#Firestore Arduino
chaerulanam1412 · 3 years
Tutorial Lengkap Membuat Smart Home dengan Arduino
Tutorial Lengkap Membuat Smart Home dengan Arduino
Membuat smart home berbasis arduino dan internet of things (iot) merupakan pilihan yang tepat dengan harga yang sangat terjangkau, artikel ini akan mengupas tuntas tutorial membangun projek smart home dengan arduino, esp8266, esp32, bluetooth dan wifi. Arduino IDE merupakan software open source yang dibangun dengan berbagai macam bahasa pemograman seperti Java, C++, C dan Python. dengan…
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moondeerdotblog · 3 years
plugin-prismjs (A README Experience)
A plugin for Micro.blog that injects Prism Javascript and CSS stylesheets to enable syntax highlighting for a sh$t ton of grammars within inline <code> tags and <pre><code> combination code blocks. Its code lives here.
Prism looks for <code class="language-xxx"> tags for inline syntax highlighting and for <pre><code class="language-xxx"> tags for syntax highlighting blocks of code.
For example, the opening tags for the following would be <pre><code class="language-ebnf">:
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The configuration for the Javascript that lives at static/assets/js/prism.js is captured by its monster opening comment block:
/* PrismJS 1.25.0 https://prismjs.com/download.html#themes=prism&languages=markup+css+clike+javascript+abap+abnf+actionscript+ada+agda+al+antlr4+apacheconf+apex+apl+applescript+aql+arduino+arff+asciidoc+aspnet+asm6502+asmatmel+autohotkey+autoit+avisynth+avro-idl+bash+basic+batch+bbcode+bicep+birb+bison+bnf+brainfuck+brightscript+bro+bsl+c+csharp+cpp+cfscript+chaiscript+cil+clojure+cmake+cobol+coffeescript+concurnas+csp+coq+crystal+css-extras+csv+cypher+d+dart+dataweave+dax+dhall+diff+django+dns-zone-file+docker+dot+ebnf+editorconfig+eiffel+ejs+elixir+elm+etlua+erb+erlang+excel-formula+fsharp+factor+false+firestore-security-rules+flow+fortran+ftl+gml+gap+gcode+gdscript+gedcom+gherkin+git+glsl+gn+go+graphql+groovy+haml+handlebars+haskell+haxe+hcl+hlsl+hoon+http+hpkp+hsts+ichigojam+icon+icu-message-format+idris+ignore+inform7+ini+io+j+java+javadoc+javadoclike+javastacktrace+jexl+jolie+jq+jsdoc+js-extras+json+json5+jsonp+jsstacktrace+js-templates+julia+keepalived+keyman+kotlin+kumir+kusto+latex+latte+less+lilypond+liquid+lisp+livescript+llvm+log+lolcode+lua+magma+makefile+markdown+markup-templating+matlab+maxscript+mel+mermaid+mizar+mongodb+monkey+moonscript+n1ql+n4js+nand2tetris-hdl+naniscript+nasm+neon+nevod+nginx+nim+nix+nsis+objectivec+ocaml+opencl+openqasm+oz+parigp+parser+pascal+pascaligo+psl+pcaxis+peoplecode+perl+php+phpdoc+php-extras+plsql+powerquery+powershell+processing+prolog+promql+properties+protobuf+pug+puppet+pure+purebasic+purescript+python+qsharp+q+qml+qore+r+racket+cshtml+jsx+tsx+reason+regex+rego+renpy+rest+rip+roboconf+robotframework+ruby+rust+sas+sass+scss+scala+scheme+shell-session+smali+smalltalk+smarty+sml+solidity+solution-file+soy+sparql+splunk-spl+sqf+sql+squirrel+stan+iecst+stylus+swift+systemd+t4-templating+t4-cs+t4-vb+tap+tcl+tt2+textile+toml+tremor+turtle+twig+typescript+typoscript+unrealscript+uri+v+vala+vbnet+velocity+verilog+vhdl+vim+visual-basic+warpscript+wasm+web-idl+wiki+wolfram+wren+xeora+xml-doc+xojo+xquery+yaml+yang+zig&plugins=line-numbers+toolbar+copy-to-clipboard */
The functionality of the page was spotty, but the following link oughta load that monster configuration up there into the Prism Download Page .
I threw in the copy to clipboard plugin (which is dependent on the toolbar plugin) for that little copy button:
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I also include the line numbers plugin. It looks for tags that include a line-numbers class.
For example, the opening tags for this code might be <pre><code class="language-json">:
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Or, you could toss in the line-numbers class, kinda like <pre class="line-numbers"><code class="language-json">:
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I have noticed that the line number appearance can be kinda spotty as far as alignment. The problem seems to lie somewhere in the CSS. The HTML DOM contains the correct number of generated <span> tags to represent the lines.
Let’s check out the plugin parameters, shall we?
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Alrighty, first up is the theme. I rolled my own darcula-esque them and named it moondeer. This what you see above and get by default. I included the stylesheets for all the themes that were available on the download page as well. All the stylesheets live at static/assets/css/prism-STYLE.css. So the out of the box theme lives at static/assets/css/prism-moondeer.css.
If you want to play around with the themes, these would be the supported parameter values: moondeer, default, dark, coy, funky, okaidia, solarized-light, twilight, tomorrow-night.
The stylesheet living at static/assets/css/prism.css addresses a line-number spacing issue I ran into.
So, the Font Size parameter gets inserted into the partial injected into the page <head>. Rather than maintain a bunch of stylesheets (and in order to parameterize it), I chose to set the size here and slap on !important.
I also chose to inject the Javascript here, figuring it would cut down on repainting highlighted text over the original input.
{{ $theme := site.Params.prismjs_theme | default "moondeer" }} <link rel="stylesheet" href="/assets/css/prism-{{ $theme }}.css"> <script src="/assets/js/prism.js"></script> {{ $font_size := site.Params.prismjs_font_size | default "0.5rem" }} <style>code[class*=language-],pre[class*=language-] { font-size: {{ $font_size }} !important; }</style>
Lastly, the Line Numbers parameter. This parameter only makes since for one reason … the cool f$&king shortcode I layed in there. It lives at layouts/shortcodes/language.html.
{{- $language := false -}} {{- if (and (and .IsNamedParams (.Get "language")) .Inner) -}} {{- $language = .Get "language" -}} {{- else if (and (.Get 0) .Inner) -}} {{- $language = .Get 0 -}} {{- end -}} {{ if $language }} {{- $code := .Inner | markdownify | chomp -}} {{- if hasPrefix $code "<pre><code>" -}} {{- $code = strings.TrimPrefix "<pre><code>" $code | strings.TrimSuffix "</code></pre>" -}} {{- $code = htmlUnescape $code -}} {{- $code = replaceRE "<" "<" $code -}} {{- $code = replaceRE "&" "&" $code -}} {{- $pre_class := "code-block" -}} {{- if (and .IsNamedParams (.Get "line-numbers")) -}} {{- $pre_class = printf "%s line-numbers" $pre_class -}} {{ else if (and (not .IsNamedParams) (and site.Params.prismjs_line_numbers (eq "true" site.Params.prismjs_line_numbers))) }} {{- $pre_class = printf "%s line-numbers" $pre_class -}} {{- end -}} <pre class="{{ $pre_class }}"><code class="language-{{ $language }}"> {{ printf "%s" $code | htmlUnescape | safeHTML }} </code></pre> {{ else if hasPrefix $code "<code>" }} {{ $code = strings.TrimPrefix "<code>" $code | strings.TrimSuffix "</code>" }} {{ $code = htmlUnescape $code }} {{ $code = replaceRE "<" "<" $code }} {{ $code = replaceRE "&" "&" $code }} <code class="language-{{ $language }}"> {{ printf "%s" $code | htmlUnescape | safeHTML }} </code> {{ end }} {{ end }}
The paired shortcode works with either a single, unnamed parameter specifying the language … kinda like…
{{< language json >}} { "currentlyreading": "*Books I am somewhat in the process of reading*", "finishedreading": "*Books I've managed to get myself to read*", "wanttoread": "*Books that gaze at me judingly from beneath the television, where they currently live, for having yet to crack their spine (f$&kers).*", "didwanttoread": "*Books whose gaze of judgement I've kinda become okay with as my interest in reading them has waned.*" } {{< /language >}}
or with named parameters … one mandatory and one optional. The mandatory named parameter is language and the optional parameter is line-numbers. This might look something like…
{{< language language="json " line-numbers="true" >}} { "currentlyreading": "*Books I am somewhat in the process of reading*", "finishedreading": "*Books I've managed to get myself to read*", "wanttoread": "*Books that gaze at me judingly from beneath the television, where they currently live, for having yet to crack their spine (f$&kers).*", "didwanttoread": "*Books whose gaze of judgement I've kinda become okay with as my interest in reading them has waned.*" } {{< /language >}}
The Line Numbers plugin parameter contols shortcode behaviour when left unspecified. This value defaults to false. If you set it to "true", than invoking the unnamed parameter shortcode would result in a code block decorated with line numbers. The value set (or not set) for Line Numbers also controls the inclusion of line numbers when the named parameter language is used without supplying a line-numbers parameter to the shortcode. Supplying the value "true" for line-numbers oughta enable line numbers for a block of code being sent through the shortcode. And with that, the over-explanation of the Line Numbers parameter is complete.
Like nearly all my shortcodes these days, I created it as bridge between Ulysses and my Micro.blog content. So, I can be all working up a sheet in Ulysses, and be all:
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and then it comes out the other side all:
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It’s worth noting that I believe I have found a mobile Safari bug that affects the font-size of the highlighted text on an iPhone when in portrait. Your mileage may vary; but, this was my experience.
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