#Aight back to classwork I go I hope you all are well
saintharted · 1 year
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Aight so while I’ve been very inactive, did see a thing on the dash and I would like to make something very clear: 
FGO COMPLETELY bastardized Jannu’s character.
It’s seen pretty explicitly in Apocrypha that Jannu not only NEVER considered herself a saint (She outright states “Everyone but me thinks that I am a saint”), was not all-forgiving and merciful, and will also feel guilt despite doing what she thinks is right (see Jack), was not above talking down to people and talking trash (See Atalanta), and above all: She considered herself a soldier not a saint. and has never seen her hands to be clean of blood. Hell, early in the novels--Jannu is literally washing blood of her hands because she beat the living shit out of some punks who were starting trouble in town, a trait that historically was pretty true given one of the stories about her. 
There is a scene that greatly sums up a great deal of Jeanne’s views, and it is the scene of when Shakespeare utilized his Noble Phantasm to make her relive the horrors of her life. When speaking with Gilles, she makes it VERY explicitly clear to him: “God will always forgive you of your sins, but people do not necessarily have to.” She has made a very clear boundary between the magnanimity of heaven as well as the feelings of humans because these are two very different things, and this applies to her as well.
Yes, she has spoken that she has no regrets (That’s in part a lie, but we can very clearly see that.), and yes, she has an astounding amount of resolution--But that isn’t something that I would necessarily surmise as just her ‘being a saint, that is her strength as a person. 
Jalter is not a fake, but Jeanne isn’t either.
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