#(cas was SCREAMING bc he did NOT want to have sex with the monster)
qapsiel · 1 month
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@eyeless-smiles ;; realistic sex (still accepting) The Nightmare said: “Wait, I thought you were joking when you said you wanted to try this.”
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                           "WELL, I WASN'T," CASTIEL REPLIES AIRILY AS HE BODILY PUSHES THE NIGHTMARE INTO THE STORE. "You kept talking about how you're missing it and how you're surely dying without it, and you know what, I'm not cruel, I won't keep orgasms from you because they are, in fact, really spectacular. I just won't let you hurt innocents. Luckily, humanity came up with a million different ways to pleasure themselves without a partner. So you can get whatever you need here." And then stop bothering me, is left unsaid as Castiel curiously peers around the sex shop. There are lots of ailes and little hand-drawn signs above the shelves that indicate what you can find there. Castiel doesn't know what S&M is, but he strolls toward it, interest piqued. Maybe there are more Pizza Man movies.
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mycasandstarrs · 6 years
SPN 4x21: “When the Levee Breaks”
Better go find a nearby cliff to jump off of after I finish watching this episode.
Red light on Sam v white light on Dean. Nice.
This is denial at it’s finest.
(Very irrelevant question here, but how did they make it so Sam couldn’t just open the door from the inside?)
Sam completely forgot that the panic room could ward off ghosts, hence this wouldn’t be possible...
Part 1: Alastair.
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I’m not meta-intelligent enough to figure out why he would appear as one of Sam’s hallucinations.
Bobby!! omg, I missed him so much.
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“Suck dirt and die, Rufus.” lmao
Rufus probably telling Bobby to check out the news.
Part 2: Younger Sammy
Facing your younger self after becoming something you never wanted to be is very difficult.
If I had to face Younger Me, I’d be afraid of it going about as “well” as this.
Seals are breaking left and right.
“Where the hell are your angel pals?” More like angle “pal”...well actually, it’d still be plural because of Cas *and* Anna.
Bobby suggesting they let Sam use his powers to stop Lilith, oh dear.
“I love that boy like a son. All I’m saying is maybe he’s here right now instead of on the battlefield because we love him too much.” *cries*
Sam is really going through it.
Part 3: Mary.
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So she’s the “if she did a terrible/shady decision, in the name of saving a loved one, so can I.” part of Sam.
I h i g h l y doubt real!Mary would react like this??
Sam is just feeding himself lies, good lord.
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(Sam’s interpretation of Mary always somehow leans to “you’re my favorite son, not Dean.”)
Dean and Cas time?
Dean and Cas time!!!
He’d been praying for 2 and a half hours!! And it shows, good lord his voice is hoarse.
“Well, nothing of import.” lmao. I gotta start saying that.
There’s an urgency in Cas’ “I can’t”, and it's the most genuine he’s been so far.
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“Consuming the amount of blood it would take to kill Lilith would change your brother forever. Most likely, he would become the next creature that you would feel compelled to kill.” g o d n o.
“There’s no reason this would have to come to pass, Dean.” I’m just now noticing how...lowkey manipulative that sounds. Cas is playing Dean’s biggest card: protecting Sam.
“We believe it’s you, Dean, not your brother.”
“You are the one who will stop it.”
(I’ve seen too many movies/read too many stories to know if someone is told that they’re the “only one”, it’s most likely bull.)
Dean willing to bear the full responsibility of preventing the Apocalypse just so Sam can be protected.
“God, you’re a dick these days.” “these days” So in the past days, he was getting better?
Cas looks like he’s screaming internally at Dean to NOT DO THIS.
The camera stays on Cas and Dean just...looking at each other for 11 seconds. I fucking counted it.
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“Correct me if I’m wrong, but you willingly signed up to be the angels’ bitch? I’m sorry. You prefer ‘sucker’?” lmao I love Bobby.
“Shady politicians from planet Vulcan.” That’s actually a great description of most angels (minus Cas, of course.)
0 to 100 real fucking quick.
Dean being so affected by seeing Sam in pain, that he zoned out and Bobby had to snap him out of it.
Part 4: Dean.
The brother Sam failed.
The conversation Bobby and Dean are having is breaking my damn heart, and we’re not even at the most brutal part of the episode.
Hallucination!Dean calling Sam a monster.
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Real Dean willing to die for Sam again as long as Sam can stay human.
Of all his hallucinations, Sam is most affected by Dean.
I was beginning to question how Sam even got out of there...and now I’m being shown.
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Awww at Bobby and Dean sleeping. The one moment of peace they get in the episode.
Cas actually looks guilty.
At least Cas’ first words to Anna were a fair (albeit vague) warning.
Anna is just shaming him, lol.
:( Anna’s been caught.
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See you next season, Anna.
AAnnndd now Cas feels even more like shit.
I love how Bobby opted for a shotgun, bc it wouldn’t necessarily kill Sam (it’d just hurt very much). And he STILL can’t hurt Sam.
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Sam becoming his own version of the “shoot me” vine in the saddest way possible.
We have back to back moments of Team Free Will members doing something terrible and feeling more like shit than they already do.
Did Sam take the Impala? How long was Bobby out there before either Dean woke up to the sound of the car and went outside to investigate or Bobby woke up on his own and ran inside to alert Dean of what happened.
Fuck yeah, Dean, go kill Ruby please. (Even though i know you won’t yet but still.)
So did Sam keep hallucinating or did they end with Dean?
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(Also, I was convinced that Ruby withheld demon blood on purpose. Any other time Sam has called Ruby to come to him, she’s there almost immediately. But the time that Sam urgently needs her, she stays away...but then I thought that maybe she did arrive to Sam’s location, and saw that he was with Dean and didn’t dare approach. She might’ve followed Sam throughout that entire episode and found that there was never a window of opportunity to approach him, without risk of getting caught. Then Sam got taken to Bobby’s and it was game over for her, so she had to lie low until she heard from Sam again.)
Ah ok, so my attempt at explaining unseen things kinda went out the window: Ruby was looking for Lilith the whole time, aka three weeks.
(Which would actually kinda confirm my half suspicion that she purposely withheld blood from Sam. Ruby’s so manipulative, there’s no way of telling what’s true until it’s too late.)
“I’m sorry you’re hurting. Really.” Ooohhhh, what a manipulation.
Ruby’s tone and micro-expression when she says “I mean, he knows you better than anyone.” seem to suggest that she wanted Sam to say she knows him better.
Oh, don’t pretend to feel sad about Sam and Dean falling out.
It’s so sick and twisted that Ruby got Sam addicted to her blood. She was most likely the first demon he drank blood from.
Dean knows Sam so well, even when Sam is trying his hardest to throw him off.
Oh, they definitely had sex again.
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Ruby does a good job hiding her excitement at getting closer to the final seal, everything she’s been working for.
Lilith’s personal chef.
How many times did Ruby have to tell Sam that it was “okay” to drink demon blood before he could do it?
“When this is all over, I hope we can fix things.”
Ruby looks...unhappy about Sam still wanting to patch things up with Dean. Like, she almost fully has him, but there’s one strand still attached to Dean and she wants to cut it.
“It’s gotta be about  bringing him back, not pushing him away.” Yeah, let’s see how long that lasts until it goes to shit.
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Bobby is everything as a father than John never was.
OOHHH KILL HER DEAN (even tho I know it won’t happen in this episode but stillll)
Damn it, Sam.
I feel like Dean had genuine intentions to just talk to Sam...but then he saw Ruby, the one responsible for Sam’s demon blood addiction, and just completely threw it out of the window.
That, and the fact that Sam let Ruby go.
OOHHH Dean is confirming my half suspicion about Ruby purposely holding out demon blood from Sam.
Ahhh ok. Sam just tossed aside Ruby’s knife so they could talk, hence how Dean has possession of it in the next episode.
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Sam playing the “team work” card at Dean.
Sam and Dean’s “I���m the one who’s gonna stop Lilith” “no, it’s me!” discussion. 
How come Sam and Dean didn’t question the fact that they were being told by the opposite ends of the spectrum that they were the “one”? (Actually, I can answer my own question: they were to busy worrying about each other and justifying making their decision as doing it for the other brother to protect them, etc...)
Sam pulls the “Dean’s not strong enough” to DEAN HIMSELF. I now realize this is Sam's “good reason” for doing the shit he’s been doing, but it comes off so terrible and disrespectful and flat out ignorant.
That little moment where Sam almost loses his temper on Dean, then catches himself and is honestly so scary.
I understand Sam’s need to be independent, make his own choices, and to have Dean trust him as much as he trusts Dean. I sympathize with Sam wanting to lead every now and then...but not like this, Sam.Would anyone trust a strung out addict that is being manipulated and puppeted by an untrustworthy person (demon, in this case)?
Oh god no, here it comes.
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Dean pls. Dean you don’t hAVE TO NOOOOOOOOOOOO
That shot of Sam as we see him as a potential monster...he’s almost unrecognizable.
And with that, the Winchester blow out fight begins.
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“You don’t know me. You never did, and you never will.”
“You walk out that door, don’t you ever come back.”
Friendly reminder that if Cas hadn’t interfered and told Dean the truth, and if Cas hadn’t sacrificed his life to get Dean to Sam, that could have been Sam and Dean’s last interaction, period.
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