#Avec Morendo
i3utterflyeffect · 5 months
by the way i realize i should uh. link these in case anyone wants em
current hyperfixation tag: #amnesia!alan au, #rhythm doctor, #tommy's stickman tag
(AVA) au tags: #king merc au, #tommy's stick!alan, #stick world au, #dark color gang au, #tommy's aus, #stick!noogai, #dark transfer au, #selkie sticks au,
OCS: Avec Mordentia (OC)/Avec Morendo
all art: #pitch's art
also since im pinning this please please please ask me about my hyperfixation aus. i promise i won't bite i just crave dopamine
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i3utterflyeffect · 1 month
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avec. need i say more
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i3utterflyeffect · 28 days
can i know more about your oc then?
oh avec? uhhhh sure!! i'm not sure what you want to know but i can talk more about xem!
just off the top of my head, random fun facts... uh
they act very germaphobic, but most of that is because xe has very recently become aware of how deadly diseases can be and. since xe is also (technically) a disease, xe's very adamant to not spread anything, even if xe's more akin to a parasite than a virus. the others don't think too much of it, since, you know. it IS a hospital
i've mentioned this before but most people are aware Avec isn't an intern! they don't exactly know what Avec is but people have theories:
Sentient robot - Hailey, Ian, the Janitor, Cole
Ghost - Lucia, Logan, Insomniac, Nicole
Weird intern - Edega, Miner, Mr. and Ms. Stevenson,
Doesn't Care - Samurai, Lucky, Farmer (aka Hugh, aka tutorial kid), Richard Hugh (hates everyone the same and thinks the robot was a waste of funds, uses them as proof that there should be less funding, also Avec's worst enemy but does not know this)
Unsure, but does kind of want to know - Ada The jury's still out on it and Avec just lets people draw their own conclusions because xe thinks it's kind of funny. xe does like the idea of being a sentient robot more than being a virus, so if xe was REALLY pressed, that's the lie they'd spit out. xe avoid answering though, and people usually don't care enough to pressure xem-- plus, what are you going to say if xe IS an intern. what then.
Avec does take host in a human eventually in the later parts of xyr story! it's an accident and xe isn't extremely happy about it, but it happens anyway and it's very difficult to set things straight again when people are under the impression you're out to hurt someone!
Avec could potentially survive for an indefinite amount of time in a host if they have a pacemaker, but it would be a pretty miserable existence for both Avec and xyr host.
Avec does sort of have the ability to starve! without xyr usual feed of electricity, they become tired, irritable, and generally just more flighty. xe would die if not supplied with electricity after around 7 days. for most Morendo viruses, it would be 3, but since Avec fed off of the electricity fueling xyr body, xe has a much more generous window of survival
xe really wishes they could swim. xe just thinks it looks fun.
Xe actually really likes Cole's music and listen to it a lot! Xyr favorite song is All The Times!
I've thought about if xe had a boss stage (and have tried to make it repeatedly, to no avail sadly), and I think that if I had to pick a song for it, it would be Coordinate Shift by Ferry!
anyway i've gotten distracted by the adofai super battleworn insomniac level again so that's all for now. sorry that most of this is rhythm doctor based, xe's dynamic with the others makes xem more fun lol
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i3utterflyeffect · 1 month
It's Avec isn't it?
yeah lol i'm completely see-through
(more of previously mentioned parasite-like virus below cut)
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i'm going to keep most of what i'm planning secret, but Avec is indeed viral in nature! Xe's the only individual of the strain, and by calibrating the remote body's response time, Ian accidentally allowed Avec to connect to it. Xe kept it a secret due to, you know. Virus being a staff member = NOT good (usually)
they do genuinely end up loving their job, but anything involving Connectifa Abortus makes their skin crawl due to them being similar in origin, despite Abortus being a much meaner strain that is more likely to tear you apart.
this does mean that the attempts at disruption basically slide right off of Avec though. Ian and Ada have been pretty puzzled on how they're just sort of walking it off anytime Connectifa causes issues, but whenever they ask Avec just shrugs and it seems to work well enough?
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i3utterflyeffect · 1 month
I would like to hear about your fictional rhythm doctor virus please :]
splendid. here
(warning for parasite-like medical condition: no imagery of parasites nor medical diagrams are present.)
technically it's a virus but that's not how phobias work so i'm warning it as such lmao
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there is only one known strain of the virus :)
well... technically it isn't discovered for a while, but i know who has it >:3c
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i3utterflyeffect · 1 month
10, 15, 43 for Avec!
(ask meme)
What fact do they excitedly tell everyone about at every opportunity?
xe WILL infodump at you about music. cole talks about music with xem and xe immediately goes becomes insane about music. this is around the time that they come up with their name! Avec Mordentia is basically nonsense that they thought sounded cool but the name for the general virus (Avec Morendo) is like. meant to be butchered music terms for 'like dying (away)' because i'm a fucking nerd ✌️
it's okay that i butchered it though it's french terms
What’s the most obvious difference between their behavior at home, at work, at school, with friends, and when they’re alone?
Work: generally xe pretty much considers everyone at the hospital xyr friend, but xe does eventually realize that not every patient is going to be a friend (cough. richard hugh) and xe does eventually learn that some patients prefer more serious doctors! their 'work' persona is most often seen because of edega though, because obviously they're pretty scared of him. Whenever they're in Work Mode™️they try to be serious and brief and get to the point, but they're not very good at it.
Friends: Generally they're pretty upbeat and cheerful around people who they consider friends! They're pretty generous with using the term, but that's just because the hospital is generally just friends with each other. even lucky got dragged kicking and screaming into the friend group before realizing 'oh actually this is kind of nice. i like being here'
they're very close with Ada, Ian, and Samurai in particular, and they sometimes let their carefree personality drop a little bit if they're worried or upset about something.
Alone: VERY MUCH depends on xyr mood. if xe's in a good mood, xe's generally just as carefree as usual-- just quieter-- but if xe's in a bad mood, everything completely drops. Xe sort of just sits in the corner somewhere if xe's in a bad mood, but sometimes xe goes to Samurai since they both actually value peace and quiet a lot whenever they need it.
If they're avoiding someone, they can go full nervous breakdown, but that's generally pretty rare unless something's gone horribly wrong.
What do they commonly misinterpret because of their own upbringing / environment / biases? How do they respond when realizing the misunderstanding?
I can't think of anything particularly interesting off the top of their head, so i'm going to talk more abt xyr insecurities since like. that's a type of misinterpretation on how people see you. right
but anyway! xe often is worried about people seeing them as a leech because of their generally parasitic nature, and xe's generally pretty worried about being a burden. xe really likes xyr body and xyr job and the people around xem, but xe's constantly scared of being found out.
What happens when xe has to give up being human? To just die, or even worse, become a leech to a host that doesn't have much electricity to give in the first place? To just become another case of Connectifa?
I think it'd be interesting if Richard Hugh straight-up said something that emotionally devastated/scared the shit out of Avec also tbh. like, we didn't get to it at first but i think in a roundabout way this might answer the question because i'm thinking of Richard calling xem a parasite (in the figurative term) and them not only being scared but just horrified because they don't like being reminded of that.
Ada and Ian try to comfort xem, but everyone gets the feeling xe doesn't really want to talk about it.
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i3utterflyeffect · 26 days
For the Avec OC asks, how about betrayal, break, and pain?
Betrayal: Has your OC ever been betrayed by someone they thought they could trust? Has your OC ever betrayed someone who trusted them?
xe hasn't been betrayed by anyone, but sometimes xe is just so afraid of hurting people that they don't show up when people need them. It doesn't happen too frequently, but every once in a while xe just disappears entirely from the hospital, and no one can really find xem. Usually this happens when xe's suffering technical difficulties, because xe knows Ian will insist on helping-- and that's probably not gonna end well for either of them, even if Ian doesn't know it.
Break: What would cause your OC to break down completely? What do they look like when that happens? Has anyone ever seen them at their lowest?
xe would almost certainly break if anyone found out what they were. they also got very close to it after Super Battleworn Insomniac; learning that you could have literally ripped a piece off of someone's heart. isn't great! they pretty much have a panic attack directly after that level.
whenever xe's breaking down, xe does the anxious laughing-and-you-don't-know-why thing i think, and basically go catatonic against a wall. xe hates being touched while they're like this as well; xe already really doesn't like being touched for obvious reasons, but xerespond really badly during these states.
ada does find xem breaking down at one point after the group found out about what they are, and kind of sat with xem until xe was feeling at least a bit better.
pain: What's the worst pain your OC has ever felt? Do they have a high pain tolerance?
physically? they have been defibrillated once, and it was pretty much the worst thing they'd ever experienced; it hurts a lot to be defibrillated for them, considering they're completely unused to it and not as durable as normal connectifa is. They feed off electricity, but defibrillation is too much too fast, and it hurts a lot!
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i3utterflyeffect · 1 month
1 Avec
(I think I can guess this one lol)
(ask game)
What’s the lie your character says most often?
xe actually doesn't lie about what xe is that often, at least not aloud! if you asked xem their response would probably just be uncomfortable silence and then saying they have a patient in the other room that needs them. without a direct question xe mostly just lets people assume whatever because no one would guess xe's a virus. they hope
i think the actual lie that xe tells the most is 'I don't need help'!
xe is actually trying really hard to be self-reliant, but this isn't really beneficial to someone who doesn't know how to human or doctor. Xe's good at music and that's really the only reason that xe pulled their weight initially. xe's very scared of hurting the people around them when they realize how much xe loves being around people, which is alarmingly fast for them, so xe kind of just becomes afraid of relying on others in case something happens and xe has to reveal xemself for what they are; a danger to the people around xem.
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i3utterflyeffect · 1 month
by the way i keep seeing possession au and it's so funny to me because there is absolutely a chance that because they're already controlling a body that isn't theirs they might not get possessed. this poor robot and ian are the only ones that are sane in this hospital
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i3utterflyeffect · 1 month
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by the way did you know i named both avec and xyr strain after music terms? avec mordent was complete nonsense. don't worry about what avec morendo means <3
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