#...sorry for being in a BSD mood but you can blame Panda for it
aobawilliams · 1 year
3 sentences wip game
If you see this consider, yourself tagged:
Write 3 sentences on your writing project, post them, then tag three other person!
(Please make your own post)
Tagged by @achairwithapandaonit and @figurativepieceoftrash :D
Burdened by feelings he didn’t quite understood, his attack against Mori was sloppy by his standard. So it was no surprise that he found himself on the floor, arm wrenched against his back and gun pointed to his head.
Still, he kept struggling, trying to wrench the other man away from him, to hit him, to hurt him like he has been hurt.
For the first time in his life, he wasn’t welcoming the potential of a painless death with open arms.
Ehehe. Tagging @guesst @achairwithapandaonit and @figurativepieceoftrash
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