#Cause I'm worried I might get hate messages and I'm still recovering from the issues
darkhatkid · 4 months
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fandomfluffandfuck · 2 years
I received a lovely anon message regarding thoughts about their own feelings and possibly Sebastian's feelings about body image. I'm going to put the ask itself as well as my answer to it below the cut for possible triggers. Please don't read if it might harm you, take care of yourself <3
National Eating Disorders Association Helpline: 1-800-931-2237
National Suicide Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255
TW for: body dysmorphia, weight issues, disordered eating & eating disorders, bullying, etc.
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Sweetheart, it entirely and completely sucks that you were ever teased for your weight. Kids are brutal. Teasing for anything and everything: accents, being overweight, being too thin and scrawny, too short, too tall, having glasses, having big, curly hair, being smart, being dumb, etc.
I hope you're able to fight through and deal with your feelings in a positive way. ❤ I'm sending all the kind, healing vibes I have your way. Along with a hug from me that you can pass onto Sebastian for us.
It sucks that so many people - including yourself and Seb - are teased for their weight. It's awful and it causes so much damage for people, more than people think on the surface level, I believe.
And yeah, in Sebastian's case, I imagine it would cause a lot of really huge, really hard to deal with emotions. Exactly as you described; going from a chubby teenager to a slim adult thrust into the Hollywood light and expected to constantly be in the best shape, camera ready, regardless of if it's sustainable or not. Putting aside his own mental health for the look. And likely undoubtedly comparing himself to his co-stars (especially in the Marvel universe where everyone is in "superhero shape"). I can't imagine all the discomfort and pain it's dug up for him, bringing up things that I'm sure he wasn't even aware he had issues with.
Hopefully he'll be able to take rolls that he can give his body a rest for soon because God knows he's a busy little bee who won't stop working anytime soon. And hopefully he's still with a therapist who can help him untangle all that's going on in his head, body image related or otherwise.
To hopefully make you feel less alone and do a piece of my part to de-stigmatize men and body image/eating related issues:
I too have had my fair share of body issues, although different to what you're describing. I've had the other side of the coin.
As a kid I was always thin and frail seeming and I developed an eating disorder really early on, pairing it with extremely dangerous exercise habits as I tried (and failed) to maintain the "desirable" thinness that I had while also wanting to gain muscle and be more "traditionally masculine" looking. Which quickly turned into terrible a cycle of hating my appearance, avoiding mirrors, counting then cutting calories, all while upping my workouts, blacking out and constant shivering, still feeling like nothing changed, I hadn't gained muscle or lost fat, and... yeah. Only after a few years did somehow, some switch flip in my head (come to think of it, it probably was because I suddenly went through a different kind of darkness in my life that what I had lived with previously), and my experience mutated viscously into binge eating (eventually binging and purging) but it didn't last super long- I went back, consumed entirely by the disorder, to the first type of I had. Then things changed and my life looked a hell of a lot better than it ever had. I gradually had a fade in those terrible voices and got better. I don't really know how or why, otherwise I would say so, if anyone reading needs the help themselves.
However, I'm still recovering and I kind of assume it's going to be a voice in my head forever. But I'm better. Much better.
Anyway, yeah, that shit gets ugly and uncontrollable fast. You're not alone in the experience, there is always help.
Thank you for the ask and no worries, you didn't trigger anything for me or make me feel bad. I just wanted to ensure everyone can have a good experience. Trigger warnings are the least I can do, y’know?
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Mini Update
So, really quick, because i have to be up again in your hous and i need some sleep.
First Things First, i miss you guys. A lot. I miss darcyland, reading, writing and just.. chatting with you folk. Thanks Dir tue messages and Sorry that i wasnt able -technologically, mentally and physically in different parts - to reply so far.
In Short: I'm mostly okay healthwise. I dont't know why, but meh? Longer: Doctors have not been able to figure out what the issue with my ears/neck/nose (?) is. They see the symptoms, they don't know whats causing them. But half of the symptoms are gone, somehow, and i can handle the rest. On the upside, i'm sure that there's book material in my adventures with seven different doctors. So, you don't need to worry.
Also, i got insurance and a job to pay for it. Or two jobs, come monday. That's a longer story that i'll tell some other time.
I'm mentally recovering from the past to month, but i feel like i can see a silver lining for the first time in a long while. Which is ... very much a big deal for me.
On the downside, i don't own a functioning computer right now and the tumblr app hates my phone, so it still might be a bit before i can be on here again. But i'm trying to get my hands on an old computer until i can afford sth better. Wish me luck.
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