#(ooc: i am a terribly pedantic person when left to my own devices i guess)
piningpercussionist · 5 months
i knew you could do it kim, congrats ❤️
(ooc: it is extremely fun to use asks like this)
Kim taps her fingers against the rim of the sink, staring at herself in the mirror. What the hell are you doing, Kim? she asks herself, trying to keep measured breaths. She's replaying herself back, in her mind; from before the party to now, in the wake of it, struggling to adjust to the tide.
She'd had her cool when she'd first shut the door, but once she'd gone to dry her hands, she'd met her own eyes and was stuck in a bit of a loop with herself once again. Back and forth she'd go with herself, trying to muster up the nerve to step back out of the room.
Just open the god damn fucking door and go out there... toughen the fuck up.
And yet, somehow, the added expletive from the last time she'd insisted such doesn't provide the additionally spurring that she wanted. She wasn't even sure what the roadblock here was, necessarily; was it just the usual distrust? Unkillable, ugly thing- but a useful tool, perhaps simply trying to serve its purpose... The corner of Kim's lip twitches downward, eyes narrowing.
She'd be right to be distrustful, wouldn't she? Every time something's going right for her, it falls on its face- so how can Ramona make such bold claims? Especially given the woman's history! The track record so far with her partners hasn't exactly been the greatest; it isn't exactly a comfort to think back on some of them now, and how things ended for them, finally breaking her leering match to look down into the churning water.
She slowly shuts her eyes and takes a deep breath, pinching the bridge of her nose. Just thinking that's made her feel guilty, something heavy twisting uncomfortably in her chest. How can she even think that, still? After the way Ramona had so sweetly held her, and tried to reassure- even when she'd been pulling back from it, though unconsciously. She'd really believed what she was saying- that's what Kim had thought, at least, when she was searching her eyes the whole while. I really am a bitch, aren't I?
She grits her teeth and turns around, leaning back against the sink to prevent another staring contest. She listens to the water rush as she resumes her tapping, now facing a new problem. She didn't want to go out there with this heavy guilt still twisting her up... even if it would probably resolve things neatly.
She takes out her phone and navigates to her inbox, looking for a distraction- and apparently it's just the place; she sees a couple waiting for her, and sets about reading the first.
Seeing the familiar name, she actually smiles, sitting up a little. She still remembers her embarrassed agitation at the prodding, the night before, and how they'd even apologized later, even if a little flirty- and still riling her up for what she'd inevitably do, as acknowledged here.
Were you at Julie's party, or did you hear about it somewhere? Good grief... Thank you though, I guess. I blame whatever the hell Julie had at the drink table last night.
She answers the message privately, shaking her head a little. But then she stops, thinking again. They'd been alone in the room, save for the bunny apparently- or at least, she was pretty sure they were. Shit... Probably all the stragglers I was pushing over dragging Ramona out of there...
..That was so stupid, of course people were gonna know- they'd probably hit the nail just by assuming. That was a ludicrously bold move on her part, and were it not for the excuse of the booze, she'd be an idiot for not having considering that.
Trying not to kick herself too hard over it, she clicks her tongue in mild agitation, opening the next message.
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