#Assassin “Rotten Apple” Lucifer
A Radioapple SpyxFamily AU idea dump
It seems that I´ve become incapable of writing down my ideas into a decent story, so I will just dump everything into this post - and whoever wants to pick up these pieces and string it together into a coherent story is welcome to take them and run with it. I just need to get it out of the system otherwise I´m gonna mad here.
SpyxFamily Universe - Cold War between Ostania & Westalis (if I wanted to be funny I´d have renamed them into "Elysiana" & "Ereboris" or smth like that, because there already exists Eden Academy, so why not turn it into "Heaven & Hell")
A/B/O- Universe (?)
Alastor as westalian spy known as "Smiles". He´s an expert in hiding in between shadows & and concealing his presence. (You only know he´s there when you see a creepy smile, but then it´s already too late for you.) Officially he works as a radio host at a radio station, which serves also the purpose to get the latest news from everywhere and subtly altering it if necessary. They also use it to communicate in code via broadcast. His excuse for getting almost murdered on the streets or for coming home with injuries will most likely be "haters of his radio persona" or "fanatic fans". Yes, he has a very intense fanbase (and hatebase), yes some might call him the radio demon.
He accidentally rescued a little girl called Niffty while on a mission, who refused to leave his side since then. And before he could get rid of her, his superiors had the brilliant idea to keep her, so he could take on operation "Strix", because it seemed that she´s smart (& old) enough to be enrolled in the famous Eden Academy.
Niffty is able to read minds, so she knows that the plan is to get closer to the youngest son of Sera Desmond, Adam. (You can imagine how the first meeting will go when I say that Adam will be terrified of her most of the time and will constantly try to convince everyone that she tries to murder him.) Lute will be his bodyguard, of course.
Our little gremlin will also make sure that Al gets a "wife"/mate/partner, because of course Eden Academy has this strange/stupid rule that the kids need to a whole set of parents to even have a chance to get into it. Al is not eager to go through the list of potential partners that his informant and old friend Husker provided him. Fortunately the problem solves itself with a chance meeting at the park where Niffty almost falls into a pond full of ducks.
And look who´s there! A cute little blonde (omega) with the name Lucifer, who is pondering his life choices and who´s in desperate need to prove that he´s NOT single and/or incapable of taking care of himself. See, he can still look after a kid and prevent her from falling head first into a pond. See, he can also sympathize with being a single parent, because he´s been in that role many years since Lilith´s death.
The wedding ring on his hand? Oh, that´s just an old remnant that he keeps wearing because he´s not really into finding a new partner & when they see the ring they usually back off and leave him be. Unfortunately it led to his new coworkers believing he was still married, because he had been too distracted (and not in the mood to talk about it) in giving them a direct answer ("I don´t have a wife"- "Oh sorry, husband then"). And somehow he talked himself into a corner with his adult daughter Charlie, too, because she believes he´s been dating someone for a while now. He had only been on a handful of dates because she had been constantly nagging him over the phone & then simply started lying to her about it to make her stop worrying.
Now he has one problem coming from two sides: His new coworkers invited him to a dance party, so he needs a dance partner - preferably his nonexistent husband, because he´s too embarrassed to admit he´s single now that he´s already been there for a while and never corrected this assumption. His daughter deems it appropriate to finally meet his new (imaginary) partner & make sure her dad is in good hands.
Lucifer also kinda fears that Charlie would actually throw away her carrier chances if she worried too much about him, because as much as he tried to hide his struggles from her, he knows she´s seen it. Luckily Charlie doesn´t (& hopefully never will) know how far he went to make ends meet for them, because he´s definitely not proud of it. He will never regret marrying Lilith & having Charlie, even though they got disowned by their families and never got the chance to finish their education at Eden Academy after they found out about them (and the pregnancy).
Lucifer is officially working a boring office job, but has a (regrettably) successful carrier as an assassin since his daughter´s childhood years, because he was desperate for money and would have done anything for his daughter to get her a at least somewhat decent childhood & education. His codename is "Rotten Apple" (he always leaves a faint smell of rotten apples behind) and he´s very good at disguising himself. His small and slender build also makes it easy for him to disguise as woman if necessary.
Anyway, Alastor & Lucifer come to the conclusion that it will benefit both of them if they entered a fake marriage. Lucifer is very glad he found Alastor, because not only can this man cook a thousand times better than him, he can also dance and make his coworkers jealous! Well, Charlie is not entirely convinced yet, but you have to forgive her, she´s very protective of her dad & worries too much (Vaggie is trying to convince her to let her dad be). Alastor is somewhat relieved that he found someone who has experience in child raising & knowledge of Eden Academy. He doesn´t care that his mate is older than him & already had a child roughly 20 years ago. If someone asks why he didn´t choose a younger one: He likes that they can enjoy the same things, such as music, dancing, playing instruments, etc. He´s also good with kids, has experience, doesn´t mind marrying someone with a child, does he need to go on? Ah, yes and both of them don´t ask too many unnecessary questions, because gotta keep their secrets.
Btw Vox is not happy about this fake marriage, because he wanted to play happy family with Al. (Niffty does not, she likes her new "bad boy" dad very much, thank you.)
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aion-rsa · 7 years
Shelly Bond Announces All-Star Team For Femme Magnifique
Shelly Bond was hired by former Vertigo editor Karen Berger one month after the founding of the DC Comics imprint, and over the next two decades had a hand in such acclaimed titles as “The Sandman,” “Hellblazer,” “Fables” and “Lucifer.” She succeeded Berger as executive editor of Vertigo in late 2012, only to depart the publisher last year amid a “restructuring” of the imprint.
Since then, many fans of great comics have been waiting to see what Bond would do next. It turns out that project is an anthology called “Femme Magnifique,” which boasts an impressive lineup of creators.
The comic tells the story of real women trailblazers across many different fields and walks of life. It will include stories about astronauts, reporters, artists, musicians and politicians, among others. In the announcement of the project, Bond said “the idea came about immediately after the election. It was the perfect time to take a missed opportunity for women and channel our collective energy into something insightful, full of positivity, that we can pass on to future generations. ‘Femme Magnifique’ is a graphic novel anthology designed to salute not only the fearless women who toppled the status quo, but also the outstanding writers and artists who infuse their personal stories of ambition and discovery onto the comic book page.”
If you needed anything else to sell you on this book, Bond has has assembled an all-star creator roster that includes:
Michael and Laura Allred (iZombie, Madman)
David Barnett (Calling Major Tom, The Guardian)
Marguerite Bennett (Animosity, InSEXts)
Corinna Bechko (Star Wars, Invisible Republic)
Aditya Bidikar (The Skeptics)
Philip Bond (Kill Your Boyfriend, The Invisibles)
Tamra Bonvillain Doom Patrol, Moon Girl, Devil Dinosaur)
Chuck Brown (Rotten Apple)
Paige Braddock (Jane’s World, Stinky Cecil)
Mark Buckingham (Fables) and Irma Page
Mike Carey (Lucifer, The Girl with All the Gifts)
Cecil Castellucci (Moving Target: A Princess Leia Adventure, Shade, The Plain Janes)
Elsa Charretier (Harley Quinn)
Johnnie Christmas (Angel Catbird)
Jamie Coe (Art Schooled)
Tyler Crook (Harrow County)
Rob Davis (The Motherless Oven, Doctor Who)
Kelly Sue DeConnick (Bitch Planet, Pretty Deadly)
Ming Doyle (Girl Over Paris, The Kitchen)
Chynna Clugston-Flores (Blue Monday)
Kelly Fitzpatrick (Shade, the Changing Girl, Bitch Planet)
Chynna Clugston-Flores (Blue Monday, Lumberjanes/Gotham Academy Crossover)
Tess Fowler (Rat Queens)
Tee Franklin (Nailbiter: The Outfit, Love Is Love)
Karrie Fransman (Death of An Artist, The House that Groaned)
Kieron Gillen (Star Wars: Darth Vader, The Wicked + The Divine)
Che Grayson (Rigamo)
Sanford Greene (Power Man Iron Fist)
Peter Gross (Lucifer, The Unwritten)
Gilbert Hernandez (Love and Rockets)
Betsy Houlton (New York Daily News)
Megan Hutchison (Rockstars)
Tini Howard (The Skeptics)
Lucy Knisley (Relish, Something New)
Eugenia Koumaki (Womanthology),
Teddy Kristiansen (It’s A Bird, The Sandman)
Alisa Kwitney (Token, Convergence: Batgirl, Till the Fat Lady Sings)
Sonny Liew (The Art of Charlie Chan Hock Chye, Doctor Fate)
Shawn Martinbrough (Luke Cage Noir, Thief of Thieves)
Shawn McManus (Fables, The Sandman)
Leah Moore (Albion)
Kristy Miller (Birds of Prey)
Brian Miller (Harley Quinn, Star Wars, Ziggy Stardust)
Hope Nicholson (The Secret Loves of Geek Girls)
Laurie Penny (The Guardian)
Rori! (100 Women/100 Days) and Gibson Twist (Pictures of You)
Jim Rugg (Street Angel, The Plain Janes)
Steven T. Seagle (It’s A Bird, Big Hero 6)
Paula 7bergen (Window Pains, contributor to Bust)
Alison Sampson (Winnebago Graveyard, Jessica Jones)
Bill Sienkiewicz (Elektra: Assassin)
Gail Simone (Batgirl, Clean Room)
Jill Thompson (Wonder Woman: The True Amazon, Scary Godmother)
Matt Wagner (Grendel)
Gerard Way (Doom Patrol, My Chemical Romance)
Maris Wicks (Science Comics)
Annie Wu (Black Canary)
Ron Wimberly (Prince of Cats)
Marley Zarcone (Shade, the Changing Girl)
All of that, with the promise of more names to come. No release date has been announced.
The post Shelly Bond Announces All-Star Team For Femme Magnifique appeared first on CBR.com.
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