#Bruce and Ezayne RP
candy-corps · 7 years
From Here On
Grace and Ezayne belong to @mygardenofmuses​ 
"Thanks for coming" Bruce said for about the 5th time by now. Really though, it was nice of Grace to come all the way to the cabaret on such a short notice. There was just something about Damien earlier that didn't sit well with the batman. The sooner they talked, the better it was. Bruce put a cooled smoothie on her side of the table before he sat on his own, another one in his hands.
"Aw, a strawberry smoothie? Hehe. Thank you, Bruce. It's all good, really" Grace accepted the drink with a smile. To be true, she didn't have much work to do these months. The summer campaign was over, and the first photoshoots for the upcoming fall season were finished easily. With so much work done, she was already planning to go on vacation,  though she hadn't decided where to go yet. Until then, she was happy to chill at home and talk with friends, like him. "So, how have you been? It's been a while since last time I saw you!"
It would take a while until he gathered the courage to graze the topic he meant to graze, so Grace' question was more than welcome. "When's the last time we met ... " Bruce wondered. There'd been a lot of things going on. "Um ... the store's doing good."
"That's good! I heard from Ezayne you opened a candy shop. He recommended it to me, but I was very busy in the last months  and couldn't get there.  Hope you understand." Grace smiled and took a short sip from the smoothie.
"Sure" Bruce promised, smiling a little. So she heard of it. "Chances are you'd just met Izaic. He's working there most of the time. I ... I'm not so good with people." In case Grace didn't notice yet. Bruce took a sip of his drink - it was a purple, berry smoothie. "And I've been away, actually." Getting closer to the actual topic.
"Wow, looks like there's juiciy stories coming my way!" Grace grinned playfully.  She loved gossiping. It was one of the things that amused her the most.  "Well, I'm listening. First - Who is that Izaic, just an employee... or there's more?"
How? How on Earth did she make that jump? Just because someone worked for him didn't mean there'd be a romance. Though he sure wished there'd be a romance. And though his cheeks blushing and him just taking another sip from his drink may give it away, too. "He's ... He's really really nice" Bruce settled on eventually. "I don't like to be parted from him. But!" Nevermind that he didn't want to graze the topic, but as long as it got Izaic off the hook, Bruce suddenly found himself not minding. "Yeah, that's why I asked you here. I don't - ... " Oh no. He was too shy to tell. Bruce turned the bottle, stalling for time.
"Aw. Do you need advice to get closer to him? You're one very smart bat, asking me. I'm very good at flirting with people. Though I no longer do it, since I have a boyfriend and all." Grace laughed lightly. Bruce was really cute when he was blushing. Bet Izaic thinks the same..., she thought.
"That's not what I was ... " Bruce sighed and brushed his ears back, a little bit frustrated ... and also still blushing. "This is about Damien and Jess. We ... have an issue, I guess." He looked at Grace again, looking sorry now.
"Oh." Grace froze. Suddenly all the memories of Jess's bad experiences with boys ran through her mind. How those kids had played with her feelings, either knowingly or having no idea about it.  Her face contorted in a worried grimace.  "Is... is he going to leave her? Should I prepare her for the worst?"
"Nothing like that" Bruce reassured her, waving it off. "Um. I have someone ... some people ... " Bruce correced, " - that I need to take care of, but they're not in this dimension. I wanted to have Damien with me but ... he doesn't want to be in a school that ... Jess is not in." Bruce huffed. The problem wasn't that he wanted to leave her, the problem was he wanted to stay. And that this might just tear ... everything apart.
"Awwww..." Grace felt incredibly touched. The relief washed over her heart. This was so good, so good. Damien actually wanted to be with her! It was something truly moving.  But then some words sank into her mind.
Different dimension. She looked up to Bruce, a little confused. "Do you have a way to go to another universe on your own? As in... being able to control it, where to go, and being able to come back here?"
Bruce nodded. "I have a dimension traveller. It gets you where you want to be. Whether that is here or in another dimension. Timeline, even." Maybe he should show her. Bruce undid the device from his wrist and put it on the table, right between them, where it stayed. It was turned off now, so it was safe enough for her to take a look.
"Can I touch it?" Grace asked, hesitating for a moment. She didn't want to accidentally send both of them flying through universes.
"Its off now" Bruce assured. To prove it was safe, he touched it himself, sending it rolling over the table a bit. Further to Grace.
"Thank you." Grace picked it up and examined it closely. "This is incredible. My brother would pay thousands of dollars for a thing like this." she mumbled. The whole thing was overwhelming, but she had to focus, for Damien, and for Jess. She put the device back on the table, then joined her hands, fidgetting a little. "Alright... lemme recap, to see if I understood everything you said. You have some business in another universe, and you want to take Damien with you, am I correct?"
Bruce nodded. "And Damien wants Jess with him" he added then, his ears and gaze lowering. They approached the million dollar question. "Can you move with us?"
"Oh gosh..." This was one really big thing to ask. "I... I don't know, Bruce." She felt immediately guilty for such answer.  "I... I have all my life here. I have a job here, I've lived in this city all my life... Going to another city, another country is already big, but we're talking... another universe!" She hugged herself, looking down. "But Jess would feel so sad being away from Damien. She loves him with all of her heart. I'm pretty sure she'd follow him wherever he goes... Mh..."
He couldn't do that to her. "It's not like that" Bruce said, his gaze lowering again. "Damien said he'd stay here. I just want him with me" Bruce sighed. That and, well, hear him when he called for help or something. Which he couldn't when he was in another universe at the time.
She looked up. A possible solution just sparkled in her mind.  "I... I think I have an idea." she mumbled, pointing to  that strange watch of his. "You said you can travel to another universes using that device, right?"
Bruce nodded.
Grace bit her bottom lip. "I was about to go on vacation.  What if you take Jess and me to that universe this summer? Just so I can see the place, and actually, like... being able to judge it. Only then I should be able to decide what would be best for Jess and for me.  Can't take a decision if I don't know the place, don't you think?"
"Agreed" Bruce said, baffled. Right - she hadn't seen it yet, but not even in his wildest dreams he'd thought that she'd give it a chance. He didn't know what to say. Bruce shifted and then, got slowly up from his seat.
"Are you alright?" Grace cocked her head. She hoped she hadn't offended him.
Oh he was. "Thank you" Bruce said. He rested his wing on her shoulder. Maybe he should have asked first if she minded, but he couldn't help himself right now. He'd been forced to leave Damien behind when it wasn't for Grace cooperating.
Grace petted gently his wing, hoping he didn't mind the touch.  "You're welcome. Who knows, maybe I end up liking the place and everything. It's just a matter of time and safety." She looked down to his device. "To be honest, I'd love to have one of those. That way I could bounce back between universes and visit my brother Bernard whenever I want."
"You can have this" Bruce said before he was thinking. He had no other one. But, wait, Dae did. He could pick him up and Mars could make another. "Really." Enough with the hugging. Bruce pulled his wing back, though he still felt incredibly grateful.
"Really? But this is yours, Bruce..." Grace blushed a little. It had been a while since she had received presents from people who wasn't  her boyfriend or from her own family.  "Are you sure? These things must be really expensive..." She already pictured several nines in a row.
"I'm Damien's dad, Damien is with Jess. You are Jess' mother ... so really it's ours" was what Bruce had to say about that. Since there was no one here anyways, he went to the stage and just kept looking back as he was talking with Grace. Sitting in one place all the time made him a little bit nervous.
"Thank you... I think this must one of the most expensive gifts I've ever received..." That, along with the dresses and the jewelry Kerberous gifted her with so often. Now that she thought of it, she'll have to contact him and let him know about her new holiday destination. Technically Death was the same in every universe, so... as long as she used the items he had given her to summon him, he could visit her anywhere. Kerberous wasn't a problem. Bernard, in the otherr hand... probably would be jealous if he knew. Or maybe not. He was a very kind guy, after all. Though now she thought of it... "Bruce, is there any way to modify my phone, so I can receive calls from another universes? I'm just asking, in case I need to call my brother for anything, like, letting him know I'm OK and so on."
"Mars is still working on that" Bruce said, sorry about it, really. "You can use the dimension traveller anytime you want though." He hoped that would be enough. It was fun to talk while he was on the stage and the sound was carried to every corner of the room. Bruce walked up to the piano. "You mind - ?" he asked in between. Its been too long since he last played.
"That's fine." Grace smiled. "Guess I'll just have to talk with him before I go. He should be fine with it, especially if I can travel  as much as I want." Only when he mentioned it, she did notice the piano on stage. "Oh, it's all good! Feel free to do so."
"Thanks." Bruce smiled. He played a note because even just this single one was powerful already. Now add another and a third. Before you knew it, there's a melody. That's how he felt about more people, joining their swarm. He knew that Grace must be a little nervous. He let it show in his play. But then his other hand joined, playing more sounds on the left. As the music filled the room, he hoped he made clear that there was no reason to be afraid. He's found Charlotte. Belle was there, too, and all the heroes that protected the city.
"You're welcome..." Grace smiled quietly, as she sat down. She closed her eyes, letting herself enjoy the melody. She could notice different feelings over it. Something hopeful, something warm, something gentle, something kind.  She couldn't understand all of it, since she was no expert in music - but her heart did feel at ease. She couldn't stop smiling.
That was way better. Bruce closed his eyes as his heart beat slowed down. He was calmed by the music and he had a feeling it worked on Grace just as well. He didn't need to look at the keys as he played. Some other noise though came in between. The sound of a door opening. Bruce smiled. At any other place, this would be the moment to panic, but here, at this time, he was pretty sure to know the answer as to who disturbed his play. Bruce changed tunes, playing a happy melody for the appearance of his friend.
Ezayne walked in, still surprised by the music coming out of the stage. He didn't remember leaving the door open, which meant that one of his employees had arrived early... Or not. His surprise turned into a smile when he saw his friend and another familiar face. "Hey Bruce! And... Grace, right? Haven't seen you in a while..."
Bruce finished this little improvised bit before talking. "You know each other?" He withdrew from the instrument but still kept his hand on the edge of it.
"He was a weirdo when we met." Grace laughed, getting up to shake his hand as greeting. "And you worked in the supermarket. Looks like our lives got better since." Ezayne shook her hand. Then her turned to Bruce. "Am I interrupting something?"
"Oh no." Bruce got down from the stage, approaching until he was next to Ezayne. He got leaned on and purred at before Bruce turned again, facing Grace and smiling at her. What did she mean, Ezayne was a weirdo?
Noticing Bruce needed some context, Grace knew she had to explain. "When we met, he wasn't the fine businessman you can see here. He was a guy who lived in the streets, with torn clothes and many weapons. And he carried them around..." "The man orchestra - but with weapons. It's accurate!" Ezayne laughed. It was nice to think about those days and be able to laugh at it.
"Ah." That time. It was too bad they didn't get to meet during it. Who knew, maybe they'd ended up being enemies. Could have been fun. "Grace is Jess' mom. And Jess is with Damien. So ... we talked" Bruce explained to Ezayne.
"Arrangements for the future wedding?" Ezayne couldn't resist the temptation to joke. It was just too easy! "Close enough." Grace followed his game, chuckling.  "More like ensuring our kids won't run away to be together."
"Yeah" Bruce chuckled. But he remembered something. Looking to Grace, he admit: "His mother is good at making new identities and she trained him. So we really ... " He made a gesture with his hand, meaning: Better be safe than sorry.
Ezayne chuckled lightly. "Good to see you guys got things figured out. Would you like a drink or something?" Grace shook her head. "Bruce already served me a smoothie. He's such a sweetheart." she answered with a smile. Then she looked back to Bruce. "Now you mentioned her... I don't know much about Damien's mother. Are you two divorced or something...? Hope I'm not intruding."
Bruce fought for words for a second. " ... Oh no" he tried to assure. "We ... never married. She just used me to have a child. She is not a good person" he ended and passed Ezayne in an attempt to look like he checked on something. Really though, he was just trying to look casual while he brushed the end of his tail against his friend. He needed this little support. "But don't tell Damien, please. He loves her."
"Wow. Rude." Grace frowned a little.  She wished she knew how to help in these situations. "I... I wasn't planning to have a child when I got in someone's bed while being drunk. But Jess happened, and well... at least we have two beautiful children. That's something."  she mumbled. Ezayne gave his friend a gentle past. "I won't tell Damien a word. It's normal for children to love their mothers, after all."
"I don't know if he still does when he learns the truth" Bruce said sincerely. he did notice that Dae never talked about his mother. They had no heart-to-heart or something, but ... he noticed. " - And I think a bad mother is better than none." He purred in response to the pat and let go of Ezayne.
"I guess? I don't know. I never got a chance to live a childhood with my parents. My memories get cloudy the more I try to go into the past." Ezayne mumbled. He did know that his parents had died. He remembered the fire in the cruise, the blood and the dark waters. And the silence of his bedroom afterwards. With no one to wish him goodnight. "Oh, Ezayne... I didn't know. I'm sorry." Grace felt compassion building within her. She patted his arm. "That must have been tough..."
Oh no! Now he got both distressed. Knowing little what to do, Bruce just stood there and purred while his gaze wandered from one to the other.
The purrs got both Ezayne and Grace to break out of  sad memories. Ezayne was the first, chuckling and patting Bruce's arm; while Grace let out a gasp of surprise. "Bruce... you sound like a kitten! How cute!" she couldn't help but squeal. It was so adorable!
What? Bruce huffed a laugh, which interupted the purr. His hand covered his heart. His manlyness was hurt by being called 'adorable'.
"There, there, Bruce. You still a guy, check yo pants. No worries" Ezayne joked, giving him a friendly pat. Then he winked an eye to Grace. "Grace, we men are not supposed to be 'cute': we are dashing, handsome, but not cute..." "Oh, really?" Grace laughed, patting her hands on her hips. "You two still look younger than me though... Am I not allowed to tease?" "Point taken. You do look older." Ezayne shot back with a smirk. "Hahahaha!" Grace burst in laughter. "Oh God, you boys are so much! Hahahahaha!"
That was better. Bruce smiled as the two of them teased each other instead to be sad. Maybe that was even worth it being called 'cute'.
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candy-corps · 7 years
Babysitter Duty
Ezayne belongs to @mygardenofmuses
“ … Ezayne” Bruce’ voice came from the other side of the phone line. He called with a withheld number, much different than usual, but maybe the former assassin won’t notice this detail, regarding the time of the day - Bruce’ call was at three in the morning. So far nothing out of the ordinary - what was out of the ordinary, indeed,  was the tone he spoke in: not cheerful, but serious, with his voice slightly hoarse. “ - you awake?” he joked half-heartedly, though he could hear him clear before and didn’t think of him as that kind of sleepwalker.
Ezayne was a bit startled by that call. However, when he recognized the voice, a wide smile appeared on his face. “BRUCE!” he squeaked. He turned around and sighed in relief, watching that Neela was still sleeping peacefully by his side. He got up and walked to the window. “Hey Bruce, yes, I’m awake. You OK? Your voice sounds a bit different.” “I’m so happy to hear you” Bruce said genuinely. “Um … no. Can you help me out?” Bruce asked, regretting that wording as soon as he finished the sentence. “Sure buddy! Anything for my best friend. What can I do for you.?” Ezayne asked, smiling a bit. As soon as he finished the call, he’d get dressed and go to check up on him to ensure he was alright. “ … some babysitting?” Bruce asked in a cryptic tone. Indeed, his eyes were closed shut for a second. There was no one else he could ask … “ - it’s just a night, or a day, I don’t know, they’re on their way, I mean - if it’s alright.” “Sure thing buddy… Who is the little guy on the way? Your brother, cousin, son…?” Knowing Bruce, Ezayne was open to all possibilities. “Or is a girl? Or gender-neutral? Just asking, I want the kid to feel comfortable.” “Boy. Damien, he’s ten and acts like 20. The other is 20, but behaves like ten, he’s Damien, too. They’re gonna explain. They’re my sons” he spilled eventually. “They might arrive at any time, I just don’t know how long it takes them.” “Oh wow! Whoa. So Damien and Damien Jr. Ffff… things like this remind me you’re actually older than you seem.” he chuckled, playing a bit with his hair. “Neela and Amil are sleeping right now, but don’t worry, I’ll take good care of them. I’ll go open the door for them now.” he commented, as he put his housecoat on. “Will you be alright, Bruce? If there’s anything I can do for you, just tell me.” “Yes” Bruce said, skipping the first question on purpose. “We got a problem, you … still don’t like demons, do you? The young one may … be … withonerightnow? It’s fixing his wings, it’s just a small one, they said - ” There was some shifting as he stood up - he’d been one one place for long enough and continued to run in circles by now.   “Uh… Buddy, you might ask your kid to take off wherever demon-esque he has into his hands, otherwise he won’t be able to cross the barrier.” Ezayne felt a bit worried. While the barrier was wonderful and protect both him, his family and the ghosts from all kind of demon-related dangers, it could be troublesome for friends like Bruce. Bruce threw his head back in frustration and just looked at the ceiling for a while. What was it with people and barriers that kept out all the wrong people? “ … can’t. It’s part, for a week they said. Then it dies.” Well, what now… “ … you could stay at the castle. Candy Castle. Remember?” “Oooh yes, I do! The old church, right?” Ezayne felt a bit nervous. He couldn’t help it, Kerberous had put that barrier for his well-being, and usually it was a good thing… but it often created problems to Bruce. He just hoped his friend didn’t mind. “Yeah. I was there, just … ” he calculated. “Um … two days ago. Lucy’s gone, you have the place for yourself. Just might bring some fresh food … and nevermind the notes. Indeed, take them away. The little ones might make connections I don’t want them make yet” he said urgenty. “You mind to stay there? It’s not long, as I say … and no demon’s gonna find you there. Zagam - ” And that’s where his voice broke. It wasn’t good to think of him. Bruce sighed on the other end of the line as he wiped another tear away that escaped his eye. “ - … tried” he finished his sentence eventually, his voice nearly inaudible. “Alright, I’ll get rid of those notes and check the place to ensure they’ll comfortable. Like a little apartment just for them.” Ezayne felt relieved, it seemed like the barrier didn’t bother Bruce all that much. However, he noticed the pain in his friend’s voice, and that pushed him to take off his housecoat and get dressed faster. “Bruce? What’s up? What happened with Zagam? Are you OK?  You can tell me… if you want…” “I don’t know…” There was another pause. As Bruce spoke on, he seemed a little more collected. “I worry. He won’t let me follow, just said it was dangerous. But he’ll be back.” That didn’t sound as convinced as Bruce had hoped it to be. “Eros is with him” he tried again. “Ezayne, I … I gotta call the kids, tell them to fly to the church. You meet them there?” he suggested. “Sure, I’ll meet them there. But Bruce.” Ezayne’s voice was serious. While the ex-assassin gave him freedom to follow his heart and do whatever he wanted; he truly cared for Bruce’s well-being. “I really don’t know Zagam, neither Eros. I don’t know who are they, what kind of people they are. But you know I don’t trust demons, and the fact Zagam isn’t letting you follow him… I don’t know you, but this stinks. Feels almost as if he was hiding stuff from you, and I don’t like that. There’s no relationship which will last if there are secrets. Believe me, I know by experience. Now call your kids. I’m on my way there. Wherever you are… you can go out, if you want. There’s always a better place.” “I wait till he comes back. When he comes back… I let you know. I’ll give the little one your number. Thank you, Ezayne. I’m in your debt.” Bruce finished the call right away - there was no time to waste. He had no idea what happened when Damien tried to pass the barrier Ezayne mentioned, but he for sure didn’t want to find out. It was good Damien knew where the old church was - all he had to do was text him and change their destination: Candy Castle. “It’s all good, Bruce. Anything for a friend.” Ezayne managed to answer before Bruce ended the call. He hoped that the barrier didn’t end killing the poor kid. Then again, he guessed Bruce’s kid wasn’t really a demon, so perhaps the barrier wouldn’t work against him. But it was better to be safe than sorry. He woke up Neela and Amil to let them know what was going on, and Morgana and Jeeves promised that they’d do anything in their ectoplasmic hands to protect Ezayne’s family. Comforted by the thought that all the ghost staff would be protecting his girlfriend and their son during his absence, Ezayne walked out of the manor with several blankets and food for the kids, including candy. Bruce’s kids surely liked candy too…Next destination: the Candy Castle. - The wind whistled through the leaves as Damien jumped over the gravestones to practice departing and landing. The boy had a couple of injuries due to their earlier training. Nothing serious -just a couple of scratches, a bruise or two. He was definitely still able to fight. So as the stranger came closer, Damien turned to the church behind him, considered to notificate the older one… and decided against it. They had no time to waste and he could handle a single opponent. By the time Ezayne came into view, Damien perched on a stone angel, his eyes all white in the darkness around them. “You are - ?” the bat kid asked, still a safe distance away. The blue-haired man couldn’t help but smile. So this was one of Bruce’s kids? He was very bat-like, sure his father was proud of him. He spoke with a soft voice, trying to show to the kid that there was no reason to be afraid. “My name is Ezayne. Ezayne Charles Raymond Moriarty. And you are Damien, right? Your father told me about you.” “Why should I believe you?” Damien called, still from afar. “ - despite the fact that you know my first name and where to find me, too” the boy wanted to know, not completely convinced just yet. Basically growing up on his own let him develop a good amount of distrust against strangers. “Well, because your father told me to watch over you and the other Damien tonight. What other reason would I have to be awake at these hours of the night? If you father wouldn’t have called me, I’d be all warm and comfy in my bed, sleeping.” he answered with a chuckle, amused by the kid reply. That kid was very smart, he liked that. Damien narrowed his eyes, even though he gave Ezayne a pass. He knew the others real name, too, thing that no one should know that wasn’t entrusted. “I don’t need someone to watch over me. I’m not a child” Damien recited his mantra and jumped down then, after all. “And I can take care of myself” he made clear and folded his wings on his back, the movement still kind of weird for him. The demon in his body kept them up for him still, even when he could feel it flinch with all its might as he tried to enter the church before. He ended up waiting outside while Dae tried to get rid of all the crosses within. “I’m sure you can, and I don’t doubt it. But your father gave me this mission. I can’t fail. He’s one of my best friends, after all.” Ezayne answered, speaking in a peaceful tone. “You know what, I have a son who is a bit older than you. He’s sixteen, and loves videogames. But he’s very shy and he doesn’t have too many friends. Maybe one day, when you manage to get rid of the demon thing in your body, you could drop by the manor and come to meet him.” Ezayne suggested with a smile. “Dad told you about it?” Damien realized. Well he might as well tell then. “It’s why I’m out here” he admit with a nod to the church. “Feel’s weird to get close. Dae said he’s gonna fix it, but he’s just so slow … ” The last words not meant for Ezayne, Damien stretched them out, meaning to tease the other one. “I can imagine so. Demons are often source of trouble, though your father thinks otherwise.” Ezayne shrugged, sitting not too far away from the kid. Perhaps, igf he seemed smaller, Damien would relax. “We always had our differences in that department. But we remain friends all the same.” “You’re the most normal ‘friend’ of my father’s that I’ve met so far” Damien admit, though he was silently wondering if that was truly the case. “He said we should stay here, but won’t spill quite why. I let him know you arrived” he warned Ezayne and took out his phone to send him a text. It looked like Damien had relaxed. That was something good. “Well, I have my fair share of unusual abilities… but just because you have an special ability, it doesn’t mean you can’t live like a normal person.” Ezayne answered, giving him a kind smile. “It’s strange that he didn’t tell you anything. Mmmh… This is starting to worry me. You call him. Maybe I’ll call him again, after you talk with him.” Damien glanced at the man and smirked slightly. His dad didn’t just keep him all uninformed then. He looked back at his phone and started to type. “I do not listen to any sort of order, just when it comes from my dad or my mom” he explained his disobedience. He already confused that Zagam with it, and when they were supposed to work together, it was just good to let Ezayne know about it. “Good, family is the most important.” Ezayne agreed with him to an extent. His family wasn’t tied by blood liness, but they loved each other all the same. “Who’s your Mom, by the way? I know you father dated for a while a woman called Amelia… now he’s with a demon, Zagam… but you seem much older than that. How old are you, by the way?” Damien finished the message while Ezayne was talking and hit send before he looked up to reply. “I’m ten. My - he says our - mom” he revealed with another glance at the church, “ - is a bad woman, so that may be why. She calls herself … catwoman, it should be her name in this tounge. I don’t like him that quiet for such a long time” he changed the subject right then. Dae didn’t even come out when Ezayne appeared and didn’t bitch back about the comment earlier. “Will you go check?” He asked Ezayne, knowing it wasn’t much use to try to enter himself. “A bad woman?” Ezayne arched one eyebrow. At first he wondered how much bad had to be someone to be considered “bad” for Bruce. Then again, Bruce’s standards were kind of special and certainly unpredictable. And women could be just as bad as men. “I’ve known bad women in my life, too. But 'Catwoman’? Sounds like the half villain, half superheroine of the comics…” he mumbled toward the end. “I don’t like that quiet either. This is not normal on him. But sure, I can go check. Can you follow me until the door of the church? I don’t want to leave you alone here.” Damien didn’t comment Ezayne’s musings, not even sure if he should tell in the first place. “It’s all good, we can hear another clearly so I let you know when I see anything and he lets you know when I do” the kid assured. They had a working system. He’d just practice like he did before. “…Alright.” Ezayne wasn’t sure if the kid was serious - they just had met, so he needed some time before he could judge. “If you need anything, don’t hesitate into calling me, alright?” After saying that, he made his way to the ancient church, hoping that the other Damien would be at least just as nice as this kid. He knocked on the door, trying to seem friendly. “Hello? Damien? I’m Ezayne! You father sent me to watch over you and your… I guess he’s your brother. Are you there?” The door was unlocked because the last one who used it had been Bruce, just some days ago. So when Ezayne knocked against it, it fell a bit open and let his voice echo through the small hall on the inside, up to Dae’s ears. The place had changed since Bruce lived in here, back when he was still new to Metro City. Rows of benches were still lined up, but the cross on the end of the aisle was missing. Candles got replaced for electric light, sideboards and cabinets filled with some treasures. Dae stood out in the middle of the big room, still trying to figure out the meaning behind the threads and notes that hung all around the place, most of them ending on the blackboard behind the podium, where that cross used to be. “Yeah! Yeah sure, come on in” Dae greeted the other and plucked another sheet of paper off a string. “Good to see you. Can you lend me a hand?” He asked and walked up to Ezayne to welcome him in. Dae was taller than his father Bruce, and unlike the small one, completely unharmed. “Oh, sure!” Ezayne rushed to help him. “Those are your father’s notes. Would you mind giving them to me? I can take them to him later.” That, if Bruce is still living in the same place that he showed me a while ago… he thought. “So… Damien, right? And the other kid is also Damien? Bruce must like a lot that name to use it for both of his kids.” he chuckled a bit, trying to break the ice. “Not quite” Dae smiled and flipped through the notes another time, but handed them to Ezayne as requested. He knew how to get information from his father, so there was no need for these. “I’m kiddo’s future version. I came here just some weeks ago and don’t intend to stay for long, but I thought while I do, I … might as well help.” Good he already gathered most of the crosses and his dad seemed to have hung up the glass of the windows. Sure not to let sunlight inside. Dae grabbed the smaller crosses he found scattered across the rooms and laid onto a bench then, just to keep the small one out until he figured things out. “Damien’s future version? That… kinda doesn’t surprise me.” Ezayne snickered, clearly not impressed, yet amused with the whole thing. “Bruce gets involved with demons, his son travels in time… Your younger self told me that your mother was bad but man, I’m actually wondering what is she like, because you guys really make an interesting family!” he commented, and looked at the crosses he was collecting. “Uh, why are you doing that? Do the crosses hurt your little self, or…?” “I bet they’re the reason why he can’t quite come in” Dae explained, still busy picking some of them up.  He overheard the conversation going on outside and aware that Damien was listening to them right now, too. “ - so I’ll bring them all out, along with the bibles and what I can find. We’ll have to test it again. Uh, what exactly are we hiding for? Some kinda robot?” he guessed into the blue, following the first few hints he read on the notes before Ezayne came in. “Honestly I have no idea. I met three robots in my life, two were nice people and one of them was a redhead psychopath.” Ezayne answered with a shrug. “But Metro City has worse dangers than that last robot I mentioned: demons out of control, the Doom Syndicate, assassins… Heck, even here myself, my hands are not the cleanest. But this city used to be a jungle some years ago. You missed the worst, kiddo. You’re lucky.” he patted gently his arm. “Yeah yeah yeah. Red-headed psychopath, you say … ” It was a long shot, but one worth getting into. Dae took a step back to gain some more distance. “Dad got attacked by one just the other - ” “Hey!!” the little one spoke up and interrupted the other. Damien stood right outside the door, but was still visible from the aisle Ezayne and Dae were standing in. “You might brief me, too?” “Really? Looks like bad weeds never die. Or so said my grandfather.” Ezayne shrugged, arching one eyebrow at Dae’s last comment. “Oh wow. I hope he keeps all of his limbs, that robo-psycho means business when she’s out to destroy everything.” It was then when he heard the voice of the young Damien. “Oh, hey kiddo! We’re almost done here! Damien, let’s get all this stuff out of here!” “Sure, here you go” Dae went without arguing over it, and left Ezayne a bunch of crosses to carry himself. “Eeep!” Ezayne picked up the bunch of crosses and left them outside, over one of the graves of the nearby cemetery. He remembered meeting Amelia here, and wondered what had been of the ghost girl. He never had seen her ever again after again. Turning around, he returned to the church with a soft smile on his face. “So, Damien, can you walk inside now?” he asked to the younger boy. “I … I’m not too sure” the kid admit. He was still lurking at the entrance when Ezayne came back to him. “You sure you got all?” “No idea. Come on, you act like a girl” Dae teased him. Though, indeed - yes, he was sure. The backlash hit the little one hard as he tried to enter first and … he didn’t exactly enjoy himself in pain. Whether it was his own body or the one of his younger self, who glared at him then.
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candy-corps · 7 years
🍷 (To Bruce, from Ezayne)
Send 🍷 to catch my muse drinking blood!
Bruce had been vehemently against it, but with Belle around and blood just being there in her fridge, Bruce thought he might give it a try, after all. She shouldn’t know about this, though, or anyone, really. 
Bruce had closed the curtains in the living room, nevermind he was alone and on one of the high levels in this 80 story building or so. There was nobody home. Feeling like he was doing something very forbidden here, the batman sneaked up the staircase with the still steaming cup of microwaved blood. It did smell quite nice. Settling on a couch, Bruce just stayed there for a while, the cup in his hands. There really was no sound around and no one to to seen as he turned his head to check in the dim lit room; his eyes contrasting white against the darkness. Contented finally, he lifted the cup to his lips, took a sip, relaxed - 
And had the jumpscare of his life when someone teleported right in front of him. 
Blood spilled over the couch and over Bruce, who made a distressed sound at the situation.
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candy-corps · 7 years
Something In Common
This continues the story of ‘Something Familiar’. Ezayne, Joe and Lou belong to the fantastic @mygardenofmuses 
Ezayne looked through the window once again, then checked the screen of his phone. He suspected Bruce would bring him another mutant chicken. It would be nice to give Henrietta some avian company!
He decided to send Bruce another text. [Hey Bruce, the main entrance is open. Should I open the window for you now?]
Good! Good. Bruce read the message on his phone, then looked up at the siblings. "You ... ready?" he asked cautiously. It was less a question about whether they were ready emotionally and more a question of if they were done fussing with their hair and outfits, really.
Joe brushed the skirt of their dress one last time. Seeing a younger version of their dad gave them a sense of nostalgia. "I think I am. Lou?"
"I'm OK... I think..." Lou rarely was nervous, but this time, he was. He held Joe's hand, mostly to comfort himself.
The eldest sibling smiled and squeezed his hand. Then they turned to Bruce. "We're ready. Let's go!"
"Oh, okay" Bruce replied. He send another message to Ezayne. [No window tonight. We'll be there in a sec now.] So. Enough warning. Now ... teleporter. How again to ... "I think I need to ... widen the range" Bruce explained loudly, "And ... stay in-verse? Right ... No timetravel, and ... want to be with Ezayne." He peeked up at Joe, just to make sure.
"Stay in verse. Stay with you." Joe echoed. He understood how these devices worked. The one they owned had a button, but that was a minor detail. Classic Blue, doing slightly different designs for each one of his friends...
Lou nodded and pressed himself to Joe. As long as he landed by Joe's side, it would be fine.
Ezayne smiled at his response. "Very well, no window tonight." he mumbled out loud. He walked to the hall, wondering what could be Bruce's big surprise.
"Okay." Reassured now, Bruce sighed and took a step to Joe and Lou. Then pushed the button before he could stress about it and just make it worse. Ezayne's place. They floated, then the shift happened, and then they found themselves at the doorstep of his manor. Just like that.
Ezayne heard a noise and opened the door. The faint glow he had seen underneath let him know Bruce had used his teleporting device to come here. He guessed flying around with a bigger animal sure wasn't easy.
"Hey Bruce! Good evening!" Ezayne said as greeting. He was wearing a nice shirt and some shorts - something simple but comfortable. "How are you doing?"
It ... it worked? Bruce looked up from his wrist to Ezayne and smiled to see the saiyan. His eyes were all white with that little light. "Good" he replied, approaching. "I found something of yours." Immediately after Ezayne was in reaching range, Bruce reached for him and messed with his hair.
"Hahaha! Bruce, nooo! Not my hairrrr!" Ezayne started to laugh. Bruce messed with his hair sometimes, and it got him to laugh every time. It was one of those things that made their friendship so unique and speacial.  "Does it look better now?"
"I'd say it does, but I can't see." Joe mumbled, still hidden behind Bruce along with Lou.
"Of course it does" Bruce found. He was insecure about a lot of his own skills, but making someone's hair? Not this one.
"Thank you." Ezayne smiled and straightened his position. "I think I heard someone speaking... What's going on?"
"I found your otherdimensional children. They're friends with Dae" Bruce explained, grinning cheerful now.
"W-what?!" Ezayne's eyes widened in surprise. This was a lot to take in. He did know Dae was from another universe - but he never saw coming he'd be friends with his kids. It was something heartwarming to think about. "Which ones?! Are they here!?" he was really excited to meet them.
"Yeah. Is why I say - can't squeeze them through the window" Bruce laughed. He took a step back just to be closer to the kids. "He's not gonna bite ... " he reassured the two.
Ezayne felt his knees going weak when he recognized one of the kids. One was a young man wearing a beautiful dress, with kind blue-greyish eyes and a smug smile. He would recognize those features anywhere. "C-Caín...?"
"Actually, Joseph. Joe Moriarty. Hi... dad." The young hero answered, and without a second though, he went to hug him.  
Ezayne felt his eyes tearing up of happiness. The same warmth, the same smell. It was his child, no doubt. "Hahaha... oh gosh... the child of one thousand names... Joe... my little Joe..." he whispered, hugging him tightly. He looked up to Bruce, smiling from ear to ear. "Thank you. Thank you so much."
Lou was feeling a little shy. Should he move now, or wait until Joe's moment was over?
Bruce couldn't stop smiling. He was so happy that Ezayne was happy, too. "I like this one, too" he added. "Is smaller, but so nice. You'll like him! He was sure. Bruce pat Lou's head with his wing again. Poor thing seemed a little lost and like it could need the reassurance.
Ezayne released Joe and looked at the child, his eyes wide. He hadn't recognized him, but... if Caín was alive under another name... this only could mean that his other child... could this be even possible?
"L-Lucas? Is it you?" he whispered quietly.
Lou looked at Bruce one last time for reassurance before he walked toward Ezayne. "My name is Louis Moriarty. Lou for short." he answered, rubbing his arm and looking down to cover his shyness.
Ezayne covered his mouth in surprise. "Louis was the second name I had thought for you back then... Oh gosh, it's you!" Without hesitation, Ezayne hugged him super tightly. How wonderful it was an universe where his children had survived and grown to become such handsome, young men. He was so happy!
Lou felt his eyes turning glassy. "D-dad, you're going to make me cry, fuck..." he whined, though he was, too, hugging Ezayne as if there was no tomorrow.
Joe joined their hands before their chest, feeling the warmth of the encounter filling their whole being. They turned to Bruce, smiling. "You were right, Mr Bruce. We should have done this ages ago."
"They were too shy to approach" Bruce explained to Ezayne, now joining Joe's side. "I wonder where they got that from" he said louder, and laughed. "Let's get them in?" he suggested Ezayne.
"Awww... they got that from me, for sure. Gosh. You two are so handsome." Ezayne hugged the two of them at once. "My children..." He looked up at Bruce's comment. "Oh right! We can't risk you catching a cold or some crap! Let's get you inside!"
The singer encouraged them to go into the manor. Then he turned to Bruce, with the warmest smile you can imagine, and hugged him without hesitation. "Thank you, Bruce. When my children died, I felt a part of me died with them. And now they're here... it's amazing. Thank you for making this possible. Thank you."
"You're welcome" Bruce said, hugging Ezayne back using both arms and wings. "So they really are ... ?" he started asking. Joe brought up Cain again. Ezayne had two dead children. They visited them at the cemetery.
"Yes. Joe is Caín, no doubt. I'd recognize his face anywhere. As for Lou... it took me a moment, because his hair is dyed blonde. Bet he's hiding black hair underneath. And those eyes... they're clearly Ezzy's." Ezayne whispered, leading him into the manor. "It's a pity Neela and the kids are already in bed. I'll have to introduce them another day, though I'm very tempted to wake them up." he chuckled lightly.
"Looks like this place hasn't changed much. It's like visiting our own home." Lou commented, looking around.
"Little by little" Bruce recommended. "They seem to know me from that other dimension as well" he said and let Ezayne go.
"Good advice, thank you." Ezayne nodded. They had plenty of time for presentations. "They do?"
"They do! They say I'm cool" Bruce said, a hint of price of his voice. "Now ... what now? You want a tea?" Bruce figured.
"You've been always cool in my book, my friend." Ezayne winked him an eye. "And a tea would be nice. This is something big... I have so many questions..."
"If you want, dad, I can prepare it. If this place is anything like the manor where I lived with the other you, I know exactly where is everything." Joe offered himself, when a cold, ghostly hand rested on his shoulder.
"No way. When we've got guests, we gotta do our duties." the ghostly woman appeared and smiled to the visitors. "Hello, I'm Morgana D'Lueq, ancient owner of this manor and currently main lead of the ghost service." she said as presentation, and smiled to Bruce. "Mr Kent, you look very handsome tonight! So good to see you again!"
"It's so good to see you, too!" Bruce replied happy. She didn't even scare him to death, this time. "And I don't know ... Let they help when they want to help. It will make them feel as part" he figured.
"As part?" Morgana blinked in confusion. "Are they family?"
Ezayne smiled and walked to her. "Morgana, remember the story of two children I lost before I came to live here?"
"Oh yes, darling. Such a tragedy." The ghost lady nodded, and looked up to their guests. "Are they related to them...?"
"Actually... they are the children I lost. The versions of them that still live in another universe." Ezayne explained to her. Morgana covered her mouth in shock, before she floated toward them with her arms open.
"I'm... I'm so, so glad to meet you at last! Call me aunt Morgana! Your brother Amil already does..." she said, wrapping them in a hug.
"Some things never change." Lou smiled happily.  He turned to look at Bruce. "This is amazing! It's so similar to our actual home!"
"As I say" Bruce started. "When I met Dae, it just ... clicked. You belong, whether that be here or in another universe" he found, watching Joe get a ghostly hug from Morgana.
"You're very right. It feels so good to meet you again." Joe gave Morgana a nuzzle, then took her hand into theirs. "Let's go prepare some tea, auntie. Lou, do you think you can answer Dad's questions?"
"I think I can try... Uh, shall we go to the living room?" Lou suggested, looking past Ezayne. That room should be over there.
"Sure thing." Ezayne nodded and smiled to Bruce. "I kept that room actually in the dark the moment I knew you were coming. The only light in there are a few candles. Hope that's fine for you?"
"Thank you" Bruce said, pointing at Ezayne. That was so considerate!
"You're welcome. Anything for my best friend!" Ezayne said, beckoning him to follow his steps. He guided them to the living room. If one paid attention, they would notice he was slightly floating, so happy he was!
Bruce just chuckled. It was nice of Ezayne to mention. "We should celebrate. With cake or so. Belle's good at that" Bruce thought aloud.
"This is so sudden, I don't have a cake, what am I gonna do?" Ezayne blushed, a little embarrassed. "Not to mention, the rest of the family doesn't know yet, it wouldn't be cool to make a party without them..."
"That's ok, Dad!" Lou reassured him. "We can make a party any other day, and make sure to bring Dae, and Belle too. Besides it's pretty late! Not the best time to celebrate one, anyway."
"Would you at least accept some candy?" Another ghost floated through the wall. It was Jeeves, Morgana's husband. He was carrying a dish full of candy. "As soon as I heard Mr Bruce was coming, I rushed to gather some! I hope you like these, sir." Jeeves bowed a little, showing his respects to the superbat.
"Oh it's an honor" Bruce said to Jeeves, matching his movements. "And I meant not NOW. But sometime" he assured Ezayne, picking one of the offered treats in the meantime.
"Yes, yes, yes! Sorry, I'm so excited right now, I barely can think clearly..." Ezayne laughed, putting his hands on his cheeks. "And I haven't smiled this much since the birth of the triplets! I'm so happy!"
"Also, sir, you're floating." Jeeves pointed out with a chuckle.
"What? Oh my!" Ezayne descended, his cheeks red. "Sorry, my powers get of control when I experience very strong emotions..."
"That's fine, Dad. Your "other you" has this issue as well." Lou reassured him. "He has a bigger control over it, though.  But's that's OK." he turned to Bruce. "Both of you are older in that universe, too."
"Ten years?" Bruce figured, grabbing two more sweets before he went to find a seat to sit down. "It's 10 years for Dae" he gave his two cents.
"Yes, I think so. Time sure gets weird when jumping from one universe to another." Lou rubbed his chin in thought.
"How did you two arrive to this universe? Why did you come?" Ezayne asked, wanting to learn more about them.
"We used a teleporting device, like the one Mr Bruce has." the kid explained. "Dae had vanished from our universe. Apparently he touched a prototype of a teleporting machine and boom, he got here! We waited to see if he'd be able to come back on his own. When he didn't, Joe was panicking! They were so worried!"
"Wait a minute, 'they'?" Ezayne asked in surprise.
"Oh, right. Joe didn't come out as genderfluid pansexual until they were 15. I think they didn't live enough in this universe to tell you, uh?"
"No, not really..." Ezayne rubbed the back of his neck. "This is incredible." he looked up to Bruce. "Did you learn new things from Damien when Dae came into your life, too?"
"Uh, sure" Bruce answered. "I didn't know Damien would ever smile like that" for one thing. "Dae doesn't tell me about the other universe, though. I know he came here to protect his girlfriend" was all. His girlfriend that vanished by now. It was sad to think of.
"Ah, yeah. I heard about it from Joe." Lou nodded. "Thing is, Dae didn't want to leave this universe just yet... and then Joe found a reason to stay here, too..."
"I'll take the story from now." Joe said, walking into the room with a tray with four teacups. "Who wants tea~?"
"Ezayne does. You don't hear but he's super excited actually" Bruce said. He could hear his friends heart beating quickly.
"Thanks Bruce. And thanks Joe, and Morgana too." Ezayne wrapped an arm around Joe, inviting them to sit with join the group, while Morgana and Jeeves simply floated in the air. Taking one of the cups, Ezayne took a good sip. Joe and Loy picked up some cups for themselves as well.
"I was telling Dad you found a reason to stay here." Lou winked an eye to Joe. The eldest sibling blushed deeply.
"W-well, yeah, it's true." Joe whispered, a little flustered. "I have a boyfriend. His name is Shred and he's very cute. I'm planning to make him meet Dae soon, so all of us can celebrate my birthday together."
"The more the merrier" Bruce found, sipping from his tea as well.
"They're too sweet together. Half of the time I get outta there, or they'll give me diabetes!" Lou didn't miss the chance to joke.
"Oi! Show me some respect, I'm older than you!" Joe retorted with a smirk.
"Talk to the hand." Lou chuckled. "No way in Earth you'll see me doing such things."
"Oh, is that so?" Ezayne laughed at such display of sass. "So you don't like anyone, Lou?"
"I'm about to be 14, Dad! Cut me some slack! I have yet to met anyone I find good enough for me." Lou answered. "I'm very, VERY, VEEEERY demanding and picky!"
"Maybe you are actually an alien and you only like people from your planet, hahahaha!" Joe smiled mischievously.
Ezayne shook his head and covered his mouth before looking at Bruce. "You have no idea how much I've wanted to hear them doing stuff like this..." he whispered to him.
"Nothing like hear your kids fight" Bruce agreed. It was heartwarming, really.
"Much agreed." Ezayne nodded, as he watched Lou and Joe bicker and tease each other. It was actually a fun image. "Should we stop them?"
"Before one of them gets hurt, yeah" Bruce agreed.
"Good we agree." Ezayne said, before he touched both Joe and Lou's shoulders. "Alright boys, enough bickering for tonight, yeah?"
"Aww, we were just getting to the best part, where I actually can get him to do the puppy face!" Joe whined.
"We'll save that for another day, Joe. I want to hear more about your current situation in the city." Ezayne inquired, aiming for important things.
"I'm working in a hotel by day as waiter, and as hero at night. Oh, and I'm living in that hotel, too. It's pretty cool because i get to eat and live there for free - though I like to pay them, as if it was some kind of rent." Joe explained. "Lou lives with me and Shred. I've tried sending him to school..."
"A place I hate, I must say. It's sooooooo boring." Lou nodded.
"He goes to school" Bruce gasped, so happy about that. "Damien does, too. Did you meet?" he wondered, before rememnering that Ezayne should have dibs on asking the questions. "Sorry - " he apologized. He was just so excited, too.
"I'm not sure." Lou rubbed his chin.  "I barely talk to anyone, to be honest. Last time I talked to someone, he seemed bat-like, but with a big head..."
"It's OK." Ezayne whispered to Bruce, then thought about Lou's words out loud. "As far as I can remember, Damien's head was normal... do you have any other kid I don't know of, Bruce?"
"Errrr ... I don't know either." There was a time he was sure about the number of kids he had. Then Damien appeared. Then Dae. Then there was this whole bunch of universes with their endless possibilities. "Belle has more babies. Mars has a big head. But I only saw him on pictures, so far." He seemed busy. All the time.
"Mars..." Lou rubbed his chin. "Maybe that guy was Mars. We didn't talk much." Lou shrugged. "I wouldn't mind having more minions... err... more friends!"
"He's hella spoiled. Lou has the makings of a little supervillain in him." Joe whispered to Ezayne.
"I heard that! You wanna fight?" Lou leaned forward, always up for a second round of bickering.
"No, no, not tonight." Joe shook his head with a laugh.
"That doesn't have to be a bad thing" Bruce murmured and got up then. "You'll handle alone?" he wondered, his gaze on Ezayne.
"I think I can handle." Ezayne said, pulling both of them into his arms. He'd never get tired to hug them. "They are my children, after all."
"Call me when you change your mind" Bruce allowed. He was smiling. It was good to Ezayne be so happy.
"I'll remember that in case I need help!" he laughed openly. Ezayne rarely laughed this much. It was an open, fresh laugh that voiced clearly how much joy and peace this encounter had brought to his soul.  Getting up, Ezayne gave Bruce another hug. "Thank you, Bruce. This means a lot to me."
Very soon, Joe and Lou got up to hug him as well. "Thank you for encouraging us to meet our father here, too." Joe said with a warm voice. They were really thankful.
"Now there's three of you" Bruce laughed. How was he supposed to leave when he was being hugged from all sides. "I'm glad." He put his wings on Lou and Joe in a pat, hugged Ezayne back and tried to get out of the pile.
When he noticed the movement, Ezayne gave him some pats and released him. "Alright, kids, give him some room to breath, he might be soft but he's still the powerful superbatman watching over us." he said, leaving one of his hands on his own hip.
"I could be snuggling him for hours if you let me. He's got such a soft fur!" Joe commented with a giggle.
"I'm nooot ... " Bruce insisted. He was fearsome and scary. The comment made him laugh. "Get your kid a pillow. I will ... catch up with you tomorrow. Rest well" he wished the three, withdrawing.
"You too, Mr Bruce! And thank you!" Lou called out, waving his hand.
"Sweet dreams! Give a hug to Dae from me!" Joe requested, before they forgot to say it.
"Sleep well, my friend! Good night!" Ezayne said, waving him good night like everyone else.  He was still deeply touched by his friend's gesture. Definitely, Bruce had found him tonight the best of lost things. And thanks to him, his heart found a new way of healing. What a night to be alive.
There they stood. It looked so good to have Ezayne not alone, but surrounded by Lou and Joe when he went home. "You're welcome. And good night" he wished them, too. He used the traveller to get back home. Just a push on a button, the feel of gravity decreasing ... and Bruce was gone.
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