nulltune · 2 years
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(read from right to left!) i'm just sitting here wondering if someone could have this kind of realization with hakuno.............. because it Is true that hakuno is incredibly patient and compassionate, would extend a hand to anyone if she senses that they're suffering in any capacity and is endlessly kind and forgiving ;_; fate extella materials even revealed that fem!hakuno in particular was made to have the image of a "pure holy maiden" but that's really what it is! just an image. truth is, hakuno's no messiah and she's far from perfect! just a regular ordinary person
aaand as for my take 😳 she's someone who's been looked down/belittled/mistreated by pretty much everyone she's met, so she tries to keep a strong front so that she won't be the weak and pathetic bug she'd always been called. someone who's scared of being alone and abandoned so she tries her best, obsessively cares for others rather than herself because that's her way of coping with the existence she feels she isn't deserving of. has a subconscious feeling to prioritize others to feel like she has value and because really, it's only under that condition that she'd feel worthy of receiving the human companionship she desperately wants :,) you come to realize that she's,,, pretty flawed! but does that really make her unworthy of being loved and cared for </3 well.....she sure thinks it does VDNVDJSGSXHDK
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