except Id Relate More To An Analogy That Didnt Involve Weird Alien Creatures
ROXY: oh sure
ROXY: just imagine instead of a wolf its like
ROXY: a mother uhhhh
ROXY: help me out here
KANAYA: Musclebeast
ROXY: a beautiful mother musclebeast
ROXY: and instead of a bear
ROXY: its um
ROXY: a metroid
KANAYA: Lets Say Good Enough
ROXY: damn straight
ROXY: be fuckin fight of the year right there
ROXY: but yes that concern is completely understandable
ROXY: you dont gotta fight if you dont want!
ROXY: but im sure we could really use the help
KANAYA: Would I Actually Be Of Much Use
ROXY: i think so!
ROXY: id look at it this way
ROXY: none of this next gen troll stuff is even going to matter if we dont win this fight
ROXY: so we have to prioritize beating all these goddamn villains
ROXY: specially the witch!
ROXY: any extra edge is going to help
ROXY: and tho i admit i dont know much about you i am feeling prrrettyyy confident in my assessment that u are probably some sort of sick deadly bitch
KANAYA: Who Told You My Secret
ROXY: i knews it ;)
ROXY: in fact i would BET
ROXY: that you could USE your concern for all ur future space pups to be WAY extra deadlier in this fray
ROXY: maybe youd make the whole difference??
ROXY: the point is we need you now just as much as anyone in the future will
ROXY: and we are ALL riskin stuff and ALL in this together and if youre with me and rose and john, dont worry we aint gonna let anything happen to you
ROXY: i promise!!!!!
ROXY: dang?
KANAYA: That Was Really Motivational And I Feel Very Inspired Now
ROXY: for real?!
KANAYA: A Little Corny But Definitely Genuine And Moving
KANAYA: And Now Im Suddenly Psyched Again To Go Dunk A Narcissistic Fish Woman Into A Sea Dumpster
KANAYA: Not To Project Myself As Someone Fickle Or Lightly Swayed On Big Decisions
KANAYA: Maybe It Was Just A Roughly Thirty Second Spell Of Cold Feet And I Just Snapped Out Of It I Dont Know
KANAYA: But You Really Do Seem To Have A Way With Motivational Words
KANAYA: You Must Be A Natural Leader
KANAYA: I Think Your Group Was Lucky To Have You
ROXY: me?? nuhhh
ROXY: im not naturally good at that at all
ROXY: i mostly just yelled at my friends cause they were such a gaggle of frustrating bozos
ROXY: i guess im just feeling way inspired by the fact everyone is here together and we are all about to try and do something huge and important
ROXY: ive also watched john in action a bit and he is VERY good at that stuff
ROXY: hes actually so good at being inspiring hes inspired me to try and be... more inspiring? that sounds dumb as hell but is true as shit
ROXY: i also love how hes got NO IDEA how good he is at leadery stuff, its
ROXY: it
ROXY: it is so inspirationally friggin adorable
KANAYA: Shall We Go Then
ROXY: we hella shall
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n7punk · 1 year
I know you write for yourself but do you ever ask your homies for feedback or advice on drafts or ideas?
oh yeah. that's just growing as a writer. i dont like, send drafts or anything, but i might ask for votes on an idea, or advice on something that's not working, or just talk through it with them to get there on my own. one of my friends has beta read for other people and another is a writer herself, so they can be a good resource when im having trouble, even if it's just sending a sentence and being like what is WRONG with the grammar here someone fix me LMAO. sometimes you get advice and then immediately realize what you actually want to do and it's not the advice you were given, but if it isn't what you were going to do before you asked someone, that's still helpful! it's not something i do that often because i like to just do my own thing, but it's definitely helpful when i do.
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oh, thank you! it's something i have a lot of fun with. it's not something you can really do in any medium BUT fanfiction or like, a reboot, you know? so i really like to play around with it here. It's like, all my fanfictions are dozens of parallel universes revolving around the same characters and concepts, and i like seeing all the ways i can spin those out. i also just really like putting in references to canon. i always love when people pick up on a line i referenced or something.
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lol you're welcome! it was a pretty different angle i've wanted to poke at before, but usually she's too emotionally constipated to even get that far lmao. in this case, she channeled that into a coping mechanism and it worked out.
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it's so funny that this dumb little story is what has elicited so much, but i think it's mostly because the responses are centered in my inbox rather than the comments this time around. like, i can check my inbox and have five messages, and then there's only one new comment on the fic. and yeah, i can guess that's because it's so horny LMAO
unrelated, but im almost done with my first draft of the last chapter, so the next chapter should be coming along fairly soon even if im going to have a busy weekend. and now, more spoiler asks beneath the cut
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you get it <3 ive loved how many people have gotten it because i was a little worried with this one people would be Unhappy with the direction so im glad i havent gotten any hate anons lmao. it has been so much fun to write and explore. on the sensory front, oh boyyyyy is this girl autistic. It's directly implied in chapter four, actually, though adora isn't formally diagnosed. and muscle tees are like. catnip on butches. it was made for them so like, good taste.
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ohhhhh boy. what ISNT in the scene in LMR lol. I have never had a fic outlined like i did for this one. Like half the conversations came to me while i was lying in bed trying to fall asleep or wake up and i had all of that to work with (and tame) when i went to write.
I started working on it in late december and it's been my "bedtime story" for the most part since then, so a lot of the scenes played out there, which is where Scenes usually originate from. i had a really full outline from that. i had so many scenes that i had to cut and combine some that i really liked because they were just superfluous and would have dragged it down even if they were good on their own. or i had multiple versions of one conversation that i had to pick the best fit between, or when it came time to write it i had to buck the outline even though i liked what i already had because something else was a better match.
basically all of chapter 3 is A Scene. several scenes are in 4 and 5, too. i couldn't really pull just one thing but... god no i was trying to pick one and i cant. chapters 3-5 is my answer lmao. chapter 2 is the only thing i didnt have any Scenes for, that was basically just a hole labeled [insert smut here] while i was planning it, and chapter one was finished so early on that there's not really a Scene there, but nearly everything in chapter 3 onward is a contender for The Scene.
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obitv · 1 year
hi your riptide / killjoys thing sounds SO FUCKING SICK please tell me about it
prefacing this by saying i havent finished riptide im on ep50 ok evverything else i know is gathered from fics and from my dash so if it doesnt properly line up with backstories FUCK YOU DONT TELL ME YET. also im using a ton of kj fanon slang bc its what im used to, if you dont know what a phrase means just ask. ok anyway
the factions honestly line up pretty well?? the navy is BLind, the pirates are killjoys. high ranking navy officers like jays family are crows and exterminators. the boats are cars, the undersea is like.. maybe the lobby. tritons are droids for the sake of this ok (not often seen out in the zones, have a wildly different culture, etc) because i diid NOT want to have to worldbuild an entire faction of like. goddamn radiation mutants since the reason nobody can leave the zones is bc its surrounded by a fucking killzone. alright. so we're doing droids
whether or not chip is sandpup or cityborn is kinda irrelevant - he ends up out in the ones real fuckin early regardless and gets picked up by the black rose crew etc etc. but they get caught in a REAL bad clap with crows and he just has to fucking leg it and pray. that OR theyre cauht in the bombing of zone7 idk i havent listened to the oneshot and i dont believe in factchecking. whichever works. he ends up stuck in the zones, alone, at a way too fucking young age and nobody ELSE wats some ittle kid dragging them down so he ends up in the lobby and makes it work there instead. he has something to do with juvie halls? i dont know enough canon backstory to say much more but yeah. he falls in with tthem until he meets JAY!!
ferin family = scarecrows thats fairly obvious. higherups in BLind get benefits so shes never been on their meds (this helps out in the desert with being a better shot, bc she has no withdrawal shakes. same with drey) and just like. generally is allowed more freedom. but obviously with this freedom she realises BLind fucking SUCKS and somthing something her sister was a crow and died etc etc. also i think ava wouldve been fairly known in the city for being on BLind broadcasts. jay too maybe because i think chip teasing her for it is funny, and because obviously crows use fake names so the "ferin" name would be less known than her appearance. she visits the lobby fairly regularly but doesnt have the guts to leave until she meets chip
GILLION THOUGH. since im using droids we're Going to pretend here that in my version of kjs there are sentient droids that ARENT SEXBOTS. OK. WE'RE PRETENDING THOSE ARE A THING. he was probably a sentry or guard or something. robots are autistic so this tracks. but he gets kicked out of his post for some fucking reason and ends up just kind of. aimless in the lobby. he becomes VERY invested in the preachings of destroya. at some point, after jay and chip have left, he somehow manages to get out by himself and collapses in the sand in zone one which is how chip and jay find him. also ive yet to decid how to handle the plus addiction thing since thats. not really a topic that comes up in riptide. ill think on it maybe
um other than that.. as for names im . well gillion tidestrider sunds like a kj name its insane and punny enough. i have a lot of naming convention hcs that i cant explain concisely but ill just say chip only having a first name makes sense despite kj names being 2-3 words typically. jay im totally stumped on though bc girl she HAS to change her name and it should really follow the two word format and again. she cannot keep her last name bc anyone from the city would recognise the ferin name. so theres that. yeah thats all i got hiiii i will make this better when i catch up i promise
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blondieeu · 2 months
hotpink. toji f.
cw: nastyy.
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head is filled with nothing but toji fucking you like a little slut in your hyper pink bedroom and some k-pop song you liked playing in the background.
like how did toji, this fucking jacked scary life guard with jet black hair, tattoos and also twice your size you met while you were volunteering to pass out lemonade at a public pool in your cutest little summer outfit, end up in your pretty pink room?
..let alone knee deep into your pretty pink pussy?
i mean everything was pink. walls, bedframe, carpet, your vanity, even the god damn door was fucking pink with even more pink sparkles on it! even small pink stuffies scattered across your bed.
even toji himself doesn't really know how he ended up here, not that hes complaining. one minute hes getting off from volunteer hours, deciding to just go over and grab a lemonade. next, the cute girl at the stand is flirting with him?? bending over in her pretty jean skirt and eating that lollipop a little too intimately.
"why dont you come home with me?.. show me some more of your..swimming skills ...... "
so.. here he was. he fucked you with his arm around your neck, a headlock. his heavy balls hitting your cunny harshly with every thrust he gave you. your pretty nails scratching at his muscles while your eyes rolled to the back of your head.
"you fuckin' stupid? think you can jus' say slick shit like that and think you wont be handled? hm?"
toji raised his arm with your head in it so he could see your face in the mirror across from the bed. your mascara was ruined with hot tears running down your face. the sparkly lip gloss you had on earlier smeared all over your mouth as well as his, even your lashes all messy from when he spit in your face a couple minutes ago.
your mouth opened to respond but it was like a moan was stuck in your throat and all you could do was look at him. your eyes teary and nose runny.
"answer me, i wanna hear it."
"n-o.. m' so sorr-yyyy"
a shit eating grin grew on his lips, letting your head fall into the comforter so you could breathe a little better while he focused on where on your back he was gonna push to fuck you at a better angle.
its like you could feel your brain spinning in your head. what could you even focus on right now?! how you could feel the veins in his cock sliding against your walls? how big his hands feel whenever he grabs at your love handles? how loud he's grunting and how it sounded with your favorite song playing in the back? it was just so much.
you bit the comforter to stop yourself from getting too loud, yelping into it when he slapped your ass and pulled your hips harder against him, trying your best to keep up with his ruthless pace.
the charms on your bracelets making noise while they tried to grab everything they could, knowing not to even try to reach back and stop him cus' he'd just pin them to your back and use them as leverage.
maybe you should start going for scary guys more often..
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like this? check out - shades of cool, nanami k.
jjk m.list
blondieeu xx
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rot-room · 7 months
Evey night or most nights anyway i like to take a medicine that makes me go to sleep (it used to be seroquel but i cant take that w my current ssri) now i take benadryl or gravol or neocitran as a treat. So i can have a good sleep. And i dream so much but i dream alot even if i dont have a sleep drug. But anyway sometimes i think it is so bad for me that i take medicine every day, but i dont drink alcohol or smoke cigarettes or vape or eat meat or do coke and i drink lots of water and eat veggies and raw salmon, so i feel like im balanced.
I miss seroquel but benadryl/gravol also does the trick. I like gravol because it 1. Stops me from staying up all night with anxiety 2. Stops me from being nauseous. And those are two of my biggest issues at night.
I write down all my dreams every night because they are so intense and vivid and symbolic, most commonly i dream of being responsible for small baby animals and they die and come back to life repeatedly. As of late ive had a few dreams about my highschool lover being at a party and being affectionate with me, and i have sapphic sex dreams pretty often, sometimes where im giving head to a girl and shes telling me how horrible i am.
I also often have dreams where i accidentally eat beef or pork and i have to make myself throw up to get it out of my body. Been having nightmares more often too, but not the kind where i wake up screaming (that happened every night when i was a kid) but rather i wake up disappointed that real life isnt as intricate and cosmically mysterious as my dreams. I go to another dimension when i go to sleep and it is frustrating when i wake up back in this boring, morbid, bleak dimension. But such is life. At least i can love and touch here.
But right now im abstinent and not in love (he takes it from me as he pleases to seemingly test my patience and devotion.)
It is shitty knowing you are in love with someone who is toxic but you cant force yourself to stop but you also know they arent the one you should be with forever. So you just have to let it run its course, anticipatory grief and love and loss in all of its intensity.
I am going to take another benadryl. I need to buy my dad some more because last christmas i bought him some to make up for all the ones i stole, and then im pretty sure he hasnt taken any and ive taken all of them. So basically i need to buy cold medicine and benadryl in bulk because my dad gets upset and calls me a dopehead because every time he actually needs medicine it is gone because i take it to feel drowsy and not nauseous and not scared and stay asleep. Whatever keeps the demons at bay.
I will be grateful and patient. I will love the people i am not supposed to because it is what i am supposed to do. Goodnight.
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lostacelonnie · 9 months
Surviving is one thing but befriending the alt girls? Now thats thriving congrats on the friend acquisition. Oh yeah absolutely thats super cool of your mom. To be so chill. More parents should aspire to be so chill. Birds are just chill dudes who exist & you can see them & its great. Fuck gulls though. They're nice to look at but will be bastards if you have food in some places. Ive been trying to learn german here & there and it is. Something. Mood but for english. Who needs grammer rules fuck em. I dont know polish so i definitely cant say. You probably mentioned it that sounds familiar but dang. Well it at least wont be as bad? My joke answer is gay sex would be less gay than whatever bronya/seele & march/stelle have goin on. My serious answer is that but also that was really well paced & written. Svarog my bro. Love him. Cocolia confrontation had killer music & the interaction with preservation was cool too. Love fire stelle abilities. Mobile is tough but just gotta fuck it we ball through it. Ill definitely have to add rain world to my list. Dredge is like. Lovecraftian horror fishing sim. Its really neat. River city girls is a simple beat em up adventure game where you fight through town doin little quests on your way through the main one. Real fun easy controls & the soundtrack is real good. Please do id love to hear your exploits. Yeah i have work a lot & so does she plus her kids so i dont talk to mine much either. Im getting to the point in star rail where i am catching up like genshin so ill probably log in less on that too unless more story happens or an event catches my eye. After next planet story anyways. Im not far enough in simulated universe to do swarm disaster sadly. Just gotta. Level them characters as usual. Ps5 star rail gave me gepard which he's good but like. I want bronya
YEAH ITS GREAT and thank you!! we have different groups this year and im very happy ab this bc most of the popular girls im scared of that i shared a group with last year are in the other one now. so im chillen. yeah shes VERY epic hehehehe!!!!! love her. YEAH frfr i agree.... ab the gulls as well i almost got Physically Attacked by one when i was on a trip on an island near alicante cos i was hanging out in the sea and went towards a small island not far away from the shore. not knowing there was a gull nest on it. but i took the hint when one started Screaming at me like halfway through. god i am scared of these things. theyre cool but from a safe distance. and ahhh good luck with learning german!! i took 4 years of it in primary school and still dont know a thing. but its a very charming language so maybe when i get a solid hang of spanish, ill revisit it. tho it Is funny to joke with my friends ab how i didnt allow ppl to germanize me. german was mandatory under the nazi occupation and theres this one patriotic song with the lines "nie będzie niemiec pluł nam w twarz / ni dzieci nam germanił" [the german will not spit in our face / nor germanize our children] but these days its often used for jokes ab having to learn the language. and yeah i suppose thats true!! it is what it is. anyway. YEAH i actually agree with both the joking and serious part andkfnjjb ESPECIALLY the cocolia boss fight. GOD that was cool. i honestly dont use fire trailblazer abilities that much but yes she does come in handy. good luck with surviving on mobile o7 also keep me updated if you do end up playing it!!!!!! its unbelievably hard but like. in a good way. OOH BOTH OF THESE SOUND VERY FUN!! speaking of which i have so many games i wanna play..... but i literally just spent around 200zł [a bit under 46 dollars] two days ago [wait im gonna tell you how in a second]. which actually connects to dye update: i redid my hair since it washed off pretty quickly [but ah i look so nice in red] for the very event i ended up spending way too much money on. and yeah fair rn im actually going onto genshin more often than star rail bc the fontaine exploration + catching up on sumeru exploration is just. So fun. havent played swarm disaster yet either...... no time...... i have a Lot of stuff to do for school recently. its been like what. 2 weeks. and we already finished the first chapter from history and were gonna have an exam soon. which im Dreading btw bc for some reason i went for extended history in school despite being physically unable to remember dates. but hey at least extended geography is easy [so far]. so fuck it we ball. anyway ah congrats on getting gepard!!! hes pretty overpowered yeah but i want bronya as well [i say barely ever logging into the game]. which is pretty funny bc i already got 3 5* things on standard in star rail while being like 150 pulls in and they were two claras and GEPARDS LIGHTCONE. which i cant even use on march since i run her in clara teams in which i need the taunt on clara. Lol. but whatever. ANYWAY ABOUT THE EVENT uhhh you Might recall that i went to like a. con-adjacent thing last year. its actually just mainly for buying merch but a Lot of people go in cosplays. anyway i went this year as well and got a bunch of prints [of focalors, fischl, signora, silver wolf, kafka, and miku], and some other stuff [charms of himeko starrail, silver wolf, and kafka, as well as bronya honkaiimpact3rd and kafka pins]. and a very cute choker. so YEAH for the sheer amount of stuff i got id say its a very good price but i still feel bad ab spending so much money in one go sjdkgkgjh
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chelleztjs18 · 2 years
Good morning and happy Thanksgiving eve hahaha 😅
I am doing okay, tired even though I had enough sleep. how are you?
I think that's what I've been buying lately, just clothes. Either new shirts or new shoes. When I was younger, I would always ask for Legos (even now) but I haven't bought a set in awhile because I never know where to display it.
Do you like presents that come from the heart then? Like something handmade?
Thats how me and my ex were. After awhile we don't know what to get each other, but I try to be creative. I remember a few years ago, I didn't know what to get her for Christmas, so I made a little coupon book that entails what we will do for the next year. All of it already planned out, like vacation, movie marathon, going to the zoo.
Yeah, I try not to overthink much. I think that's why I am back to playing video games, just so my mind can be distracted. Maybe I should start reading again.
When you work on your fics, do you already know like how it will end? And then you just brainstorm what happens in between?
I am 5'6ish...on a good day ahahahaha how about you? And I have about 8 tattoos, one of them is the size of my leg because it's a portrait of one of the first cats I've owned. I really want to get more though.
Have you ever been hospitalized? Or gotten into a major accident that you need surgery?
Hello hello righty eyebag! Sorry for the late reply, the little one got me busy, then i tried to write more when she was napping. N when she woke up i moved on to the chores.
Im doing okay.. i hope u have a good day today. Happy thanksgiving eve!
Im okay with clothes, i dont wear complex clothes. My sister and i are totally oposites in clothing. My sister is always dressed up, wearing contacts, put on makes up even wear heels. Lol.
Meanwhile me, i like simple clothes. Tshirt, jeans and sneakers plus Jacket or cardigans. 😅
I like legos but i prefer puzzles.😆
Yeah i love handmade gifts. I think it's really sweet if someone put extra effort by giving me handmade gifts. Like i said, i'm an easy to please kind of girl. 🤭 so actually it wouldnt be hard to be my partner or friends. Lol.
Aaaww thats so sweet. I think what u did with ur partner on gift wise was romantic.. i love romantic gestures. Do u consider urself romantic? I dont know if i am but i got told often that i am. Hahahhaa.
Well, u r more than welcomed to talk with me n message me whenever u r overthink. I can relate to it, so im here for u 😊
Well, sometimes i know how a fic will end sometimes i dont. Even if i do, sometimes as i write or braintstorm, the story can still change. Unless it's a request, then i try to stick to it but maybe change it in a different way but still have the same ending like how it was requested. Like last night, the dark fic im working on, had some little but big change in it as i was brainstorming more while working on what happen in between.
Wow u r pretty tall. I'm short. I'm 5'2 lol. Aw thats so cool that u have 8 tattoos!n it's cute u hv ur cat tattoo on u. I only have 2 tattoos.. I planned to have a sleeve tattoo on my lower right arm but i dont think it will happen.
Yes i hv been hospitalized a few times. I got on 3 car accidents but not that bad that i hv to have surgeries. But i got a pretty bad permanent injuries from my last 2. Oh by the way all of the 3 accidents werent my fault. Some people r just suck and stupid in driving.
What about u?
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