#Baddieghest should award you with a medal for community support
blackrevell · 2 months
Guess who's back! Still some questions unanswered. 8, 9, 35 and 43 if you like!
At this point, I'm worried about you, climbing these walls with so much courage. Thank you so much for enabling! <3
8. How open they are about their true feelings, both positive and negative?
Highly depends on what the context is and who she is with. If it's business matters, she has no hesitation in expressing her thoughts and feelings. If the plan is stupid, the other party will know at once. If the plan is good — they will know too.
If it's a personal matter, she has to rely on her partner to put effort into decoding her feelings to a certain degree. Her upbringing wired her to shove feelings under the rug in favor of pragmatism. It brought certain benefits — she is diligent, capable and reliable at work, doesn't complain about difficulty. Yet this stoicism had its price — sometimes she herself doesn't know what she feels exactly, and whether it is important enough to be brought up at all.
Both of her relationships were a challenge and a learning experience, as you can't keep love alive if you treat it with the mindset of a warehouse manager. Love, among other things, is built on emotional dedication; and although she might never learn to "understand" her feelings, she had to learn how to trust herself with being open about them.
9. What is their love language?
Love Language Number 1: being open-minded and having a kink for infodumping. Give her all the brain stimulation, show that you're not intellectually stuck in the same box, tell her about the things that happened to you throughout the day. And essentially — let her be the first person you want to share it all with. Alt loves listening to Kurt's stories about his many travels, while Kurt finds joy in telling them to someone who actually cares about it all: the friend-foe dealings with Siberians, the sunny Balkans with its unique music, the stupidity of Militech corps and many more (Rosie could never).
Language Number Also 1: physical touch. After all the abuse she had to go through in her childhood, being touched with love and genuine affection matters a lot. A long embrace is one of the keys to making her feel safe and loved. Holding hands is like winning a lottery. All that is reserved for friends and partners, though; strangers should keep their hands to themselves. As for giving love, she is a person of deeds: share your troubles with her, and she will find a solution. Wants to ensure the significant people in her life are in good health and mind, protected and thriving (even if you're a betrayed warlord with a destroyed city district and a bunch of clowns with guns)
35. Do they like their own appearance, and what do they do, if anything, to alter it in any way?
When it comes to clothing, she wears what she wants, and is content with her choices. Mostly casual-styled clothing with a bit of roughness thrown in: leather accessories, angular shapes, maybe some small metallic details. Isn't afraid of the scars on her arm, neck and face; wears sleeveless tops freely. When Alt was a child, she suffered physical abuse from her father and had to cover the bruises with clothes, which earned her "Longsleeves" nickname from her classmates. By 2070, the scars and bruises she gets are the results of her actions and choices, and she isn't afraid of that.
When it comes to face and body, she doesn't consider herself a top looker, but she isn't negative or pessimistic about it. "Could be a bit better here and there, but whatever I have is fine". Flaunts whatever she's got and doesn't ponder over it much, frankly.
43. Do they enjoy flirting or being flirted with?
She doesn't care much about it. Years of working at a bar brought her the experience of hearing 1000 & 1 way to say "hey, pretty lady, isn't it a lonely evening?", so her perception of flirts has been dulled. As for being the one flirting — she'd rather learn more about the person and make genuine compliments.
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