#Also I am 2/3 finished with a single page comic from the rns little short writings :3
leapdayowo · 19 days
Redstone and Skulk au time!
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To start off with, here’s cat!Tanguish college au
(ignore that I don’t know how to draw people holding a sandwich from memory)
Tanguish is a scrappy alley cat Tango found who one day escapes from Tango’s apartment. Tanguish ends up trying to steal Helsknight’s lunch, but fails at first and falls on his face. Helsknight feels bad and gives Tanguish bits of meat and bread from his sandwich bonding them for life. He then wraps up Tanguish in his theatre cloak (he’s definitely a theatre kid + does historical reenactment fights with swords and such) and tries to take him to a shelter or vet or something, but Tanguish spooks when a really loud car passes by and runs into an alleyway. HK almost decides to leave it at that, it’s not his problem, but then hears Tanguish yowling and hissing and the sounds of another cat doing the same. He rushes into the alley and gets Tanguish away from the biggest cat he’s ever seen (it’s the Demon), but in the process he gets a good slash of claw marks across his face.
From there he takes Tanguish to his place, cleans them both up, and from there they have a bunch of misadventures of HK trying to take care of this scrawny, half hairless cat while also trying to find its owner/take him to a shelter/keep him. Eventually, he would find the Hermits on campus (who I am imagining are a more chill fraternity), and comes across Tango hanging out with Welsknight. Tanguish and Tango are happily reunited, HK looks like he got into a fight with a lawnmower the other night, and Wels takes glee in pointing that out while the two (they’re definitely brothers) are unhappily reunited.
Later that night, Tanguish escapes again and follows Helsknight home. When HK discovers this, he begrudgingly texts Wels to tell Tango Tanguish is with him (having not thought to grab Tango’s phone number earlier). There’s probably some joint custody thing that happens and Tanguish gets to eat muffins from two different friend groups now :3
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And on the other side of the multiuniversal coin: dog!Helsknight college au
This one is not as fleshed out, but essentially Helsknight is Welsknight’s dog who he keeps on campus, but HK has gradually grown to hate Wels. The coliseum group are all dogs too, and one day at the dog park, Helsknight runs away from Wels. He then stumbles across Tanguish (not a cat) who is getting harassed by these guys he used to steal things with along with other petty crime (not a crowd he wants to be with anymore), and when things get violent, Helsknight jumps in and attacks the guys (except Tanguish). Tanguish freaks out, but is trapped in the alleyway and can’t escape from this aggressive dog attacking everyone, so he holes up on a dumpster. When all the aggressors are gone, HK barks at Tanguish which scares the young man enough that he tries to scale the alley wall instead of get off the dumpster. He slips and falls down painfully next to Helsknight. More concerned if he broke a rib and finding some blood on him, he doesn’t notice HK checking him over until a rough paw tugs at his shirt.
He cautiously lets HK sniff his face and hands before getting up and slowly walking himself home. HK looks scary and is a big dog, but for some reason he has chosen to stick by Tanguish. They get to Tanguish and Tango’s apartment (roommates :3) and Tanguish has to introduce Tango to the Big Scary Dog that saved him and wants to be their third roommate, only to find out the HK is Welsknight’s dog who ran away a few days ago. At any mention of Wels’ name however, HK pins his ears back with a low growl. Regardless, Tanguish and Tango try to take HK back to Wels, and when they do everyone can tell just how unhappy HK is with Wels (he just doesn’t like the man’s vibes). Not knowing what else to do, Welsknight lets HK stay with Tanguish and Tango as a trail run to see what happens.
So yeah, Tanguish ends up with a big scary dog who keeps unwanted people away from him :3 HK eventually gets less hostile towards Wels over time, but still is not very friendly towards him. And yeah, dog versions of the coliseum crew playing in the dog park :3
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Last one :) warden!Helsknight au
even less fleshed out than the other two. I like the idea of Tanguish being able to do the shrieker sound, but then thought what if he could actually summon a warden with it?
So Tanguish is an inexperienced witch (maybe, or is just magical) who can do basic ice related magic, but one day he steals from a woman part of a larger crew of bounty hunters or something, and he gets chased down by them. He gets corner in a strange part of the woods and does the shrieker noise three times to ward them off, which doesn’t work until after the third try a tall armored warden!Helsknight emerges from the soft soil and scares off the bounty hunters.
I don’t really have much else in mind except Tanguish sitting on Hk’s shoulders while the two try and figure out what to do in the world (which is very vague I know). I’m not sure what HK’s relationship to Wels is like or if Wels would also be a warden (if he was I imagine he’s been on the surface much longer).
uhhh yeah! If anyone wants to run wild with any of these ideas, go for it! Maybe just mention me as an inspiration if you make something from these, but yeah they are free for anyone to develop further if you wish :)
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