#(chi is laying in bed still thinking about jfo)
lonepower · 2 months
also while i'm on the subject because the dark side as a game mechanic was done SO well and then the dark side as a story/character mechanic left me desperately wanting so much more:
Does anyone have that post that was something along the lines of, the force is less like a coin with two sides and more like an ocean, where the further down you go and the less careful you are with it, the hungrier and more eldritch it gets? it mentions some fucked up sith, one named nihilus (searching his name turns up a picture I remember but not the post in question) and one who was... essentially dead and puppeting his own body around through sheer force (🥁💥) of will? Or something like that? (those may be the same guy actually, idk?)
I really liked it but i never reblogged it and now i can't stop thinking about it. help
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