#Aaa i can't contain the information anymore
mrfellsans · 3 months
Long ramble about pizza tower even though I'm mostly talking about basics and levels and like other stuff ig!
Future me: sorry if it's cut off Tumblr keeps goofin around
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Pizza tower spoilers even though I think everybody knows what it is but just in case I'll leave some stuff out.
Lets start off with the story, when we open up the game we get a little intro for why we are in the tower but there isn't much story that comes with it. The protagonist Peppino spaghetti is first seen in the first part of the cut scene and he looks miserable because he isn't able to pay his debt(Boohoo) when suddenly something appears in his restaurant, it's pizzaface, the main Gillian of the game and he is here to kill you with no regrets. He threatens peppino to go to his Pizza tower or he is gonna get a big ass Lazer and Lazer blast the living shit out of peppinos pizzeria so peppino is there like "DAAAAAAAMNNN DON'T DO THAT" and he starts running to the tower chasing the flying pizza but as soon as peppino enters the tower pizzaface that coward flew some where so peppino is all like "omg" and then the door slams shut behind him and he's all scared and stuff. Thats the story(that is not very accurate but accurate) anyway let's talk about tower basics. There are 5 floors, 6 bosses, 20 levels, 19 treasures, 95 toppins in total(but there are five for each level), and 57 secrets, and 26 clothes in total for peppinito of your counting both classic cook clothes and Halloween clothes of course. And also there are some hidden rooms throughout the tower and there are exactly 6 secret hub rooms. Lets start the game now, when you first enter the tower and walk to the right(idk my lefts and right so correct me if I'm wrong)there will be a pizza coded door, that is called tutoriel(undertale joke) you have to do the tutorial because it is necessary, unskipabble even if you wanna skip it! Don't complain just speed run it, but anyway in the level you will find an NPC called "Pizza granny" Granny will teach you basic movesets that peppino has so you don't keep getting them D-ranks, also while this is the tutorial pzaGranny doesn't show all the movesets you can use and I like this because on your way while beating the tower you can learn new things that peppino can do like the cute twirl and also that thing where he slides on the ground and starts going at max speed .. I think thats called match dash I have no memory of what that's called whatsoever but anywho if you beat the tutorial in under 2 mins or to be exact 1 minute and 45 seconds you will get access to all Lap 2 portals, Ill explain what those are later but first let's continue, after you beat the tutorial the hard pizza blocks that were blocking your way blow up and now you have access to other levels including John gutter, pizza escape, ancient cheese(should of been ancient grease THE PUN IS RIGHT THERE!! ANCIENT GREASE! IT'S RIGHT THERE AAAAA), Bloodsauce dungeon and The first boss fight which is none other then the pretty pepper himself, Pepperman. I love this idiot. Anyway back to the levels, when you beat tutorial as I said you unlock those levels and first you get to John gutter, once you enter John gutter your met with this purple themed area with many dead John's and also other enemies like cheese slimes and fork knights and monkeys(they are so annoying but silly), as you run along this new level you get to actually bring that moveset style stuff you just learned from the tutoriel to life because John gutter is a great example of what you should do after you learn how to play so let's just say that John gutter is like tutorial number 2 but more level-y. Yea. Anyways there are secrets here, hidden around but hard to pass(sometimes) and when you get to these you'll find an eyeball that's not fully pink but has some pink on it with pretty pretty eyelashes and when ya run into them you your teleported into a different room that is pink, the background has drawings of like eyes and little question marks or whateva and guess what! Every different eye you run into in every different level contains a different set up(duh) with different characters too because they are all randomized! So what I'm trying to say is each character you meet that are on these little brown pizza box platforms are just uhh different each time.. Like the levels(didn't know what to say). Anyway I know
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