queersouthasian · 3 months
How much do people lack character analysis?? I saw someone create paralleles with charlie and way, and say charlie taking babe's powers is as disgusting as way using his powers on babe. Are you fucking kidding me? This is why we can't have good things. Did y'all watch a different show? Do y'all don't realise Charlie cannot control his powers but way can? Way can choose who to hypnotise and to what extent but Charlie can't. Charlie just touching someone cannot take away their powers. The more the intimacy, the more the absorption. Even if charlie didn't want, he would still take away the powers. Literally something not under his control. And he saws that very clearly in ep 7, "the closer I get to someone, the more I can take away their powers". Way? Way can choose, and he choose to be disgusting. Also this person compared Charlie's lieing about death to babe's dad giving up babe for a better home. HUH??? JUST HUH???? CHARLIE PUT HIMSELF IN DANGER, ALMOST KILLED HIMSELF, HE DIDN'T GIVE AWAY BABE FOR ANYTHING, DIDN'T DO ANYTHING TO BABE AGAINST HIS WISH, HE DID IT TO HIMSELF. BABE'S DAD GIVING HIM AWAY WITHOUT CONSENT IS NOT EQUALS TO CHARLIE KILLING HIMSELF TO PROTECT HIM. ARE Y'ALL FR?? HOW LONG WILL YOU DEHUMANISE HIM??? HOW LONG Y'ALL GONNA NOT ACCEPT THE FACT THAT THEY HAVE THE BEST RELATIONSHIP AND THEY HEALED EACH OTHER??? FUCK EVERYONE WHO HATES THEM, ESPECIALLY CHARLIE TBH, FUCK EVERYONE WHO THINKS BABE WAS AN ASSHOLE WHEN HE WAS BEING MIND CONTROLLED, FUCK EVERYONE WHO ANTAGONISES BABE FOR HAVING TRUST ISSUES, FUCK EVERYONE WHO THINKS CHARLIE IS NOT A GREAT PERSON, A GREAT LOVER. FUCK EVERYONE WHO THINKS THEIR LOVE IS NOT SOMETHING POETIC. AND FINALLY FUCK EVERY SINGLE PERSON WHO EVEN THINKS OF COMPARING CHARLIE TO WAY, FOR UNDERESTIMATING BABE'S LOVE AND EFFECT IN CHARLIE'S LIFE.
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