#And whatever tf is up with Aseah
offshore-brinicle · 11 months
I am still burdened by the fact that we just. Never got an explanation as to why Yi Sang reacts to the storybook the group found the way he does, because it's noted something about it made him react, and negatively at that.
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Initially I was under the impression that maybe he was the one who made it, specially since his specific story theme plays over it, and the motivation of "wanting to bring joy to others" lined up very strongly with why the moment he showed the mirror to the rest of the League was so important to him, but now we know it alludes to the story of the Tearful Thing and the voice narrating the story is Stephannette.
But the thing is that the song that plays over the picture book is a different song from the one that plays over the story of the Tearful Thing.
This is Yi Sang's theme, Sinclair and Rodion have their own themes that play during their flashbacks and have different tunes and atmospheres to match their characters, but the first time this song plays is during Dongbaek's introduction.
Limbus Company - Yi Sang Story Theme - YouTube
And this is the song that plays for the flashbacks related to the Tearful Thing, once again a different theme.
Limbus Company - Cry For My Dream - YouTube
Dongrang interrupts before the matter is pressed further, but you can see he is indeed very affected by this particular story, not to mention both Dongbaek and Young-ji in specific allude to stargazing as well, particularly in relation to Yi Sang's mirror showing them or Dongbaek wishing to see stars herself, which is why she was so impacted by Yi Sang and the mirror, who showed her stars.
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A lot of things in Yi Sang's dungeon seem to be abridged just to tell the main points of the League of Nine's backstory since a lot of things aren't shown, like for example the dialogue in Yi Sang's memories when Dongbaek is stabbed doesn't show up in the flashbacks at all so I Highly suspect there are a lot of things about the past here left unexplored.
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