#Chekov's gun is one of my fav writer-y things tbh
Ooohhh can I have a cool fact please <3
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So Chekov's gun is a very commonly known principle in writing which in Chekov's own words, " If you say in the first chapter that there is a rifle hanging on the wall, in the second or third chapter it absolutely must go off. If it’s not going to be fired, it shouldn’t be hanging there." But there are in fact, exceptions to this rule! First one which is more commonly known is a "red herring" which is a deliberately misleading point to throw off the reader and the other one which is a lil more uncommon is a "MacGuffin" which is an object that is related to the progression of the plot, but inherently does not possess any deep significance to the events and its outcomes in the story.
According to Jericho Writers.com, an example of a MacGuffin would be "the briefcase in Pulp Fiction. It seems of vital importance to the characters but the object inside the briefcase is never revealed to the audience so the object is of little actual consequence to the plot."
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