#Dae RP
nostalgia-tblr · 1 year
I feel like anyone who's about to embark on attempting to type out a character's accent phoentically (at least as well as one can with English) should probably stop for a moment before they get going and ask themselves, "How would I, myself, feel about a fic where the one character who sounds like me had their speech written out like this and every other character just got their dialogue left in standard spelling?" I feel like a lot of people would tone it down a bit, at least, if they'd done that thought experiment first.
(Anyone who answered "but I don't have an accent!" isn't allowed to write out anyone else's accent, ever. This rule may seem harsh but you need it. Really, you do. Because you've never had anyone treat your accent as abnormal or comical or wrong, so you really don't know what you're inflicting on others here.)
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hellslittleprince · 8 months
O p e n | “you’re cute. But what makes you think you’re cute enough?”
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unfriendlies · 20 days
"i know you said you didn't want me to go," he started as he was packing clothes into a small duffel bag, "but it's not like i'll be alone, it's only three days we'll be gone... and if you're that worried about me, you're more than welcome to come with." dae had onl found out just yesterday that his crew had been granted permission for an overnight stay at a supposed haunted house in a remote town near gwangju-si. there was no way he could say no as he'd read the news stories in and out, he wanted to see if the stories were actually true. "come on, it'll be fun."
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muse: dae beom ( lee dongwook ), forty two, paranormal investigator & co-host/co-founder of a youtube horror/true crime podcast open to: any, give him a spooky bae — age gaps accepted but nothing creepy big inspo: dae's paranormal crew was invited to stay at a haunted house basically in the middle of nowhere where multiple people have died of mysterious circumstances. if you've seen 0.0MHz, that's what i'm taking inspo from
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collectivemesses · 1 month
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"I don't want to fucking hear it," Dae growled, hands tight in his own hair, everything just... too much. Too loud. Too painful. "Don't you think you've said enough? Done enough?"
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simsandoblivion · 11 months
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🦸🏻🦆Two Wonder Pets Fans 🦆🦸🏻
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lightningmcxueen · 1 year
Starter for @strawberry-tiger333’s Kang-Dae!
It was just a normal day in Canis Springs. It was a chilly winter one, but still a normal day.
Lightning was going for a run down the road, trying to build up endurance. It had been a while since he’d gone on an endurance run, and he figured now was a good time to do it.
As he went along, McQueen saw something very strange: a bipedal animal of some kind.
Slowing to a trot and then a standstill, Lightning paused, just watching the animal for a bit. He’s never seen anything walk on two legs before… well, actually, he had. Chickens.
But nothing that could talk.
“Uh… s’cuse me!” the husky called to him, “a-are you ok?”
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thefvrious · 7 months
open to: anyone setting: any, though ren is a fox spirit so supernatural elements are non-negotiable. character: a benevolent fox spirit akin to kitsune/huli jinn and other similar legends, ren is very mischievous and spirited. they like people and particularly like to help people under the right circumstances — femme presenting ren
ren's brow furrows as they watch the other before them. they have done everything they could, within reason, to make their companion happy, but it seems it's to no avail. frowning more deeply, they slide off the ledge they're sitting on and circle the other, looking up at them curiously. "i can do a lot of things... you know? but i can't give you what you want. pick something else."
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thefcxandthehcund · 2 years
When Tod opened his eyes, he found that he was no longer in the forest with Vixey, warm in their den- he was in some huge place he recognized as a city.
Panicked, the fox scrambled to his paws and wildly looked around, panting hard, tail bristling. “Wh- where- where am I?!” he cried, pupils shrinking.
Without thinking a second time, Tod raced through people’s legs, not realizing that they, too, were animals- until he accidentally rammed right into poor Kang-Dae’s leg! He yelped and crashed to the ground, dizzied and fearful. “Ugh… ouch…”
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strawberry-tiger333 · 2 years
TW: Depression, ADHD, drinking and some other sensitive topics will be mentioned in this starter. If this triggers you, then don't read.
Kang Dae knew he shouldn't be at a bar. Not to mention that he was 16...
Now, the teenage tiger mix breed wasn't naive at all. He knows that people with his age or even a bit lower would go out in the day or night to have some beer, alcohol, liquor, etc etc. Fortunately, Kang-Dae's not one of them...
Not that he could blame those kinds of teens, though. These kinds of situations happen when teenagers are given in to pure pressure, depression or a coping mechanism from childhood trauma, ADHD, eh, the list goes on.
The only reason why he is at the bar, is because he has to find Charlie. The man has been out later than usual, and he hasn't been coming back. Well, not until Itchy or Kang-Dae finds him on the couch knocked out, implying that Charlie came back home at lord knows what time.
So, Itchy told Kang-Dae to go and find Charlie, to see of he's alright. Eventually, the boy found out he was in a bar called Archie's Brews when he saw Charlie sitting at the front bar table, with a glass cup of beer, gulping it down. With a sigh of relief, seeing that Charlie's fine, he goes to the front door and walks in.
As Kang-Dae entered the bar, the strong smell of wisky and cigarettes has hit both him and his nose like a truck. All kinds of dogs (along with a few cats) are dancing, normally or drunkly. Rat waiters and waitresses are walking around, with big metalic plates with cups of beer and alcohol in them, stopping by dogs' tables to deliver their drinks.
'Huh. Seems like everybody having fun,' Kang-Dae internally muttered.
Not wanting to waste anymore time, the teen walking towards the front bar table, all the while moving around the drunken customers and saying "sorry" or "excuse me." Finally, Kang-Dae to the table and before he could even utter out a word, he sees Charlie turn around with a raised eyebrow and looks like he just relaxed slighty and then questions what is the boy doing here with a hiccup.
Kang-Dae stands still for a second then answers, "Uh.., well I'm here to bring you home.. Me and Itchy have been worried sick about you," with a concerned yet unsurprised tone.
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trollioscereal · 2 years
" dont make a big deal out of this. yov like hvgs right so... heres a hvg. "
Of course she likes hugs, but Elidae had a difficult time understanding what he even means by that. Was he going to crush her to death for the obvious? Even though she’s smiling, Elidae breaks out into a nervous sweat.
“Haha- oh yeah, sure, okay…!” Dialing down the hope she clung to, Elidae accepted the embrace. How could she not? High risk, high reward, she supposed. Or she’s just stupid.
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triggers: death
OOC: Nadine
Character: Joanna Wagner
Type of Connection: Sibling in law
WC Name: UTP. Surname Kwon (maiden)
Age Range: 35-50
FC Options: Has to be Korean and look related to Daniel Dae Kim
Would you like to be contacted?: yes, here
Triggers: Death
Connection Description:  Joanna married Jae Kim in 2013. I pictured Miranda to have been very close to her in-laws, even so after her death. She remarried rather quick to a good friend and teammate of Jae, who would also be friends with his siblings. Joanna and Jae have two children together and Jae's sibling would have an active role in their lives.
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susartwork · 4 months
Reformed lore update?
Ok so, for context: Reformed and Hopeless first met like I shown in this comic. Then a year passes, during which all RPs with Sci, Fell etc. take place.
In the meantime Reformed meets and falls in love with Daemon (by @axmoth) cause both me and Ax are natural shippers despite all his internal conflicts, and they even have a child called Lucent.
Hopeless, since his Frisk died, started doing the babysitter to cope with his loss (yeah Frisk is still "alive" inside their soul but--), so Dae leaves Lucent to him. When Ref comes to get Lucent back chaos happens. But hey, Hopeless babysits for free, so Ref sorta trusts him to keep Lucent...? (Dae begged him)
BUT this Ref IS NOT the one Hopeless met a year ago. Yet they never realized.
Then one day Ref is like "it's been so many years since we first met, goggles guy" and Hopeless is like "Well, no??? It's only been like a year", and that's when they realize something's off.
They ask Basic to check the leg's code that Ref kept after cutting it off from Hopeless, so they discover that it is actually the leg of ANOTHER Hopeless, Advisor! If you remember him you get a medal
The Reformed who met the original Hopeless that we know, is actually Dustoyer, aka what I wanted Ref to become when I first created him. An Error!Reformed.
AND DUSTROYER IS THE ONE THAT ERASED PHYSIS!ALPHYS TIMELINE (cause yes, her timeline was destroyed by an Error)
The end. For now ♪(´▽`)
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hellslittleprince · 4 months
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to; anyone notes; Dae is lucifer's right hand, and runs an unofficial 'home' for lost/orphaned supernatural people of any age
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"I know it doesn't look like much," Dae murmured, exhaling a lungful of smoke as he glanced down at the cigarette burning away between his fingers. A habit he should probably kick, but... another day. "But that's kinda the point. No one passing by would think anyone lives here. Makes it safer, and all that. Your room'll be safe. We just decorated it, so don't worry about falling through the floorboards or anything." A glance at the other and he exhaled again, softer this time when he noticed the uncertainty around them. "Take your time, okay? There's no rush. And no pressure."
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voreboy · 8 months
29) If another war broke out I bet your preds would thrive in that environment. No one would question their gouging as long it’s the enemy ppl
I sort of had an alt reality idea for that: Mason and T-Bone being a special Black Ops teams for eating political and terrorist targets. "Digest All Evidence" (DAE) and all that...
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deviantART | RP Guide (24+ ONLY/STR8 Guys Welcome) | Ageplay Guide | Diet Plan | Vore Multiverse Guide | Send Me Anons (But State Your Age) | Meet Me (40+ ONLY/STR8)  
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collectivemesses · 1 year
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“What’s it to you?” Dae quirked an eyebrow directly at the other in front of him. A challenge. A silent beckon for them to say more, to take another step, to bite back. “Seriously, what do you care who I flirt with? Last I checked, it was none of your business who I bend over for so please, tell me, what did I miss?”
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simsandoblivion · 1 year
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Family Fun in the Sun
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