#(it's not technically bc Gem but also I don't wanna set anyone off)
mandareeboo · 2 years
Max I am suddenly obsessed with your fic idea of Steven getting dream advice thanks to weird weed dreams. I'd love to hear more about that one!
Alskdmoclsodkcs I'm glad!!! I'm actually really excited to write that one day- it's a favorite of mine to tinker with. It's set between the corruption incident and Steven leaving Beach City, and all about Steven trying to put the pieces together to what he wants in life. It also happens to include Amethyst introducing him to her bong, bc why not. (She has the dankest stash in Beach City DON'T @ me)
Anyway, each chapter is another surreal-ish dream that Steven originally attributes to the weed mixing with his meds, then just his meds, and finally his own Gem. Concepts include:
After a long day of awkwardly figuring out how a bong works Steven dreams of Lion, only Lion talks. I was never big into the "Rose is Lion" theory but Steven's always had talking animal guides in his more surreal adventures/dreams. Steven frets he's wasting time and Lion tells him "there's always more time."
Steven visits Jasper to show her a doobie and chill because as much as he hates being called "My Diamond" Jasper is the only person he's let have a good long look at how "terrible" he is. He dreams of her corrupted form leading him somewhere.
Connie comes over to study and while explaining math problems Steven falls into a doze and dreams of a 50s-style satire show (think "Chille Tid" but not as cute) where Connie goes to Pearl with a gash on her face she claims is from a rose bush and Pearl walks her through the process of how to apply makeup to hide it. Connie mentions that that might infect the wound and she tells Connie she's "free to bother her liege if she wants", telling him this is around when Connie first started training. He wakes up and rubs the makeup off her face, finding a scar. As Connie gets embarrassed Steven begins to realize he really doesn't know everything about anyone.
Eventually this coalesces into a moment where Steven takes a fuckton of sleeping meds bc he knows his Gem half will protect him and he wants answers as to where all of this is coming from. Pink Steven does appear, calls him a dumb fuck, explains that he doesn't control the subconscious and it's just regular Steven trying to work through his own problems, then punches him to wake him up. Steven realizes he has a lot of thinking to do.
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