#Both my posts about Sakura and Hinata aren't something im passionate about btw
nartml · 8 months
Hinata, Hinata, Hinata. How's my favourite little slave owner doing? She okay? Well, not for long now, because I'm about to rip into her.
Here's the situation. She's bland. Frumpy. Too timid, too shy, too "kind", too awkward, too privileged, too busy idolizing Naruto and putting him before her kids, to be a Shinobi. To have the guts to do something about the slavery going on in her own family. To even acknowledge it.
That's annoying. Unfortunately, she, much like Sakura, was born in a world much too harsh for her. She doesn't fit in. She doesn't have what it takes to live up to the expectations placed on her as the heir (which is why Hiashi had to pass it down to Hanabi, a much more capable kunoichi, and no matter how much you vilify him for it, he was right to do so. He has a duty to his clan, he needs to be responsible. There's no space for coddling). She's preoccupied with stalking her crush from afar.
She's unimportant. She's just...there. Neji suffered the fate of his father saving her, a true loss of a much more important, likable, skilled character.
And she, instead of at least realizing, acknowledging how fucked it is that there are literal slaves in her family, whose lives are treated as lesser than hers, she just fawns over Naruto again.
In the fight with Pain, her confession was selfish, a suicide mission which endangered the lives of everyone, and specifically the fate of her bodyguard that told her that he'd get in trouble if something happened to her. She blatantly disregarded every warning she was given to not approach the battle.
All to confess her feelings to a stranger (because that's who Naruto is to her. He's a stranger, whom she knows only about his never-give-up mentality. And she, well. She is someone Naruto barely spoke to ever), get one panelled, and traumatize Naruto who would have to suffer with the guilt of knowing someone died for him out there. You could say he went ballistic over the fact that Hinata was injured and he loved her so, but the fact that he never once sought after her and ignored her love confession is proof enough that he only cared about her well-being as a mere comrade. Just knowing she's alive was good enough for him. Because Naruto is Naruto, and like it or not, he generally cares about people.
Her whole character falls apart the moment I erase her infatuation with Naruto; all the evidence you need that she's horribly written and shallow (Something also purposefully done by Kishimoto).
Hinata is simply privileged and irrelevant, in all the sense of the words. Seeing her stans point fingers and make fun of Sakura without realizing that they're both equally bad is hilarious.
Hinata wasn't made for the world of Shinobi, and it's blatantly clear.
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