Welcome to Tertiary-Spec Culture!! This is a "culture is" blog for those on the spectrum side of tertiary attractions (so labels like grey, demi, flux, cupio, ext)
This is also secondarily a place to spread general information for + about those of us who label our non-rose attraction past allo-/gender terms!!
(other similar culture blogs!! @queercutlureis @alterous-attraction-culture-is @orientedaroace-culture-is @tertiary-attraction-culture-is @demi-alterous-culture-is @cedural-culture-is @aesthetic-attraction-culture-is @caedspec-culture-is)
~About The Mod~
I'm Mod Eventide (She/They) and I'm a white aestheticflux hetroplatonic aroace genderqueer gal!!
~Submission Rules~
• Start all culture is asks w/ the appropriate identity(s)!! For example Demiplatonic culture is, Bi Cupioqueerplatonic Culture Is, and ext
• Don't send anything NSFW or the likes :)
• Please try to use tone tags
• Also add tws to the beginning of your post if you know of any that apply!! This greatly helps me to mod better + faster
• Don't send or tag me in Donation or Flag Combo posts/requests, but do feel free to tag me in anything else about tertiary attraction
• Friendly reminder that I'm just one person + will not know everything!! Feel free to ask questions about the tertiary spectrums but I might not be the most help ^.^
I block pretty liberally, but overall it's just standard dni criteria that will get you blocked including any queerphobia (like being anti; mspec lesbians/gays, lesboys, fae/faer pronouns, aphobic, ext ext), proshippers, and those who's blog are primarily discourse especially around systems + trans people!!
#behind the blog - posts like this + other updates about how the blog is being run
#not culture is - anything that isn't in the "culture is" format
#tertiaryspec culture - the culture is posts :)
#mod eventide rambles - talking about my own experiences w/ non-rose attraction
#rainbow of attractions - other tertiary attraction posts that might not necessarily be (explicitly) tertiary-spec
#.flag spam. - post that are primarily or only non-rose flags
#tw [X] - how I plan to tag sensitive content!!
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notniyo · 4 months
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Aestheticflux is a xenogender in which one's gender feels connected to beauty in a fluctuating way. One's gender may feel more or less connected to beauty depending on the day, the week, the month, or even the hour.
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makein-flags · 2 years
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A-Aestheticflux flag I made for V0id
kinda annoying that its all around the same color but I'm just following the A-flux formats lol
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