#1970 dodge charger kit car for sale
1969 dodge charger project car for sale cheap, We now have 35 ads from 69 sites for dodge charger project cars for sale, under cars for sale. 1969 Dodge Charger = Project U Finish 383 Auto $11.5k [ contact seller ]
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1969 dodge charger project car for sale cheap 1969 dodge charger project car for sale cheap, We now have 35 ads from 69 sites for…
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fastmusclecar123 · 5 years
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New Post has been published on http://fastmusclecar.com/best-muscle-cars/a-modern-dodge-challenger-daytona-recreation/
A Modern Dodge Challenger 'Daytona' Recreation
By Dave Ashton
Dodge originally produced the Daytona model under the moniker of the Dodge Charger Daytona back in 1969, mainly to smash the pants out of the competition in NASCAR. Affectionately known as the ‘Winged Warrior,’ just like the Plymouth Superbird, the vehicles definitely produced the goods on the track, for example hitting 200 mph (322 km/h) at Talladega in 1970. So good, they were banned the next year. A limited number were also available to the public, but didn’t sell very well, thus ultra collectors items today.
The Daytona name was brought back over the years as trim levels on certain models, along with some lacklustre front wheel drive hatchback Dodge Daytonas from 1983-1993. But, it was the mystique of the originals which always begged for a modern version.
Dodge still have a trim level ‘Daytona’ for the Charger as below, but not a dedicated model. This means it’s down to third-party makers to come up with their own interpretations. GAA Classic Cars in Greensboro, North Carolina, are currently auctioning such a creation from the George Shinn car collection in Nov. 2019.
Sitting under this modern Daytona exterior is a 2013 Dodge Challenger R/T with the Super Track Pack, housing a 372HP 5.7-liter Hemi V8. On top of the Daytona body kit conversion are 20 inch Aluminum wheels and a custom white leather interior with red accents.
This modern interpretation looks very cool, especially with the matching white and red interior, that’s if you buy into the winged Warrior look. However, the auction listing and the George Shinn webpage dedicated to the car, doesn’t seem to mention the original builders or more correctly, the people who performed the conversion.
A quick sniff around online and there are a few outlets who will build you your own Daytona/Superbird such as mivehiclesolutions.com. These seem to be conversion kits which have a functional Shaker hood, nose cone, three-piece wing and side vents, along with options like a Magnuson supercharger for 2008-2014 Challenger models.
These kits seem to have originated from the company HPP which had a starting price of $16,395. Add in all performance extras and the total came to $41,461, not including the donor car. Also intriguing is what looks like the same car going to auction at Auctions America back in 2016 according to Motor1 which stated the sales estimate was $60,000 to $65,000 and the conversion was possibly done by ‘Detroit’s now-shuttered HPP.’ If this is all correct, then expect a similar asking price at the current auction.
If a modern interpretation of a Daytona is not your thing, the only other option is to raid your long-term savings to buy an original or go for a Daytona Charger package on a new car. These are only packages added to other trim models, but at least it’s an official Dodge release as you can see from the specs below.
2019 Dodge Charger Daytona Edition Group Package MSRP starting at $3,495
Available on R/T and R/T Scat Pack, this Package Includes (Depending on Model): 20-Inch Forged/Painted Aluminum Wheels Carbonite Interior Accents Daytona Decals on the Hood, Roof and Trunk Daytona Front Grille and Instrument Panel Badges Daytona Logo Nappa Leather/Alcantara® Suede-Trimmed Seats; Front Seats Include Power, Four-Way Lumbar Support and Heated and Ventilated Features; Rear Seats Feature an Armrest with Storage and Cup Holder Driver and Front Passenger Lower and Upper LED Lamps Gloss Black Instrument Panel Cluster Trim Rings Mopar® Cold Air Intake System
The big question, is this 2013 Dodge Challenger Daytona auction worth a bid? Clearly, this will depend on the rough asking price and if you want a professionally built, modern interpretation of a Dodge Daytona. In many ways it will be an emotional purchase. Decent power, but nothing groundbreaking. As for looks, it will definitely turn heads and be like nothing else on the road. This car would suit somebody who loves the original, is very familiar with its back history, but wants the convenience and build of a modern Dodge Challenger.
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itsworn · 6 years
Denied a Test Drive, He Bought This 1970 Dodge Challenger T/A Anyway—40 Years Ago!
This FE5 Bright Red 1970 Challenger T/A was originally sold through Grand Spaulding Dodge in Chicago, home of Mr. Norm Kraus. Oddly, the Challenger T/A was equipped (or cursed, depending on how you look at it) with a white vinyl top.
The Challenger’s original but anonymous owner was from Glenview, Illinois. In 1974, he sold it to a local, young, drag racer/poseur/wannabe. That owner ripped off the hood and installed some type of dual-quad tunnel-ram intake, headers, and stupid wheels. A young Scott Swaydrak, also a Glenview resident at the time, remembers seeing the car coughing its way down the local side streets.
Not long after, for some reason lost in the mists of time, the second owner no longer wanted the T/A. The original owner bought the car back from the youngster, probably in 1975. The original owner became the third owner, likely more than a bit perturbed at what had happened to his Challenger.
The original/third owner heroically returned the car to Ma Mopar factory condition. The stock exhaust manifolds, stock Six Pack induction, and stock T/A hood were all reinstalled. Scott believes the second owner might have butchered the original hood, so it’s possible that the hood on the car now was a replacement item.
In 1977, Scott, now 18 and the owner of a 1969 Charger R/T, spotted the Bright Red T/A for sale at the Glenview gas station. He went to look at it, and naturally asked the first/third owner if he could drive the Challenger. The seller refused. Can you blame him? Second owner Speed Racer had butchered his beloved car.
Bitterness was apparent, but Scott exercised diplomacy and climbed in the passenger seat. In a somewhat grandfatherly fashion, Scott was chauffeured around the Glenview neighborhoods in the soon-to-be-his Challenger. He never drove it that day. Awkward. Some guys buy their cars sight unseen; Scott bought his test-drive unpermitted. Regardless, days later cash changed hands, Scott became the fourth owner of the T/A, and finally took it for a test drive.
Muscle car happiness was found mixing up fun excursions with the Charger and the T/A. Scott attended local cruise nights at Flukie’s in Niles, as well as bigger car shows in Illinois. But by 1982, the Challenger was beginning to show signs of wear. Rust had arrived at the bottoms of the quarters. The bubbling under that repulsive white vinyl roof needed attention. In response, Scott enlisted a family friend to do a repaint, not a restoration, which included fixing the rust, removing the vinyl top, and properly painting the roof. Rust repair was accomplished early-1980s style, with hand-fabricated patch panels as needed.
The end product turned out nice enough to get the attention of Monogram Models’ Roger Harney, who persuaded Scott to allow the use of his car to collect pictures and measurements as reference material for the creation of a Monogram 1:24-scale kit of a 1970 Challenger T/A (see sidebar).
Scott drove the car until 1986, and then parked it in heated storage. Career and family responsibilities dominated his life until 2002. Finally, after a 16-year hibernation, the T/A was awakened to receive a complete rotisserie restoration.
Mopar restoration expert Klaus Zimmer of Zim’s Kustoms in Lakemoor, Illinois, was called on to restore the T/A to showroom condition. Restoration work included the installation of N.O.S. quarter-panels, floor repair, and trunk work. A single-stage acrylic enamel was used to faithfully restore the 1970 assembly-line-fresh appearance. Zim’s also installed the glass, panels, and suspension.
Scott elected to keep the white vinyl roof off the car. “To me, that white vinyl roof with the sinister black hood and graphics and the black interior always looked like a mistake, so I left it off.” Good call.
The engine was machined by a local NAPA machine shop. Scott assembled the 340 Six Pack to factory original specs. The transmission was rebuilt by Scott’s Mopar buddy, Dennis Bernardy. About two years were spent assembling the car. The restoration was completed in 2009. Since then, the T/A has attended occasional cruise nights and car shows. “I hate to say it, but anything over 10 miles means I take the car in my trailer so it doesn’t get damaged,” Scott admits.
At one show, the wife of the original/third owner came up to Scott and said, “You have to sell this car back to my husband. It’s all he talks about.”
Scott politely said, “It’s not for sale, it’s a keeper.”
Some of us might have added, “And no test drive, either.”
At a Glance
1970 Challenger T/A Owned by: Scott and Patricia Swaydrak, Hawthorn Woods, IL Restored by: Klaus Zimmerman, Zim’s Kustoms, Lakemoor, IL Engine: 340ci/290hp Six Pack V-8 Transmission: A833 4-speed manual Rearend: 8 3/4 with 3.55 gears and Sure Grip Interior: Black Highline bucket seat Wheels: 15×7 Rallye Tires: E60-15 front, G60-15 rear Goodyear Polyglas GT
Dodge created the Challenger T/A by equipping a JH23 Challenger Highline with the A53 Trans-Am package. In other words, the car was not a separate trim level like the R/T or SE, but rather an option package on the Highline model. Exterior adornments in the A53 package included the exclusive side stripe with T/A callout that ran along the beltline, ending abruptly at the leading edge of the C-pillar.
Not long after purchasing the Challenger T/A in 1977, Scott Swaydrak was photographed standing by his pride and joy. As is plain in the photo, the car was originally equipped with a white vinyl top. From day one, Scott was not a fan. He had it removed when the car was repainted in 1982.
The A53 package included the 290hp 340 Six Pack engine, which was built with a distinct block and cylinder heads. The “J” T/A 340 block has two-bolt main caps, but it says “TA” on the block, and it has extra material at the webbing that supports the crankshaft. The T/A cylinder heads featured adjustable rocker arms and relocated pushrod holes to accommodate porting the runners.
The Six Pack induction system was made up of these three Holley 2300 two-barrel carburetors mounted atop an Edelbrock manifold. Exceptional attention to detail is evident on the trio of carburetors and accompanying vacuum pod diaphragms, fuel lines, vacuum lines, and choke thermostat and pull-off.
The left fender tag lists the options found on the Challenger, while the second fender tag reads “TRANS AM,” which indicated the Trans-Am package.
Because the Challenger T/A was based off the basic Challenger Highline model, the Rallye Dash was optional and not found on Scott’s car. Interior options include the center console and solid state AM radio.
The front spoilers were optional. The T/A front scoop, hoodpins, and blacked-out hood give the car a racy, all-business attitude. In order to accommodate the 15-inch front tires, the Hemi and T/A cars came equipped with fenders with “rolled” inner wheelwell lips.
Model Challenger for a Challenger Model One day in 1982, when Scott Swaydrak was driving his 1970 Challenger T/A down the streets of his Glenview, Illinois, hometown, he noticed that he was being followed. He pulled into a gas station, and the suspicious vehicle pulled in right behind him. When Scott stopped, the other driver popped out of his vehicle and said, “We’ve been looking for this car.”
Scott replied, “Who is ‘we’?” He recalls thinking, Is the car stolen? Is this the FBI?
Neither. It turned out to be Roger Harney from Monogram Models, which was based in nearby Morton Grove. Roger was both friendly and persuasive as he talked to Scott about having his E-Body serve as a reference Challenger for the creation of a 1:24-scale 1970 Challenger T/A plastic model kit.
Flattered, Scott agreed to bring his car to Monogram Models to supply the staff with needed pictures, measurements, and details of the car. The two-day process resulted in an accurate kit for enthusiasts. As a display of gratitude for the use of his Challenger, Monogram supplied Scott with a case of 12 model kits and a preproduction version built in just red plastic. Not many muscle cars can lay claim to having a modeling career.
Photographs and measurements were taken by the staff of Monogram Models in order to create a scale model of Scott Swaydrak’s Challenger T/A. It took the better part of two days to collect all necessary information.
Bob Johnson, an executive at Monogram Models, is seen shooting pictures of the Challenger T/A while a designer makes notes for production purposes.
The Monogram model turned out great. Scott’s actual license plate, SAS 392, was included on the cover.
The post Denied a Test Drive, He Bought This 1970 Dodge Challenger T/A Anyway—40 Years Ago! appeared first on Hot Rod Network.
from Hot Rod Network http://www.hotrod.com/articles/denied-test-drive-bought-1970-dodge-challenger-ta-anyway-40-years-ago/ via IFTTT
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mamosefan · 7 years
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fastmusclecar123 · 5 years
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New Post has been published on http://fastmusclecar.com/best-muscle-cars/a-modern-dodge-challenger-daytona-recreation/
A Modern Dodge Challenger 'Daytona' Recreation
By Dave Ashton
Dodge originally produced the Daytona model under the moniker of the Dodge Charger Daytona back in 1969, mainly to smash the pants out of the competition in NASCAR. Affectionately known as the ‘Winged Warrior,’ just like the Plymouth Superbird, the vehicles definitely produced the goods on the track, for example hitting 200 mph (322 km/h) at Talladega in 1970. So good, they were banned the next year. A limited number were also available to the public, but didn’t sell very well, thus ultra collectors items today.
The Daytona name was brought back over the years as trim levels on certain models, along with some lacklustre front wheel drive hatchback Dodge Daytonas from 1983-1993. But, it was the mystique of the originals which always begged for a modern version.
Dodge still have a trim level ‘Daytona’ for the Charger as below, but not a dedicated model. This means it’s down to third-party makers to come up with their own interpretations. GAA Classic Cars in Greensboro, North Carolina, are currently auctioning such a creation from the George Shinn car collection in Nov. 2019.
Sitting under this modern Daytona exterior is a 2013 Dodge Challenger R/T with the Super Track Pack, housing a 372HP 5.7-liter Hemi V8. On top of the Daytona body kit conversion are 20 inch Aluminum wheels and a custom white leather interior with red accents.
This modern interpretation looks very cool, especially with the matching white and red interior, that’s if you buy into the winged Warrior look. However, the auction listing and the George Shinn webpage dedicated to the car, doesn’t seem to mention the original builders or more correctly, the people who performed the conversion.
A quick sniff around online and there are a few outlets who will build you your own Daytona/Superbird such as mivehiclesolutions.com. These seem to be conversion kits which have a functional Shaker hood, nose cone, three-piece wing and side vents, along with options like a Magnuson supercharger for 2008-2014 Challenger models.
These kits seem to have originated from the company HPP which had a starting price of $16,395. Add in all performance extras and the total came to $41,461, not including the donor car. Also intriguing is what looks like the same car going to auction at Auctions America back in 2016 according to Motor1 which stated the sales estimate was $60,000 to $65,000 and the conversion was possibly done by ‘Detroit’s now-shuttered HPP.’ If this is all correct, then expect a similar asking price at the current auction.
If a modern interpretation of a Daytona is not your thing, the only other option is to raid your long-term savings to buy an original or go for a Daytona Charger package on a new car. These are only packages added to other trim models, but at least it’s an official Dodge release as you can see from the specs below.
2019 Dodge Charger Daytona Edition Group Package MSRP starting at $3,495
Available on R/T and R/T Scat Pack, this Package Includes (Depending on Model): 20-Inch Forged/Painted Aluminum Wheels Carbonite Interior Accents Daytona Decals on the Hood, Roof and Trunk Daytona Front Grille and Instrument Panel Badges Daytona Logo Nappa Leather/Alcantara® Suede-Trimmed Seats; Front Seats Include Power, Four-Way Lumbar Support and Heated and Ventilated Features; Rear Seats Feature an Armrest with Storage and Cup Holder Driver and Front Passenger Lower and Upper LED Lamps Gloss Black Instrument Panel Cluster Trim Rings Mopar® Cold Air Intake System
The big question, is this 2013 Dodge Challenger Daytona auction worth a bid? Clearly, this will depend on the rough asking price and if you want a professionally built, modern interpretation of a Dodge Daytona. In many ways it will be an emotional purchase. Decent power, but nothing groundbreaking. As for looks, it will definitely turn heads and be like nothing else on the road. This car would suit somebody who loves the original, is very familiar with its back history, but wants the convenience and build of a modern Dodge Challenger.
0 notes
fastmusclecar123 · 5 years
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New Post has been published on http://fastmusclecar.com/best-muscle-cars/a-modern-dodge-challenger-daytona-recreation/
A Modern Dodge Challenger 'Daytona' Recreation
By Dave Ashton
Dodge originally produced the Daytona model under the moniker of the Dodge Charger Daytona back in 1969, mainly to smash the pants out of the competition in NASCAR. Affectionately known as the ‘Winged Warrior,’ just like the Plymouth Superbird, the vehicles definitely produced the goods on the track, for example hitting 200 mph (322 km/h) at Talladega in 1970. So good, they were banned the next year. A limited number were also available to the public, but didn’t sell very well, thus ultra collectors items today.
The Daytona name was brought back over the years as trim levels on certain models, along with some lacklustre front wheel drive hatchback Dodge Daytonas from 1983-1993. But, it was the mystique of the originals which always begged for a modern version.
Dodge still have a trim level ‘Daytona’ for the Charger as below, but not a dedicated model. This means it’s down to third-party makers to come up with their own interpretations. GAA Classic Cars in Greensboro, North Carolina, are currently auctioning such a creation from the George Shinn car collection in Nov. 2019.
Sitting under this modern Daytona exterior is a 2013 Dodge Challenger R/T with the Super Track Pack, housing a 372HP 5.7-liter Hemi V8. On top of the Daytona body kit conversion are 20 inch Aluminum wheels and a custom white leather interior with red accents.
This modern interpretation looks very cool, especially with the matching white and red interior, that’s if you buy into the winged Warrior look. However, the auction listing and the George Shinn webpage dedicated to the car, doesn’t seem to mention the original builders or more correctly, the people who performed the conversion.
A quick sniff around online and there are a few outlets who will build you your own Daytona/Superbird such as mivehiclesolutions.com. These seem to be conversion kits which have a functional Shaker hood, nose cone, three-piece wing and side vents, along with options like a Magnuson supercharger for 2008-2014 Challenger models.
These kits seem to have originated from the company HPP which had a starting price of $16,395. Add in all performance extras and the total came to $41,461, not including the donor car. Also intriguing is what looks like the same car going to auction at Auctions America back in 2016 according to Motor1 which stated the sales estimate was $60,000 to $65,000 and the conversion was possibly done by ‘Detroit’s now-shuttered HPP.’ If this is all correct, then expect a similar asking price at the current auction.
If a modern interpretation of a Daytona is not your thing, the only other option is to raid your long-term savings to buy an original or go for a Daytona Charger package on a new car. These are only packages added to other trim models, but at least it’s an official Dodge release as you can see from the specs below.
2019 Dodge Charger Daytona Edition Group Package MSRP starting at $3,495
Available on R/T and R/T Scat Pack, this Package Includes (Depending on Model): 20-Inch Forged/Painted Aluminum Wheels Carbonite Interior Accents Daytona Decals on the Hood, Roof and Trunk Daytona Front Grille and Instrument Panel Badges Daytona Logo Nappa Leather/Alcantara® Suede-Trimmed Seats; Front Seats Include Power, Four-Way Lumbar Support and Heated and Ventilated Features; Rear Seats Feature an Armrest with Storage and Cup Holder Driver and Front Passenger Lower and Upper LED Lamps Gloss Black Instrument Panel Cluster Trim Rings Mopar® Cold Air Intake System
The big question, is this 2013 Dodge Challenger Daytona auction worth a bid? Clearly, this will depend on the rough asking price and if you want a professionally built, modern interpretation of a Dodge Daytona. In many ways it will be an emotional purchase. Decent power, but nothing groundbreaking. As for looks, it will definitely turn heads and be like nothing else on the road. This car would suit somebody who loves the original, is very familiar with its back history, but wants the convenience and build of a modern Dodge Challenger.
0 notes
fastmusclecar123 · 5 years
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New Post has been published on http://fastmusclecar.com/best-muscle-cars/a-modern-dodge-challenger-daytona-recreation/
A Modern Dodge Challenger 'Daytona' Recreation
By Dave Ashton
Dodge originally produced the Daytona model under the moniker of the Dodge Charger Daytona back in 1969, mainly to smash the pants out of the competition in NASCAR. Affectionately known as the ‘Winged Warrior,’ just like the Plymouth Superbird, the vehicles definitely produced the goods on the track, for example hitting 200 mph (322 km/h) at Talladega in 1970. So good, they were banned the next year. A limited number were also available to the public, but didn’t sell very well, thus ultra collectors items today.
The Daytona name was brought back over the years as trim levels on certain models, along with some lacklustre front wheel drive hatchback Dodge Daytonas from 1983-1993. But, it was the mystique of the originals which always begged for a modern version.
Dodge still have a trim level ‘Daytona’ for the Charger as below, but not a dedicated model. This means it’s down to third-party makers to come up with their own interpretations. GAA Classic Cars in Greensboro, North Carolina, are currently auctioning such a creation from the George Shinn car collection in Nov. 2019.
Sitting under this modern Daytona exterior is a 2013 Dodge Challenger R/T with the Super Track Pack, housing a 372HP 5.7-liter Hemi V8. On top of the Daytona body kit conversion are 20 inch Aluminum wheels and a custom white leather interior with red accents.
This modern interpretation looks very cool, especially with the matching white and red interior, that’s if you buy into the winged Warrior look. However, the auction listing and the George Shinn webpage dedicated to the car, doesn’t seem to mention the original builders or more correctly, the people who performed the conversion.
A quick sniff around online and there are a few outlets who will build you your own Daytona/Superbird such as mivehiclesolutions.com. These seem to be conversion kits which have a functional Shaker hood, nose cone, three-piece wing and side vents, along with options like a Magnuson supercharger for 2008-2014 Challenger models.
These kits seem to have originated from the company HPP which had a starting price of $16,395. Add in all performance extras and the total came to $41,461, not including the donor car. Also intriguing is what looks like the same car going to auction at Auctions America back in 2016 according to Motor1 which stated the sales estimate was $60,000 to $65,000 and the conversion was possibly done by ‘Detroit’s now-shuttered HPP.’ If this is all correct, then expect a similar asking price at the current auction.
If a modern interpretation of a Daytona is not your thing, the only other option is to raid your long-term savings to buy an original or go for a Daytona Charger package on a new car. These are only packages added to other trim models, but at least it’s an official Dodge release as you can see from the specs below.
2019 Dodge Charger Daytona Edition Group Package MSRP starting at $3,495
Available on R/T and R/T Scat Pack, this Package Includes (Depending on Model): 20-Inch Forged/Painted Aluminum Wheels Carbonite Interior Accents Daytona Decals on the Hood, Roof and Trunk Daytona Front Grille and Instrument Panel Badges Daytona Logo Nappa Leather/Alcantara® Suede-Trimmed Seats; Front Seats Include Power, Four-Way Lumbar Support and Heated and Ventilated Features; Rear Seats Feature an Armrest with Storage and Cup Holder Driver and Front Passenger Lower and Upper LED Lamps Gloss Black Instrument Panel Cluster Trim Rings Mopar® Cold Air Intake System
The big question, is this 2013 Dodge Challenger Daytona auction worth a bid? Clearly, this will depend on the rough asking price and if you want a professionally built, modern interpretation of a Dodge Daytona. In many ways it will be an emotional purchase. Decent power, but nothing groundbreaking. As for looks, it will definitely turn heads and be like nothing else on the road. This car would suit somebody who loves the original, is very familiar with its back history, but wants the convenience and build of a modern Dodge Challenger.
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fastmusclecar123 · 5 years
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New Post has been published on http://fastmusclecar.com/best-muscle-cars/a-modern-dodge-challenger-daytona-recreation/
A Modern Dodge Challenger 'Daytona' Recreation
By Dave Ashton
Dodge originally produced the Daytona model under the moniker of the Dodge Charger Daytona back in 1969, mainly to smash the pants out of the competition in NASCAR. Affectionately known as the ‘Winged Warrior,’ just like the Plymouth Superbird, the vehicles definitely produced the goods on the track, for example hitting 200 mph (322 km/h) at Talladega in 1970. So good, they were banned the next year. A limited number were also available to the public, but didn’t sell very well, thus ultra collectors items today.
The Daytona name was brought back over the years as trim levels on certain models, along with some lacklustre front wheel drive hatchback Dodge Daytonas from 1983-1993. But, it was the mystique of the originals which always begged for a modern version.
Dodge still have a trim level ‘Daytona’ for the Charger as below, but not a dedicated model. This means it’s down to third-party makers to come up with their own interpretations. GAA Classic Cars in Greensboro, North Carolina, are currently auctioning such a creation from the George Shinn car collection in Nov. 2019.
Sitting under this modern Daytona exterior is a 2013 Dodge Challenger R/T with the Super Track Pack, housing a 372HP 5.7-liter Hemi V8. On top of the Daytona body kit conversion are 20 inch Aluminum wheels and a custom white leather interior with red accents.
This modern interpretation looks very cool, especially with the matching white and red interior, that’s if you buy into the winged Warrior look. However, the auction listing and the George Shinn webpage dedicated to the car, doesn’t seem to mention the original builders or more correctly, the people who performed the conversion.
A quick sniff around online and there are a few outlets who will build you your own Daytona/Superbird such as mivehiclesolutions.com. These seem to be conversion kits which have a functional Shaker hood, nose cone, three-piece wing and side vents, along with options like a Magnuson supercharger for 2008-2014 Challenger models.
These kits seem to have originated from the company HPP which had a starting price of $16,395. Add in all performance extras and the total came to $41,461, not including the donor car. Also intriguing is what looks like the same car going to auction at Auctions America back in 2016 according to Motor1 which stated the sales estimate was $60,000 to $65,000 and the conversion was possibly done by ‘Detroit’s now-shuttered HPP.’ If this is all correct, then expect a similar asking price at the current auction.
If a modern interpretation of a Daytona is not your thing, the only other option is to raid your long-term savings to buy an original or go for a Daytona Charger package on a new car. These are only packages added to other trim models, but at least it’s an official Dodge release as you can see from the specs below.
2019 Dodge Charger Daytona Edition Group Package MSRP starting at $3,495
Available on R/T and R/T Scat Pack, this Package Includes (Depending on Model): 20-Inch Forged/Painted Aluminum Wheels Carbonite Interior Accents Daytona Decals on the Hood, Roof and Trunk Daytona Front Grille and Instrument Panel Badges Daytona Logo Nappa Leather/Alcantara® Suede-Trimmed Seats; Front Seats Include Power, Four-Way Lumbar Support and Heated and Ventilated Features; Rear Seats Feature an Armrest with Storage and Cup Holder Driver and Front Passenger Lower and Upper LED Lamps Gloss Black Instrument Panel Cluster Trim Rings Mopar® Cold Air Intake System
The big question, is this 2013 Dodge Challenger Daytona auction worth a bid? Clearly, this will depend on the rough asking price and if you want a professionally built, modern interpretation of a Dodge Daytona. In many ways it will be an emotional purchase. Decent power, but nothing groundbreaking. As for looks, it will definitely turn heads and be like nothing else on the road. This car would suit somebody who loves the original, is very familiar with its back history, but wants the convenience and build of a modern Dodge Challenger.
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fastmusclecar123 · 5 years
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New Post has been published on http://fastmusclecar.com/best-muscle-cars/a-modern-dodge-challenger-daytona-recreation/
A Modern Dodge Challenger 'Daytona' Recreation
By Dave Ashton
Dodge originally produced the Daytona model under the moniker of the Dodge Charger Daytona back in 1969, mainly to smash the pants out of the competition in NASCAR. Affectionately known as the ‘Winged Warrior,’ just like the Plymouth Superbird, the vehicles definitely produced the goods on the track, for example hitting 200 mph (322 km/h) at Talladega in 1970. So good, they were banned the next year. A limited number were also available to the public, but didn’t sell very well, thus ultra collectors items today.
The Daytona name was brought back over the years as trim levels on certain models, along with some lacklustre front wheel drive hatchback Dodge Daytonas from 1983-1993. But, it was the mystique of the originals which always begged for a modern version.
Dodge still have a trim level ‘Daytona’ for the Charger as below, but not a dedicated model. This means it’s down to third-party makers to come up with their own interpretations. GAA Classic Cars in Greensboro, North Carolina, are currently auctioning such a creation from the George Shinn car collection in Nov. 2019.
Sitting under this modern Daytona exterior is a 2013 Dodge Challenger R/T with the Super Track Pack, housing a 372HP 5.7-liter Hemi V8. On top of the Daytona body kit conversion are 20 inch Aluminum wheels and a custom white leather interior with red accents.
This modern interpretation looks very cool, especially with the matching white and red interior, that’s if you buy into the winged Warrior look. However, the auction listing and the George Shinn webpage dedicated to the car, doesn’t seem to mention the original builders or more correctly, the people who performed the conversion.
A quick sniff around online and there are a few outlets who will build you your own Daytona/Superbird such as mivehiclesolutions.com. These seem to be conversion kits which have a functional Shaker hood, nose cone, three-piece wing and side vents, along with options like a Magnuson supercharger for 2008-2014 Challenger models.
These kits seem to have originated from the company HPP which had a starting price of $16,395. Add in all performance extras and the total came to $41,461, not including the donor car. Also intriguing is what looks like the same car going to auction at Auctions America back in 2016 according to Motor1 which stated the sales estimate was $60,000 to $65,000 and the conversion was possibly done by ‘Detroit’s now-shuttered HPP.’ If this is all correct, then expect a similar asking price at the current auction.
If a modern interpretation of a Daytona is not your thing, the only other option is to raid your long-term savings to buy an original or go for a Daytona Charger package on a new car. These are only packages added to other trim models, but at least it’s an official Dodge release as you can see from the specs below.
2019 Dodge Charger Daytona Edition Group Package MSRP starting at $3,495
Available on R/T and R/T Scat Pack, this Package Includes (Depending on Model): 20-Inch Forged/Painted Aluminum Wheels Carbonite Interior Accents Daytona Decals on the Hood, Roof and Trunk Daytona Front Grille and Instrument Panel Badges Daytona Logo Nappa Leather/Alcantara® Suede-Trimmed Seats; Front Seats Include Power, Four-Way Lumbar Support and Heated and Ventilated Features; Rear Seats Feature an Armrest with Storage and Cup Holder Driver and Front Passenger Lower and Upper LED Lamps Gloss Black Instrument Panel Cluster Trim Rings Mopar® Cold Air Intake System
The big question, is this 2013 Dodge Challenger Daytona auction worth a bid? Clearly, this will depend on the rough asking price and if you want a professionally built, modern interpretation of a Dodge Daytona. In many ways it will be an emotional purchase. Decent power, but nothing groundbreaking. As for looks, it will definitely turn heads and be like nothing else on the road. This car would suit somebody who loves the original, is very familiar with its back history, but wants the convenience and build of a modern Dodge Challenger.
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fastmusclecar123 · 5 years
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New Post has been published on http://fastmusclecar.com/video/dodge-and-lego-release-toy-muscle-cars/
Dodge and Lego Release Toy Muscle Cars!
  By Dave Ashton
Dodge and Lego have joined forces to produce the Speed Champions set, a tribute to modern and vintage muscle cars in the form of a 2018 Dodge Challenger SRT Demon and a 1970 Dodge Charger R/T.
The accompanying video features NHRA drag racer champion Leah Pritchett and the Lego equivalents, showing off what the kits can do. The Lego vehicles themselves each have a driver, a race marshal and both cars to build. The Lego vehicles are quite simplistic, but you do have removable items and some cool decals to play with. Very cool looking and should prove a hit with both young and old muscle car fans.
Only a limited number of kits are available via the Dodge website costing $39.95.
More Muscle Cars For Sale – http://fastmusclecar.com/muscle-car-for-sale/
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fastmusclecar123 · 5 years
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New Post has been published on http://fastmusclecar.com/video/dodge-and-lego-release-toy-muscle-cars/
Dodge and Lego Release Toy Muscle Cars!
  By Dave Ashton
Dodge and Lego have joined forces to produce the Speed Champions set, a tribute to modern and vintage muscle cars in the form of a 2018 Dodge Challenger SRT Demon and a 1970 Dodge Charger R/T.
The accompanying video features NHRA drag racer champion Leah Pritchett and the Lego equivalents, showing off what the kits can do. The Lego vehicles themselves each have a driver, a race marshal and both cars to build. The Lego vehicles are quite simplistic, but you do have removable items and some cool decals to play with. Very cool looking and should prove a hit with both young and old muscle car fans.
Only a limited number of kits are available via the Dodge website costing $39.95.
More Muscle Cars For Sale – http://fastmusclecar.com/muscle-car-for-sale/
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fastmusclecar123 · 6 years
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New Post has been published on http://fastmusclecar.com/video/best-muscle-car-sounds-2017-2/
Best Muscle Car Sounds of 2017
By Dave Ashton
One of the clear reasons why muscle cars will always be held in high regard is the sound of their mighty V8 engines. Even the lower displacement versions give a unique throaty sound which is distinctive to all muscle cars.
In this video you get a compilation of not just some of the best muscle car sounds, but also some of the best ever built. most of the footage comes from meets, we also get a few races thrown into the mix, giving you some nice burnout action and a few donuts here and there. Also, if you like to see muscle cars with included blowers, there are plenty for your enjoyment.
– 1967 Chevrolet Camaro SS with a 9.0-liter 555 cid Big Block V8 engine producing 1000+ HP with the NOS kit – 1970 Dodge Charger R/T with a 440 cid 7.2-liter Big Block V8 – AC / Shelby Cobra 427 replica – 1970 Dodge Challenger with a Supercharged 528 Stroker V8 – Blown 1969 Plymouth Barracuda – Highly modified 1973 Pontiac Ventura 2-door Coupe – 1970 Dodge Charger R/T SE with the 7.2-liter 440 cid Big Block V8 – 1970 Dodge Challenger WSS with a Supercharged Mopar Performance 9.4L / 572 Hemi V8-engine
More Muscle Cars For Sale – http://fastmusclecar.com/muscle-car-for-sale/
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fastmusclecar123 · 6 years
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New Post has been published on http://fastmusclecar.com/video/best-muscle-car-sounds-2017-2/
Best Muscle Car Sounds of 2017
By Dave Ashton
One of the clear reasons why muscle cars will always be held in high regard is the sound of their mighty V8 engines. Even the lower displacement versions give a unique throaty sound which is distinctive to all muscle cars.
In this video you get a compilation of not just some of the best muscle car sounds, but also some of the best ever built. most of the footage comes from meets, we also get a few races thrown into the mix, giving you some nice burnout action and a few donuts here and there. Also, if you like to see muscle cars with included blowers, there are plenty for your enjoyment.
– 1967 Chevrolet Camaro SS with a 9.0-liter 555 cid Big Block V8 engine producing 1000+ HP with the NOS kit – 1970 Dodge Charger R/T with a 440 cid 7.2-liter Big Block V8 – AC / Shelby Cobra 427 replica – 1970 Dodge Challenger with a Supercharged 528 Stroker V8 – Blown 1969 Plymouth Barracuda – Highly modified 1973 Pontiac Ventura 2-door Coupe – 1970 Dodge Charger R/T SE with the 7.2-liter 440 cid Big Block V8 – 1970 Dodge Challenger WSS with a Supercharged Mopar Performance 9.4L / 572 Hemi V8-engine
More Muscle Cars For Sale – http://fastmusclecar.com/muscle-car-for-sale/
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fastmusclecar123 · 6 years
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New Post has been published on http://fastmusclecar.com/video/best-muscle-car-sounds-2017-2/
Best Muscle Car Sounds of 2017
By Dave Ashton
One of the clear reasons why muscle cars will always be held in high regard is the sound of their mighty V8 engines. Even the lower displacement versions give a unique throaty sound which is distinctive to all muscle cars.
In this video you get a compilation of not just some of the best muscle car sounds, but also some of the best ever built. most of the footage comes from meets, we also get a few races thrown into the mix, giving you some nice burnout action and a few donuts here and there. Also, if you like to see muscle cars with included blowers, there are plenty for your enjoyment.
– 1967 Chevrolet Camaro SS with a 9.0-liter 555 cid Big Block V8 engine producing 1000+ HP with the NOS kit – 1970 Dodge Charger R/T with a 440 cid 7.2-liter Big Block V8 – AC / Shelby Cobra 427 replica – 1970 Dodge Challenger with a Supercharged 528 Stroker V8 – Blown 1969 Plymouth Barracuda – Highly modified 1973 Pontiac Ventura 2-door Coupe – 1970 Dodge Charger R/T SE with the 7.2-liter 440 cid Big Block V8 – 1970 Dodge Challenger WSS with a Supercharged Mopar Performance 9.4L / 572 Hemi V8-engine
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itsworn · 6 years
1968 Plymouth Hemi GTX Has Traveled From Michigan to Hawaii—More Than Once!
It is a given that rare coins travel, but so do collector cars. We first encountered this pristine Medium Dark Turquoise Metallic 1968 Hemi GTX at St. Ignace, Michigan, back in 1999. It was our intent to photograph the car, but due to inclement weather we missed the opportunity.
Fast-forward to 2012. We are on the Big Island of Hawaii attending the 10-day cross-island cruising extravaganza known as Cruise Paradise. Parked in the registration area at event sponsor Kama’aina Motors Dodge-Ram-Jeep was a very familiar metallic turquoise 1968 GTX with a black vinyl top. It said “Hemi” on the front vanity plate and on the rear Michigan license plate. Thinking that perhaps one of the locals may have purchased the Mopar stateside (a common practice in the 50th state), I went off in search of its current owner. Then someone introduced me to Michigander Dan McGladdery.
Dan grew up in Detroit. His father Bill worked as the sales manager at Dearborn’s Bob Ford back in the day when the hottest Henrys from Ford’s Total Performance Era rumbled through its doors. Now, young Dan may have very well gone on to become a Ford man had it not been for the fact that his dad managed to acquire controlling interest in Grand Rapids, Michigan’s Wonderland Dodge, and that is where Master McGladdery learned the ins and outs of Mopars. On the weekends, he and friend Tom Russell learned the fine art of drag racing out at Martin, Michigan, “practicing” with Danny’s 273ci, 1965 Dodge Dart.
“Tom coached me how to cut a light,” Dan recalls. “I won my first trophy with that car. In fact, I beat the local hero who had been undefeated in class for the last six weeks.” Dan continued working at new car dealerships from the 1970s into the new millennium with stints as the parts manager at local GM, Volkswagen, and Datsun dealerships, all the while keeping an hand in the Mopar side of the collector car hobby with cars like a 1969 Charger, a 1969 Super Bee six-pack, and a big-block 1972 Duster. Then in 1998, Dan bought his prized street Hemi. Dan says, “Mopar collector Lewis Kannellis had the car listed in Hemmings along with a Plymouth Road Runner, which I had originally been keen on buying. But once I saw the GTX, which listed for $16,000, had 35,000 miles on the odometer and sported the original numbers-matching Hemi under the hood, I said ‘I’ll take it!’”
Upon closer inspection, Dan found the GTX to be a “50-foot car,” as he describes it. The front fenders had come off two different cars, and the driver-side door and decklid had been replaced, too. “The thing had definitely been ridden hard and put away wet.”
Dan and his son Martin began work on the GTX by rebuilding the 3.23-geared, 8 3/4-inch rearend and the torsion-bar front suspension, adding items like a Sox & Martin solid pinion snubber and heavy-duty, gas-charged shock absorbers. The wheels on the GTX are Ford-bolt-pattern 15×8 Magnum 500s because, in Dan’s opinion, Mopar didn’t offer a 15-inch wheel that year that looked good enough.
When it came to the engine, father and son and a friend, Mike McDonald, were largely responsible for bringing the old Hemi back to life after it expired after three years of faithful service. The numbers-matching block was line honed and balanced, and the stock street Hemi crank was micropolished to perfection. A new set of 10.25:1-compression TRW forged-aluminum pistons was matched to the reconditioned street Hemi connecting rods. A Ray Barton street Hemi camshaft was also installed. Muscle Motors street-ported the OE Hemi heads and installed all new Mopar Performance valvetrain hardware.
The entire bottom end was reconditioned using a new Melling high-volume oil pump and pickup inside a Mancini Racing 8-quart oil pan. The OE 2×4 Carter intake was likewise blueprinted, and the street Hemi ignition system has been upgraded to fully electronic components. Engine cooling was enhanced with the inclusion of a Flow Kooler high-flow water pump. And lastly, TTI headers and exhaust were installed. Backing it up is a Chrysler 727 TorqueFlite transmission using a Dynamic torque converter and a combination of Mancini Racing and A&A internals. Credit for smoothing out the GTX’s mismatched sheetmetal goes to local body man Jeff Klekota. Once ready for paint, the GTX was resprayed in the original code-K Medium Dark Turquoise Metallic hue with multiple coats of clear.
When it came to the interior, McGladdery installed a YearOne OE black vinyl upholstery kit. Other upgrades include an Auto Meter tachometer and gauges, and an RJS driver-side lap belt. Completed just in time for the 1998 running of the St. Ignace Car Show, Dan’s GTX has been a feature car and the winner of Top 40 honors twice. But you may still be wondering how the Hemi get all the way over to Hawaii.
“I had read about cruising the Big Island of Hawaii as far back as 2007, and had seen an installment of My Classic Car with host Dennis Gage covering the 2009 event,” says Dan. “That’s when I started emailing people trying to find out more about the show. I latched on to fellow street Hemi owner Darryl Turner, who ran the local Dodge dealership, and found out that the event only ran every three years.
“In 2012 my son Martin and I made our first trip over with the car and discovered what the Aloha Spirit truly meant. The GTX was an absolute ball to drive around the Big Island of Hawaii, and everybody loved it. We won back-to-back Long Distance Awards in 2012 and 2015, and we’ll be back again in 2018. She may be old and kind of cantankerous, but she certainly makes people smile!”
At a Glance
1968 GTX Hemi Owned by: Dan McGladdery, Grand Rapids, MI Restored by: Owner; Martin McGladdery; Mike McDonald; Jeff Klekota Engine: 426ci/425hp Hemi V-8 Transmission: 727 TorqueFlite 3-speed automatic Rearend: 8 3/4 with 3.23 gears Interior: Black vinyl bucket seat Wheels: 15×8 Magnum 500 Tires: 225/70R15 BFGoodrich Radial T/A
Both Dan McGladdery’s Hemi GTX and your author are well traveled. I shot the B-Body along the Grand River near Dan’s Grand Rapids home. The GTX is a regular at local events like St. Ignace, the Woodward Avenue Dream Cruise, and the Traverse City Cherry Festival. It has also visited the Big Island of Hawaii a couple of times.
Dan and the GTX enjoy a little liquid sunshine while on the Big Island’s Cruise Paradise, heading south on Interstate 11 toward Keaau.
The numbers-matching street Hemi was expertly rebuilt by Dan, his son Martin, and Mike McDonald. The rebuild included a Ray Barton cam, Muscle Motors street ported heads, a Flow Kooler high-flow water pump, and TTI custom exhaust.
Dan jokes that during the interior’s revamp, he consulted with the countermen at YearOne by telephone so many times that the employees got to know him by voice. Interior upgrades include an Auto Meter tachometer and gauge trio, and an RJS Safety lap belt for the driver.
Described by its owner as “ridden hard and put away wet,” the GTX had been in a few fender-benders. Both front fenders, the driver-side door, and the decklid had been replaced. Local body man Jeff Klekota smoothed everything out prior to repainting the GTX in the original factory shade of Medium Dark Turquoise Metallic.
The trim tag decodes as a real-deal GTX hardtop Hemi car with the automatic transmission, built on December 14.
Two more shots from the Cruise Paradise trip on the Big Island: Chugging over Luapahoehoe Gulch without even the slightest (mechanical) complaint; pulling into Big Island Candies, one of the tour’s most popular stops.
Dan says his GTX gets maybe 12 mpg “downhill,” but we applaud him for using it the way it was intended!
The post 1968 Plymouth Hemi GTX Has Traveled From Michigan to Hawaii—More Than Once! appeared first on Hot Rod Network.
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fastmusclecar123 · 7 years
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Dodge Charger History From 1964 - 1970
Dodge Charger History From 1964 – 1970
By Dave Ashton
The Dodge Charger is arguably one of the most famous and classic muscle cars and just like offerings from Ford and Chevrolet, it has a lengthy history going back to the 1960s. Although the model started its first generation in 1966, a show car was first produced in 1964 and from 65 to 67 Dodge Chargers were produced based on the Dodge Coronet.
1964 The first Dodge with a Charger name was produced in 1964 based on the Polara and featured a 426 Wedge engine. There were other models such as the 1965 Dodge Dart, which had the name ‘Charger 273’ 180 factory made and 300 kit versions made available at dealers. This model was based on a Dart GT, 13X6 Cragar mag wheels and charger badging.
  1966 first-generation Dodge Charger The 1966 Dodge Charger was a result of the fastback craze started by the Mustang and Barracuda. Initially launched on New Year’s Day. Arguably a fastback Coronet with a now electric shaver Charger grille, sweeping C pillars, hidden headlamps full web taillights and chrome Charger badging.
The interior had four bucket seats, fold down rear seats and cool looking electroluminescence dash pods. The dash showed a 0 to 6000 rpm tachometer, 0 to 150 mph speedometer, alternator, fuel and temperature readouts.
Engines ranged from a 318cu. V8 to a 361 cu., 383 cu. 4bbl B V8 and the legendary 426 Street Hemi advertised 425 bhp with an actual output around 500 bhp. This added around $1,000 on top of the $3,122 base price with only 468 built in 1966. Transmissions came in a three speed manual, four speed manual and Torqueflite Auto.
Total production for this year was 37,344 units. 426 Hemi V8 425: 0-60 in 6.4 sec, 1/4 mile in 14.16 sec @ 96.15mph.
Factory colors – Silver Black Light Blue Medium Blue Dark Blue Light Green Dark Green Medium Turquoise Dark Turquoise Bright Red Red Yellow Cream White Beige Saddle Bronze Gold Sandstone Mauve Maroon Deep Plum
  1967 Dodge Charger The ’67 model had some minor changes, such as the turn signals mounted on the fender, vinyl roof and the full on console got rid of. Engines came in the form of the newly introduced 440cu./375bhp Magnum with 4-barrel carb, a 383 cu. replaced the 361 cu. The 318cu. V8 was the standard in the base model. Only 15,788 units were produced this year as the buying public wanted more compact pony cars. So what did Dodge do, produce the second generation which is arguably one of the most iconic of muscle cars.
  1968 Second generation Dodge Charger The second generation Dodge Charger B-body had a re-design with a Coke bottle profile and more smooth curves designed by Richard Sias and Harvey J. Winn. The rear of the car was inspired by Group 7 racing with a kick up spoiler and a flying buttress on the roof to make a rear window look more like a Pontiac GTO. The hidden headlight grille was a main feature with the rear quarters far more curved than before.
Engines came in the form of a 225 cu. 1bbl I6 , 318 cu. 2bbl LA V8, 383 cu. 2bbl B V8, 383 cu. 4bbl B V8, 440 cu.4bbl RB V8 and 426 cu. Hemi 2×4bbl RB V8. Transmission variations were a A904 3 speed automatic, A727 3 speed automatic, A230 3 speed manual and a A833 4 speed manual. The 426ci/425hp was capable of 0 to 60mph in 6 seconds and the quarter-mile of 13.5 sec @ 101.1 mph. The 440ci/375hp could do 0 to 60mph in 6.5 seconds the quarter-mile in 14.9 sec @ 95.0 mph. The 68 version of the Hemi had a longer-duration cam, upgraded valve springs and tweaks for the reduce consumption of oil.
The interior was also made over with optional centre cushion console,  plenty of included safety features and in six colors – White, Blue, Red, Black, Green and Gold. Exterior colors included – Silver, Black, Medium Blue, Pale Blue, Dark Blue, Light Green, Racing Greeen, Light Gold, Medium Gold, Light Turquoise, Medium Dark Turquoise, Bronze, Red, Bright Blue, Burgundy, Yellow, Medium Green, Light Blue, White, Beige, Medium Tan, Charger Red, Dark Green.
This year saw the introduction of the R/T package part of ‘Scat Pack’ line.
92,590 Chargers were produced for 1968, 17,665 for the R/T package, 475 for the Hemi. 16% of Dodge sales in 1968. Wheelbase 117 in.
Resource http://www.allpar.com/model/charger.html
  1969 Dodge Charger The 1969 version of the Dodge Charger is possible of the most iconic. This could be mainly due to it centre stage in the TV series The Dukes of Hazzard. The appearance was more or less the same as the year before with a centralised grill divide, white reverse lights now below the bumper and recess taillights.
The slight exterior refinements also included upgrades to the engineering. Rallye suspension, sway bar, special handling packages for the R/T and 500 models, cruise control and front disc brakes to name but a few.
This year saw a focus to compete more in NASCAR, which saw a Charger 500 and Daytona. The Charger 500 saw some aerodynamic improvements such as a Coronet grille and slant rear window flush with the roof. The Dodge Daytona was similar in looks to the Plymouth Superbird, had a elongated nose and added tailwind to improve aerodynamics. 500 Charger 500s were made and 503 Charger Daytonas. Engine variations were the 440cu./375hp Magnum V8, A727 Torqueflite Automatic Transmission and 426cu./425 hp Hemi with optional A833 4-Speed Manual. Not a great hit with the public at the time as the designer was seen as quite extreme. The Daytona was initially priced at $4,000 and could hit 150 mph on the track. The model came with either a 440cu. V8 or 426 Hemi. Both these cars are now super rarities. In 1971 NASCAR decided that Wing car engines will be restricted to 305 cu. which put an end to the Daytona and the Plymouth Superbird. Resource – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dodge_Charger_Daytona
A Special Edition (SE) group had bucket seats, woodgrain steering wheel, time delay ignition light, hood mounted turn signal indicators and inserts on the dash. You could even get four colors in the fashionable vinyl tops which included tan, black, green and white.
Engines included a base 225 Six 1-bbl. carb. with 145Hp, 318 V8 2-bbl. carb. 230Hp, 383 V8 2-bbl. carb. 290HP, 340 V8 4-bbl. carb. 275Hp, 383 V8 4-bbl. carb. with 330Hp, 383 Magnum 4-bbl. carb with 335Hp, 440 Magnum 4-bbl. 375Hp, 440 SixPack 3x 2-bbl. 390Hp and the 426 Hemi 2x 4-bbl. with 425Hp. The hemi having a 10.25:1 compression ratio and 490 lbs. ft. of torque. Transmissions were a 3 speed manual, 4 speed manual and Torqueflite automatic.
Production: hardtop – 69,142, SE – 503, 500 – 392, R/T – 20,057
  1970 Dodge Charger Changes to the 1970 Dodge Charger included a chrome loop front bumper without thin middle divider, full width taillamp, electric headlight doors, door scoop on the R/T model and longitudinal stripe, ignition switch buzzer. New front fenders were added, along with a low-priced version, which had bench seats, a modest trim package, the return of the 500 model which sat between the base model on the R/T.
The SE package could be bought for the 500 model and the R/T. A Hemi Hood cutout was optional in silver reflective tape. The model was also 1 inch longer and had 14 inch wheels. Interior changes included high-back bucket seats, map pockets in the door panels as options, ignition, now on the steering column and the glove box was hinged at the bottom.
The 440 Six Pack with 3 Holley two barrels and 390Hp made its debut this year, which now included the 440 Magnum and the Hemi. The Hemi was treated to hydraulic lifters this year, instead of solid tappets and only 42 examples of Hemis were made this year.
The Hemi engine could do 0 to 60 mph in 5.5 seconds and a quarter mile in 13.9 sec @ 105 mph. The 440ci. did 0 to 60 mph in 6.4 seconds and the quarter-mile in 14.7 sec @ 96.7 mph.
Engines: I6 225ci. 145 hp, 1x1bbl 318 V8 230bhp, 1x2bbl 383 V8 335bhp, 1x4bbl 426 V8 Hemi 425bhp@5000rpm, 490lb-ft@4000rpm, 2x4bbl 440 V8 375bhp @4600rpm, 480lb-ft@3200rpm, 1x4bbl 440 Six Pack V8 390bhp@4700rpm, 490lb-ft@3200rpm, 3x2bbl
Production numbers were Hardtops and 500’s – 39,431 and R/T’s – 10,337.
Factory Exterior Colors Plum Crazy Sublime Go Mango Hemi Orange Banana Light Blue Metallic Bright Blue Metallic Dark Blue Metallic Bright Red Light Green Metallic Dark Green Metallic Dark Burnt Orange Metallic Beige Dark Tan Metallic White Black Cream Light Gold Metallic
Factory Interior Colors Autumn Tan Bayou Green Baltic Blue Jewel Black Dove White Ivory Citron Gold Puma Tan Sunfire Orange Sierra Blue
Resources – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dodge_Charger_(B-body) , http://www.allpar.com/model/charger.html
Check out these links for Dodge Charger sales brochures http://www.lov2xlr8.no/dodge.html and  http://www.oldcarbrochures.org/index.php/NA/Dodge/1969_Dodge/1969-Dodge-Charger-Brochure
The Dodge Charger had a redesign for its third-generation between 1971 and 1974. However, it is the second generation that is arguably now the most iconic and collectible.
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