#Cassandra Delphia Henderson
Killer Queen Masterlist (Steve Harrington/Cassie Henderson)
Formerly “Life is Strange”.
Cassandra Delphia “Cassie Dare” “Cassie” Henderson is wild, dangerous… insubordinate… Right here, folks. right here.
Steve Harrington and Cassie Dare Henderson–best friends since diapers until the dare of 1979. It turns out that breaking and entering into the Hawkins Lab wasn’t a good idea when Dustin’s older sister, Cassie Dare did so because she when went in and didn’t come back out until being found near-dead in the woods three weeks later with no memory whatsoever from entering the lab but she hasn’t been the same since. She was distant and aloof despite the attempts of her little brother, Dustin and her best friend, Steve Harrington,  but the day that Will Byers goes missing she starts remembering things when she mysteriously gains strange abilities the same moment the gate opened and she meets a strange little girl who looks so familiar to her.
Warning(s): Cursing, PG-13 Sexual Content, 80’s Homophobia (Not explicit, just a comment here and there from Tommy and them.)
Pre-Season One:
Prologue (September 8 to September 29 of 1979)
Season One/November 6, 1983 to December 12, 1983:
Season One Cast
Cassandra "Cassie Dare" Henderson 1983 Bio
The Vanishing of Will Byers (November 6 to November 7 of 1983)
The Weirdo On Maple Street (November 7 to November 8 of 1983)
Pan Henderson 1983 Bio
Holly Jolly (November 8 to November 9 of 1983)
The Body (November 10 of 1983)
The Flea and the Acrobat (November 10 to November 11 of 1983)
The Monster (November 11 to November 12 of 1983)
The Bathtub (November 12 of 1983)
The Upside Down (November 12 to November 13 of 1983 + Epilogue taking place on December 12 of 1983)
Post Season One/Pre-Season Two
Season Two Prolouge: Summer of 1984
Season Two/October 29 to December 15 of 1984)
Season Two Cast
Cassandra "Cassie Dare" Henderson 1984 Bio
Pan Henderson 1984 Bio
MADMAX (October 29 to October 30 of 1984)
Trick or Treat, Freak (October 31 of 1984)
The Pollywog (October 31 to November 1 of 1984)
Will the Wise (November 1 to November 2 of 1984)
Dig Dug (November 2 to November 3 of 1984)
The Spy (November 3 to November 4 of 1984)
The Lost Sister (November 3 to November 4 of 1984) ???
The Mind Flayer (November 4 to November 5 of 1984)
The Gate (November 5 of 1984 + Eplilogue taking place on December 25 of 1984)
Season Three/June 28 to Unspecified Time Between September or October of 1985)
Season Three Cast
Cassandra "Cassie Dare" Henderson 1985 Bio
Pan Henderson 1985 Bio
Suzie, Do You Copy? (June 28 to June 29 of 1985)
The Mall Rats (June 30 of 1985)
The Case of the Missing Lifeguard (July 1 of 1985)
The Sauna Test (July 2 of 1985)
The Flayed (July 3 of 1985)
E Pluribus Unum (July 3 to July 4 of 1985)
The Bite (July 4 of 1985)
The Battle of Starcourt (July 4 to July 5 + Epilogue Taking Place on Unspecified Time in September or October of 1985)
Season Four/March 21 to March 29 of 1986)
Season Four Cast
Cassandra "Cassie Dare" Henderson 1986 Bio
Pan Henderson 1986 Bio
The Hellfire Club (March 21 of 1986)
Vecna’s Curse (March 21 to March 22 of 1985)
The Monster and the Superhero (March 22 to March 23 of 1986)
Dear Billy (March 23 to March 24 of 1986)
The Nina Project (March 24 to March 25 of 1986)
The Dive (March 25 to 26 of 1986)
The Massacure at Hawkins Lab (March 26 to March 27 of 1986)
Papa (March 27 of 1986)
The Piggyback (March 27 of 1986 + Epilogue Taking Place on March 29 of 1986)
Season Five (Rumored to Air in Late 2025 or early 2026; Time Jump Length Currently Unknown)
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Cassandra Delphia “Cassie Dare” Henderson 1983 Bio - Killer Queen
Full Name: Cassandra Delphia "Cassie Dare" Henderson
Age: Fifteen/Sixteen Years Old
Birthday: November 10, 1967
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
Current place of residence: 2886 Piney Wood Drive, Hawkins, Indiana
Relations: Dustin Henderson (Younger Brother), Claudia Henderson (Mother), Pan Henderson (Father)
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Appearance: Long light auburn-brown hair, Hazel eyes, Five foot four
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Personality: Cassie Dare uses sarcasm as a defense mechanism, she covers her pain with jokes and fake smiles and pushes people away when she needs them the most. She's incredibly smart but tends to act dumber than she was to get people to underestimate her. She was fiercely protective of those she loves, especially her little brother and becomes violent when they're threatened. She already regularly threatens violence but usually, she's all bark and no bite until she's provoked or someone she cares about--especially her little brother, Dustin Henderson and to a slightly less extent, Steve Harrington--are threatened, then she becomes relentlessly violent. She has a problem with authority as she gets bored easily and hates sitting still yet is innately curious. She is hyperactive and impulsive, this being the reason why she hasn't fully shut down emotionally due to repressed trauma. She also hints that she may have picked up her rebellious behavior from her father.
She is an ambivert and seems like an introvert unless she trusts who she's with and she shows extroverted characteristics.
She shares many traits with her little brother, Dustin such as nerdiness, geekiness, a love for Dungeons and Dragons, bluntness, dramaticism, loudness, empathy, intellect, rudeness, language, acceptance, loyalty, snarkiness, sarcasm, and bravery.
Cassie Dare can be a bit overzealous in what she's interested in.
Unlike Nancy, she chooses to remain moral even if the consequences are negative towards her and it gets her in trouble. When she's about to get in trouble with someone else she always sacrifices herself and denies anyone else had anything to do with it.
While she is fine with her current popularity status which is not considered either popular or unpopular and won't miss a chance to snap at Nancy over hers, Cassie Dare shows shades of a "mean girl" such as how she points out Nancy's insecurities and fears and makes passive-aggressive comments towards Carol. When she feels that people aren't seeing their obvious faults and it continues or they cross a line she won't hesitate to call them out without mercy.
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff
Personality Type: INFP (The Dreamer; Mediator)
Relationship with Steve Harrington - She views Steve Harrington as a hero as despite them having been friends since they were babies when she and her father moved back to Hawkins when she was six, she views Steve as her hero as he saved her from bullying when they were younger and have been inseparable since, however when she knows he goes over the line, she calls him out on it. Steve doesn't really realize just how much Cassie Dare cares for him until it's too late.
She is oblivious to Steve's feelings for her due to her insecurities and honestly believes that she is too broken for him and Steve believes that she is too good for him as she is empathetic and genuinely kind even when she has nothing to gain and though it baffles him she is at most reluctant to engage into the cruelty of the teen social behavior that is brought upon her by those like Tommy H. and Carol.
He views her just as highly as she views him, even after her memory loss and trauma, as she is his Manic Pixie Dream Girl.
Disorders: ADHD (But in the eighties it wasn't known as ADHD until 1987. It was known as Hyperkinetic reaction of childhood. And I hate that. It sounds like they're blaming your childhood which is an infuriating common misconception of ADHD), PTSD
Manic Pixie Dream Girl - Cassie Dare is this to Steve Harrington, where his life is full of selfishness, neglect, sex, intoxication, cruelty, infidelity, and loneliness, Cassie Dare is empathetic, loyal, kind, and compassionate while still rebellious and adventurous.
Birds of a Feather - She and Steve are very alike while they are also very different. Both of them have somewhat neglectful parents, Steve's are never around and Cassie Dare's mother is at most emotionally distant and she has a stronger bond with her father who lives in Indianapolis. Both Steve and Cassie Dare had defense mechanisms that pushes others away.
Opposite Attract - Cassie Dare is also very different to Steve as she is nowhere near as wealthy as he is. She is not popular and she is a geek while he is a jock. She chooses to be kind to others while Steve has the King Steve façade.
Friends: Dustin Henderson (Little brother), Pan Henderson (Father), Jonathan Byers, Will Byers, Joyce Byers (Honorary mother), Lucas Sinclair (on-and-off), Nancy Wheeler (on-and-off), Mike Wheeler, Barbra Holland, Steve Harrington (Best Friend/Crush); Eddie Munson (Good Close friend/Club member)
Enemies: Carol, Tommy H., Nicole, Anyone who dares mess with her little brother.
Skills: Sherlock Scan, Hyperfixation, Intellect, Basic Sword fighting, Basic gymnastics, D&D knowledge, Martial arts, Combatant, Staff Proficiency, Empathy, Apathy; Skilled Detective, Skilled Marksman, Intuition, Basic Swordsmanship, Archery, Gun Proficiency
DnD Class: (Multi-Classed; her personality is layered and unpredictable and the Party have different opinions on her class)
Bard (The Party generally agree she mostly matches the Bard in which her general personality as she often outwits and/or messes with people by talking/charming/tricking them and there's her obvious love of music and has always been highly skilled at reading a room, there's her famous mischeivoiusness and she has a philosophical way of thinking and like Dustin she can be consider diplomatic in terms of a relationship as her personality type is called the "mediator" though she's often too brutal to be truly considered to be either "diplomatic" or "a mediator")
Or Fighter (This is how she becomes at first sight of anyone she cares about is threatened; she is increadbly brave and well-adverse in using weapons as Pan felt it was crucial for her to know how to defend herself and others. She isn't afriid to fight, she's intellignet in multiple ways, adaptable, and fearless. She does have the ability to be stragetic, however her emotion does impair her judgement in the moment and when she's protecting someone she cares about, her emotion overrule and she acts out but when protecting someone from a situation, she does possess a levelhead and thinks strategically.)
Or Rogue (She is considered this more than a fighter class in general, because this is how she got her reputation and it's another the Party agrees fits her well. Her acts of rebellion are generally done with stealth and she always hides her accomplices with deception, she is very sneaky and stealthy, able to move like a ninja. She has a tendency to isolate herself as she feels no one in Hawkins truly understands her like she does, she is known for being unashamed and unafraid of how society views her, and has always seen the rules of others' as "guidelines" rather than something to actually take seriously.)
Or Cleric (The Party also feel she fits for a "Cleric" due to her level of protectiveness and selflessness, as she unwaveringly does what she feels is the best call for everybody in the party which is what she always does to keep her friends from getting into trouble, her protectiveness and loyalty are a few of her most prominent traits.)
Guardian. (While not the same kind of class as the others, this is the class the Party best feels fits Cassie and she has preferred to herself as this herself. As she doesn't just make decisions best for the Party but she actively fights to protect them.)
Precognition - Cassie Dare can see the future to some extent, mostly she can only see possibilities but she knows one will absolutely be true. Her techniques of this vary between old-fashioned visions or visual hallucinations, whether seeing something that foreshadows the future or straight-up hallucinations of bizarre things that actively speak to her, giving her the feeling of losing her mind.
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Limits - If she actively uses her powers too much it can make her nosebleed, make her cry blood, give her headaches, make her dizzy, blur her vision, or render her unconscious.
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Equipment: Camera, Guitar, Bentley car
Inspiration: Max Caulfield from Life is Strange (Not so much anymore),Phoebe Halliwell from Charmed, Samantha Kingston from Before I Fall; Kent McFuller from Before I Fall; Harper from Set It Up; Lucy Pevensie from Narnia
Theme Song(s): Mad World (Tears for Fears), Cherry Bomb (Joan Jett and the Blackhearts), Killer Queen (Queen)
Favorite Songs: Killer Queen (Queen); Carry On, Wayward Son (Kansas); Mad World (Tears for Fears), Sweet Jane (Originally written the Velvet Underground but her preferred one is the cover by Cowboy Junkies); Cherry Bomb (The Runaways); 9 to 5 (Dolly Parton), Don’t Fear the Reaper (Blue Oyster Cult)
Favorite Bands and Singers: The Police; the Velvet Underground; Cowboy Junkies; ABBA; The Smiths; Queen (Shared with her father's favorite band); Kansas; The Runaways; Dolly Parton; Blue Oyster Cult; Tears for Fears; Foreigner; Yes; Joan Jett
Cassandra - Seer who could see the future but was never believed in Greek Mythology
Delphia - One who can predict future
Cassie - Shining over man; Purity; Unheeded prophetess; Who fills men with love; Shine upon mankind
Dare - A rebellious name; (Also the name of a moral with the sight in the Percy Jackson series)
Nicknames/Aliases: Angel (By Pan Henderson), Cass (By friends), Cassie Dare, Cassie, C.D.
Face Claim: 
As a child: Georgie Henley
As a teen/adult: Zoey Deutch
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*Hyperkinetic reaction of childhood is what they called ADHD before they first started calling it ADHD. And I don't like that. It wasn't called ADHD until 1987 and wasn't recognized as a mental disorder until sometime in the sixties despite being known since 1798.*
*Also, never say that ADHD is just an excuse because it's not. If you don't have ADHD, you can't possibly understand what it's like. People without ADJD act like it's just a minor inconvenience in life but it's not just a learning disorder, it's connected to everything in life and if you let it, it can run your life.*
*Seriously, this is one of the most common disorders in the world and it's still mostly known for its stereotypes.*
*An active power means you can see the results like in Charmed. Telekinesis and freezing time is active but precognition is passive.*
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Killer Queen (Steve Harrington) Season One Cast
Twelve-Year-Old Cassandra Delphia "Cassie Dare" Henderson — Georgie Henley (As Lucy Pevensie)
The Girl Who Forgot
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Sixteen-year-old Cassandra Delphia "Cassie Dare" Henderson — Zoey Deutch
The Girl Who Was Distant/The Guardian
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Pan Henderson — David Tennant (Crowley)
The Cool Father in Indianapolis 
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Steve Harrington - Joe Keery
King of Hawkins High
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Dustin Henderson - Gaten Matarazzo
The Compass Genius Little Brother
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Eleven - Millie Bobby Brown
The Number Who Broke the Dam
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Mike Wheeler - Finn Wolfhard
The Paladin Who Fell For the Mage
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Lucas Sinclair - Caleb McLaughlin
The Overlycrtical and Unsympathetic Boy Who Didn't Understand How Compasses Worked
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Nancy Wheeler - Natalia Dyer
The Princess Who Screwed Up and Got Revenge
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Jonathan Byers - Charlie Heaton
The Antisocial, Loner Photographer
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Joyce Byers - Winona Ryder
The Mother Who Never Stopped Believing
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Chief Jim Hopper - David Harbour
The Man Who They Underestimated and Regretted
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Will Byers - Noah Schnapp
The Boy Who the Demogorgon Caught
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Stranger Things Masterlists
Steve Harrington: (Sorted Oldest to Newest)
Devil Town (Imogen V. Henderson played by Katherine Langford)
Imogen Henderson was as normal as a tomboy could be in the eighties. Rather than shop and gossip, she’d rather play D&D with her brother and his friends and learn how to fight with swords. Imogen was incredibly intelligent, in fact, her brother described her as an empathetic Sherlock Holmes. She was intelligent yet scatterbrained and eccentric.
People often wondered why the most popular kid in school bothered being friends with her as she was only known for her tendency for violence as demonstrated by that time she punched Tommy H. in the face.
But one day, her world turns into one of the stories she loved to read when Will Byers goes missing and she finds out that the world isn’t as logical as she once thought. Now she has to do whatever she can to keep her friends and family safe.
Trauma Masterlist (Emilie H. Henderson played by Hailee Steinfeld)
Emilie Henderson was damaged. Everyone knew what happened to her. Or at least, they knew enough. When she was thirteen she went camping with her father and they both went missing for nearly two weeks until Emilie was found barely alive with deep wounds from an unknown origin and her father was found with his eyes caved in and his bones cracked.
She was in a coma for thirteen weeks when she came back she had no memory of what happened. Doctors said the trauma was so great that the young girl blocked it out. But ever since then, she kept having nightmares of a place. Like this world but cold and dark. She lived with the Byers as she became friends with Jonathan and was like a daughter to Joyce until her brother and mother were able to move to Hawkins with her due to complications.
She's now known at the traumatized girl of Hawkins High with the freak brother, yet somehow she is Steve "The Hair" Harrington's best friend albeit their relationship has gotten rocky. She deals with normal things along with her nightmares and trauma-school, bullies, insecurities, and being in love with her best friend.
But when Will Byers goes missing and odd occurrences start happening, Emilie's memories start coming back.
Broken Bird (Rue Hopper Played by Kathyrn Newton)
"Rue" - Regret. That summed up the past four years of Rue Persephone Hopper's life. Ever since her sister--her beautiful baby sister got sick. Cancer.
When she got sick, they had to go to New York to get her treatment, when the previously bright-eyed troublemaker. Rue Hopper returned now an only child, she had none of the light left in her eyes. She came back a broken soul of a broken home. Broken. That summed up everything inside Rue.
After Sara died, she had felt so much pain that she thought she was losing her mind-until she shut down. Now she walks around Hawkins, dead inside, plastering a smile on her face and hiding it with jokes, snark, and sarcasm. But when one of her best friend's brothers go missing, the spark in her is reignited.
Killer Queen Masterlist (Cassandra "Cassie Dare" Henderson played by Zoey Deutch; Pan Henderson played by David Tennant)
Formerly "Life is Strange".
Cassandra Delphia “Cassie Dare” “Cassie” Henderson is wild, dangerous… insubordinate… Right here, folks. right here.
Steve Harrington and Cassie Dare Henderson--best friends since diapers until the dare of 1979. It turns out that breaking and entering into the Hawkins Lab wasn't a good idea when Dustin's older sister, Cassie Dare did so because she when went in and didn't come back out until being found near-dead in the woods three weeks later with no memory whatsoever from entering the lab but she hasn't been the same since. She was distant and aloof despite the attempts of her little brother, Dustin and her best friend, Steve Harrington,  but the day that Will Byers goes missing she starts remembering things when she mysteriously gains strange abilities the same moment the gate opened and she meets a strange little girl who looks so familiar to her.
Warning(s): Cursing, PG-13 Sexual Content, 80’s Homophobia (Not explicit, just a comment here and there from Tommy and them.)
Embers In the Sky (Dominique "Nico" Henderson played Georgie Henley; Alex Henderson played by David Tennant)
Dominique “Nico” Henderson. Older sister of Dustin Henderson and daughter of Claudia and Alex Henderson. Loyal, brave, intelligent, sarcastic, and violent. She is ignored and/or feared by bullies, loved by those who are bullied, and most of all loved by Steve Harrington.
But in another part of Hawkins, she is known by another name. One she plans on never hearing again. Her first name. Dominique. She got more than the other kids got at Hawkins Lab but she was never an official test subject. She was the daughter of a test subject. And until 1979, she was an active yet unofficial test subject with powers of fire—the Upside-Down’s biggest weakness. She was the only test subject who was subjected to being continuously sent into the Upside-Down to test the human’s capacity to survive there, until the Massacre, nearly killed her and Brenner’s favorite test subject changed, letting Alex and Nico free but they still had the memories. And then in 1983, their past comes back.
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