shadows-story-abyss · 2 years
Thought I'd start by posting the timeline. Because why not. Also some vague stuff about what's in each bit. Very vague. I'll prolly elaborate sometime.
(It looks like shit btw lmao)
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Descriptions under here bc L O N G (actually there's just loads)
(Omitting unused arcs bc. Well. They're unused. Yehaw.)
Main Arcs
Arc 4:
The one where we start now. Has the initial development of Shawtons relationship plus the obvious Arc 5 setup segment of the SMUDs release and the (temporary) planetary divide
Arc 5:
Yay demon snake time (also angst and the beginnings of the Glitch lol)
Arc 6:
Fluff. I mean also more characters and plot development. But fluff.
Oh also some Corruption setup (which could also be part of Dream idk which part it'll be in but Dream and Legend kinda split this one in two)
Arc 7:
Wooooo more demon snake but with added 💫spice💫
I mean also. The defining point of Everything Is Fucked™
Oh and Zero kicks off here too
Arc 8:
More fluff. This is the last of the fluff tho. Only pain from here on out.
Arc 9:
Interdimensional playground :3
Glitch. My dude. My bro. Calm the fuck down-
Arc 10:
Titan pain. Family drama. Mind control.
All the good shit.
Arc X:
X marks the spot! Or uh. The end in this case.
OH and the Imaginatrix is formed. Corruption setup :)
(Corruption was initially intended as a sort of... sequel. Vex was added in after SABA was released)
Corruption Arcs
A narrated summary of events between Shadow's death and the Corruption's uprising
(Includes how Vex turned into... that. And how the Imaginatrix develops into the last stand)
Phase 1:
Set the stage! Basically just a buildup to everything cracking off.
Phase 2:
Infiltration time. Also N.A.O.M.I holds a fucking GRUDGE man fr-
Actual nightmare fuel :)
Phase 3:
Action move shit.
Also A N G S T
Side (??) Arcs
Memories: Newton:
Angsty emo kid
Memories: Shadow:
Some very uncomfy childhood trauma
Who wants to be a god anyways?
Throwback to my edgy 14yo writer days
Demon snake has a heart you know
Or, well... grows one.
Demon snake do the time travel thing but also EVIL SHADOW
Oh, and a nice little nod to Corruption
War of Haeven:
Well SOMEBODY pissed the gods off by existing huh
Reversal (corruption):
Some sneaky lore
Void (corruption):
Wanna know what happens when the necessary evil decides he wants to be a good guy?
Void Zero (corruption):
The good ending of the Void
Good ol role reversal
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