#(i'm so normal about them. it takes sooo long for nalyan to even tell corso his name. they're in love. they do not admit this. ugh)
relevant-url-incoming · 4 months
There were a lot of things Corso might have imagined about the first time he got hurt bad, working with the captain. Figured he’d say something like that it served Corso right, maybe that he should have known better than to chase after the captain like a lost pup – but that wasn’t how it happened. It happened like this:
They went around a corner prepared for Imps, and got a Sith. Corso barely had time to register the agonising heat in his gut before he was sprawled on the ground as the captain danced around the Sith’s increasingly frustrated lightsabre strikes. Had the captain shoved him? Corso had thought he was all height, no muscle. He tried to sit up, to pull his blaster, to help, but all he could do was cry out in pain as the world whited out. When his vision came back the Sith was dead, a smoking hole between his eyes, and the captain was at his side.
“Risha,” the captain called grimly over comms. “Get your ass out here.”
He tugged Corso’s shirt off the lightsabre wound, pulling kolto from his pack as he did. Carefully, the captain smoothed kolto over the wound, unflinching as Corso hissed in pain. Whatever Risha said to him, it didn’t make him happy.
“I don’t give a damn,” the captain said. “We’ll come back later. There were Sith here. We need a new plan anyway.”
Corso frowned – this job was important – but the captain fixed him with a cutting glare before he had a chance to do more than open his mouth.
“This is only going to dull the pain,” the captain said as the burning sensation faded slightly. “I’m going to pick you up. It’ll hurt. Don’t shout.”
Corso tensed, half expecting to be thrown over the captain’s shoulder like a sack of vegetables, but the captain’s hands were surprisingly gentle as he eased his arms around Corso, carrying him like a bride. Corso blinked, then shook the metaphor from his mind.
It did hurt, every couple steps jarring his wound, but Corso had an easy time of it. He could occupy himself with trying to figure the captain out, like always. He looked grim and angry. Captain always did. But this time he wasn’t angry at Corso. His grip was still almost tender around Corso.
Corso had figured the captain’s variety of battlefield medicines were mostly for his own benefit. Guy got into a lot of scrapes, after all, and didn’t make many friends.
But this – this was something else.
Risha met them about halfway to the spaceport on a stolen speeder. The captain bundled Corso into the backseat, strapping him in carefully without a word to Risha. As he slid into the seat next to her, Risha glanced over her shoulder at Corso.
“That doesn’t look pretty,” she said. “I’m sure your farmboy will survive, though.”
“Drive,” the captain hissed. If either of them said anything after that, Corso didn’t know what it was. He passed out as the speeder took off.
He woke to someone’s gloved hands on his bare skin. He groaned, lifting his head just in time to see the captain step back sharply like he was afraid of Corso knowing who’d cared for his wound.
“Aw,” Corso couldn’t resist saying. “You really do care, huh, captain?”
The captain smiled for a split second before scowling.
“Don’t get yourself stabbed again,” he said. “I don’t have the time or the patience to train a new sidekick.”
Corso laughed, then winced. The captain frowned and took a step forward, but Corso waved him off.
“Don’t worry,” he said. “I won’t make you look after me too much longer. Be back up on my feet soon.”
“No, you won’t. I’m the expert here, and you’re off your feet for two days at least.”
Corso choked back another laugh. Who’d have thought the undernourished jerk with the itchy trigger finger was so nice to invalids? Then again, Corso should have. He’d seen the number of times the captain went out of his way to help someone without even pretending to put up a fight.
“Well, thanks for the save at least,” he said.
“Hey, what am I gonna do? Drag Risha out of the cargo hold?”
“She came out when you called,” Corso said. “Bet that’s got you feeling something.”
“Yeah,” the captain said. “Pissed she couldn’t do it before you got sliced up.” He wrinkled his nose, looking annoyed for a second, then pulled his gloves off and squeezed Corso’s shoulder gently. “Rest up,” he said. “We’ll be back in no time. Enjoy the break while you have it, Corso.”
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