369rocks · 1 year
Exercise 8 Minutes Before Bed : Do you struggle to find time to exercise during the day? If so, this bedtime workout might be the solution you've been looking for. By dedicating just eight minutes before bed to these simple exercises, you can improve your fitness, flexibility, and overall well-being. Not only will you feel refreshed before sleep, but you'll also enjoy better rest and wake up with relaxed muscles. So, let's dive into this low-impact workout that requires no equipment but offers numerous benefits. Warm-Up Before diving into the main workout, it's essential to warm up your body. Start by performing arm circles and high knees for 30 seconds each. Arm circles help loosen up your shoulders, neck, and chest, while high knees get your heart rate up and prepare your lower body for the workout ahead. Main Workout 1. Squats (60 seconds) Squats (60 seconds) Begin with squats, keeping your feet shoulder-width apart. Maintain a straight back and avoid extending your knees beyond your feet. Squats engage multiple muscle groups, including your thighs, hamstrings, glutes, calves, core, and abs. If needed, you can use a chair for balance, lightly touching it with your glutes before returning to the starting position. 2. Donkey Kicks (60 seconds) Donkey Kicks (60 seconds) Get down on all fours and raise one leg behind you, ensuring it forms a 90-degree angle parallel to the floor. Alternate legs, maintaining proper form and controlled movements. Donkey kicks are excellent for toning and strengthening your glutes, helping you achieve a more sculpted posterior. 3. Pushups (60 seconds) Pushups (60 seconds) Assume a plank position with your hands shoulder-width apart. Lower your body while maintaining a straight back and engaged core. If necessary, modify the exercise by allowing your knees to rest on the floor. Pushups target your chest muscles, shoulders, triceps, arms, and core, providing a great strength-training workout. 4. Squat And Side Crunch (60 seconds) Squat And Side Crunch (60 seconds) Stand with your hands behind your head and arms wide open. Assume a wide squat position with toes facing out. As you stand up, lift your right leg and bend your core to the right, bringing your knee and elbow together. Return to the starting position and repeat on the other side. This exercise targets your abdominal muscles and obliques, aiding in the reduction of love handles. 5. Plankups (60 seconds) Plankups (60 seconds) Get into a plank position, then lower your right forearm to the mat, followed by your left forearm. Press up with your right hand and then your left, returning to the original plank position. Plankups strengthen your core, arms, shoulders, glutes, and abdominals. Maintain proper plank form with aligned head, neck, and spine. 6. Standing Crossover Toe Touches (60 seconds) Standing Crossover Toe Touches (60 seconds) Stand with your feet wider than your hips and extend your arms to your sides. Rotate your torso to the right and use your left hand to reach for the area in front of your right foot. Repeat on the other side. This exercise engages your lower back, targets your abdominals and obliques, and improves flexibility and strength. Cool-Down After the main workout, it's crucial to cool down and stretch your muscles. Spend 30 seconds on each of the following stretches: 1. Quadricep Stretch Quadricep Stretch Bring your right foot up to your glutes and hold it in place with your hand. Switch sides and stretch both quadriceps, promoting muscle relaxation. 2. Rhomboid Stretch Rhomboid Stretch Place your right arm across your chest and use your left hand to pull it closer. Repeat on the other side. This stretch helps release tension in the shoulder blades. Also Read : 9 Best Stretches And Exercises For Relief Lower Back Pain
Conclusion Incorporating exercise into your daily routine is vital for maintaining overall health and well-being. These eight-minute bedtime exercises offer a convenient way to stay fit and improve sleep quality. According to the National Sleep Foundation, people who engage in light exercise experience a 49% increase in the quality of their sleep. So, whether you're an early riser or prefer to exercise after a meal, prioritize finding time for physical activity. Remember, any exercise is better than none at all. So, why not give this low-impact workout a try and experience the positive changes in your body and sleep patterns? Source Image : discord.com
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