#ALSO i watched kick ass so if anyone has dave thoughts pls pls pls send them
growup-thatbeautiful · 11 months
jealous! bullet proof! tan! oh my!
bullet proof masterlist
tw: blood, jealousy, unwanted touching, guns, kissing
he’s one of those “i don’t like people touching what’s mine” guys, which you weren’t a fan of at first, let’s be honest.
but it grew on you when you started dating, and it just got worse from there. the mix of your mutual fear of loosing each other (both before and after the split) made it to where he couldn’t stand to see anyone that isn’t him touching you
so before you’re married, when he’s just starting to date you (before lovely little jovie comes around), you take a mission where you’re acting as a honeypot, trying to seduce information out of a dealer who made the wrong enemies. needless to say, you’re good at your job. really good at your job. dedicated, too.
you’ve got an earpiece in your ear, tan’s voice telling you positions of guards and other helpful information, and you’re tuning it out, focusing on getting the necessary names/locations.
tan doesn’t like being ignored, and he really doesn’t like being ignored for another guy. but it’s just for a mission, so he deals with it by rechecking the bullets in his gun.
buttt it all becomes a little bit too much when he leans a tad bit too close to you, his lips next to your ear, whispering something tan can’t hear. the guys hand is on your thigh, the other one cupping your face, and you have to fight to keep yourself still. you know it’s part of the job, you know you signed up for it, but you’re feeling less inclined to let the dude touch you now that he’s doing it.
lemon may be the expert at reading people, but tan’s the expert about you, and he can fucking tell the moment that you’re no longer okay with it.
you blink for a moment and there he is; tan, looking like some sort of revenge-seeking angel in an all white suit that he nicked from the serving staff, gun in his hand aimed at the guys head
he’s behind the guy, so tan goes unnoticed until the gun is pointed into the guy’s temple, tan’s arm around his chest. instinctively, you pull the gun from the holster on your thigh and aim it at the guy as well.
tan’s words are whispered harshly to the man, “you’re lucky i haven’t got the time to treat you how you fuckin’ deserve” “no one fucking treats my girl like that” and finally “love, you care to do the honors?”
once you’re out of there, body neatly disposed of, blood staining tan’s white shirt, he’ll lead you into an alleyway somewhere safe, checking in on you and telling you that everything’s going to be okay
of course, you’ll end up pinned to the brick wall, tan’s mouth leaving searing kisses and marks all along your neck and collarbone to make sure everyone sees that you’re his
taglist loves: @venusthepirate @shadows-of-nyx @syd-vixious @thefloatingpickle @sallyp-53 @fictionalcomforts @s-haa @the-bisaster @phoenixhits @wee-little-mouse @cupofstarss @eefos @slut-f0r-u @lotustv @kpopgirlbtssvt @amyg1509 @tangerinesgf @earth-elemental18 @theredvelvetbitch
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