#Bye ppl can disagree with me but I hope ppl can see my perspective at least
alexiconoflove · 3 years
The infographic Instagram /carrd social issues thing is trash when ppl do it for actual problems but then slip in propaganda demonzing countries for smth american created but I don't get why people hate them just existing. I just see it as an easy way to collect info in one place. Like obviously posting it doesn't count as activism esp like forcing ppl to retweet /reblog smth once but they dont continue doing research afterward doing anything to help a cause. But idk with the infographics I like it as like a basic thing to start. Not a dumbing down the whole huge situation but like if someone wasn't even aware smth existed as a problem but then they were scrolling on their feeds n saw smth digestible to read on their work break to get them to start then that's a good thing ? I see it as a more flawed thing rather than like hating the whole concept.
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