#(also might rename the numbered ones. i just never ACTUALLY named them.)
shadows-story-abyss · 2 years
Thought I'd start by posting the timeline. Because why not. Also some vague stuff about what's in each bit. Very vague. I'll prolly elaborate sometime.
(It looks like shit btw lmao)
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Descriptions under here bc L O N G (actually there's just loads)
(Omitting unused arcs bc. Well. They're unused. Yehaw.)
Main Arcs
Arc 4:
The one where we start now. Has the initial development of Shawtons relationship plus the obvious Arc 5 setup segment of the SMUDs release and the (temporary) planetary divide
Arc 5:
Yay demon snake time (also angst and the beginnings of the Glitch lol)
Arc 6:
Fluff. I mean also more characters and plot development. But fluff.
Oh also some Corruption setup (which could also be part of Dream idk which part it'll be in but Dream and Legend kinda split this one in two)
Arc 7:
Wooooo more demon snake but with added 💫spice💫
I mean also. The defining point of Everything Is Fucked™
Oh and Zero kicks off here too
Arc 8:
More fluff. This is the last of the fluff tho. Only pain from here on out.
Arc 9:
Interdimensional playground :3
Glitch. My dude. My bro. Calm the fuck down-
Arc 10:
Titan pain. Family drama. Mind control.
All the good shit.
Arc X:
X marks the spot! Or uh. The end in this case.
OH and the Imaginatrix is formed. Corruption setup :)
(Corruption was initially intended as a sort of... sequel. Vex was added in after SABA was released)
Corruption Arcs
A narrated summary of events between Shadow's death and the Corruption's uprising
(Includes how Vex turned into... that. And how the Imaginatrix develops into the last stand)
Phase 1:
Set the stage! Basically just a buildup to everything cracking off.
Phase 2:
Infiltration time. Also N.A.O.M.I holds a fucking GRUDGE man fr-
Actual nightmare fuel :)
Phase 3:
Action move shit.
Also A N G S T
Side (??) Arcs
Memories: Newton:
Angsty emo kid
Memories: Shadow:
Some very uncomfy childhood trauma
Who wants to be a god anyways?
Throwback to my edgy 14yo writer days
Demon snake has a heart you know
Or, well... grows one.
Demon snake do the time travel thing but also EVIL SHADOW
Oh, and a nice little nod to Corruption
War of Haeven:
Well SOMEBODY pissed the gods off by existing huh
Reversal (corruption):
Some sneaky lore
Void (corruption):
Wanna know what happens when the necessary evil decides he wants to be a good guy?
Void Zero (corruption):
The good ending of the Void
Good ol role reversal
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Sneak Pecks
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Headcanon: They got hold of your phone ft Dazai, Kunikida, Akutagawa Masterlist Please look at the request rules in masterlist before requesting.I think Dazai is dominating my blog
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Actually he doesn't get to touch your phone because its always with you more then him being with you
It was a fault to leave your phone at home when you went out to get some fresh air
He saw a blinking light under the white blankets of the messy bed he laid on
It was a call from an unknown number, that too from Y/N's Phone
He picks up the call to hear "Hello this is Mr Sugaro speaking, am I speaking with Miss Y/N?" "No but you are certainly speaking to her boyfriend Mr Sugaro from Lane 34, Tokyo"
He just made sure the scammer had a breakdown.
This is Dazai Osamu we are talking about, he figured out the password.
He would absolutely surf your phone throughout, when he opens the phone gallery. You had pictures saved....Not of him but of other animated characters.
He went out and ordered his needs and wants from your amazon using your cash and I am pretty sure he also might have ordered food.
He sees your search history And the door opens
You snatched your phone out of his hands to see all your contacts renamed and all your chats being replied too.
Guess what jealously did? He deleted the folder you dedicated for anime men and replaced it with his selfies.
The man even changed your phone language to Russian.
You were about to beat this man up when the door rings.
Rip Dazai.
*Ring ring* "Who the hell is Alabama rockstar? "
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Please, He is just like a mom
Laughing and giggling at your phone? During work hours? Your phone is snitched
I am sorry, you would totally be sitting anxiously as he goes through your phone intensely.
You don't care if he is your close one, no one could go through your phone without your permission
Alas, he has faster reflexes, so naturally he was able to make you sit on the couch again.
He is horrified by your shopping history. 'Nendoroid Action Figure under 2$', 'Shirts under 3$'
Damn bro you are broke.
But he was audibly gasping when he went through your group chats.
Wait till he sees your search history and Pinterest recommendations
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You took a picture of Akutagawa
Bad move. The flash was on
He snatches the phone from rashomon, enough that it doesn't break your phone
As he proceeds to see the photo from the gallery, he accidentally clicks the back button
To see you dedicating a folder named “Aku” with pictures of him.
it held every picture of him. (Stalker much?)
I am pretty sure you get paid by Higuchi
Lets be honest, he wouldn't try to go through your phone, considering he never tried to snoop but
He saw a message from that weretiger
You both are dead and so is your phone.
If only he saw the chat to see them trading photos of Akutagawa for money. (Figure who is who on your own ;D )
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Dazai is dominating everywhere.
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mylittleredgirl · 1 year
i always sing the praises of having a beta reader if you want that sort of thing, but actually there are two separate fic-editor types:
alpha reader: just fucking uncritically loves your work. #1 fan. fully obsessed with the pairing you're writing to the exclusion of all good sense. might correct a comma or two but they are there to tell you that you are amazing and that you have never done anything wrong in your life and you should post that shit immediately. you ask them "does this part work?" and they say yes before the question is fully out of your mouth. the golden retriever of writing friends. every writer 100% needs one of these in their back pocket.
pros: THE best preemptive defense against the gaping chasm of self-doubt between "post work" and the first kudos.
cons: this is the reason why sometimes you see a fic that has eight beta readers thanked in the author's notes and the main character's name spelled wrong.
beta reader™️: these friends also fucking love your work, but the way they want to love it is to stick their fingers in your fic like a fruit bin at the grocery store and gently squeeze your characters (and commas) to see if they're ripe.
a good beta reader will copy edit your fic, notice if you've used the same sentence three times, and let you know if your sex scenes seem to contain the intended number of dicks per person.
a great one will highlight for you what's unique and wonderful about your writing, will help you problem-solve and plot through long fic, and will lovingly bug the shit out of you with how did she get here? and would he really say that? and is this what you meant? and when you say "oh shit no it isn't" their eyes light up and they go OKAY! let's figure this out!!!
more of a border collie kind of situation.
pros: the best way to polish your fic and grow as a fic writer. in my experience, it's also an incredible way to work through impostor syndrome. knowing someone you respect has been all up in your fic's junk and still says "it's great and you're great, now post it!" is a game-changer.
cons: if they show you what's not working, you're probably going to have to take time to fix it :/
caveats: not everyone who wants to give constructive feedback can deliver it in a way that works for everyone, so if the experience ends up making you feel bad, this is not a good match! it's also VERY helpful to tell your beta reader what level of editing you're looking for. if someone asks "can you give this a quick once-over before i post?" i know they want me to look for obvious mistakes and reassure them that it's post-worthy. if you ask me to "rip it apart" i'm going in there with a fine tooth comb.
(the primary motivation of both of these editor breeds is, of course, that they want you to write more and they want to read it before everyone else.)
bonus mode:
specialty reader: sensitivity readers and subject matter experts! if you are lucky enough to find and motivated enough to use one of these, their job is not to look at commas or to tell you that you're great, but to give advice on something specific in your fic.
edit: check the reblogs for a correction! turns out “alpha reader” is a pre-existing term in some circles for someone who helps you during the process, a lot like the great beta-reader i described above. taking suggestions for renaming my version of the alpha reader above. i’m thinking “hype man.”
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symwinter · 19 days
So… about that Miraculous rewrite, what do you have in mind?
Okay, thank you for asking, I appreciate it. I’ll try and make this as concise as possible, because there’s a lot and I tend to ramble, so I’ve made it in the form of a numbered list:
1. I don’t plan on redeeming Chloé. I feel like despite actually knowing why Chloé didn’t get redeemed, there’s a pretty decent lesson about how entitlement doesn’t mean you get what you want that they definitely also could’ve gone with of if they were a bit smarter with it.
2. No zodiac kwami. They’re the bane of my existence. Why are two of them time travel based in power?
3. Adrienette is the endgame couple.
4. As of right now I’m sitting at three seasons, each one being 16 episodes plus three specials but I might either add a season four or make season three longer. One of the specials is the alternate dimension one. I love the concept of it.
5. I also gave the show an actual timeline. Because the Christmas specials says it’s Adrien’s first Christmas without his mother, but then season one has the Valentine’s Day episode which means it’s February and then the school year in France starts in September so if we look at season one as somewhat chronological, it means the Christmas special is wrong and that drove me crazy so I just redid the whole timeline. Because it would be his second Christmas without his mom.
6. Nathalie doesn’t have an unrequited crush on Gabriel. I never quite got that.
7. Any rich kid that was a sentimonster isn’t one anymore. The peacock miraculous doesn’t create sentimonsters but rather charms enemies as its main skill.
8. Adrien has more of a backbone than he does is canon and Marinette’s crush on. Adrian is a bit more healthy.
9. Rather than using potions to unlock new skills, the kwamis can manifest them themselves. They just need to expend extra energy and there are just some situations where that’s more difficult. I just feel like the book and the potions and the rennlings from the Shanghai special make the kwamis feel less like something ancient powerful and more like a tool. And also because Frozer takes place in January/February and Syren takes place in March/April (both are season two episodes though).
10. Up until the collector, Natalie didn’t know that Gabriel was Hawkmoth and agrees to wear the butterfly miraculous in order to get Gabriel to let Adrien go back to school and not be able to pull them out for a stupid reason anymore otherwise she’ll just go to the cops and be like “my boss is the supervillain.” She does this again in Simon Says but with Adrien’s love life as a preemptive caution.
11. Adrien is in the finale battle. I don’t get why they didn’t include him in season 5.
12. Emilie Agreste is a famous actress so her disappearance (aka I haven’t quite settled on what I want to do with her) is a lot more well-known to the public.
13. I am planning on renaming both of Felix‘s parents. I just haven’t quite settled on names yet.
I think that’s all I got right now. I’ve mainly been focussing on the timeline and the episode list and any changes to episodes rather than the characters themselves which feels counterproductive, but it’s just the way that my brain works, especially since I find it really difficult to think out Marinette and Adrien as individuals. My brain kinda just weaves them together.
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tytoreadsjpgog · 10 months
Book 1 - START!
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Here we gooOOOOO
Welcome to my liveblog of ガフールの勇者たち ! (gahuuru no yuushatachi -> Heroes of Ga'Hoole)
Remember a while back, when I bought the Japanese translation of the entire Guardians of Ga'Hoole series? I’m going to document my attempt to read through them with my elementary level grasp of the language. It’s going to be one part nostalgic re-read (not at all spoiler-free, sorry!) and one part language-learning crash course. I’ll try to organize my thoughts on the latter aspect in a way that non-speakers might still find interesting.
For instance, notice that Book 1, originally titled The Capture, has been renamed 悪の要塞からの脱出 (aku no yousai kara no dasshutsu -> Escape from the Evil Fortress). I know what you're thinking, and yes, from what I've seen, everything is going to look and sound way more badass compared to the original.
This is gonna be a long, slow, probably painful process, but by Glaux we're DOING this.
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Note in the example above (from the first page of chapter 1) how the green-highlighted phrase 落ち着かない (ochitsukanai -> restless), which looks pretty complicated to me, does not have any smaller furigana characters to its right showing how it's actually pronounced. Kids at the book's reading level presumably already know, but I had to write the characters into a translator app to find out.
On the other hand, the character I highlighted in purple is 卵 (tamago -> egg), literally one of the first kanji that Duolingo taught me in its earliest lessons. But here it DOES have furigana (the tiny たまご to the right), so I guess Japanese children don't officially learn that character in school until a slightly higher grade level! Man, language is wild.
Anyway, back to reading the actual content of the book.
The first page of the book, before even the table of contents, is labeled ガフールの伝説 (gahuuru no densetsu -> The Legend of Ga'Hoole) and summarizes what Ga'Hoole fans would recognize as the classic “Coming of Hoole” tale. In addition to making me extremely emotional, it also drops several juicy proper nouns we’ll be seeing again later, including 最果ての地 (saihate no chi -> The Farthest Land) for Beyond the Beyond, 火の石 (hi no ishi -> the Fire Stone) for the Ember of Hoole, and ガフールの神木 (gahuuru no shinboku -> Sacred Tree of Ga'Hoole) for the Great Tree.
Guys we're not even on chapter 1 yet and there is SO MUCH happening. It is going to take me forever and a day to get through this. I'd better get started......
第一章 (daiisshou -> Chapter One)
ティトの森の家 (tito no mori no ya -> The Home in Tyto Forest)
So that’s, uh, interesting. Turns out Tyto is pronounced “tee-toh” in Japanese. That’s never not going to be weird. BUT, we must soldier on!
...Okay so, I think at least to start, the best way for me to do this is to go page-by-page. I’ll give my miscellaneous thoughts as I go, but then at the end of each page I’ll give a summary of what actually happens, to test my reading comprehension. (...This is going to turn into a straight-up school homework assignment dhgdjshfj.) In time, maybe I'll pick up enough speed to go through a few pages at a time, or even a whole chapter? But we'll see. That's far in the future right now. 
Without further ado...
6ページ (the table of contents etc are all numbered pages, so chapter 1 technically starts on page 6) :
I’m excited every time I recognize a word, but I’m also hype to learn all the new animal/nature-related vocab in these books. I already knew “owl” was フクロウ (fukurou), but now I also know that Barn Owls in particular are called メンフクロウ (menfukurou), which thanks to my unquenchable etymology thirst I then found out comes from 仮面 (kamen -> mask). Fair enough, as many of the species in the Tytonidae family are called Masked Owls in English, too!
Also, fir trees are モミの木 (momi no ki)! I have nothing else to add about that, I just think it sounds nice. :) Momi. 
(Fun fact for fellow non/early-Japanese-speakers: it’s customary for the names of most plants and animals to be written in the simpler, phonetic katakana alphabet instead of kanji, especially in a scientific context. So something like the word “monkey” (saru) would almost always be written as サル even though there IS a kanji spelling of the same word: 猿  This certainly makes it easier on people like me struggling to learn enough kanji as it is!)
...BOY HOWDY, I’m trying to read aloud as I go because I need to get the pronunciation in my head as well as recognizing the characters, and the phrase 胸の綿羽  (むねのめんう -> mune no men’u -> chest feathers) is kind of a tongue twister!
Anyway, onto the summary.
六ページの要旨 (Page 6 Summary) Soren (ソレン Soren) is a young Barn Owl who lives in a fir tree in Tyto Forest, and he’s about to become a big brother. His parents, Marella (マレラ Marera) and Noctus (ノクタス Nokutasu) fret over the state of the nest until suddenly a crack appears on the egg! Soren’s older brother Kludd (クラッド Kuraddo) grumbles, “Again?” Noctus scolds him--doesn’t Kludd want another little brother? Marella interrupts that it could be a sister.
Let’s do one more page for today, since this project is so VERY overdue!
First thing of note is that Soren uses ぼく (boku) as his personal pronoun! In Japanese, there aren’t really third-person pronouns as we think of them in English, so other people are either referred to by name/title or you’re simply meant to figure it out from context. First-person pronouns (like English’s “I” and “me”), on the other hand, are not only used but are numerous and varied. Which word a person uses to refer to themself can vary based on gender, formality, and even just personality/preference! This excellent article on Legends of Localization gives a more detailed explanation, for anyone curious! I personally find this quirk of the language super fascinating and will be going out of my way to take note of how all the characters refer to themselves. :3 I expect most of them will be the common watashi or boku, but I’ll be interested to see if I’m proven wrong!
... And, unsurprisingly, we immediately learn that Kludd uses おれ (ore) for his personal pronoun. It’s another common masculine option, but, unlike boku, it often comes with more of a tough/strong/harsh connotation, and is thus on the more informal/crude side.
Fascinating. It’s never been totally clear to me if “branching” is really a proper word even in English to describe this thing where fledging birds practice flight by hopping from branch to branch, but when I put 枝渡 (edawatari) into the translator, it literally gives back “branching”. In the exact same sense, as far as I can tell.
...Hm! “Flight feathers” is 風切羽 (kazakiribane), which is literally written as “wind-cutting feathers”. Badass.
...One of the things that I think is going to be hardest for me to wrap my head around with this language is the regular use of onomatopoeia as just, like, whatever part of speech they wanna be. Sometimes they’re used as adjectives, like on the previous page when Marella described her husband’s “fluffy” (ふわふわ fuwafuwa) feathers, and sometimes they’re verbs, like this page’s description of the egg “rattling” (かたかた katakata). And sometimes they’re just literal descriptions of a sound like how we typically use onomatopoeia in English. This page describes a sudden “click” (カチッ kachi-) sound, for instance.
七ページの要旨  (Page 7 Summary) Soren pipes up that he’d like a little sister. Kludd jeers that Soren’s too young to even know what the word means, then complains that whether it’s a brother or sister, he’s missing out on branching practice. Noctus scolds him again, saying there’ll be plenty of time for practice later, and that it’ll be another month before Kludd’s flight feathers are grown in anyway. A noise from the egg grabs the whole family’s attention, because Barn Owls have very sensitive ears, and Marella joyfully cries out that the time has finally come. The egg rattles and shakes...
And that’ll be it for this post. My HOPE is that this process will get faster and shorter with each page. At the very least, this first few pages should be among the most densely packed with brand-new characters and noteworthy vocab to discuss. 
Not sure how often I’m going to be updating this liveblog, but for now let’s shoot for a bare minimum of one page a week? Cool? Cool.
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bakuhoes-dumbass · 3 years
Aberration - Chapter 1
MHA!Various x Fem!Reader
Words: 2.3k
A/N: Yay, here’s the first chapter of my new AU! It might be a little slower at first but it’ll pick up the further we get into it. So I hope you like this!
Warnings: Yandere Themes, Mentions of murder, blood, felonies, bullying, swearing.
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters of MHA, just this story. In no way does this reflect the characters, writers or VAs of the show/manga. MINORS DNI.
Aberration Masterlist/Character profiles
In this world, mutations, renamed as ‘Quirks’, are abnormal. Only about 5%-8% of the world population are known to have these so called ‘Quirks’. You are a graduate of one of the most prestigious science tech schools in the country. You’ve been selected to work for a secret scientific research facility that houses some of the most notorious criminals in the nation. Besides their crimes, what makes these individuals incredibly dangerous are their mutations. After meeting these individuals, they seem to have taking a liking to you. That should make your research and search for the cure all that much easier…
Before you stands one of the largest facilities you have ever seen. You take a deep breath, attempting to calm your rapidly beating heart. Adjusting the strap on your bag, you make your way into the research center.
Upon entering, you gasp in wonder. The inside is huge, tall pure white walls that meet at a double paned glass ceiling. In front of you is a wall of security, stretching to accommodate the vast interior of the lobby. You walk up to the nearest security officer and give them your information. Thankfully, you were on a list and after checking you over, you're granted entrance to the building.
That's where you meet a man and a woman, both dressed in white lab coats and carrying clipboards. You bow your head to the two of them and they return the gesture.
"Ms. Y/N, I presume? My name is Shota Aizawa and this is my assistant, Momo Yaoyorozu." The older of the two speak.
You smile at the two. "Yes, nice to meet you. I'm Y/N, L/N, graduate of UA science tech. I am so happy to be here and look forward to working with the two of you."
The younger girl nods and smiles, gesturing behind the two of them. "If you would kindly follow us, we can get started."
"Ms. Y/N, here's the list of the inmates you will be working with from this point on."
Momo hands you a clipboard containing pictures and descriptions of each individual. Your eyes scan the information on the page in front of you, your brow raising with each word you read. "There is… quite a bit of information on these individuals."
Aizawa nods. "Considering how dangerous the subjects are, it's best to have every detail we can."
You internally cringed at the term 'subject'. These were criminals, yes, but they were still living breathing people. Noone deserves to be dehumanized, no matter the reason.
Shaking your head of those thoughts, you continue to look over the notes in your hands. One in particular catches your eye. " 'Multiple counts of 3rd degree murder by reason of insanity' and yet he's only deemed as a level 4 danger?"
The doctor looks over your shoulder at the character profile. "Ah, yes. Fumikage Tokoyami. He's an interesting one, to say the least." You wait for him to continue, but seeing as it doesn't seem like he will, you gesture for him to elaborate. "Tokoyami himself is actually fairly harmless and incredibly cooperating, which is why he gets a level 4 only. However…" Aizawa looks down the hall of the facility to a door near the end. "Dark Shadow is deemed a level 9."
Your eyes shoot up in shock. "Dark Shadow? A level 9? Explain."
"Dark Shadow is his mutation. It's a completely sentient being that he harbors inside of him. Highly dangerous, more so if there is darkness." He looks back at you. "I'll let him explain the reason why he was instituted. He always prefers to explain the story himself."
The more Aizawa explains Tokoyami's situation, the more your excitement builds up, wanting desperately to meet this man. This was such an interesting mutation and you couldn't wait to hear everything he had to tell you. You take a breath to calm your childish manner and clear your throat.
"If it's alright with you, sir, I'd like-" You look down at your clipboard once again. "'Inmate 06' to be the first one I meet with."
Aizawa nods and writes something down in his notebook. "Very well. Follow me this way please."
You follow the doctor down the long white hallway, your excitement growing with each step. Along the way, you notice each door on the facility that lines either side of the stretched hall. Each door had a narrow window towards the top and a small number engraved underneath. You don't take too much notice and keep following the doctor to your destination. However, an eerie feeling makes you freeze in your tracks.
You slowly rotate your head and look at the inmate's door you stopped next to. The color drains from your face as you see two ice blue eyes peering right into yours. It felt like your breath was stolen, a hint of fear and anxiety built up within you from this intense gaze. After what felt like hours, you snap your gaze back to Aizawa and Momo, who were standing in front of a door you were also supposed to be at.
"I would highly advise you to keep cautious while you are in this facility. While we keep all inmates in cuffs that neutralize their mutations, the technology has not been 100% perfected yet and parts of their powers may leak out. That is why we have additional precautionary measures in place for each inmate." Aizawa gives you an impartial look as you walk over. "Now. The only special precaution with Inmate 06 is the lights must stay on at all times. There are no light switches in his cell, so nothing should go wrong. But like I said, always stay cautious."
You nod your head at the doctor's words and turn to face the door. Aizawa places a hand onto the keypad next to the door, scanning his prints before buzzing and opening the door. You give the man one last nod before making your way inside the room. The room itself is bare. White floors, white walls and an equally white ceiling. Nothing was in there except a desk with a chair and a bed.
On top of that bed sat a young man with the body of a human and the head of a crow. Your eyes widen in awe at the beautiful being in front of you. Tokoyami tilts his head and gives you a curious look.
"Oh. Hello, there. I've never seen you before."
The deep voice of the man shocks you. You bow your head and give the bird man a smile. "Hello, Tokoyami. My name is Y/N. I'm the new scientist at this facility. I'm here to get to know and observe you all to help further our findings for a cure. I hope we can be friends."
Tokoyami blinks. "You want to be… friends? With us?"
"Yeah, of course. Why not?" Your smile never leaves your face.
"Well, maybe because we're all… felons? The greater majority of us being murderers?"
"I truly believe everyone deserves a second chance." You gesture to the desk chair, silently asking if you could sit. The man nods and you greatly take your seat. "Now, would you ever be so kind as to answer a few questions for me, Tokoyami? I would like to get to know you a little better." You take out your pen and notebook, opening to a fresh page.
Tokoyami nods again and you give him a smile. "Just a few standard questions first. Can you please state your full name, age and date of birth?"
"Fumikage Tokoyami, age 22, October 30th."
"What is the name of your quirk and how does it work?"
Tokoyami fiddles with the quirk-cancelling cuffs around his wrists at the mention of his quirk but answers anyway. "It's called Dark Shadow. It's a fully sentient shadow that resides inside my body. It can come out when I call call it or it can show itself on it's own. But it's always connected to me and cannot be separated. It…" Tokoyami takes a breath. "It gets stronger the darker my surroundings are. So the less light, the less control I have over it. If it gets too dark, it completely takes over me, no longer under my control."
The longer you listen to him, the wider your eyes get and the more they shine in wonder. "That is incredible! To have that kind of quirk is truly fascinating!"
Hearing your words of praise would have made Tokoyami blush, if he could. He clears his throat in embarrassment. "Why, thank you for those kind words. Though, I doubt having this...quirk, as you say, is all to be impressed about."
You shake your head. "You may not think so, but really, I've never seen anything like it." You excitedly write a few things down before making eye contact with him again. "Now onto my final question of the day. Can you please tell me the reason why you are here?"
Tokoyami stays silent for a moment, staring at nothing in particular, residing in his thoughts. You clear your throat and he looks up to you. You give him a small, comforting smile and it causes Tokoyami's heart to beat harder. For some unknown reason, he suddenly feels like he can trust you with anything.
"I've been charged with multiple counts of 3rd degree murder." He sighs, recalling that day. "I was invited to a college party on a date, by someone whom I had grown quite infatuated with. I never really was one to socialize and never really had any friends. But I really liked this person, so I went. At first it was going okay, nothing too out of the ordinary. Then, the host decided that playing truth or dare was the way to go.
 So my date dragged me to sit down and join them. Every time I was asked, I always chose truth. And everytime, their questions were about my appearance, my mutation. Laughing at all my answers, mocking my looks, talking about how unnatural I was. The more they asked, the more my anxiety and anger built up. But my stubbornness didn't want to show any weakness, so I stayed. 
Finally, I decided to just choose dare instead. At that point, I decided that nothing could be more humiliating than what they've already done." His sharp, red eyes flickered to yours. "Oh, how wrong I was. They dared me to go into the closet with my so-called 'date'. We were shut in and from then, they decided to tell me how this whole thing was a set up, just to humiliate me. That anyone with mutations like myself should just disappear because of how disgusting we are." He spits out that word like it was rotten food. "Remember how I said Dark Shadow gains control in the dark? Well, with my anger rising and the fact that it was almost pitch black in that closet, I lost control of myself and Dark Shadow took control of me. Next thing I remember, I was standing in the middle of the college dorm party, blood painting the floors, the walls, and the entirety of my class slaughtered."
You almost dropped your pen in shock but regained your composure. You give the poor young man a sad smile. He sighs and finishes off his explanation. "I was arrested and charged with multiple counts of 3rd degree murder by reason of insanity, considering I was technically not in my right state of mind at the time."
The two of you sit there in silence, basking in all this new-found information. You close your notebook and set your pen down, facing Tokoyami directly. "Listen to me. There is nothing wrong with the way you look or your quirk. Just because it isn't the societal norm, doesn't mean it's disgusting or wrong. Remember that."
Tokoyami blinks in surprise."Um, thank you." Those were the only words he could say, as how shocked he was at what you said.
You tilt your head and stare at him. "If I may ask, would I be able to feel your head? I'm very curious as to what your feathers feel like. It would greatly help my research as well."
"Oh. U-um, yeah. Sure."
You move to gently sit next to Tokoyami, so as to not startle him too much. You slowly lift your hand and place it on his head, eyes lighting up as you card your fingers through his feathers. "Oh wow, they're so soft!"
Tokoyami's heart speeds up, his feathers ruffling at your touch. He gazes at you with something akin to admiration. No one was ever gentle with him like this before. After another few seconds, you retreat your hand, Tokoyami almost whimpering at the absence.
"Well, I better get going. I have quite a few more things to do today before my shift is over." You gather up your things and bow your head at the half bird boy. "I greatly appreciate your time and look forward to our future sessions. Have a good rest of your day!" You smile at Tokoyami before heading back to the door and signaling Aizawa to open it.
"Goodbye, Ms. Y/N. I look forward to meeting with you again." Tokoyami watches you leave his room. Once you're gone, he runs his hand through his feathers, imagining they were your fingers.
As the door closes, you turn to Aizawa who gives you a disappointed look.
"You touched the inmate. Why in the hell would you do that?"
You place your hand on your hip and give the doctor a stern look. "I was curious about his mutation and wanted to see how it felt."
He sighs and runs a hand down his face. "We try to avoid any physical contact with any of the inmates, as it may trigger something deep within them. Remember, Y/N. Every single one of these individuals are dangerous and unstable. Any abnormal behavior could result in catastrophic consequences."
You sigh and shake your head, giving him a chaste nod. "Yes, Sir. You're right. I promise to heed your warning and modify how I work."
The doctor looks satisfied as he turns on his heel and walks further down the long hallway. You quickly follow to keep up. "Now, on to your next subject. Inmate 04, Eijiro Kirishima." You flip the page of your inmate profiles to see a picture of a red-haired man. "He is of a higher danger level, so make sure to keep your guard up. And for the love of God, under any circumstances…
Do not touch him."
Taglist: @theblueslytherin @sterassion @somechick30003 @meena-in-a-nutshell @justtj-andnonumberspls @zombieonna @amajikiwife @yulifee @atexansadventureintokinkandlife @ep-ip-ha-ny @hcneymilkks @pastelmoonwitche @stayarmytinyzenmoa-l @railmeddy @unlimitedfirepheonix @confaegion @drownedbytears @burntcrips @silverqueenie @the-lady-writes-what @awkward-confused 
[If your name is bolded, I was unable to tag you.]
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linkspooky · 4 years
Can I Be a Hero?
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Shigaraki and Hawks are two children who started with the exact same dream, to become a hero only to take completely opposite paths in life. One raised from childhood to be a hero by the hero association, and the other raised by AFO to become a villain. 
These two characters are written in parallel, as intentional hero-villain foils. They’re destined to meet in canon one day and just keep barely missing one another so until then let’s explore more of their relationship under the cut.
1. The Same
First, there are several similarities in both their characters and their origins. 
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They both come from abusive households. In Hawks’ case it’s only implied but, one he lives in trash and squalor with a beer bottle in the background. The dysfucntion in Hawks’ household life from an early age is obvious, to the point where having his life uprooted by the hero commission is considered a privilege because they promised to pay for everything. 
Shigaraki came from what seemed on the surface to be a healthy household. His father was a succesful businessman, the family owned the house, even the in-laws were happily invited to live in the house. Hawks is implied to have grown up in isolation, whereas Shigaraki grew up surrounded by people. However, Tenko suffered from a quieter, and subtler more insidious form of domestic abuse where he was the scapegoated child of an otherwise “Happy home.” Tenko was treated as the problem child and made constantly to feel bad for suffering his father’s abuse like he provoked it by breaking the rules. 
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They both were born into a sort of lineage. Hawks is most likely related to the Great Theif Takami who Endeavor captured, and Shigaraki is the grandson of Nana Shimura. 
They’re both adversely affected by the circumstances they were born into. Hawks’ household was probably in that condition because his father was a villain, or his father was captured and he was living on his own. Shigaraki was targeted by AFO because he was Nana’s descendant, and Kotaro carried his feelings of Nana’s abandonment with him for life and this eventually turned him into Tenko’s abuser. 
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They both have an event that sets them on their life course.
Tenko’s quirk activates on accident killing his whole family. 
Tenko sees a truck accident and uses his quirk to save several people. 
As a result of these incidents they are “saved” from their abusive households. It’s important to notice the difference, Hawks conforms by being offered a chance at education and a better life if he decides to become a hero. However, Shigaraki destroyed the household that demanded conformity from him in the first place. He becomes outcasted as a result to the point where nobody even notices him suffering on the street. 
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They’re both saved by predatory people who take their original names away:
Takami’s name is suppressed and he’s given a hero name instead. He’s literally renamed as a hero.
Tenko is renamed with AFO’s last name. He’s literally renamed as a villain. 
On a third note they are both children who you would never look for if they went missing: Hawks was poor, Tenko was literally neglected in the middle of the street in broad daylight allowing AFO to kidnap him. 
That’s even literally brought up by All Might and Gran Torino. If they had ignored Nana’s request, and actually monitored her child Kotaro and his family then Shigaraki never would have happened. 
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They’re both defined by their quirk, to the extent that their whole lives have been defined by it. 
Shigaraki was born with a quirk suited for destruction, and this is what several characters insist that’s all he’s capable of. Shigaraki is then raised to be a symbol of fear who lusts only for destruction. 
Hawks was called a genius for his quirk, and raised as a prodigy hero. His quirk is ideally suited for saving people and he’s done so his entire life. His own wish was to become a shining light that inspires everyone the same way Endeavor inspired him. 
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This is where they start to diverge. There’s more details I could go on about with all the differences, but I’ll summarize it like this. They present themselves as literal opposites. That is, the character they show to others. Their image. Etc. 
Shigaraki is regarded by everyone he meets as a man child. He has visible scarring on his face that he hides. He’s frank and honest, and always tells everyone exactly how he’s feeling. 
Hawks’ thing is being “The Man who goes too fast.” If Shigaraki never grew up, then Hawks grew up far too fast. Hawks is deceiptful, never shows his true face even though he doesn’t wear a mask. He’s considered traditionally attractive, does modeling, and is extremely popular and well liked. 
2. But Different
If there’s one way to summarize the main difference between Hawks and Shigaraki it’s this. Shigaraki externalizes everything, every feeling, every little bit of trauma he has, instead of holding it all inside of him he pushes everything out. Hawks internalizes he has a rich inner world, but everything on the surface is vapid, it’s shallow, it’s just a performance for him. All of his trauma is inside of him, and he keeps it there. His real self is hidden somewhere in a cage deep within. 
The reason they rely on these different strategies of expression is entirely to do with how they were raised. Hawks was raised inside of the system, and was taught confromity. Shigaraki was raised outside of the system. He was taught the exact opposite, to never conform to anybody’s standards. 
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They both grew up inside of an assigned role. Shigaraki was told it was his job to destroy whatever he likes, Hawks was told it was his job to save people. However, Hawks is not a better person, or a better victim than Shigaraki. Interanlization is just as bad of a coping strategy as externalization, and just as unhealthy. They are both characters who are barely coping with a lifetime worth of the trauma as being raised as literal child soldiers and exposed to so much violence a young age they’re both desensitized and numb to it. They’re hurting all the time, but also they’re numb. 
They’re so similiar down to the fact that they both have the same internal desire. Shigaraki longs to be free from all of his trauma, and Hawks longs to be free from the weight of his responsibility, but it’s still the same longing. 
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But they are different. 
It would be easy to say that Hawks is the more selfless character because he devotes himself to saving others, whereas Shigaraki is the more selfish because he lashes out at the world from his trauma. However, there’s no such thing as a perfectly selfless person. Hawks is capable of shockingly great feats of selfishness. Shigaraki is someone who can be selfless and do things for other people. 
Hawks will go out of his way to destroy people too, just like Shigaraki.  Hawks will destroy his own friends. 
There’s a marked difference in the way Hawks and Shigaraki both treat Twice, someone who is a victim with many things in common with the both of them. Twice is someone who did not get saved and fell through the cracks like Shigaraki. Twice is someone who grew up in abject poverty and had to rely on his quirk to survive like Hawks. 
Twice is constantly more of a burden to the league than an asset. He’s the reason Magne died, because his too trusting nature had him invite someone like Chisaki without knowing the risk. A normal villain would throw Twice out for his incompetent mistake, but instead he’s comforted. 
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Shigaraki says the two of them can work together to fix his mistake. Instead of being thrown out, he’s told he’s needed. He’s asked to stay together with the league for everyone’s sake. Twice at this point is still too traumatized to use his quirk properly. Afterwards, he fails even to duplicate Chisaki’s special bullets. However, Twice has value to the league no matter what his quirk can do. He’s valued as a person. 
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He’s humanized, both by Shigaraki’s and Toga’s actions together. 
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However, Hawks reacts differently. He dehumanizes the people who need his saving the most. When he’s at his most vulnerable, Hawks corners him and rutlessly mocks him. 
Look at the opposite way they show their faces. Shigaraki shows his full face for the first time to Twice when Twice, whereas when Hawks reveals his true intentions his face is almost completely obscured. 
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Hawks dehuamnizes twice in two regards. One, he insists that Twice conform to his black and white standards. Hawks divides people into good people worthy of saving and bad people who are not. Every member of the league is a victim like Twice. However, Hawks only considers one of them a good person, and one of them is worth saving. Even when Twice says they’re all his friends, Hawks demands Twice betray all of them for the sake of himself. Of course Hawks would, Hawks doesn’t even know what it means to have friends. 
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The second way Twice is dehumanized is that Hawks only sees him as the potential damage his quirk can do. Twice is not a three dimmensional person, with reasons for what he’s doing, thoughts, and feelings. Hawks only sees him as a time bomb about to go off. This also relates how Hawks sees people in general, he always, always, always strips them down to their worth to him. Endeavor is someone he can position to be the next number one hero. Twice is someone to use to get closer to the league, and then destroy because he’s too trusting. Hawks only got close to Tokoyami because he wanted information about Class A, even though he did grow a little bit more fond of him. 
Twice makes mistakes over and over again for the league, but he’s never thrown out. Even when Twice is the reason the raid is happening, Dabi rushes as fast as he can to save him, Toga almost loses herself avenging him. Twice’s life had value. 
Except to Hawks. 
Here we strike upon the difference between them and it’s almost entirely in how they treat the people closest between them. They’ve been raised all of their lives as tools, but Shigaraki doesn’t treat other people as tools. Shigaraki accepts people and gives them shelter, Hawks throws them out. 
Shigaraki also used to be like this. He used to throw away all the recruits that AFO gave him and waste them on stunts like the UA Invasion. However, it’s something he grew past.
Which is one more difference between them. Shigaraki has this great capacity for change that Hawks has not shown us so far. They both long to be free, but Shigaraki is the only one of the two of them that actually fights against something for that freedom. 
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Shigaraki will always choose to make his own decisions, to be his own person. 
However, Hawks is given that same choice and chooses the opposite. He wants his decisions made for him. He wants to remain inside the cage because it’s safer there. 
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It’s not just that though - it also extends to how they treat other people. Shigaraki liberates those he interacts with. Twice, Himiko, Dabi, Magne, Spinner, Mr. Compress (whatever his issues are) are all given a place of belonging within the league. 
However, Hawks will take away the freedom of other people too. He does so to Twice. He possibly did so to Best Jeanist. He pushes others to conformity, believing that is what saves them because it saved him. 
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Utlimately what’s different about them is the choices they make despite their circumstances. Hawks was given a choice to be free. He’s given the oppurtunity to get better but doesn’t. Every time Shigaraki fails he learns from his lesson. Shigaraki is rising up, and Hawks is spiraling downward entirely because of the choices they made. Shigaraki has friends, Hawks has none. (Because he murdered the only real friend he did have). 
That’s not to judge on whether they’re good or bad people. It’s just the direction their arcs are taking them. Shigaraki has always been on a self improvement kick, getting better with every failure. Hawks tragically is consumed by his failures and gets worse and worse, hence why there are so many references to Icarus in his character. 
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It’s been built up for a long time now that Hawks is going to meet Shigaraki at some point. In fact his desire to meet Shigaraki is what caused the hero raid on the PLF in the first place. 
Those two are destined to meet in a Javert / Jean Valjean fashion. However, the question is what will Shigaraki do now? Hawks is someone who at least had a chance of Shigaraki sympathizing with him before because Shiga takes in all kinds of strays. However, now with Hawks chosen action to kill Twice who genuinely sympathized with him - he must have murdered off any chance of that.
Either way the two have so much in common that they have to meet. At which point Hawks’ fate will be left in Shigaraki’s hands. It’s likely even if Hawks is to be saved, it will be Shigaraki’s job to do it, because Shigaraki is the character with the most in common with him. 
Either way their meeting has been building for a long time, and when they do finally meet something will change about both of them. That’s how integral both of their parallel stories are about one another. 
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1998 Film Munkustrap Rewatch Part 3A: The Pekes and the Pollicles Needs Its Own Part
They will tell you that Munkustrap doesn’t get his own number and that is a lie. He might not get a song where everyone sings about how awesome he is, but The Pekes and the Pollicles is very much his number.
Now, this is the fourth one of these rewatches I’ve done, so I’ve covered the number a bit before, but this entry is a sort of special devoted to it. I’ll start out by saying that:
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This is a Peke.
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This is a Pollicle.
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This, obviously, is a Pug.
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And this is a Pom.
This is the epic story of a bunch of little toy dogs yapping at each other until a cat scares them away by doing absolutely nothing.
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Before Munkustrap even finishes saying the long title of the story, we can already see that Skimble and Misto ended up on the wrong side of the stage and have to scramble to get to where they’re actually supposed to be. We haven’t finished saying the title and someone already messed up. This will set the mood for the entire number.
Of course, because it’s that early in the show, Munkustrap ignores the scrambling.
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Then Electra crawls out early and falls over. At least, I think that’s Electra. The lighting and the fact that I have only a butt to go off of make it hard to tell. It might actually be Pouncival, because showing up early and falling over are the things he does the most. The fact that these two kittens look nothing alike should be ignored, because I can never identify anyone when I can’t see their face, unless they have a very distinct look.
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There is no point to this picture. I just had to include the Tail Spin.
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Enter Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer, who weren’t at dog practice and have no idea what they’re supposed to do. Knowing this, Munkustrap guides them through it, pointing to whichever one of them is supposed to bark after a verse of lyrics that make it really obvious what they’re supposed to be doing.
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But, Munkustrap failed to take into account that these two share a single braincell and Rumpleteazer has the larger half of it. Mungojerrie barks twice.
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Munkustrap tries to help Mungojerrie do his one job, but it doesn’t go very well.
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Munkustrap is already beginning to regret this.
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Then there’s that racist “Heathen Chinese” line which almost distracts you from Rumpleteazer grinding her ass against Munkustrap. Why is she doing this? I don’t really know. I don’t think she does anything like this with Munkustrap after this scene.
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Then, for a split second, Munkustrap stands with his legs together. Rumpleteazer won’t stand for this and creates a Leg Tent and this is still weirdly sexual.
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And then it’s time for the Pollicles to march and someone thought it would be a good idea to put Pouncival at the front of the line. I think the shoebox on his head might be falling over his eyes, because he acts like he has no idea where he’s going.
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Munkustrap attempts to stop the madness, but even if he doesn’t know where he’s going, Pouncival is determined to get there. But, while he flails around, he leans enough into Munkustrap’s hand that with Mungojerrie coming up right behind him, be won’t be able to keep standing.
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Pouncival has to learn this the hard way.
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Next are the two Scottish Pollicles. Like with most things, they seem to be taking this a bit too seriously and get too into it. Munkustrap nearly gets hit in the face by Skimble flailing his boxing gloves around. But, he’s not mad. He’s just disappointed. He kind of expected problems with Mungojerrie and Pouncival, but Skimble is one of the Responsible Elders. Misto just copies whatever Skimble does, which probably doesn’t help matters.
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Then Tugger crashes the party with his bagpipes and Munkustrap responds with Maximum Eyeroll. Misto is not the only cat who can achieve that level of Eyeroll.
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Now, since this is the Scottish Section, bagpipes are fitting, but this, much like Tugger himself, wasn’t in the rehearsals, leaving Misto unsure of how to react. Munkustrap politely suggests that Skimble should just go back to his place.
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But, Tugger has started a bit of a dance party. Misto no longer finds him boring. It takes a minute to get everything back under control as everyone is determined to have fun whether Munkustrap likes it or not.
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Well, then when everyone gets to bark at everyone control is lost once again. With everyone misbehaving at once, Munkustrap has no idea how to restore order and panics.
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Of course, yelling usually does the trick.
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Meanwhile, Old Deuteronomy is being a good dad and enjoying watching his son tell his little story.
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The lead role of the Great Rumpus Cat is played by George, so that he’ll have something to actually do other than make silly faces. But, he also didn’t show up to dog practice, despite playing the lead. Munkustrap wonders why he expected anything else.
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Munkustrap makes a mental note to have Alonzo play the Rumpus Cat next year. He always shows up to Munkustrap’s rehearsals.
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And George is very rude. It’s not easy being George. He has the most boring name out of the entire cast, so boring that he may or may not have been renamed Admetus. He’s mostly known only for playing the Rumpus Cat and making weird faces. Still, that does not excuse his bad attitude >:(
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Munkustrap is just Done™ at this point.
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And, right before it’s finally over, Tugger brings out the bagpipes again. Because we’re not longer talking about Scotties, it’s just random this time and no one finds it funny. Munkustrap is beginning to wonder if cats can safely drink alcohol, because that’s what his humans do when they have to deal with this level of Bullshit.
And, to top it all off, Old Deuteronomy gets on to everyone for making fun of dogs. He worked so hard on this play, it was a disaster, and then his dad said he shouldn’t have done it in the first place.
The Macavity Scare might’ve been considered a welcome distraction by this point.
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spaceghcst · 3 years
tutorial: discord chat exporter
hi everyone! i don’t make tutorials often but this is a tool i use a ton that not many people seem to know about, so i thought i would spread the word! if you rp on discord, and love to keep your old threads on file and/or are a digital hoarder like me, there is actually a way you can automatically export and save your old threads, and it’s pretty easy to do! disclaimer: this tool is not an official discord feature, and using an automated program to access the back end of your discord account is technically against discord’s terms of service. however, i’ve used the program a lot and have never had any problems with it.
check the source for the link to the program, and look below the cut for a step by step on how to use it (on windows, i’m not sure if it’s different on mac sorry!) with pictures! if you find this at all helpful i’d really appreciate a like / reblog to help get the word out :)
as a note, i’ll be using the private server i use to test my tupperbox icons as an example for this tutorial.
first things first: download the export program (check the source link!)
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the zip folder will have a ton of random files in it. don’t touch any of them!!! they’re all needed to make the program work. the program itself is the file that looks like this:
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when you try to open it, it’ll probably give you this warning message:
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choose “extract all” (again, all those other files in there are needed to make the program work so you have to keep them all in the same folder together or it won’t work properly) and choose where you want the folder to be on your computer. when you open the new extracted folder it will look pretty much the same, except the program itself should now look like this:
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open it up! there will be instructions waiting for you in there.
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follow the instructions. in my experience i’ve had to use the discord desktop app to get it to work, rather than doing it in the browser version of discord. this is how it should look once you’ve got the developer tools opened up and reloaded to show your token (scroll to the bottom of the pane):
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paste your token into the exporter and hit the arrow. it’ll default to your DMs, and show icons for all your servers on the left. click the server you want to export, and it’ll bring up the categories within that server, which you can uncollapse to see all the channels.
NOTE FOR DISCORD SERVER ADMINS: this is something i just discovered with this program pretty recently, but if someone is trying to export a server they are not the admin of, they will be able to see any admin-locked categories or channels that would normally be invisible to them due to permissions. however, if they try to export them they will get an error message saying they don’t have permission to access those channels. again, they will be able to see the channels, but they will not be able to export them or gain access to the contents of those channels in any way. personally i advise giving all admin-locked channels or categories somewhat generic names for this reason.
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select which channel(s) you want to export! you can export multiple channels at a time (even if they’re not in the same category), just click the first channel you want to export, hold down shift, and click the last channel to select all the channels in between. alternatively, you can hold ctrl while clicking individual channels you want to export. to export, click the big orange button in the lower right corner.
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a window will pop up that will give you some preferences, if you click the three lines in the lower left corner it’ll give you advanced preferences. i usually don’t bother touching these but you might want to play around with them depending on what you’re trying to do. i definitely recommend downloading them as HTML files because it will preserve the formatting, whereas every other file type will convert to plain text.
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choose the folder where you want to save the files, and ta-da!
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at this point, what you do with the files and how you store them is really up to personal preference, but i’ll show the way i like to keep things just as an example! usually, i’ll make a folder for the whole server, then make folders within that one for each category (again, i am a digital hoarder, so when i export a server i export the whole entire thing because i never know what i might want later lol) i also usually number the categories so they stay in the same order as they appear in the server, rather than alphabetical.
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the file name will automatically show the server name, category, and channel name, so i usually don’t bother renaming them.
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if you open an HTML file on your computer, it should automatically open in your web browser, in which case it will look like this:
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i don’t really like how that looks, though, so i usually upload them to my drive and convert them to google docs (right click the file > open with > google docs)
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and that’s really all there is to it! if you have any questions about the exporter or discord (either specifically rp-related or just the app in general) feel free to shoot me a message and i’d be happy to do what i can to help! thanks for reading and again if you found this useful i’d really appreciate a like / reblog to help spread the word <3
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dream smp war 2 updates
doing a second chain post! i thought it would be appropriate if i did since it seems like there’s a new era of wars coming our way. 
(this post will keep updating by reblogged additions, so feel free to save this post somewhere or follow me to check for new updates every now and then!)
and ya’know, i thought wouldn’t be able to do this, but i realize that where else am i gonna infodump but here? so yea. here i go again.
(if you wanna check the first dream smp war post-war updates, it’s here!)
without further ado, time to explain whatever the heck just happened last stream! timeline of events might be funky because a lot of things happened, but i’ll try my best to at least mention everything that went down in the streams.
wilbur, tommy, tubbo, eret, quackity, and a confused hbomb’s stream - september 22
summary: schlatt and quackity win presidency, tommy and wilbur are exiled, some friends have become traitors, some foes have become allies, and technoblade joins the game.
the first streams that came from this honestly were very calm. legit the calm before the storm. tubbo was hanging out with niki, eret, and hbomb and eret reveals to tubbo that his first pufferfish that was stolen by fundy was actually in eret’s possession all along. eret gladly returns the beloved pufferfish to tubbo, and they rename it back to it’s original name “phukkit”.
then, everyone begins going in the server as each campaign stands on the podium waiting for the event to begin. wilbur, tommy, and tubbo first stray away from the group for a bit to watch l’manberg one last time. tubbo introduces to them his secret bunker in the lake for them to seek refuge just in case pog2020 loses. inside the bunker’s chests are some freshly brewed potions for wilbur and tommy to use in the future.
tubbo then brings tommy to the benches outside tommy’s little house and they play one more music disc together. here, tubbo gifts tommy the pufferfish he just gained earlier today, and tommy promised to treasure it dearly.
now, the event begins, and wilbur begins announcing the results. luckily, everyone is here this time. in last place is coconut2020. a funny thing about this is that fundy actually committed tax fraud and got around 100,000+ votes to be counted in the google form just from coding some bot to vote for them. in third place is schlatt, in second is quackity, and pog2020 wins the number one vote.
here’s where the plot twist happens: quackity and schlatt apparently agreed to combine their votes if pog2020 doesn’t win. therefore, quackity and schlatt got 47% of the votes as pog only got 46%, making schlatt and quackity the shared president of l’manberg. tommy protests to these decisions, but wilbur accepts it with ease, and the two merely step down the podium in shame as they watch schlatt take a speech.
schlatt went on full dictator mode-- the first decree he signed as president is to revoke wilbur and tommy’s presence in l’manberg, exiling them. tommy was confused at first before wilbur demanded him to run to the bunker. schlatt immediately conducts a search party for him, electing tubbo as his right hand man to personally hunt the two down. obviously, tubbo would do it hesitantly, and he doesn’t actually get to meet the two in the bunker at all.
a lot of the nation was quite torn from the election results. quackity and george seem to be supportive of schlatt, niki, tubbo, and eret seem to despise schlatt, and fundy and jack seem to just blindly support him as well despite being l’manbergians. punz, ponk, and hbomb were there as well, but it was quite difficult to know who they were siding with since they kinda just got pushed around by everyone at the end.
using invisibility potions, wilbur and tommy escape the bunker to go somewhere in the forest to find their new home. they find a nice hill to make a small house in, and they later name this new nation “pogtopia”. they run into some conflicts though as wilbur and tommy forget to bring an enderchest with them, and they need some of the materials in them now if they want to build up a defense.
and then, in the middle of nowhere, techno tweeted:
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wilbur claims he doesn’t want to trust techno right away because he was american, but they do consider having him as an ally later on.
firstly, let’s get back to l’manberg. upon schlatt’s request, the walls of l’manberg are being torn down. i heard somewhere that this might’ve been done thanks to fundy’s suggestion, but i’m not sure. everyone complies, and wilbur and tommy visit l’manberg one last time before it gets taken apart. as they watch fundy and tubbo tear down the wall, wilbur sings the l’manbergs national anthem. (the wall also eventually gets expanded past l’manberg, but i’m not sure how far they’ve built it)
speaking of fundy, fundy’s kind of in a weird place right now. he seems to unhesitantly side with schlatt in this election, and allows his policies easily as if he didn’t care about anyone else in l’manberg. knowing this, wilbur actually disowns fundy. it wasn’t in front of him, but he does say that he is extremely hurt by him in front of techno and tommy.
before i talk about the rescue of techno, we gotta go back to quackity and schlatt for a bit. quackity actually caught tommy visiting his place to get an enderchest, but i believe he doesn’t tell schlatt about it. quackity is quite interesting because while he does believe in some of the policies schlatt believes in, he also believes that schlatt is taking this dictatorship too far. even he thought exiling tommy and wilbur was a big deal, and he aims to be the voice of reason to be able to change schlatt’s mind about his policies. moreover, he wants to discuss matters with tommy and wilbur as well to get on their side too, but wilbur doesn’t wanna talk to quackity because, fourth wall break, he believes they’re progressing far into the story too much if they do, and honestly, valid reason lmao.
do note that quackity is trying his best to tear down schlatt’s evil dictatorship. he’s secretly been advocating for niki and is helping her escape schlatt’s grasp when she needs it, and he eventually talked to schlatt near the end of the stream to be more mindful of quackity’s opinions because without him, schlatt wouldn’t have won. there’s some toxic relationship plot device being used here between schlatt and quackity, and i’m interested to see how this will all play out.
back to tommy and wilbur, they call techno and actually consider his help. tommy says he will run back to spawn and tell him when to join so that he can bring him to their secret base. eret tries to help them and supply them with goods, but tommy and wilbur refuses his help profusely. finally, when tommy reaches spawn, techno joins, and my god, all the three streams i watched just went “TECHNOBLADE????” all at once. 
on schlatt’s end, he claims that techno’s arrival was part of schlatt’s plan all this time. on the other hand, techno claims he’s only here for wilbur and tommy. i fully believe techno would be with wilbur and tommy, but of course, i can never be sure. just don’t discount the possibility of a traitor!techno happening sometime soon.
even if ponk tried to kill techno and tommy as they tried to escape, tommy was able to kill ponk before techno got hurt. they eventually arrived to pogtopia, and there, wilbur declares that he will be a different man from what they know of him pre-election. i’m thinking there’s going to be more violence surrounding the war, and also some strategic planning. they want to get tubbo as a secret agent for them to tear schlatt and quackity apart, eventually leading to the downfall of the dictatorship. niki might also be someone crucial here because she and wilbur have been exchanging messages secretly, so there’s going to be some niki action too.
then, schlatt makes another announcement. after the walls have been torn down, he declares l’manberg gets a new name-- manberg. niki protests, and wilbur and tommy and rightfully disgusted, but schlatt wasn’t going to do anything about it.
everyone in pogtopia, before they can stack up on some resources, have to go back to the dream smp because they comedically have to get a visa for one day for when ninja joins the minecraft server. they were greeted peacefully (and techno steals some potatoes!!!), and it was definitely fun to see so many people in the server all at once. evetually, schlatt does grant them the visa, and they leave. they talk to tubbo one last time, and tubbo warns them about techno being allegedly “paid” by schlatt to betray tommy and wilbur. tommy regards it for now, but after that, they leave to return to pogtopia.
in pogtopia, they begin mining for resources. in the ravine they found below their base, tommy found a strip mine that leads EXACTLY BACK to his bunker. this will be used for a secret passage for them just in case they discreetly want to return to the dream smp.
this is kinda where the main plot stuff ends for wilbur and tommy’s streams, but in eret’s stream, apparently he and bad found pogtopia. they find techno silently, gifting him with potatoes, and leaving promptly after.
on quackity’s end, he’s really trying to convince schlatt to become more open-minded about this entire presidency. there’s some real tension going on between these two, and it wouldn’t be a surprise if they break it off for quackity to join pogtopia. it really seems like they’re hinting it to become that way.
now, it seems like everything’s done, but nope. on eret’s stream, fundy single handedly burned down the l’manberg flag that niki built. FUNDY BETRAYAL AND ERET REDEMPTION ARC. niki is LIVID at fundy, but she wasn’t able to talk to him as he left the server immediately. we don’t know what fundy’s true intentions are, but it’s assumed that he’s siding with schlatt for now. eret at least tells niki they’ll try to rebuild it with concrete so it can’t be destroyed.
JUST AS ALL THIS SHIT CONCLUDES, SAPNAP JOINS. he only joins so he can catch up with everything he missed. eret and niki explain everything to him, and sapnap says he will have to talk to dream about this. he then leaves afterwards.
conclusion: BE HYPED. BE HYPED FOR PLOT. SHOW YOUR APPRECIATION TO THE ENTIRETY OF THE DREAM SMP FOR THIS AMAZING PLOT. DON’T SEND THEM HATE; MAKE CONTENT FOR IT INSTEAD. these people probably worked hard improv-ing/making plots for these, so show your love and appreciation for them!!!!!
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ltwilliammowett · 3 years
Benito Bonito- The Bloody Sword
What you can't find in research, here is another wonderful pirate story.
Just because he couldn't sing, Benito Bonito, also called the Bloody Sword or Dom Pedro, turned to piracy in 1814.  In 1814, he is said to have been the captain of a small Spanish pirate ship. Two years later, he took over a Portuguese merchantman by murdering the captain. Next he captured an English slave ship called the Lightning, which he renamed the Relampago. All crew members who refused to join him were murdered. The Relampago operated for several years between the West Indies and in the Atlantic. When he became increasingly distressed off the North American coast, Bonito diverted to the Pacific. In 1819, he robbed a Spanish donkey caravan carrying gold from Mexico City to Acapulco for onward transport to Manila. In 1820, he captured the Mary Dier / Mary Dear / Morning Star, which was carrying a great Inca treasure said to be worth $300,000,000 today. She was a Ship under British command, to carry these so called Tresure of Lima to Mexico as Benito captured her and killed every men onboard.
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The Pirate’s Cove, Wafer Bay, Cocos Island,by Montague Dawson (x)
Bonito hid his treasure in Wafer Bay on Cocos Island (Coasta Rica), which he noted on a treasure map. He died in the Caribbean in 1821, when the crew of his ship mutinied. Other sources describe that he was hanged by the British in 1820 or that he committed suicide with a pistol in 1821. This is how his life was reconstructed in "The Lost Treasure of Cocos Island" by the New York Times journalists Hancock and Weston.
So for the 6 years he is said to have been active, he was very successful and thus comes close to the actually existing Henry Avery (Arch Pirate). The problem here is that there is no evidence of a pirate named Benito Bonito. Of course, the book tried to find out whether this might not have been an alias, and so a number of possible candidates came up. The most likely candidate was a confusion of names with Benito de Soto. Soto was in fact a pirate who lived from 1805-1830 and was later hanged for his deeds. But Soto never sailed in the Pacific, his territory was the Atlantic and the Caribbean.
Another name was Bennett Graham (also spelled Benett Grahame). He is said to have used Bonito as a pseudonym and he have distinguished himself at the Battle of Trafalgar and, in recognition of his service, was given command of the battleship HMS Devonshire, 75-guns, to capture Spanish ships in the Pacific as a privateer. However, as he did not limit himself to the Spanish, but also robbed ships of other nations, the Devonshire was finally sunk by three British warships off the coast of Costa Rica. Before that, however, Graham had managed to hide his booty on Cocos Island. Only there was no Captain Graham during the Battle of Trafalgar. And that a warship, a liner, would simply disappear for several years to earn its living as a pirate ship is more than unlikely. Especially as the real Devonshire was commanded by Captain Sir Ross Donnelly.
There are a number of other suspects behind Bonito, but none of them are conclusive. One assumes that he was the Portuguese pirate Dominico Pedro Benitez, but there is no evidence for this either. Especially as he is said to have been active with a Galleon in the 19th century. A type of ship that had longer not existed for two centuries. Another source even tried to equate him with Emperor Peter I of Brazil (1798-1834). But only because Peter the First was called Dom Pedro when he was king of Portugal.
It is more likely that Benito Bonito is a mythical figure and that real people were mixed into one and a legendary pirate was created who had buried his treasure on Cocos Island.Like the pirates in Treasure Island.
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lebritneeey · 3 years
Second Chance (3/??)
inspired by don’t wanna cry, lie again and second life & a little idea from reply 1997 and 1988.
genre: romance. fluff, angst, love rivals etc lmao
pairing: y/n x ??? (svt)
a/n: hi guys! so my imagination started running after listening to dwc, lie again and second life on repeat lmao. i’ve always love reading angsty fics and so i came up with this series based on these three songs! disclaimer!! if there’s any similarity with other fics, it is coincidental, everything written here is based on my idea! no to plagiarism!! also, pics and gifs here are NOT mine! hope you guys enjoy this series i might be posting this on aff too so don’t be alarm if you come across it on aff! enjoy!
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What if you could get a second chance at love? What if it was the wrong time but the right person all along? Would you take it? This second chance? 
Meet y/n, a 25 year old girl who had to revisit the city she once loved, Seoul. It was a city filled with both good and bad memories for her. When she left, she swore never to return. But here she is, back in Seoul, hoping to not run into a certain old flame that might reopen old wounds and remind her of how broken hearted she was back then.
chapter 2 | chapter 3 | chapter 4
chapter 3: she’s back?
nov 2020, seoul, 1:39pm (KST)
Y/n’s eyes widened as she froze. Choyi and Hana gasped as they stared at the three familiar faces in front of them. 
Seventeen Dino, Mingyu and Jeonghan were picking up their coffee orders for the rest of the group. 
“Oh! Noona!” Dino and Mingyu chimed as they greeted her excitedly. They turned to Hana and Choyi, waving at them as well. 
Jeonghan’s eyes was fixated on Y/n, his gaze turning soft. 
“Hi, Y/n.. long time no see.” 
The members sat down with the girls as they waited for their orders. Jeonghan took a seat opposite Y/n who anxiously drank her coffee while silence filled the air. 
“..long time no see noonas!” Dino broke the silence. Mingyu joined in, “yeah, it’s been a few years!” Hana broke into a smile, nodding. “Yes, it’s been a while.. Heard Seventeen has been getting first place recently! Congratulations!” Choyi agreed, “This year is really you guys’ year! Congrats!” 
While the four of them chatted away, Jeonghan constantly fixed his gaze onto Y/n. He gently asked, “how have you been?” Y/n looked up from her drink as she forced a smile. “I’m.. good. You?” 
Jeonghan chuckled, “well you know, busy as always. We’re preparing for our upcoming tour.” Y/n nodded, taking a sip of her drink again. 
“You still looked the same from the last time I saw you. Beautiful always.” Y/n blinked in surprise, cheeks turning slightly red at the statement. She said nothing and continued looking at her coffee. Silence filled the air once more. 
“Ah, lunch time is over, we gotta go now.” Hana said as the girls stood up to leave. “Aw, that’s sad. But we had fun catching up noona!” Dino chirped as he waved them goodbye with Mingyu beside him doing the same. Just as Y/n was about to follow them out, Jeonghan gently grabbed her wrist. “Y/n!” She turned and stared at him, brows raising. 
He let go and rubbed his neck awkwardly. “Um.. how long are you going to be in Korea for? We should all catch up soon, the rest of the guys missed you and they would be delighted to see you again.” 
Y/n pursed her lips together, hesitating. “If I’m free.” She gave the three guys a small smile before leaving the cafe. 
Jeonghan sighed as he watched her leave. Damn it, I never thought I would miss her this much. 
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“Hyung.. should we tell the rest that we saw y/n again?” Dino asked in their van. The three were on the way back to the company with their coffee orders in their hands. 
“I don’t know.. We need to prepare for the tour soon, y/n’s return might affect some of them.” Jeonghan rubbed his face, feeling a tad stressed. 
“I think we should tell them. What if they bumped into y/n on the streets again like today?” Mingyu chipped in. “Aigoo hyung, Seoul isn’t that small you know.” Dino shooked his head as he replied Mingyu who pouted and continued texting on his phone. 
Jeonghan stared outside the window as he sighed once more. If fate allows it, then we will all meet again. He thought as the car ride continued in silence all the way back to the company. 
Flashback to march 2017, 3:53pm, PLEDIS building
Choyi, Hana and Y/n looked around in awe as they walked around the building of PLEDIS Entertainment, home to Seventeen, NU’EST and After School. Hana’s boyfriend had invited the girls over for lunch as he’s busy helping SVT prepare for their album comeback.
“Never in my life would I expect myself to be in freaking PLEDIS building where it’s the home to Seventeen!!!!!” Choyi whispered excitedly as she did a little dance while they were finding the practice room that Joohyeon was in. “Please calm down Choyi or else we’re gonna get kicked out for disturbance!” Hana shooked her head, Y/n chuckled as she follow the pair behind.
“Room 3.. room 3.. ah here it is,” Hana pointed at the practice room they found. The girls peeked through the windows.
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Seventeen members were in formation while Joohyeon was in front showing them what seemed to be a choreography for their next title song. “Can’t believe I’m getting the very first look at the upcoming comeback dance..” Choyi sighed with pleasure as she fixated her eyes through the window panels.
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“Okay, let’s take ten boys!” Joohyeon announced as he spotted Choyi’s face planted against the window. He walked over to the door and welcomed the girls. “Hi oppa” Hana gave him a hug while Y/n and Choyi waved at the members.
“Oh, hello, nice to see you all again!” Dokyeom waved as the rest of the members followed suit while they grabbed some towels and water bottles.
“Sorry to disturb but we brought some lunch for all of you!” Hana announced as Joohyeon took the bags she was carrying. “YES WE HAVE FREE FOOOOOD” Dino and Hosni jumped up and down pumping their fists with excitement. Y/n beamed, feeling a little surprised by their energy even after what seemed like hours of dance practice.
Jun ran up to Y/n after seeing her with two big bags of lunchboxes, “here let me help you with that!” Y/n gave him an appreciative smile and thanked him. “We didn’t speak much backstage that day but nice to meet you, I’m Jun! Are you a Korean by the way?”
Y/n shooked her head, “I’m from Singapore.” Jun nodded, mouth forming an ‘o’. “Wow but your Korean is good! Wait.. so does this mean you can speak chinese?”
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“Yup, 我可以说中文 (I can speak chinese)“ Jun got even more excited and started conversing in chinese with Y/n as they sat down on the floor with the others as they took out the lunchboxes.
“Are.. those two speaking in Chinese?” Seungcheol asked The8 as he glanced at the pair. The8 looked over and nodded, “Y/n’s from Singapore I think so she’s able to speak chinese if I’m not wrong”
Seungcheol tilted his head as he watched Y/n laughing at something Jun was saying. Wonder what they’re talking about that is so funny.. He pouted slightly as he started eating.
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“Yah Jihoon ah, where’s your Polaroid camera! This calls for some fun picture taking!” Jeonghan asked. Woozi walked over to his bag and took out the camera. Y/n noticed the Polaroid model, “oh is that the latest model?” Woozi turned to her and nodded. Y/n stood up and walked over looking at it. “Can I see it? I’ve been saving up for one cause my previous polaroid broke!” Woozi handed his camera over with a small smile.
Y/n clapped her hands enthusiastically as she gently held the camera. “Can I test it out?” Woozi chuckled as he gave her the go ahead. What Y/n did next was unexpected to the boy — she pointed the camera in front of him and snapped a pic, “say cheese!” Woozi stared blankly at the camera with surprised as he frozed. Did she just.. took a picture of me? Suddenly?
When the polaroid picture started developing, Y/n giggled as she showed Woozi. “What’s with the blank look!” Woozi stared at Y/n, feeling captivated by her adorable action. He blushed as he rubbed his neck sheepishly, “I was just surprised that’s all..” Y/n grinned as she return the camera to him. “I think I’ll get this model, thank you Jihoon!” Woozi blushed even more as she calls him by his actual name.
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“Hyung, I can help us take a few pics!” Mingyu walked over, taking the camera from the flustered boy. “Woah, why are your ears so red?” Woozi shooked his head and passed the camera to Mingyu before returning to his food, “nothing, here ya go. Don’t drop it or else I’ll come after you.”
Mingyu sighed as he went around taking pictures of the entire gang. “Say kimchi everyone!!!!”
Nov 2020, choyi’s apartment, 4:19pm (KST)
Y/n dropped her bag onto the sofa as she plopped on it. Choyi walked to the fridge to get a bottle of soju. Y/n looked on quizzedly, “isn’t it a bit too early for alcohol?”
Choyi took two soju glasses and sat on the sofa beside Y/n. “it’s for you.” Y/n raised an eyebrow, looking at the soju, “for what?”
“In case you wanna talk about what happened out there just now?” Choyi poured the soju into the glasses and handed one to Y/n, who took it begrudgingly. “There’s no need for any talk Cho.”
“It’s been what.. two years? I just thought seeing them might you know, sparked some past memories again” Choyi shrugs as she downs her glass. “I’m okay. It’s in the past and I’ve moved on. Really, I’m fine Cho” Y/n gave a tight smile as she refilled her glass.
“Besides, I won’t be staying in Korea for long anyway. I’m just here for work and work only, after which I’m gonna head home.” Y/n took a shot of soju as she let the bitterness taste linger around her throat hoping she would let it distract her from the heavy feeling around her chest.
“... Do you still have his number saved?” Y/n blinked a few times at Choyi’s question. She would be lying if she say she has already deleted them. The truth is, she still has it. After all these years, she still has it saved onto her phone, she just couldn’t bear to delete it. All she did was renamed it to “Ignore” just in case he calls again, but he never did.
“… nope I deleted it the day I left.” Silence filled the air as Y/n took another shot of her drink.
“You know.. the guys were shocked and sad when they heard you left without saying goodbye” Choyi added as she refilled their glasses.
“I heard.. that he was upset too” Choyi continued a she took a shot.
Y/n paused as she reached for her glass. He was upset? What right did he have to be upset?
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andrevasims · 3 years
How I Keep CC Organized
I didn’t always organize my CC folder, but that meant for a long time I ignored problem CC & just accepted wasting tons of time paging through things I never used.
It’s hard to know where to start, so hopefully this thing I put together can help you if you’re in a similar situation I was? At least proactively for your future CC hoard :P
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This will be about staying organized proactively, so I’m starting with CC that’s newly downloaded.
First, I extract the CC to its own folder. My actual Downloads has its own folder structure, like Hair > Female or Clothes > [Creator Name], so after doing all the prep work on the new CC the packages will go into one of those existing folders.
Ideally the number of subfolders are kept to a minimum, because the game reads the entire folder address for every single file, which increases loading times the longer the addresses get.
I think SOME folders are still okay though, as it’d be way more difficult to single out CC if it had an issue otherwise. The main trouble comes from using multiple subfolders, like Downloads > CAS > Clothes > Female > Top > [Creator] instead of just Downloads > Clothes.
The length of the folder & file names matter for the same reason, so I try to use shorthand like “Def” instead of “Default” and if some CC has a ridiculously long name I’ll rename it something shorter.
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For similar computery reasons, special characters like these: _ [ ] - ( ) { } etc. also increase load times because the game takes longer to read them. I always rename new CC to remove special characters before incorporating it into my Downloads.
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Instead of renaming every single thing by hand, this free program Bulk Rename Utility does it for you! It has tons of features I find useful outside of CC organizing, but for our purposes the only boxes needed are “Replace” and “With”.
Put a special character you see in the CC file names in the “Replace” box & leave “With” blank. It removes that character from the file name. Repeat with all the different special characters in the file names then bam you’re done!
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Once you start accumulating a ton of CC, it’s possible you might accidentally put duplicates of the same CC in your Downloads. Even if you didn’t rename anything it could still happen, as your computer wouldn’t notice unless you tried to put them in the exact same subfolder. Some creators also rename things themselves when including meshes or other reuploaded older CC in something you downloaded, so it might not even be “your” fault.
That’s where SearchMyFiles comes in handy! It still recognizes duplicate files even if they’re renamed, which is super useful. Sometimes they’re false flags though, so just do a thorough review of what it’s actually showing you before deleting them all.
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Another extremely useful program you can boot up around this point is Filename Tooltip! Not every creator adds tooltips to their CC, or if they do it might not have the right info that’d help track it down later.
Filename Tooltip can add and/or replace tooltips to be the CC’s file name, which makes it wayyy easier to track down in the future.
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Like lengthy addresses & special characters, having extra non-package files in your Downloads also increases loading times because the game is trying to read every single file in Downloads, whether it actually can or not.
.txt files for ReadMe’s, .png/.jpg/.bitmap images for previews & swatches, etc. alllll of that should be deleted or kept separate when adding CC to Downloads.
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One last file-related thing of course is The Compressorizer!
It’s not always necessary to use, because I think a lot of people already compress their files before uploading them (as seen in the screenshot). But I always do it just in case, and it is satisfying to mass-download a bunch of CC & see “75 Megabytes of storage saved!” in The Compressorizer.
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This is specfic to CAS-related downloads:
 A lot of CC for CAS has tons of recolors, and like me you probably only use a handful of those colors instead of all 50 or whatever. I get rid of them right from the get-go so things I won’t be using aren’t taking up space in my Downloads & adding to the game’s loading times.
I put my newly downloaded CC into my Downloads folder with everything else removed. That makes it easy to find when you open Bodyshop (and of course it loads faster). Then I go Build Sims > Build or Clone Sims to make a new sim.
 When you “Build a Sim” in Bodyshop, all CC items have a delete button enabled (in the bottom right). Using that button deletes that specific recolor package file from Downloads - it DOESN’T delete the mesh! Even if every single recolor was deleted, the mesh remains in Downloads.
There are some caveats though: Merged CC & no undo or recycling bin.
If CC is merged, which is most common with hair or eyes, deleting one recolor would delete all the other recolors too since they’re all together in one file. It should be clear if CC is merged though, either by the name or by only having 1 file when the swatch shows 20 colors.
The other caveat is if you delete package files via Bodyshop, you can’t get it back. It’s not sent to the recycling bin, and there’s no undo on deletion. But again, the mesh is never at risk of being removed in this process, and even if I delete the wrong thing I always reblog things on my Simblr I intend to download so getting the files back is never that difficult.
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Also worth noting: If you delete a recolor that a different age/gender was texture referencing, that age/gender group’s version will look... weird. I just delete that one too, since I wasn’t going to use that color anyway.
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If you’re uncertain about deleting via Bodyshop, you can get the same results by looking at & deleting textures in Clean Installer, or reading the package names & comparing them to the swatch. I just prefer the Bodyshop method since it lets me actually see how the CC looks on a sim to help decide whether I want each color.
For Build/Buy CC, there’s a similar strategy:
Add to Downloads folder by itself, start up the game, open an empty lot, place the new CC on the lot, and delete unwanted colors with the in-game delete button, either via the recolor tool or the catalog.
Be warned though, objects with subsets or merged recolors may have this thing when you delete a recolor, where the spot it was in will stay there, but now it appears blue or otherwise weird-looking because the recolor was deleted. Then when you click on it, the object turns invisible in the part the subset was for.
This happens for the same reasons it does for CAS CC. The subsets/recolors appear separate, but are using the same texture/package file. It’s most common with Maxis object recolors, especially ones that didn’t originally have multiple subsets or weren’t recolorable but had them added via CEP.
The extra blue/invisible subset recolor will disappear when you restart the game though (the other subset recolor that works will stay), so it’s not a permanent problem.
If you downloaded a set of recolors for a counter or something that makes both subsets an identical color/texture, they will probably be texture referenced and that weird (temporary) thing will happen if you delete them. BUT if the subsets are visibly 2 separate things (like a cushion vs. wood), then there should be no issue when deleting unwanted recolors of those. Also of course read the download description to see if the creator has merged the files.
Well that’s it! idk how else to end this lol
I appreciate anyone who actually got through all this rambling, and I hope you find it helpful in some way. Thanks for reading! ^_^
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mallowstep · 3 years
For the love of god, please consider renaming some cats, I've seen names like
"One-Eye, Halftail, Oddfoot, FLIPCLAW (what kind of prefix is 'Flip'?) Twigbranch, Clawface etc. Don't get me started on those atrocious SkyClan names with KITTYPET PREFIXES
Harrybrook, Snookthorn, Rileypool
Like tf?
so i'm going to start with saying! as a general rule, i love these names. i will address them each in turn, but i don't have a problem with warriors having "bad names," i have a problem with names that don't make sense given their context.
it does not make sense for blackfoot to be named blackkit, when he's mostly white. (and, as a colorpoint cat, i assume, would be born entirely white.) etc.
but i have no problem with bellaleaf, because well, yeah! makes sense to me.
after all, leaf was named leafdapple, why shouldn't bella be named bellaleaf.
i'm going to discuss each name you brought up in turn, and then, under the cut, i'm going to ramble about naming philosphies.
one-eye: i'm fine with this. i don't mind cats being named after their disabilities, not when it's an established part of warriors culture. (even if it doesn't happen anymore because people would be pissed about it.) i don't know if i think it's right, or if i think cats would have a problem with it, but i think it's good. i'd like to think most cats wouldn't have a problem with it, though. that said, for one-eye in particular, her name was already white-eye, so it feels redundant. food for thought, i suppose.
halftail: i'm not okay with this, because he lost...half his tail? trust me, as someone who had a cat with half a tail, you don't notice it. doesn't make sense. he can keep sparrowpelt, altho tbh i almost always forget about him.
oddfoot: oops i forget him initially! i actually assumed he was named odd because of numbers or something, but apparently it’s a deadfoot situation. we don’t know his kit name, so i’ll assume he was named as either an apprentice or a warrior to fit. it wouldn’t make sense for him to just have the prefix odd, and i’ll give him the benefit of the doubt and assume that he didn’t. if he did, however, i would have a problem with it because that makes his name a compound name, not because his leader renamed him.
flipclaw: i don't have a problem with it. what kind of name is flipkit? the kind of name a mother would give who looks a lot like the cat who traumatized her, i think. more importantly, i think it's cute! doesn't bother me. would i name an oc flipkit? probably not, but that's just me.
twigbranch: oh no i love her name. i love it! it's so cute. it means something, too! it has meaning. nope. no one is taking twigbranch away from me. i love it.
clawface: mixed. i don't really have a problem with a cat being named clawkit, but it feels...violent. shrug. i don't like it, but like, i also don't like sandynose.
and i won't directly address skyclan because uh i already stated my thoughts on them.
skyclan in particular, tho, it actually makes a lot of sense for their names to be like that. there is no reason to apply any clan norms to skyclan names.
i really hope they keep their names, too. tradition and legacy of names is important to them (pebbleshine and violetshine for the most direct example, but it's everywhere), and i want that to stay. i love that leafstar named her kit harrykit. never change skyclan.
as always, i want to say that i do not have a problem with anyone's methodology of naming cats. i do not care. i support every single name in existence (barring certain combinations of color and "-face," and anything in that vein), and i do not want to come across as telling you what you should do.
that includes you, anon! i do not think you should listen to me when i say i like these names. i think you should rename them whatever you want. (i strongly suggest reconsidering skyclan renames, tho. there's established reasons in canon for them to have those names, and i think it's a cool cultural thing worth exploring. i keep meaning to write a funny lil one-shot about it.)
but you know! if you want to rename them, go for it! i support you!
that said, here is what i think (and i am not an authority on this in any way, shape, or form) about names:
i've written extensively about naming traditions in the clans. if you want to read that, "names. leaders. meaning" and "names part two" are where i recommend you look. (note: first link is to my main, before i migrated warriors content here.)
i'm not going to go over any of that in detail, because well, i'd rather talk about something new?
anyway, i don't think there's a reason to rename the vast majority of cats. i have very, very, few rules. heck, in ashes, i even had squilf come out and say that there's not even a problem with cats sharing a prefix.
the two cats i have renamed are yellowstorm and runningcloud, both for very specific reasons: -fang is a suffix that only makes sense if you're a warrior, and yellowfang names runningpaw runningnose, but in this au, sagewhisker names him, and she doesn't seem like the type to give that kind of name.
in yellowfang's secret, which i do generally treat as canon, yellowfang explains runningnose's name. i don't have a problem with her giving that name to him in the slightest. i just don't think sagewhisker would, and that overrode my general conservative approach to cat names.
but i do think, to an extent, cats are named for the world around them. i explored this in "without warning," where cats can be named after all sorts of strange things (elevator is my favourite), because well, they don't know what strange names are and are not.
so, for example, if there was a kit named, say, chaffinchkit, i would probably rename them, because i've set my warriors in the pnw, and there are no chaffinches in america.
i would just name the kit finchkit, because really, a chaffinch just a specific type of finch anyway.
i also refuse to name a kit maggotkit. there are probably other canonical prefixes in this nature that i refuse, but maggot is the big one that comes to mind.
but i don't care that ferns are green and cats aren't green. maybe it's a name passed down through the generations, one they don't even remember the origin of, but now, it is a thunderclan name.
or maybe, it is given to a riverclan cat simply because their mother thinks ferns are nice and soft.
none of that matters to me, because i personally find limiting name to appearance is incredibly boring, and gives up a really nice chance to worldbuild.
in "fair is the night," ivypool and tigerheart have a brief conversation exploring this.
"ThunderClan is different," he says. "You don't use names in the same way. You don't know the Ivy before you. But ShadowClan isn't like that. Dawnpelt knows Dawncloud and Flametail knows Flamefur, but...I have Tigerstar." "That seems ineffective," Ivypool says. "You can get more mileage out of your names. Here, Ivy is for grey kits, right? But wiry ones. We need strong roots. And Dove is for grey kits, or white ones, but its for the ones who are born soft."
they go on, but i would never pass up an opportunity to explore that type of thing. (and yes i see the typo)
similarly, i like the renaming system. i am like, this close to saying i love it.
the only reason i don't make brightheart lostface in everything i write is because it'd be too much of a headache to remind people, and i also don't want to needlessly invite arguments about it.
she keeps her name in "saccharine tithes of love and glory" because it's the kind of au where i can throw small things like that, without worrying, because it fits, tonally.
i wish it didn't set a fic in a very specific tone, but it does, and so, i usually use brightheart.
(also, it's clear that she prefers brightheart in the books, and i respect that. i don't think, in my culture, that makes sense for her, but i've talked about my works as being on a spectrum between canon and me, and most stuff is far enough away from me that i call her brightheart.)
part of it is, renaming cats is imposing my rules over canon. i feel that saying "flipclaw should be named something else" asserts that my world is correct, and canon is wrong.
like, tallstar as a name does not make sense in my windclan. a kit can't be tall, and i've established that windclan names are very literal. but i've let it go, because i chose to make that a rule, and now i live with it.
i hope i didn't come off as prescriptivist, here, because i honestly believe if you want to rename cats, you should. i'd even be happy to discuss alternatives.
for clawface, might i suggest scorchface? (the suffix is malleable, frankly, but i don't feel like thinking much about it.) scorch deliberately has negative connotations in shadowclan, so you keep the same effect as clawface. especially since it just kind of sounds ominous.
but as for what i will do, it is not rename cats. i like their names (especially skyclan's), in all their idiosyncratic glory.
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precisemuseum · 3 years
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Puyo Puyo PC-98 Manual Translation
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Once upon a time, in the age when the power of magic was bestowed upon the world, a powerful sorcerer created a great spell named "Owanimo." One of the strongest spells of all, it could banish monsters to a space between dimensions, but he sealed it away, recording it only in his "Book of Magic." 
Not because it was forbidden knowledge or incredibly hard to use, but because to him, it seemed useless. And thus, the spell entered a dormant state, awaiting a day when a new sorcerer would come forth...
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Years came and went until finally, the seal came undone with the appearance of a great sorceress: Arle Nadja. One day, this auburn-haired girl with golden eyes came across the Book of Magic.
"Owanimo...?" Arle studied the chapter on forbidden spells for what seemed like hours. "When four monsters of the same color are in your sights, chant this spell loudly. The Goddess of Time shall listen, and whisk the monsters away to a space between dimensions." 
Arle continued to read, learning the Owanimo spell, but then closed it with a heavy sigh once she finished.
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Why set it aside like that? Well, Arle had never seen "four monsters of the same color" as the spellbook described. 
"I spent so much time reading, and it's not even a spell I can use for anything..." 
But just as fate brought the Book of Magic into Arle's hands by chance, so it brought from the world of darkness the very monsters she had read about.
And thus, a great battle awaits. With her great magic abilities, and the newfound power of "Owanimo," Arle Nadja sets out to protect the world.
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Arle Nadja The protagonist of the game and the (aspiring) sorceress who released the spell "Owanimo". Nobody knows how she ended up this way, but despite looking like she wouldn't hurt a fly, she's actually a merciless girl that slaughters innocent Puyo. She currently attends a magic school, but she's already too scary for anything to stand in her way. That's my opinion, anyway.
Carbuncle During the game, when you find your eyes moving towards the center of the screen... Awww~! He's sleeping!!! This is Carbuncle. When he's lying still, he almost looks like a loaf of bread, but as he sings and dances he shows off a wide range of movement and facial expressions. A truly profound deuteragonist.
Puyo Puyo Despite their fate as short-lived, jelly-like monsters who are stacked and popped, they have managed to secure a leading role this time around, and even get to dance on the title screen. They're sure to enjoy this special opportunity to perform on a grand stage in five different colors. Looking at them with an empty stomach will reveal their appetizing nature and make you hungry. Hehe.
Arle, the protagonist, is brimming with curiosity.
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Skeleton T While he appears as the epitome of a tea-loving Japanese man, he is a fine monster as well. He will be the first opponent you face during your trials. But you'll find that in a rather endearing way, he's a miserable fool who doesn't even know how to rotate his Puyo. Boohoo. Sipping bitter green tea during battle will instantly make you one of his tea-drinking buddies.
Nasu Grave An eggplant. Specifically, a Kamo eggplant. On top of that, he makes for a rather strange presence. Just what the heck is this thing? Despite appearances, his defensive power is high, so novices might find themselves struggling a bit. You'll have no choice but to keep at it and apply a steady technique. But in the end, your opponent is still just an eggplant. A regular talking eggplant. …Heh.
Mummy Even though it's called Mummy, it isn't a mommy. It's a mummy. What? You already knew that? Oh, deary me, I'll wrap it up then. (←One-man comedy routine.) Mummy is an opponent that makes you want to bully it because the crying face it makes when it's about to lose is just too cute. Sorry, Mummy.
The Goddess of Time whisking the monsters away.
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Draco Centauros As you might expect from someone who shouts "Rawr", this half-dragon being takes pride in those sharp horns. Appearing as the first obstacle of your quest, this opponent has top tier judgment and piece precision but takes forever to think things through. Because of that, she's a pitiful lass who is only ranked as a third-rate monster girl... You heard me right! Draco is a girl. I'm sure someone around you thought she was a boy...
Suketoudara A pollock who has an aura of coming from some far-off sea. However, he seems to have the character of an Edokko​. He's an athletic-type who tends to err on the side of caution. However, he's also arrogant. When he wins, he makes a face that screams "You're no match for me!", which is truly aggravating. Many say they especially don't want to lose to him.
(TL Note: Literally meaning “Child of Edo”, Edokko is refers to a person born and raised in Edo (renamed Tokyo in 1868). It implies personality traits such as being assertive, straightforward, cheerful, perhaps a bit mercantile.)
Sukiyapodes Let's just get this out of the way; he has a giant foot. It measures about 16 mon. Even though he has a complex about it, he directs that frustration into bettering himself. Well, we're not sure if that last part's true, but he always has a cheerful expression on his face as he slowly and steadily builds precise chains. He's a bit of an unpleasant guy.
(TL Note: mon is a unit of length for measuring the size of one's foot. 1 mon is equivalent to 2.4 cm. His foot is 38.4 cm, or 15.12 in.)
Harpy Now then, it is time for Miss Harpy's song. She loves singing more than she loves having three meals a day. She could sing for ages if no one stopped her. If there was something like a "Puyo Puyo World Karaoke Tournament", she'd win for sure. But unfortunately, this is only Puyo Puyo. 
Sasori Man “How d'ya do, partner? I’m a famous Naniwa salesman known 'round these parts as Sasori Man. Put 'er there! Huh? Yer askin' for my secret to success? I ain't spillin' the beans no matter how much ya beg. That's somethin' to look forward to when we do battle. Till then, happy trails.”
Panotty A flute-playing boy. But honestly, he's nothing more than a noisy, mischievous brat. He disrupts his opponent's chains by dropping large amounts of Nuisance Puyo on them. Everyone has fallen victim to his antics at least once. What a truly ruthless Puyo technique. For when his last flute sounds, the dead shall be raised. Just kidding.
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Zombie A zombie. All of his lines are stuff like "Ugheeee." This zombie is quite the formidable trickster. Sometimes he will be swiftly defeated, and other times he will take you by surprise and suddenly pull off a huge chain. If you don't take him seriously, you'll find yourself in a tough spot. Battle with caution.
Witch In the forest stands a grand mansion. Living there was a very ordinary family whose lineage can be traced back hundreds of years. The family's only daughter was born and was raised in a very ordinary fashion. But there was one thing that was not so ordinary...That young lady was a haughty witch. Ohohoho! Ohohohoho... *fadeout*
Zou Daimaou Pawoo! The mammoth mogul has arrived! A young aristocrat who comes from an ancient and distinguished line of royal Indian elephants. An irritating fellow who likes bad puns, gives his words an elephantine quality, and casually rhymes. He also enjoys Puyo Puyo. Plus, he's strong. An aphant-garde aristocrat whose ground-shaking chains are as sharp as his tusks.
Schezo A silver-haired man with deep blue eyes. Schezo, the embodiment of picturesque beauty. However, he's been deemed a pervert thanks to Arle, and strives to restore his honor by challenging her. 
B-E-A-U-T-Y! Perfection won't pass you by!  P-R-I-N-C-E! Of the Puyo Puyo World, it's meant to be! Go now! Go forth! Show us what you're really worth! 
...Well, this has turned into something rather silly..
Minotauros Risking life and limb for his duties, a bull who lives by the code of chivalry, leaving a flurry of cherry blossoms in his wake. That is Minotauros. Ever since Rulue rescued him long ago, he has served as her devoted attendant like a faithful dog. Seeing him like this brings some to tears. For Rulue, he'd go through hell and high water. He's giving it his all today, and his one-eyed look is as cool as ever.
Rulue A woman truly worthy of the title of "Fighting Queen". The queen of the Puyo Puyo world. There's nothing that she can't obtain... Oh wait, there is something — Satan's love. Possessing a very jealous nature, Rulue is always lying in wait, ready to obliterate anyone who gets close to Satan. It's rumored that her true strength is even greater than Satan's.
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Satan He is the king that rules over heaven and earth. He soars the skies with wings that slice through wind. His two horns point towards the heavens. His sharp eyes are like glistening gems. Cloaked in the veil of night, his devilish hand beckons you in. He is darkness’s cherished protege. It seems playing Puyo Puyo is a guilty pleasure of his. His true strength is unknown. It's said he's won the Puyo Puyo World Championship a countless number of times. In any case, he's obviously a bigshot. Can you truly defeat Satan, who boasts of elite skills in speed and chaining?
(You can download the PDF here)
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otterskin · 3 years
Inverted Mobius, Mr. Tesseract and The Avatar of Truth
The mystery of the weird collar has deepened, thanks to @nebulousfishgills​ - by which I mean they totally solved it.
To those just joining me, I noticed this in my previous breakdown of the Loki trailer here.
Mr. Mobius, played by Owen Wilson, has an ‘inverted suit’. His collar is an indentation in his suit, rather than going on top of it.
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So, first, a scene from Endgame that I seriously did think of when we learned there was a character called ‘Mobius M. Mobius’ in Loki (played by Owen Wilson). And yet I didn’t put this together. Thanks again to nebulousfish for making me realize that these things might not be coincidences.
When Mr. Stark is inventing time travel, he asks his AI to create a depiction of a Mobius Strip, inverted.
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Which gets him this:
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Anyway, what is a Mobius Strip, and who is Mobius M. Mobius? (Not to be confused with Morbius the Living Vampire, though wouldn’t it be funny if he was mistaken for Mobius M. if this show gets big first?)
I am not a quantum theorist or comic book aficionado by trade, so let’s do a Wikipedia-Fu on it.
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In mathematics, a Möbius strip, band, or loop (US: /ˈmoʊbiəs, ˈmeɪ-/ MOH-bee-əs, MAY-, UK: /ˈmɜːbiəs/;[1]German: [ˈmøːbi̯ʊs]), also spelled Mobius or Moebius, is a surface with only one side (when embedded in three-dimensional Euclidean space) and only one boundary curve. The Möbius strip is the simplest non-orientable surface.
An example of a Möbius strip can be created by taking a strip of paper and giving one end a half-twist, then joining the ends to form a loop; its boundary is a simple closed curve which can be traced by a single unknotted string. Any topological space homeomorphic to this example is also called a Möbius strip, allowing for a very wide variety of geometric realizations as surfaces with a definite size and shape. For example, any rectangle can be glued left-edge to right-edge with a reversal of orientation. Some, but not all, of these can be smoothly modeled as surfaces in Euclidean space. A closely related, but not homeomorphic, surface is the complete open Möbius band, a boundaryless surface in which the width of the strip is extended infinitely to become a Euclidean line.A half-twist clockwise gives an embedding of the Möbius strip which cannot be moved or stretched to give the half-twist counterclockwise; thus, a Möbius strip embedded in Euclidean space is a chiral object with right- or left-handedness. The Möbius strip can also be embedded by twisting the strip any odd number of times, or by knotting and twisting the strip before joining its ends.
A Möbius strip does not self-intersect but its projection in 2 dimensions does.
Uh....right. Well, that clears everything up, doesn’t it?
Let’s crib off someone else’s work. Thanks to Thomas Wong on Medium, I was able to understand this a little better.
A Möbius strip is just a strip of paper, turned and taped together. It it only has one side, so an ant walking along the strip eventually returns to where he started. If we metaphorically interpret the ant, not as returning to a point in space, but a point in time, then it alludes to time travel.
As previously discussed, after a measurement, the quantum mixture (half born and half never born) becomes a definite state (born or never born). Finding the “spectral decomposition” is to find all the possible energies (eigenvalues) and states. Using these, one can determine how a quantum object evolves with time.
Combining this with the metaphoric interpretation of the Möbius strip, it could be that Stark found how to make quantum objects evolve such that they revisit a point in time, hence time travel.
Okay, that’s a little easier to understand. So how does this relate to the character Mobius M. Mobius, aside from him being named after the strip and the (apparently antiquated) ideas about time travel?
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Well, he was based on Marvel Comics Legend Mark Gruenwald, a guy known for his passion for the lore of the comics, which he knew in innate detail. He even wrote the Official Handbooks and whatnot. Likewise, Mr. Mobius is a stickler for detail and one of the few members of the TVA even allowed a face - although it is off the rack, as he’s one an infinite number of clones (god I love the TVA so much already, it’s heaven for a Douglas Addams fan like me).
Despite being a clone, he rose through the ranks and is nearly the top guy, serving only underneath Mr. Alternity (and I am not familiar with these comics so feel free to correct me). Mr. Alternity has almost no comics history, but is based on editor Tom Brevoort.
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There are several other misters, all of them near-identical to ‘Moby’. Mr. Orobourous, Mr. Paradox, Mr. Tesseract (!) and Mr. Oburos. They are also minor characters, but let’s look at all these names.
Clearly they are named after quantum theories of some-sort or another.
Mr. Mobius: Mobius Strip Theory - the idea that, essentially, is about the shape of time itself and the theory of traveling along that shape.
Mr. Alternity : Alternative universes
Mr. Ouroboros: A divine figure representing the beginning and the end of time in an endless cycle of death and rebirth.
Mr. Oburos - I’m not sure, but I think this is a variant of Ouroboros. 
Mr. Paradox - Temporal paradox, causal loops - ex. The Grandfather Paradox
Mr. Tesseract - An object that exists in 4 dimensions. Time is often called the fourth dimension.
Obviously that last one is interesting, considering how the Tesseract will be the start of our adventure. The Cosmic Cube was renamed for the MCU, and in the comics has no relation to this minor character.
But what if it now does?
What if Tony has caused a change in the very appearance of Mr. Mobius when he inverted the Mobius Strip - literally inverting his clothing because he changed the shape of the Mobius - does that mean that these seemingly human-looking misters are in fact some sort of avatars for aspects of time itself? And if Mr. Tesseract is representative of how space and time intersect in the fourth dimension, wouldn’t a rogue god twisting space and time with the device that shares his name cause him some affect? Perhaps why the TVA noticed something was amiss to begin with.
This would be a departure from the comics, but the characters have almost no history there. They are ripe for new ideas.
Or, then again, since Loki will be working for the TVA - perhaps he’s the one who becomes ‘Mr. Tesseract’?
But continuing with that ‘Avatar of Aspects’ idea, let’s get away from this sausagefest for a second and visit my next newest favourite character -
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I’m guessing she’s one of the Justices of the TVA. What gives it away? The imperious look, the giant oaken table, or the fact that I’m suddenly self-conscious when she looks at me? It’s the last one, of course. She’s a natural judge.
Of the named TVA judges, there’s :
Justice Goodwill, Justice Hope, Justice Liberty, Justice Love, Justice Might, Justice Mills, Justice Peace and Justice Truth.
Could they also possibly be avatars of their respective aspects?
If I had to guess, I’d say this is Justice Truth, as pairing up Loki with an avatar of Truth seems like it’d be a smashing good time, similar to how he was paired with Verity Willis in the comics. She might even be a composite character with Verity.
Verity’s power is detecting and seeing through all lies and illusions. I think this powerset will be given to Justice Truth, except instead of deriving it from a magic ring that she swallowed, she’d simply be the actual ‘Embodiment of Truth’ - and let’s get real here, when I said ‘Avatars of Aspects’, I was using that clunky phrase because the more obvious one - God of - is already ‘taken’. So Justice Truth may well be the ‘God of Truth’, as it were.
I think she’ll end up in something of a buddy-comedy with Loki, giving him someone to bounce off against who literally cuts through his carefully crafted veneer.
I’m reminded of a great quote from Taika Waititi when he was talking about what he wanted to do with Loki in Ragnarok:
“(He’s) someone who tries so hard to embody this idea of the tortured artist, this tortured, gothy orphan...It’s too tiring trying to be like that,” he says. “And, most humans, we get over ourselves, we get to that point where we’re like, ‘man, being a tortured artist is actually, like, a lot of work. Maybe I should just be real and present, and just be me, and I don’t have to be a tortured artist to be interesting, I can just be a f*cking weird New Zealander and that’s enough.”
...I think Taika is a living Loki, tbh, ha ha. No wonder he gets it.
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Waititi, Yost, Pearson and Kyle did great work to cut through Loki’s illusions, both with dialogue and the visual allegory of his projections being dispelled by handy thrown objects, culminating in the very sweet ‘I’m here,’ scene at the end of the film. Loki seems to be much more open and expressive at the end of that film, and it seems like a weight has lifted off his shoulders.
But while this new Loki (Loki 2.0? Loki’s Show’s Loki? Loki II? Lokii? Lokii.) is shown a clip show of Ragnarok (one I previously theorized will be deliberately incomplete), that’s quite different from actually experiencing it, and he’ll be as performative as he was in Avengers and Thor 2. Instead of processing that ‘lack of presence’ as he did in Ragnarok, which came about as a result of Thor finally seeing through Loki’s illusions (guess he doesn’t fall for it anymore) as a result of their long history together, I suspect the band-aid will be torn off much more harshly by a total stranger who nonetheless simply sees through him.
Loki in general has a bad relationship with the truth (see the famous Vault Confrontation scene), and literally putting him on trial before the Truth Herself would certainly be enough to get him to switch from this phony expression:
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To this one:
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That’s not much of a facade there.
It’s not the same character arc as Ragnarok, but it does get us to a similar place, albeit in a darker and less healing way for Loki. I mean Lokii.
Anyhow. That’s what I got out of this thing.
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