nulltune Β· 2 years
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(read from right to left!) i'm just sitting here wondering if someone could have this kind of realization with hakuno.............. because it Is true that hakuno is incredibly patient and compassionate, would extend a hand to anyone if she senses that they're suffering in any capacity and is endlessly kind and forgiving ;_; fate extella materials even revealed that fem!hakuno in particular was made to have the image of a "pure holy maiden" but that's really what it is! just an image. truth is, hakuno's no messiah and she's far from perfect! just a regular ordinary person
aaand as for my take 😳 she's someone who's been looked down/belittled/mistreated by pretty much everyone she's met, so she tries to keep a strong front so that she won't be the weak and pathetic bug she'd always been called. someone who's scared of being alone and abandoned so she tries her best, obsessively cares for others rather than herself because that's her way of coping with the existence she feels she isn't deserving of. has a subconscious feeling to prioritize others to feel like she has value and because really, it's only under that condition that she'd feel worthy of receiving the human companionship she desperately wants :,) you come to realize that she's,,, pretty flawed! but does that really make her unworthy of being loved and cared for </3 well.....she sure thinks it does VDNVDJSGSXHDK
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shrimparts-blog1890 Β· 5 months
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minibamnight Β· 10 months
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good-beansdraws Β· 1 month
Man, every time I see that artwork of you as the yellow knight with trio it warms my heart so much πŸ₯ΊπŸ’“
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Ahhh thank you so much!! That means a lot to hear ✨️✨️✨️ I know everyone around me is super nice, but it was still nerve-wracking to post my first fe insert stuff ;__; Plus, it's even more exciting to hear since you were the one I mentioned in my tags!! I was over the moon that someone even remembered my little ramblings about the yellow knight, and came to same conclusion about it -- it's safe to say that it gave me a big boost in confidence when it came to sharing!! So I'm really grateful :'D
And I cannot recommend the experience enough πŸ˜€πŸ‘ To anyone reading, this is your sign from the universe to draw yourself with your favoritest little guys -- it's a great time and I'd love to see :3
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halloween-sweets Β· 2 years
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bungeepuppet Β· 1 year
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WOW!!! 😳 thank you for 300 follows!
to celebrate i'm going to open up doodle requests for a day! comment here or send me your hisoillu reqs in an ask πŸ˜šπŸƒπŸ“
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willowser Β· 1 year
It's hard to tell who's side he would take cause I think he absolutely would defend his sweet angel boy but imagine Dabi trying to get to the bottom of his daughter picking on him. Like she was always a demon but it always seems worse with him, and he finds out that she's just jealous of her baby brother. She thought she would be an only child for sure and there he comes stealing her dad away from her. And one day the dam just breaks he takes his little boys side once again and she just breaks down in tears the biggest tantrum he's ever seen and so he puts his boy down for a nap so he can fully focus on his little girl. He's mortified when she says she's gonna run away cause daddy doesn't love her anymore only little boy. Of course he reassures his first born he loves her so much, he'd never want to be like his father. He sets up daddy daughter days after that so his little girl can get all the attention she still needs.
omg no, you're so right ??? touya and his soft spot for his oldest child ??? πŸ₯ΊπŸ₯Ί HIS LIL GIRL THAT FEELS IGNORED ??? WAAAAH. how could you say this to meeee ?? 😭😭 omg !!! did not consider this !!!! πŸ₯Ί it probably makes him so upset bc β€” maybe she's a demon child, but she's the one who made him a dad in the first place πŸ₯Ί changed his life entirely πŸ₯Ί she's got him wrapped around her finger πŸ₯Ί
okay this is completely regarding a modern au setting but β€” how do you think this revelation for his children affects his relationship with enji ?? πŸ‘€ realizing that β€” completely by accident β€” he's prioritized the feelings of one child over the other πŸ‘€ OOOOH TRAUMA !!!!
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hyfaesyren Β· 7 months
when suzume and souta stabbed the keystones into the worms urethra, call that sounding
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nulltune Β· 7 months
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postcard personality test!
i saw this floating around and it cute so i wanted 2 do it 4 hakuno!! steal it from me if u wanna do it too >:3c but tAG ME ! 🫢
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unstablerk800 Β· 11 months
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love-toxin Β· 2 years
You talked about dorky!reader with Steve and while I love that- I give you dorky Steve with reader
- he’s all innocent and inexperienced so you have him sit in front of you in just boxers, you strip down, letting him take you in and watching how his glasses fog up when you lean to kiss his jaw
- it moves to you sitting between his legs, your back against his chest and you guiding his hand to where you want to be touched, feeling how he’s getting harder against your back, moaning when he rambles random compliments at you in that flustered nerdy tone of his
-✨ (this is my official application to be your ✨ anon and fill your blog with stranger things nsfw things, mostly Steve and Nancy bc oh my god those two)
Steve who's used to being popular and a little charming but on the inside is so insecure. he's never touched anyone before, he's barely touched himself, only now is he getting more into it to know what he likes. and you're so pretty and you've got more experience than him, so he's afraid he's gonna mess it all up and embarrass himself, that he's not gonna make you feel good--but soon he realizes that that's all he wants to do. that first soft, fluttery little sigh when you guide his hands down your underwear goes right to his cock, and you actually get off more at the feeling of Steve rocking against your back and moaning just because you're moaning for him. the confidence will come later but his skills are enough now, as long as he listens to you and lets you guide him he'll figure out how to make you cum just as hard as you ever have....especially cause making him cum in return is as easy as pushing your ass back against him and feeling him shake as he loses it completely in his boxers.
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nnnneeev Β· 9 months
Just finished lesson 23 and just wanna say that even though im not a mammon stan (he's cute and quirky but not my type) this lesson made me appreciate him more :)
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children-of-moss Β· 2 months
πŸ‘Ύ and πŸͺ for the ask game?
πŸ‘Ύ - funniest out of context system quote?
Oo we have a few but here's one that comes to mind:
I hate to inform you I am not a twink with a tack fashion sense
πŸͺ - what is headspace like for you?
We can talk about it for HOURS
But the simple answer is a few islands the biggest is mostly a forest with a bunch of structures in it. There are four cities and/or villages there. Fairly overgrown with a lot of gardens in more populated areas. Natural water sources are mostly the sea and a huge lake and though rivers are smaller there's still quite a few. The other island isn't as overgrown but still has a lot of trees and plants, though its more on flowers and fields side. Thats the jist of it but feel free to ask about anything more specific :>
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mothnoir Β· 7 months
Yeah I know. Sorry. It's the guy again
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organised-disaster Β· 6 months
Me: I look like shit today :D
Person: You look like shit today
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nulltune Β· 5 months
reading @dangaer 's comments and tags got me like-
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IM JUST SCREAMING INTO MY HANDS LIKE AAAAAA TYSM..!!!!! πŸ₯ΊπŸ₯ΊπŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ«ΆπŸ™πŸ’—πŸ’–πŸ’“πŸ’žπŸ’•β€οΈ I'M LATE BUT THAT'S BC IM A SNAIL + I JUST MELT INTO A PUDDLE EVERYTIME I READ UR REPLIES UE UE... πŸ₯ΉπŸ₯ΉπŸ’•πŸ’• but yes pls know that i appreciate it sm!!!!!! 😭😭❀️❀️ I CRYYYYY /POS
also don't mind a lil doodle heree 😳✨️ I JUST THINK THEY NEED TO CELEBRATE THE HOLIDAYS TOGETHER ALWAYS OKOK and also i'm sorry hakuno can be such a cheeky lil binch..... she'd just,, hold out a mistletoe and stare up at him with those big ol' eyes of hers silently asking for a kiss πŸ€§πŸ’“
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