#Also you draw morbidly obese furries and get off to that
vexypest · 2 months
‘You’re disgusting for for drawing gore and sexualizing it!’
I am aware
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colbbot · 4 years
Brielle Bischoff is a bad person who pretends to virtue signal but does not actually care about anyone. She accused me of being a pedophile and she said "oh well lets see that vagina" when she saw a horror movie with me and my boyfriend mark and it was that god awful "don't be afraid of the dark" movie that she forced us to see. Mark told her to and i quote "fuck off".
Whats even worse is she bullied her ex girlfriend Catherine skinner saying she has ugly art that looks like children's drawing and ugly kid paintings. She was verbally abusive and toxic to her girlfriend but acted like a victim when Catherine wouldn't put up with her shit anymore and decided to leave her.
She also bullies people who are furries like Dzintars Kalins and others in the furry community and she purposely tracks down furries online on the internet and she harasses them.
She bullies her brother John Bischoff who suffers from schizophrenia and is diagnosed apsergers.
She also bitched about how much she hated working at walmart because she hates "welfare queens" and dehumanized poor people who were customers that were on welfare saying that "these welfare queens just take advantage of the system" and proceeded to bully and mock black customers at walmart who were poor who needed food stamps as well as some white folks who were on food stamps also as well. Then she proceeded to say that people on welfare buy thsir kids only soda and junk food and snacks. Her words. Not mine. She is obviously spoiled and doesn't know how food stamps work. You actually can't buy soda or chips or cheetos or snack foods with food stamps or EBT cards in new york state they actually don't let you they only want people on food stamps or SNAP assistance to buy healthy food and drinks like fruit juice milk or ice tea or orange juice so Brielle clearly does not understand the poor.
Brielle then hypocritically wrote a facebook status one week after this hate filled welfare status then saying that people should and i quote "check their privilages" and to "be nice to the poor" after her friends and i on facebook were pissed at her for her racism in labeling black struggling single moms as "welfare queens" that "only buy their kids junk food, doritos, fritos cheetos and soda." Because apparently people on welfare are "taking advantage of the system" even though there are actually laws in new york state put in place to make damn sure nobody with a very high expendable income can get welfare and that it is only in place for the poor or people who are financially strapped. Oh but her "check your privileges" facebook status totally makes up for what a toxic piece of shit she is.
She then proceeded to bully and mistreat and verbally abuse me back in high school because i lived in a single mom household and was very poor and my mom was a bartender to make extra money on the weekends when my mom wasn't working her weekly job at softco. Brielle proceeded to humiliate me at the lunch table in canandaigua new york and say that my mom was and i quote "a boozy nutjob" and that because she works as a bartender when you are actually not allowed to drink on the job this apparently makes my mother "an alcoholic who doesn't love me". But its totally okay that everybody has to pretend to get along with brielles toxic bullshit and take her cruel words as her then adding "oh i am only kidding" when she lives in a very expensive canandaigua house and other people beneath her couldnt even afford new school clothes. And when ever somebody walks away from her or gets sick and tired of her toxic bullshit she proceeds to call them babies or snowflakes because apparently having a low tolerance for her drama and bullshit makes you a whiny sensitive baby and a snowflake for some odd reason and only if you sit with her or hang out with her and let her dish out her verbally abusive toxic language is that the only acceptable behavior you can do. Otherwise she guilts and shames you if you avoid her.
She mocked me for my amigurumi crochet hobby where i crochet nice gifts for people saying i was a basic bitch and a pussy for loving my art and my craft hobbies meanwhile she has no talent and proceeds to cyber bully other artists on deviant art.
She proceeds to bully anyone that is single or just got out of a relationship and proceeds to humiliate me on her facebook page with a sticky note she stuck on my forehead that said "man the fuck up" how about i man the fuck up and beat your racist intolerant morbidly obese caucasian ass? Just because i was slughtly bummed out about mark leaving me doesnt excuse your shitty behavior and you laughed at me and said "haa haa haa karma is a biiitch!" And you called me marks "barely legal aged looking baby mama" you are a drama mama who thirsts for drama in any way that you can and thst kind of toxic behvaior is wildly childish and innapropriate. Would you like that brielle bischoff? Me beating the fuck out of you because i "manned the fuck up" like you wanted me to? There is more to life than being tough brielle. Making fun of poor black women and calling them "welfare queens" is not acceptable behavior. Neither is bullying artists you are jealous of because you have no talent whatsoever and bullied your gf cat akinner for her talents. And bullying the furry community and the autistic community. You are a racist ableists sexist garbage piece of shit and even though you are bisexual and i refuse to be biphobic you were toxic to your ex gfs and ex bfs so you can mock me for being single or "forever alone" as you say but you also abused your Australian boyfriend and he left you because he got tired of your shit.
You may write statuses that say "haters are my motivators" but we are not haters. We are your victims
You brother, your mom, me, matthew cripps, dzintars and cat skinner and many others are victims of your disgusting and toxic and evil vile and prejudiced personality.
I implore and encourage anyone who is friends or dating brielle bischoff to leave this abusive bitch immediately. And i encourage anyone living in the gorham new york or stanley new york area or anyone that knew her in canandaigua new york to avoid this bitch as much as possible. She is racist, ableist to autistic people on the spectrum like me for being sensitive because of my aspergers or her brother jon and she was rude to my brother cody for his autism and she trolls artists and furry communities as well. She is incredibly racist and judgemental to poor black people and will laugh at them and say they are taking advantage of the welfare system. Please avoid this toxic human being as much as humanly possible and don't allow yourself to become her next victim. She will call you boring if you refuse to react to her toxidity like i chose to do by not allowing her to get inside my head. She even said and i quote " you are so boring i hope you get hit by a bus. " she also wrote nasty statuses like "if i ever meet that disgusting chick again i will vomit on her face." She is incredibly cruel and enjoys tormenting people psychologically for her own sick and twisted and sociopathic entertainment. Do not allow this toxic racist ableist scumbag bitch to get inside your head. I warn my friends who are talented artists and part of the furry communitys and autism communities to please report this bitch if she harasses you.
Thank you for reading this please reblog and spread the word.
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