#9-word-story version at the very botton
fazedlight · 3 months
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Plus One (Lena goes to Barry's wedding)
“I have to attend this friend’s wedding…” Kara said shyly. “Do you want to be my plus one?”
Lena glanced over, feeling a small blush creep up her cheeks. Where is this going?, she thought hopefully. “Sure,” Lena replied.
“It’s, uh- so my friend’s a superhero. It’s on another Earth. If you’re comfortable with that,” Kara said.
… there are other Earths? I can go to another Earth?! “Wow,” Lena said, “You really do know all the superheroes.”
Kara smiled awkwardly. “Feel free to think about it.”
“I’ll go,” Lena said. “I’d love to see another Earth.”
Two things were true.
One, Lena was extremely annoyed that Kara had carried her away from the fight - abandoning her on a nearby roof - when the attack in the church first broke out.
Two, Lena was kicking herself. Of course Kara Danvers is Supergirl.
“I can take you home. I don’t want you to get caught up in this,” Kara said, glancing over at Lena.
“I’d rather stay,” Lena said, as she glanced around STAR Labs. “I might be useful.”
“In hand-to-hand combat-”
“I can take care of myself.”
Kara glanced over, as Lena crossed her arms and met Kara’s gaze. “Okay,” Kara relented. “You can stay. But you need to stay here with Iris and Felicity-”
“We found them,” Oliver shouted at Kara, “Let’s go.”
Kara nodded, as Lena tried to get her attention. “Kara, wait-”
“I’ll be back soon,” Kara said, as she left.
Kara’s body ached as she struggled against the power-dampening collar wrapped around her neck. She glanced towards Barry and Oliver, seeing the worry in their eyes as Sara barked back at their nazi captors, as Jax and Stein struggled fruitlessly against their bindings.
Her heart raced as she stared at her doppelganger, wondering how long it would be before her heart was pounding in a different chest instead. I should’ve taken Lena back to Earth-38, she thought to herself, if she ends up stranded on Earth-1…
“Let me go!” came a voice, shouting. 
Kara’s face snapped to her right, where she saw one of the masked soldiers dragging in a familiar brunette. No no no, Kara though, Lena-
“She was found lurking outside,” the guard said, throwing Lena to the floor. Lena’s hands were tied in front of her, another powercuff collar around her neck. Lena glanced up at Kara.
This is my fault, she’s going to die because of me, Kara panicked. But there was something oddly unsettling about Lena’s expression - a calm that didn’t make sense. Lena shuffled off the ground, throwing Kara a damn wink, which confused Kara enough that she almost didn’t notice Lena’s hands beginning to glow.
“What’s happening?” Kara’s nazi counterpart demanded, as the bindings around everyone’s wrists and necks disappeared.
“Oh,” Lena said, with a slight smirk as she rose off the ground. “Powercuffs don’t affect witches.”
The other heroes jumped again to their feet, Oliver grabbing at his arrows, Jax and Stein becoming Firestorm again. Lena turned towards Overgirl. “I wonder if magic affects evil kryptonians.”
This started off as a 9-word story for the recent ask game, but then I got carried away? The original was:
Lena’s hands began to glow. “Powercuffs don’t stop witches.”
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