#FIONA GALLAGHER IS A LESBIAN thank you for your time šŸ˜‡
heymacy Ā· 3 years
what makes you believe fiona is a lesbian? (I also believe it, and I want to hear the justification from your beautiful brain) ā¤ļø
oh my god yes okay letā€™s get INTO IT!!
the most common pushback i get when i say ā€œfiona gallagher is a lesbianā€ is but no, she canā€™t be a lesbian, she dated men! like babes idk how to tell you this butā€¦..so do most lesbians. often into adulthood. i did. most of my lesbian friends did. compulsory heterosexuality runs deep, okay?
but since they bring it up, letā€™s examine her relationships with men + how i believe they illuminate her queerness šŸ’”
by far her best relationship, in my opinion (while acknowledging the incredibly toxic traits they both exhibited) was with jimmysteve. it was the only one that i believed, so to speak, in terms of their connection/passion. it was obvious that they connected on an emotional level, and while jimmysteve was super emotionally stunted and had a massive victim complex, he was definitely the best of all her boyfriends. after he ran away to brazil, fiona hooked up with some other guys, went on some dates, but who did she really turn to for emotional support and affection? jasmine and vee. and we all know jasmine is bi as hell and had feelings for fiona, and i donā€™t think itā€™s a stretch to say that in a sense, fiona reciprocated some of those feelings. i mean, girls being girls, gals being pals, thatā€™s easy to see + identify. but when i watch their scenes together, all i see is girlfriend energy (like, you canā€™t tell me they wouldnā€™t have hooked up if the circumstances were right, because they absolutely would have)
second, fiona was raised in an environment where sex was viewed as a form of currency, in a way. it was a tool she could use to get what she wanted or needed, whether it was emotional connection, physical satisfaction, etc. but, more often than not (and likely because this is what her parents drilled into her brain) sex was less about sex and more about what it could get you. monica used sex with men to get money, a place to live, etc. frank used sex for similar reasons. it then tracks that fiona, their eldest child and the only one who got to have frank and monica as ā€œparentsā€, even if only briefly, would have absorbed that habit/belief.
people often think that sex and sexuality go hand in hand, when thatā€™s not necessarily the case. sex is sex, point blank. sexuality is so much more than that. sexuality is about emotional connection, non-sexual physical attraction, and sexual attraction. with fiona, we rarely see her emotional connections with men grow and develop as deeply as her relationships with women do. thereā€™s a reason she always goes for unavailable, unstable, and unsavory men. itā€™s a form of self-sabatoge, a similar habit i had when i dated men (choosing the absolute worst society has to offer) & thatā€™s directly linked to the way she grew up thinking about sex. her behavior around men - and her promiscuity in the later seasons, especially - feels incredibly compulsory and reminds me so much of my comphet days. habits are hard to break, and sheā€™d developed a pretty significant habit by the time we get to season 7 (her tinder flings).
this woman had more chemistry with jasmine, nessa, mel, vee, the girls at the diner, and basically every other woman she encountered than she ever had with her partners, jimmysteve aside (but i would argue that heā€™s very queer-coded in a lot of ways, thatā€™s a whole other post lmao). also, i donā€™t know if this is completely true, but recently someone posted an excerpt from an article that said that the writers had initially planned on giving fiona the lesbian storyline in season 8, not debbie, and were going to explore her developing relationship with nessa in relation to her queerness. if this is trueā€¦*captain holt voice* VINDICATION!!!
in summation, fiona is a lesbian who was raised in an environment that reinforced her compulsory heterosexuality šŸ˜ŒāœØšŸ’—šŸ§”šŸ¤
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