#By the time the holy war is through Beatrice has a binder
zany-brainy · 1 year
Random Thoughts: I don't think Beatrice would travel (or at least wouldn't go globetrotting) after Adriel's defeat and Ava's departure. There's a few reasons.
Beatrice might be feeling more free to embrace who she is and figure out more about herself outside of her upbringing and role within the OCS but I don't think she'd want to go very far.
Perhaps when Ava told her to live her life she meant for Beatrice to travel the world, to climb mountains, and see sights. Maybe she wanted Beatrice to take a boat down the Amazon, to surf off of Bondi Beach, to meet Mickey Mouse in Florida, and swim in the Blue Grotto.
For Beatrice though, living right now means preparing and learning more in anticipation of the oncoming threat. And learning as much as she can about Reya, her realm, and any others that might be like her or Adriel. Hardest of all is doing all that outside of the OCS but in ways it allows her to pursue these goals in ways that her sisters might not be able to. It also allows her to remain in contact with Jillian Salvius, who distances herself from the OCS for obvious reasons. She's great help in directing Beatrice towards information and the former nun hopes she can help keep the grieving mother grounded.
For Beatrice, living starts small. She doesn't leave the country, too worried of being very far from her sisters. She also wants to learn more about the place she's lived for so long while locked away behind the literal walls of the Cat's Cradle and her own figurative walls. She wants to connect to people the way Mary made look so easy.
Research and training still take up so much time. Especially when Jillian comes calling with a new invention or breakthrough she'd like Beatrice to consult on. But Beatrice finds time to connect. She teaches. Short lessons in self defense in the evening hours at a local dance studio. But it's between these responsibilities that Beatrice partakes and lives.
Little victories, as Ava liked to call them. Little rebellions as Beatrice still thinks of them. Her parents never allowed her many sweets when she was younger. Now Beatrice finds herself indulging in Bubblegum flavored, double scoop, sprinkle covered ice cream here and there. And yes, it mostly just enforces that Mint Chocolate Chip is her favorite but in her mind she can see the snarls her mother would shoot her if she bore witness to some of the overindulgent treats Beatrice had been sampling.
Impulse purchases weren't a consideration for Beatrice but after a particularly trying day at Jillian's lab, she finds herself buying a guitar. It only has a little bit to do with Ava once saying she'd look badass with one and a lot to do with her former classmates' insistence on the pointlessness of the musical arts. Beatrice is awful at playing guitar. Her fingers can't quite find the music and sooner than she'd like she finds herself hiding it in a corner of her apartment.
Silly nicknacks like refrigerator magnets, little figurine statues, and the like were mostly just clutter but Beatrice finds herself picking them up here and there. She holds onto cups and receipts from new restaurants and ships she visits. Mementos of where she's been. It's no great adventure around the world but each little new something Beatrice holds onto makes her feel like she's living a little bit more every day.
She moves cities every few weeks. New places and people, new opportunities, hopefully new leads. New receipts, a new magnet or shot glass. Beatrice still didn't drink but the glasses were small and inoffensive enough not to cause clutter.
She still mourns and still worries and prepares but in between these big responsibilities, the duties she retains in different ways than before. It's silly and insignificant but she lives in these little moments, growing and changing in little ways. Beatrice finds herself waking up later than she ever had in the past, 6:00AM. She doesn't immediately clean every dish the second it reaches the sink.
It's small and ridiculous but these changes were unthinkable to her before. It's not living big or loud or adventuring but for as small as each change is, it's something Beatrice never saw coming. Hell, she gets an Instagram just to take pictures of food and animals she comes across as back up for whenever she has to ditch her current burner phones. They're all little victories day in and day out as she works and trains and learns.
And one day, after what seems like far too long, Beatrice gets to share it all with Ava, whose eyes light up at all the funky shotglasses that line their cabinet. Ava, who insists on what restaurants and cafes Beatrice has to take her back to. Ava, who instantly takes over what she now deems as their Instagram account and shares all their victories going forward, little and big.
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