#...suppose I would also want some tattoos then since I'm not very buff
scary-ivy · 5 months
For the love of GOD we need to bring back small shorts for men
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another-lost-mc · 6 months
What was/were the inspiration(s) behind each oc's appearance? 'Cause while they all look scrumptious, I'm lookin' at Karasu ✨️respectfully✨️
-🦖 anon
The OCs are a little self-indulgent so they're a sampling of what I like personally, plus whatever I was able to make with the options available on Picrew. 😂
I have some of the "old" versions of their designs on my PC still, so I'll include some of those here too.
When I first wrote Azra’s character, I was deep in my Sukuna (S01 JJK) brain rot and he was the original influence physically. That was when he was just a character I talked to one of my friends about and wrote out a rough version of his story.
I changed his appearance when I decided to post about him here (it was mostly his hair that needed changing). I wanted him to have wavy-ish hair because it would be fun to play with. I thought it would also make him look deceptively soft for a demon too (it was more fitting when he was still an angel). He has a lot of tattoos on his neck/arms/chest but he got those in the Devildom and they’re meant to help cover his scarring from previous injuries.
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(Original Azra Picrew and updated Picrew)
Zekhan is supposed to be a bit of a contrast to Azra since they spend so much time together and I didn't want them to look alike or be mistaken as brothers. He's generally a bit more serious/severe looking and not very approachable. He wears glasses because his vision isn't the greatest and, well, I like glasses. I figured that non-human characters in the Devildom/Celestial Realm would have more variety in their hair colours (going off what we've seen with Barbatos/Mephisto/Thirteen) so he has dark blue hair. His demon form is inspired by the Gargoyles' character designs a little bit and I thought dark blue would work for a bat demon whose specialty is blending into the darkness while still being a bit colourful and other-worldly.
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(original Zee Picrew and glow-up Picrew)
I pictured Karasu as a more literal representation of a crow demon: dark hair, dark skin, dark eyes. For his story, the bright and colourful design/aesthetic of KARASU OS was something he was not involved with designing, which I thought would be amusing. (I could see the designers purposefully doing that since they know it'd be the last colour scheme he'd ever use.) Also, I wanted him to have something a bit demonic/menacing about his appearance that would contrast with the quiet but kind demon MC would meet, which I represent with his red irises and dark sclera.
The different versions of him let me play around with how I think he'd change his hair and fashion over time. He doesn't need glasses but I think he would wear them anyway while working.
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(From left to right: OG!Karasu, OG! demon form, Nightbringer!Karasu, DILF!Karsu, Modern!AU Karasu)
They're all "average" in terms of demon height/body type. Based on my personal height headcanons, Azra would be the tallest at 6'1 or 6'2. Karasu is the shortest around 5'9. Zee is somewhere between the two.
Azra is a bit more muscular, but not as buff as someone like Beel. Zee is broad-shouldered and slightly muscular (especially his arms) but lean overall. Karasu is slender but not very muscular.
If they had to admit what makes them insecure about their appearance, Azra and Zee would both be most self-conscious about their scars. Azra's the confident and out-going type so he's very good at hiding that. Zee's demon form is the most animalic of the three so he might be nervous showing it to a human MC for the first time. Karasu's short height and slender build make him feel smaller and weaker compared to other demons, but he compensates by investing in tailored clothes and looking put-together in public.
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joshbruh10x · 2 years
Drawing the animatronics as humans in my style bc I can (1/3)
This will be a 3 part blog bc I'm tired and could only do the 3 here, I'll do Chica and Roxy next then sun and moon (and maybe DJMM)
This took longer than I expected??
Ok so first was Freddy, I wanted to give him a very D A D vibe bc he's Freddy. Also some people make him ginger so I made mine somewhat a brunette. Also fairly deep skin tone and the clothes he wears are basically what I normally draw Freddy with. Also yes in this human au the Fremonnie polycule are married and you can't tell me otherwise. Also he likes coffee cuz he's not a morning person.
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Next is Monty, ok you wouldn't believe me if I said this took 5 hours, why???? I actually don't know myself. I gave him a gator tattoo referencing actual Monty from the FNAF universe. Also I was supposed to draw him like buffed up but this is as buff as I can get him. I can't draw muscles even if my life depended on it. And I added the dude some facial hair like Freddy, they look epic with it. He still has his gray tanktop tho :)
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Lastly Bonnie aka surprisingly took long to draw, thought it was gonna be easy but apparently not since I argued with myself deciding to give him purple or blonde hair. He is also the only one without facial hair because I don't think my Bonnie suits having facial hair? I mean he would look cool but idk I didn't feel like it would fit. Though he still has the ability to epicly spin a bowling ball on one finger, don't ask how.
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Thank you for epicly reading my random post, ok now have a nice day/night see ya
This is a threat and a compliment at the same time now take it
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