#3) the kidlet and i have q’s in our names
Apparently nephew #1 (brother #1’s kid) declaring that I’m his favorite aunt has gone to my head because I was suddenly ready to cut a bitch when the paternal aunt of brand new nephew #2 (so obv he’s my sister’s bb) used “#CoolAunt” in a post
I’m too (secretly) competitive for my own good, my dudes 😑
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R U L E S: Copy this post to a new text post, remove my answers and put in yours. When you are done, tag up to 10 people and also the person who tagged you… And most importantly, have fun! Tagged by: @jewel-atlas A. Age: 21 B. Biggest fear: that I’ll lose my purposes and kindof drift through life. C. Current time: 2:04 AM D. Drink you last had: Guiness Beer E. Every day starts with: me quietly musing  “god-fuckin-dammit” F. Favorites song: Honestly? Not sure anymore, I just like music. G. Ghosts, are they real: Nope, merely our psychological abilities to get inside of our own heads. H. Hometown: Depends what you consider hometown. Birthplace? Moscow. Growing up? Lloydminster. I. In love with: there’s two, rather personal, kidlets. J. Jealous of: financial security. K. Killed someone: Not that I remember, anyway. L. Last time you cried: I imagine during one of many nightmares. M. Middle name: Arkady Volitineva Marco N. Number of siblings: Jezuz fuck. 9 half sisters, 3 half brothers. O. One wish: Sleeping at night would be dreamy. P. Person you last called/texted: @friar-fryer Q. Question you are always being asked: not sure, as asks have been light (hint fuckin hint) R. Reasons to smile: too many to count. S. Song last sung: In Hell I’ll be in good Company by The Dead South T. Time you woke up: 6:00 U. Underwear colour: Black X. X rays you’ve had: if it’s on a body, it’s been xrayed. Z. Zodiac sign: Capricorn,
Tagged: @lordarsage, @friar-fryer , @cyberhorse , @fishermod , @ask-wiggles
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