#Bank DKI
lampung7com · 7 months
Kemendagri Beri Predikat BPD Terbaik Peringkat II ke Bank DKI
LAMPUNG7COM | Kementerian Dalam Negeri (Kemendagri) memberikan penilaian Bank Pembangunan Daerah (BPD) peringkat kedua kategori besar kepada Bank DKI. Pelaksana Tugas (Plt) Direktur Utama Bank DKI, Amirul Wicaksono meyakini bahwa penghargaan yang diterima menjadi apresiasi yang berharga atas upaya dan dedikasi Bank DKI dalam peran aktif meningkatkan optimalisasi pelayanan publik serta mendukung…
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poroskota · 2 years
Nasabah Bank DKI Bisa Setor Dan Tarik Tunai Tanpa Kartu Di Jaringan ATM BCA
Nasabah Bank DKI Bisa Setor Dan Tarik Tunai Tanpa Kartu Di Jaringan ATM BCA
POROSKOTA.COM, JAKARTA -PT Bank Central Asia Tbk (BCA) menjalin kerja sama dengan PT Bank DKI dalam rangka memanfaatkan jaringan ATM setor dan tarik tunai atau Cash Recycling Machine/CRM BCA, untuk memenuhi kebutuhan setor tarik tunai tanpa kartu nasabah Bank DKI. Dengan kerja sama ini, nasabah Bank DKI dapat melakukan setoran dan tarik tunai tanpa kartu di jaringan ATM BCA di manapun dalam waktu…
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bantennewscoid-blog · 1 month
Telkomsel Berkolaborasi dengan Bank bjb dan Bank DKI
SERANG – Di era yang penuh dengan kemajuan digitalisasi, konektivitas merupakan dasar utama dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Dalam hal ini, setiap penyedia layanan berkolaborasi erat dengan pihak penyedia internet, sehingga setiap pengguna dapat merasakan kemudahan dan kenyamanan yang mulus. Telkomsel bersama dengan PT. Bank Pembangunan Daerah Jawa Barat dan Banten, Tbk (bank bjb) serta PT. Bank DKI…
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bvgaming30 · 1 year
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Halo guys jumpa kembali bersama kami JSGers dengan artikel menarik setiap harinya. Dan pada kesempatan kali ini JSGers akan memberikan informasi seputaran Bocoran Slot Tsai Shens Gift Dengan Bank BPD DKI . Untuk tanggal 26 Januari 2023 yang bisa kalian gunakan untuk refrensi sebelum anda bermain slot dengan menggunakan Uang Asli. Baca sampai habis untuk informasi yang kami berikan ini.
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alyoem · 2 years
#LessWasteLiving to Save Our Earth!🌍♻️
❝ Ternyata permasalahan plastik ngga hanya 'butuh ratusan tahun untuk terurai.'
Beberapa waktu ke belakang, seringkali posting di instagram tentang aktivitas minim sampah, contohnya saat jajan pakai wadah sendiri, setor sampah, belanja dengan sistem isi ulang, dan lainnya, dengan tujuan meningkatkan kesadaran orang-orang di sekelilingku terkait dampak sampah terhadap lingkungan (tsaaah😅)
Tapiii.. sepertinya jarang sharing tentang "kenapa sih harus memulai hidup minim sampah (sedikit demi sedikit)?"
karena semua hal dimulai dari niat dan tujuan. ditambah lagi, untuk konsisten melakukan suatu hal juga perlu alasan yang kuat. so here are my 'why':
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Apa ini? bukit? gunung? bukan, ini tumpukan sampah. let's zoom in:
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Apa perasaan kalian saat melihat foto ini? perasaanku campur aduk: sedih, kesel, jijik, geregetan, dan bingung mungkin... Ngga mau berlama-lama melihat foto ini karena ngga mau merasakan perasaan-perasaan itu.
Tapi, kita lihat atau ngga, kita merasakan kondisi tumpukan sampah itu atau ngga, mereka tetap ada di sana, dan seiring berjalannya waktu TPA semakin penuh. Berdasarkan data Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS), volume sampah yang terangkut di DKI Jakarta mencapai 7.233,82 ton per hari pada tahun 2021😱 kalau kita melihat ke masa depan, misalnya 5 tahun lagi, jika jumlah sampah yang masuk ke TPA setiap harinya masih sama, maka TPA akan penuh. Lalu, apa yang mungkin terjadi? TPA longsor, pencemaran air dan lingkungan sekitar yang semakin parah, sampah di TPS tertunda diangkut, penyebaran penyakit, dan lainnya. Maka, sebelum hal-hal itu terjadi, kita bisa mencegahnya mulai dari sekarang.
'why' yang kedua:
Semua orang pasti tau kalau plastik butuh ratusan bahkan ribuan tahun untuk terurai. Tapi sebelum terurai, dia ngga diem aja. Plastik yang dibuang dan terkena panas sinar matahari bisa mengeluarkan gas metana dan karbondioksida. Bukan hanya plastik, sampah organik yang terperangkap di dalam plastik pun bisa mengeluarkan gas metana yang lebih berbahaya, bahkan sampai menimbulkan ledakan seperti yang terjadi di TPA Leuwigajah tahun 2005. (semoga hal seperti ini ngga terjadi lagi ygy, Aamiin).
Nah, gas yang dikeluarkan itu berdampak pada perubahan iklim dan peningkatan suhu bumi yang kita rasakan sekarang. kalau lagi panas, panaaas banget. kalau hujan, dereees banget. Ternyata bukan hanya emisi karbon dari kendaraan aja yang bikin panas, sampah juga punya peran di situ. Tapiii bisa kita kurangi sedikit demi sedikit.
'why' yang ketiga:
Berdasarkan berbagai sumber yang kubaca, ternyata plastik terbuat dari minyak bumi. Semakin banyak plastik yang diproduksi, maka semakin banyak juga minyak bumi yang dibutuhkan. Artinya, semua kemasan sekali pakai yang kita gunakan sudah memberikan dampak pada lingkungan bahkan sejak proses pengambilan bahan baku dari alam. Hingga sampai ke tangan konsumen, kemasan itu melewati proses produksi dan distribusi yang panjang.
Hal yang menyakitkan (dan menyedihkan sejujurnya), adalah ketika sampai ke tangan konsumen, kemasan sekali pakai hanya dipakai dalam durasi yang sangat sebentar. Bahkan, seringkali hanya jadi perantara dari penjual ke piring di rumah😭 selesai dipakai, langsung dibuang dan menimbulkan kerusakan lingkungan yang ngga main-main.
Padahal, oh, padahal... kalau kita beli langsung ke toko dan takeaway dengan wadah sendiri, justru lebih praktis karena saat sampai di rumah bisa langsung dikonsumsi tanpa harus dipindahkan ke wadah dulu. Beda cerita kalau pesan dengan ojek online. Langkah kecil yang bisa dilakukan, paling tidak menolak alat makan atau sedotan. Apalagi saat di rumah, kan ada sendok sendiri😄 setelah itu kemasannya bisa disetorkan ke waste manager atau bank sampah terdekat.
Saat ini, sudah mulai muncul solusi untuk mengurangi sampah dari pesan makan online, yaitu dengan sistem pinjam wadah. Sistem ini memang belum digunakan oleh banyak orang karena baru sedikit sekali merchant yang bekerja sama. Tapi kita semua berharap ada perkembangan ke arah yang lebih baik terkait semua permasalahan sampah ini😊 dan setiap individu bisa berkontribusi membawa perubahan. caranya?
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Refuse: ngga butuh? tolak!
Reduce: mengurangi sampah dengan bawa wadah sendiri saat jajan, menolak alat makan atau sedotan, bawa tas belanja sendiri, dan lainnya. intinya, pakai apa yang ada untuk mengurangi sampah.
Reuse: #StopSekaliPakai. kemasan yang sudah selesai dipakai bisa digunakan ulang di rumah. misal, gelas plastik dijadikan sebagai pot tanaman atau tempat alat tulis, wadah makan digunakan kembali untuk pembelian selanjutnya, dan lainnya. untuk sampah organik, bisa dijadikan eco-enzym. "ah nanti numpuk di rumah." solusinya: kembali ke poin pertama😃
Recycle: setor sampah ke waste manager agar tidak berakhir di TPA. tapi, proses daur ulang juga berdampak bagi lingkungan karena menggunakan listrik dan menghasilkan residu.
Rot: sampah organik masuk ke komposter untuk dijadikan pupuk.
note: sebelum menuju ke poin 4 dan 5, pastikan kita sudah mengusahakan poin 1-3.
terakhir, kita semua sedang belajar dan ngga ada perubahan besar yang tidak dimulai dengan langkah kecil. maka, apapun langkah baik yang kamu lakukan, sekecil apapun itu, pasti berdampak. semoga istiqomah!✨🌍😊 #BersamaKitaBisa (tsaaah)
sumber referensi:
sumber foto:
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wa-swa · 1 year
Is Electrifying Vehicles Urgent for Sustainable Urban Mobility: Case Study of Jakarta, Indonesia
1. Introduction
The population in Jakarta reached more than ten and half million people in 2021 in an area sized 664 km2 (BPS DKI Jakarta, 2023a; 2023b). Being the biggest city in Indonesia, the city accommodates many economic activities and has been becoming the economic centre of the country. The growing activities in the city further expanded the region into a metropolitan area named Jakarta-Bogor-Depok-Tangerang-Bekasi (Jabodetabek) with more than 29 million people in the area (InfoJabodetabek.com, 2020). By the growing population and activity centred in Jakarta, the city has been facing a problem with its transportation.
The national and local governments have been trying to address the transportation issues through some measures, including odd-even road control, progressive private vehicle taxation, and public transport improvement (Pergub DKI No. 88 Year 2019; Perda DKI No. 2 the Year 2015; see BPTJ, 2020). Through these measures, the city succeeded in reducing congestion by 19% from 2019-2022 (Tomtom, 2022). However, this reduction does not mean fewer environmental issues caused by transportation. The city environmentally experiences air pollution caused mostly by transportation. IQ Air on May 2022 considered the air quality of the city five times worse than the WHO standards. According to Vital Strategies and Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) (2020), the major source of air pollution in the city came from vehicle exhaust, coal combustion, construction activities, open burning, and paved road dust, as well as secondary aerosol and sea salt. The Provincial Department of Environment also confirmed that transportation contributed to around seventy-five per cent of the air pollution in the city (Naufal, 2022). Without any heavy measures taken, the condition in Jakarta will cause multiple problems, including individual and public health. Even some reports show that air pollution is one of the major factors reducing people’s life expectancy (Greenstone and Fan, 2019; Mantalean, 2019).
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The measures which the government has been taking on transportation issues have been ineffective in managing the environmental consequences. For instance, the odd-even policy is not significant in improving the air quality in the province (Zulkarnain & Al, 2021). Moreover, the system has not succeeded in controlling the ownership of private vehicles in Jakarta as the percentage of the bus is much fewer than other private vehicles, such as cars and motorbikes (BPS DKI Jakarta, 2023c). Not only has the government failed to control the amount of private motorised vehicles, but the national government also aims to provide subsidies to purchase and shift to private electric vehicles (EVs). Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs explained the incentive to private EVs came from the aim of the energy transition to greener energy which has been implemented in some countries in Europe and Thailand (Putra, 2022). Looking at the condition, the strategy to subsidise private EVs becomes questionable as to what extent it can accommodate the needs for sustainable mobility in urban areas, such as Jakarta.
 2. Sustainable Urban Mobility
The concerns about connectivity in urban areas become more pressing as the number of people living in cities is around 56% (World Bank, 2022). In balancing the different aspects of connectivity, urban mobility has transformed to meet the needs of sustainability. Some institutions defined the matrixes or indicators to understand sustainable urban mobility. WBCSD (2018) has developed a set of tools to measure the sustainability of urban mobility. With 19 indicators, the tools encapsulate the principles of access, inclusion, environment, people, area use, safety, and comfort. Additionally, ITDP (2017) published the Transit-oriented Development (TOD) Standards to maximise the benefits of public transit and non-motorised mobility which emphasises the users, the people. The standards underline the inclusivity of mobility which is a necessary foundation for long-term sustainability, equity, shared prosperity, and civil peace in cities. In general, sustainable urban mobility puts importance on people, the planet, the economy, land use, accessibility, and safety. Using this concept, this article will scrutinise the scenario of providing subsidies to EVs in the case of Jakarta on different dimensions: environmental, land use, and people inclusion.
 3. Environmental Considerations of Electrifying Vehicles in Jakarta
The global demand for greener energy has pushed many countries to shift their sources of energy to be more renewable. Not only impacting the energy sector, but the sustainability aspect also influences the need for greener transportation, including the use of less carbon emission EVs. The Indonesian government has confirmed their intention to launch a subsidy policy for EVs to fit with its target of electrifying fifteen million vehicles by 2030 (CNN Indonesia, 2022). Without a doubt the policy will target big cities, including Jakarta, to use more EVs. However, this decarbonising vehicle strategy has not counted the reality that it is possible carbon emissions from other processes surrounding the use of EVs. Regardless of more adoption of private EVs on the road, other aspects, such as manufacturing and fuel processes, may emit more gas emissions in Indonesia (Padhilah, 2023). The strategy to prioritise private electronic vehicles can encounter another problem in the effort to decarbonise transportation. Indonesia is one of the countries that use fossil fuels and coal as the primary sources of its energy, accounting for around 60% of its total energy source in 2021 (Ritchie et al, 2022). Specifically, the electricity of the country is mostly generated by coal until 2020 with around 69%. The ambition toward environmentally friendlier electricity generation has not made significant progress in 2014-2020 (BPS, 2023). Regardless of the fewer fossil fuels used by private vehicles, the country still needs to work much harder to turn the table in decarbonising from privatisation. The energy combusted from the power plant will still emit carbon, or even more due to the need for higher electricity to power up the private vehicles.
In the context of Jakarta, the current promotion of private EVs will still pose threat to public health and the environment. Coal combustion, mostly from the coal-generated power plant around the city, has been becoming one of the major air pollution sources in the city (Vital Strategies & ITB, 2020). Along with the higher demand for electricity energy, the government needs to be more realistic in realising its ambitious goal to create a greener Jakarta. As long as the threats to the environment and health still exist, the promotion of environmentally friendlier technologies, including private EVs.
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 4. Land Use: Is Jakarta only for Vehicles?
Sustainable urban mobility highlights the importance of densifying the lands to match the growing density. The dense population needs to have a balance between high residential and job densities to support high-quality transit, local services, and public space activity. In other words, the idea of sustainable urban mobility requires having less zone for private motorised vehicles in the city (ITDP, 2017). This idea does not resonate well with some areas in Jakarta. The government does not turn the strategic locations for high dense population residential areas, such as promoting more affordable housing closer to the economic centres (see more Hakim, 2022) or any proper public spaces in the city. In terms of public commuting, the government still focuses on building roads than public transit or other public spatial facilities. For example, the Ministry of Public Works and Housing still lists the inner-city flyover highway with a length of 40 km in its work (SimpulKPBU, 2021).
Aside from the focus on toll road construction works, Jakarta still cannot accommodate a safer and more walkable sidewalk. Many of them are narrow, broken, or even used for vehicle parking. The situation further comes with safety issues since many pedestrians must walk along with many vehicles on the road and the sidewalks (Nababan, 2022). Sustainable urban mobility promotes fewer motorised vehicles and a safer and more comfortable sidewalk for people. With the same situation or more vehicles on the street, there would not be any safer and more comfortable for people. Even further it will incentivise people to keep using motorised vehicles because there is no guarantee that pedestrians to walk around. Therefore, land use for transit-oriented development in Jakarta needs to change the perspective of urban mobility which is not a private-vehicle-oriented focus.
 5. Inclusivity of the Policy Plan
The current urban socioeconomic landscape in Jakarta tends to favour the urban rich. This population tend to live in the city centre, meanwhile, it is otherwise for the urban poor. According to this situation, the urban poor has fewer opportunities to enhance their livelihoods as they need to commute longer than the urban rich. Mobility inequality in Jakarta has been neglected as people have a higher dependency on private vehicles to have safer and more comfortable mobility (Janssen, et al. 2022; Hidayati, et al, 2019; Hidayati, et al. 2021). Considering that urban development will remain to emphasise the use of private vehicles as one of the strategies to combat climate change, there is a high possibility Jakarta will maintain its status quo. The possibility of subsidies of up to five trillion rupiahs for EVs (CNN Indonesia, 2022) will not create an inclusive strategy for many people, especially the marginalised community, living in Jakarta. People will still have to commute using their private vehicles and limit their mobility compared to the urban rich.
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Sustainable urban mobility highlights the importance of social inclusionary and will not burden the marginalised poor in commuting. The poor should not have a major burden to spend the most time and money on their commute (ITDP 2017). Nikitas, Thomopoulos, and Milakis (2021) explain that EVs can become an enabling system for sustainable urban mobility as long as their usage focuses on their nexus between connectivity and multimodality whereas the key is public transit. The government needs to promote the importance of transit in Jakarta and improve their strategy to attract people to use public transport instead of private vehicles. Therefore, it is necessary to adopt behavioural changes policies and environment-making by limiting the use of private vehicles. However, the economic-focused EV subsidy (BBC Indonesia, 2022) will block the nudging of public transport adoption in the city while the government also neglects the points to adopt sustainable mobility for the city that can benefit many people. On the other hand, the promotion of more EVs for public transport will benefit in many aspects socially: improving social mobility, especially for the urban poor, improving safety in public spaces and making them more liveable and diverse, and more inclusion considerations for marginalised urban communities (e.g., gender minority, differently-abled people) (ITDP, 2017). Rather than nudging people to use public transport, the government needs to nudge people to see public transport as a comfortable, safe, and reliable transport means to counter the current perspectives on public transit (Tjahjono, et al, 2020). Furthermore, there needs coverage expansion of public transport in Jakarta to eradicate the social exclusion for certain groups in areas not integrated globally (Hidayati, et al. 2019). The article by Gaduh, Gracner, and Rothenberg (2021) also supports the claim that the city needs to consider the increasing quality of the corridor expansion in improving the population’s welfare.
 6. Conclusion
Global demand for cleaner energy and less carbonising vehicles pushes the government of Indonesia to improve the energy sector, including subsidising EVs for cleaner transport. However, there have been many issues with this policy plan, especially concerning the idea of creating sustainable urban mobility in Jakarta. Firstly, the plan to subsidise EVs will create greener and fewer carbon emissions from the vehicles. However, it will remain unsustainable since the electricity sources will most likely still source from unsustainable sources (i.e., coal and oil). This situation will remain to have the same threats to the city ecosystem environmentally, such as air pollution from power plants. Secondly, more spaces will still be dedicated to personal vehicles and neglect the importance of spaces for people. Thirdly, the subsidy will most likely target the urban rich and continue the mobility inequality in the city. The government needs to consider their investment on a more sustainable basis, such as public transit. Overall, the government needs to rethink the investment in private electric vehicles as a way to manage transport-related problems in Jakarta.
15 Juta Kendaraan Listrik Diprediksi Mengaspal di RI 2030 [15 Million Electric Vehicles Are Predicted to be on Road in Indonesia by 2030]. (2022, 22 Nov). CNN Indonesia. https://www.cnnindonesia.com/otomotif/20221122160313-603-877164/15-juta-kendaraan-listrik-diprediksi-mengaspal-di-ri-2030
Gaduh, A., T. Gracner, & A.D. Rothenberg. (2021). Life in the Slow Lane: Unintended Consequences of Public Transit in Jakarta. Journal of Urban Economics, 128, 103411. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jue.2021.103411
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Luas Wilayah dan Jumlah Penduduk Jabodetabek [Area and Total Population in Jabodetabek]. (2020, 28 Sep). InfoJabodetabek.com. https://www.infojabodetabek.com/luas-wilayah-dan-jumlah-penduduk-jabodetabek/
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Naufal, M. (2022, 05 Jul). 75 Persen Polusi Udara di Jakarta Berasal dari Emisi Kendaraan, Ini Langkah Pemprov DKI Mengatasinya [75 Percent of Air Pollution in Jakarta Sources from Vehicles Emissions, these are the Steps that DKI Provincial Government Takes]. Kompas.com. https://megapolitan.kompas.com/read/2022/07/05/14453201/75-persen-polusi-udara-di-jakarta-berasal-dari-emisi-kendaraan-ini?page=all
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Peraturan Provinsi DKI Jakarta (Perda DKI) No. 8 Tahun 2015 tentang Pajak Kendaraan Bermotor [DKI Jakarta Provincial Regulation No. 8 Year 2015 on Vehicle Tax]. https://peraturan.bpk.go.id/Home/Details/20876 (Indo.).
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maghfirasiregar · 2 years
Terjebak Hujan ; Gadis Kecil Penjual Donat
Terjebak Hujan ; Gadis Kecil Penjual Donat
Bismillahirramanirrahim, 10 Agustus 2022 Sore hari sekitar pukul set enam, aku dan rekan kerjaku baru keluar dari kantor untuk pulang. Tiba – tiba hujan mengguyur tubuh kami dengan cepat, hampir hampir semua baju basah, “Aku bawa laptop!” seru diriku spontan, rekanku mengajak untuk berteduh di halte busway dekat ex bank DKI. Maa sya Allah tabarrakallah. Dari kejauhan kami melihat seorang gadis…
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ladinda3makahanp · 1 month
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findjobseasy · 2 months
[ad_1] Job title: Accountant Company: Job description: Accountant PT. Adhi Putra Busana Sejahtera Jakarta Utara Job responbilities : Meriksa transaksi bank harian.... Job Category Accountant City DKI JAKARTA Job type Full Time Salary Range RP3000000 RP5000000 Application Deadline 09/30/2017... Expected salary: Location: Jakarta Job date: Wed, 17 Jan 2024 04:55:05 GMT Apply for the job now! [ad_2]
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turisiancom · 2 months
TURISIAN.com - Bank Indonesia (BI) merilis Buku Kajian Ekonomi dan Keuangan Syariah Indonesia (KEKSI) 2023. Dalam laporan tersebut, disampaikan kinerja sektor unggulan Halal Value Chain (HVC) yang tumbuh spektakuler sebesar 3,93 persen secara tahunan. Mengukuhkan posisinya sebagai tulang punggung ekonomi nasional yang memberikan kontribusi hingga hampir 23 persen. Beberapa sektor unggulan memberikan kontribusi besar dalam KEKSI yang di-launching, pada Senin 26 Feberuari 2024 lalu itu. Sektor tadi, diantaranya adalah sektor pertanian, makanan dan minuman halal, pariwisata ramah muslim (PRM), dan mode muslim. Hasil kutipan dari Buku KEKSI 2023 menyuguhkan laporan dari sektor PRM, yang mengalami kenaikan tinggi mencapai 11,62 persen secara tahunan pada tahun 2023. BACA JUGA: Asuransi Syariah Lirik Potensi Wisata Pulau Bali, Ini yang akan Mereka Garap Meski begitu, kejayaan ini terasa sedikit memudar dibandingkan dengan pertumbuhan spektakuler tahun sebelumnya yang mencapai 13,98 persen secara tahunan. Sosok penyelamat dalam kisah ini adalah Keputusan Presiden Nomor 17 Tahun 2023, yang secara resmi mengakhiri era pandemi Covid-19. Pengakhiran status pandemi membuka pintu lebar-lebar bagi masyarakat untuk beraktivitas tanpa beban. Inilah yang mendorong kembali mobilitas dan aktivitas wisatawan domestik, yang secara otomatis menggenjot kinerja sektor PRM. BACA JUGA: Bali Bird Park, Pesona Tropis Menakjubkan yang Mampu Menarik Wisatawan Wisatawan Mancanegara Meskipun demikian, Bank Indonesia menyebutkan  wisatawan mancanegara dari negara Organisasi Kerjasama Islam (OKI) menunjukkan peningkatan yang konsisten sejak tahun 2021. Meskipun tidak sekuat lonjakan pada tahun 2022. Prestasi gemilang ini juga tercatat dalam Global Muslim Travel Index (GMTI) yang mengumumkan bahwa Indonesia pada tahun 2023, bersanding dengan Malaysia. Memegang teguh peringkat pertama sebagai destinasi pilihan wisatawan global yang mengutamakan prinsip-prinsip PRM. Namun, masih ada catatan kecil yang perlu diperhatikan, terutama dalam hal konektivitas dan penyediaan atraksi. BACA JUGA: Pemuteran Bay Festival 2023, Perpaduan Keindahan Seni dan Budaya di Bali Tak ketinggalan, Indonesia Muslim Travel Index (IMTI) mengumumkan ranking provinsi-provinsi yang menjadi magnet utama secara nasional. Di antaranya Nusa Tenggara Barat, Aceh, Sumatra Barat, dan DKI Jakarta. Peringkat ini semakin menegaskan prospek positif sektor PRM ke depan. Seiring dengan keberlanjutan konsumsi domestik yang kokoh dan pemulihan mobilitas masyarakat, baik di tingkat nasional maupun global. ***
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mediaban · 4 months
Bank DKI meluncurkan Jakarta Tourist Pass yang diintergrasikan ke JakOne Pay untuk melayani para wisatawan yang berkunjung ke Jakarta.
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purnawatielma · 5 months
Bank DKI Buka Lowongan Kerja Terbaru Desember 2023, Ini Posisi dan Persyaratannya!
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kusmajelita · 5 months
Bank DKI Buka Lowongan Kerja Terbaru Desember 2023, Ini Posisi dan Persyaratannya!
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samiahnasyiah · 5 months
Bank DKI Buka Lowongan Kerja Terbaru Desember 2023, Ini Posisi dan Persyaratannya!
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