#Braiding Tav’s tentacles to look good for the wedding& tossing out anyone who gives even the slightest sour glance at her new family member
dekariosclan · 2 months
*Gale and illithid Tav, holding hands and standing in front of Gale’s mother, Morena, as Gale finishes introducing them as his betrothed*
Gale: …in conclusion, mother, I know you will be as delighted as I am to welcome my darling Tav into the family (affectionately kisses Tav on the forehead)
Morena (visibly stunned, speechless):…
Tav (telepathically, tentacles quivering nervously): It’s an honor to finally meet you, Mrs. Dekarios.
Gale: My love, there’s no need for such formality! (laughing gently) You may address my mother as ‘Morena’ from here on out, and—
Morena: GALE DEKARIOS, have you absolutely lost your mind?? (shaking with anger) I’ve heard barely a peep from you for over a year, you show up here with no prior warning, you bring your illithid betrothed to meet me, and you dare to state that they may casually address me as ‘Morena’?? What in all the hells can you possibly be thinking?!
Gale (shocked, confused):…mother, I—I thought you would be delighted—Tav is the love of my life, and—
Morena: Not another WORD (turns to Tav)
Morena (throwing both arms around them, pulling them into a warm hug): Oh my dear, I DO apologize for my son’s absolutely dreadful manners! Telling you to call me ‘Morena’—what absolute NONSENSE, you must address me as ‘Mother’ from this moment on, I will accept nothing less, you’re a part of the family now!! (grabs Tav’s clawed hand, starts pulling them into the house eagerly, leaving Gale standing there blinking) I INSIST you tell me everything about how you two met, I want to hear it all! TARA!! (shouting down the hallway) Tara, do come out and meet Gale’s stunning betrothed! Our little Gale is finally getting married!!
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