#(hopy hecc how did this get so long)
nompunhere · 2 years
what about leif as a pred and prey? (and maybe ideas about vi as pred and chompy vore stuff)
I have IDEAS about this mans but I'm gonna put 'em below a cut because L/eif's R/equest spoilers (for those who don't know, that's a pretty heckin major spoiler) (C/hompy's existence is kind of a spoiler in and of itself too, so, uh) (also warning for kind of body horror under the cut. if you know, you know)
but before that, those other two things: V/i would mayyybe eat a friend to protect them or something if she had to. she's be reluctant about it, and she wouldn't find it all that comfortable being on the pred side of things, but she'd do it if need be.
as for C/hompy, I don't really wanna throw her into vore scenarios, seeing as she is a literal babbee. maybe she could pick up a shrunken buggu and carry them around with her mouth like a cat carrying a kitten or something like that, but that's about as far as I'll go
(L/eif makes sure to give her plenty of cuddles and pats on the outside while his friends are tucked away in his insides)
This bloo ice moff tastes a bit like blue raspberries (but very few bugs would know what that is, so to them, the flavor would just be exotic, sweet, and a bit tangy), mint (more just the cold aspect than the actual flavor), and just a teensy bit like energy drink, because of the magic 'n' crystals, all with a subtle undertone of decay. oddly sweet, yet oddly dulled.
in a tum, he'll just sorta chill. if he sits in one place for too long though, he tends to make a cold spot. it feels quite weird for the pred. he finds stomachs, particularly K/abbu's, to be a very pleasant place to rest. being inside another body.. it feels like home, if a bit redundant. but also not, because unlike his own body, this additional body is actually warm, and damp, and most importantly, alive. it gives him a sense of being in the right place, satisfying some sort of instinct for the cordyceps.
but then you have L/eif as a pred and things get f u n because woooo babey, mushroom tendrils! weird internals! ...blue tum!
his mouth seems normal enough, if not a bit chilly, but then you get down there and it's like woah what the funk. cause surprise! there's a bunch of weird slippery spongy things squirming against you! ...ew!
the tendrils are used to just tearing up food and absorbing nutrients, but now there's a thing in here that isn't food, so they just explore this mysterious presence, patting and tapping and wrapping and squishing and whatever else they can do from in there. some of the tendrils may still try to treat the prey like they would food, but as soon as L/eif is made aware that he's doing that, he'll wrangle his tendrils under control.
overall, the stomach is at least like, 50% just fungal tendrils, but there's still some intact flesh in there. just a bit more stable to sit on than the writhing cordyceps all around. and it's kinda cold in there, but it's possible to get used to it. maybe the fungus/flesh warms up with prolonged contact, like how L/eif makes a cold spot if he stays in place for a while. unlike when L/eif makes a cold spot as prey, however, the warm spot feels somewhat nice rather than just weird.
After he's eaten the same prey plenty of times (probably K/abbu), or after he just gets more control over his tendrils in general, the internal appendages learn that prey are friends, not food, and with proceed to just. hold and cuddle the hecc out of the prey as soon as they enter the tum. they can be surprisingly soft.
wrap prey up gentle like burrito.
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