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your-dietician · 3 years
Signs, Symptoms, and Risk Factors
New Post has been published on https://depression-md.com/signs-symptoms-and-risk-factors/
Signs, Symptoms, and Risk Factors
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If you live with arthritis, chances are you feel the painful effects in your feet. Many types of arthritis can affect the joints of the feet, as well as the skin and toenails. These include osteoarthritis (OA), rheumatoid arthritis (RA), gout, psoriatic arthritis (PsA), and ankylosing spondylitis (AS).
OA in the feet affects up to 17% of people ages 50 and over. In people with RA, foot involvement is common, and more than 90% of people with RA report foot pain as a symptom. Foot involvement in gout is up to 85%.
PsA can affect the joints of the feet and ankles, as well as the structures supporting the joint. According to the National Psoriasis Foundation, up to 50% of people living with PsA also experience enthesitis in their feet.
Enthesitis refers to inflammation of the entheses, the places where ligaments and tendons connect to bones. Common locations for enthesitis include the bottoms of the feet and in the Achilles tendon. Much like PsA, AS can affect the small joints of the feet and the entheses.
Anyone with any type of arthritis can experience foot involvement. Arthritis of the feet can make it hard to walk and perform activities of daily living. And while arthritis has no cure, there are treatment options available to slow down the disease and relieve symptoms. With appropriate treatment, people with arthritis can manage pain, stay active, and lead fulfilling lives. 
How Different Types of Arthritis Affect Your Feet
It is not unusual to have foot involvement with arthritis. Many types of arthritis are known for attacking the small joints of the feet, ankles, and toes.
OA is considered a wear and tear disease because it causes the cartilage in the joints to wear down from repeated stress over time. As the cartilage thins out and deteriorates, the bones lose their protective coverings and start to rub together, leading to pain and inflammation of the affected joints. 
According to the National Institute on Aging, OA is the most common type of arthritis affecting older adults. It is also a leading cause of physical disability in older adults. OA affects both men and women. Before age 45, it is more common in men than in women; after age 45, it becomes more common in women.
In the foot, OA mainly affects the first metatarsophalangeal joint (MTP) connecting the big toe and the foot. It also affects the midfoot and ankle. 
Sometimes an injury can lead to OA, although it might take years after an injury for OA to develop. For example, an injury to the big toe (e.g., dropping something on the toe) can eventually lead to OA later in life. OA in the midfoot can be the result of a sprain or a fracture. OA in the ankle usually occurs years after a severe sprain or fracture of the ankle.
Foot OA symptoms include pain and swelling of affected joints, stiffness especially after sitting for too long, and pain in joints that improves with rest. Some people with OA might hear crunching noises with movement of their feet or ankles, or they may feel unsteady on their feet.
OA in the ankles might cause ligament instability, which can add strain on joint cartilage. Eventually, this causes weakness of the muscles in the ankles and pain that radiates into the foot and makes it harder to walk and put weight on the ankle.
Abnormal foot mechanics, such as flat feet, can also lead to OA of the feet. Flat feet might reduce stability in the ligaments, which puts excessive strain on the foot joints.
High arches, also called cavus foot, can increase the risk of OA in the feet. With a high arch, weight is placed on the ball of the foot and heel when walking or standing. With time, this means pain and instability of the foot. Anyone can be affected by high arches regardless of age, and the condition can affect one foot or both feet. 
Rheumatoid Arthritis
RA is an autoimmune disease that affects multiple joints throughout the body. Autoimmune diseases are conditions in which the immune system attacks the body’s healthy tissues.
According to the Cleveland Clinic, RA affects more than 1.3 million Americans. It is two and a half times more common in women than in men. And while it can affect anyone regardless of age, including children, RA tends to strike between the ages of 20 and 50.
RA often starts in the feet and ankles. It is symmetrical, meaning it affects the same joints on both sides of the body.
With RA, the immune system causes inflammation that attacks the synovium (lining of the joints) covering the joints, causing them to become swollen and painful. Over time, these attacks can lead to bone, joint, ligament, and tendon damage, which eventually results in joint deformity and/or disability.
RA can affect the ankles, the heels, the midfoot (top of the foot), and the forefoot (toes and ball of the foot). Foot involvement becomes worse as RA progresses. Persistent foot inflammation, swelling, and pain from RA will make it harder and painful to walk and stand over time.
Gout is an inflammatory type of arthritis that causes a great deal of foot pain for people with the condition. Gout is caused by uric acid buildup in the joints, and often that buildup makes its way into the feet.
Uric acid is generally present in blood and eliminated through urine, but with people who have gout, uric acid adds up and crystallizes in the joints.
Gout can affect anyone, although it affects men earlier than it does women. It usually occurs in women only after menopause. Men are up to three more likely than women to have gout because they have higher levels of uric acid in their bodies than women do.
Gout causes swelling and pain in the joints of the foot, especially the big toe. These sudden and intense attacks can make it feel as if the foot is on fire. Other symptoms of a gout attack include redness and warmth over the affected joint.
Gout attacks can recur if gout isn’t treated. Untreated gout can also lead to damage to the joints, tendons, and other tissues.
Psoriatic Arthritis
PsA is a form of inflammatory arthritis that often affects people with the autoimmune skin condition psoriasis. It can affect any of the joints of the foot, plus the ankle joints and the ligaments and tendons of the foot. It causes parts of the feet to become inflamed, sore, and tender. 
PsA affects men and women equally. According to the National Psoriasis Foundation, an estimated 30% of people with psoriasis also have PsA. Psoriasis affects 2% to 3% of the world’s population.
Foot involvement in PsA can cause significant pain and difficulty with walking, especially in the morning and after sitting for a long period. PsA is also associated with many different foot conditions, including dactylitis, Achilles tendonitis, plantar fasciitis, and arthritis mutilans:
Dactylitis is severe inflammation around the finger or toe joints. Severe inflammation can make the digits look like sausages. Severe dactylitis can cause the toes to be so rigid that it can be difficult and painful to flex them.
Achilles tendonitis occurs when the tendon connecting the calf muscles (the Achilles tendon) to the heel becomes painful or inflamed where it attaches to the heel bone.
Plantar fasciitis causes inflammation at the place where the plantar fascia (the soft tissue under the foot) attaches to the heel bone.
Arthritis mutilans is a complication of RA and PsA. It is characterized by severe inflammation that damages the joints of the hands and feet, resulting in deformity and disability.
Ankylosing Spondylitis
AS is a type of inflammatory arthritis that attacks the spine and large joints. Much like PsA, AS causes inflammation of the entheses. A common location in the foot affected by enthesitis is the Achilles tendon at the back of the heel. This type of inflammation is painful and can affect the ability to walk and step on the heel.
Additional foot problems associated with AS are plantar fasciitis, foot cramping, toe cramping, and toe clawing. Cramps and clawing of the toes result from spine involvement that affects loading through the legs and feet. Toe clawing is common in people with spine curvature.
Photo Gallery of Arthritic Feet
Arthritic problems related to the feet include arthritis in the heels and ankles, arthritis in the big toe, gout in the big toe, claw toes, and arthritis at the middle or top of the foot.
Arthritis in the Heel and Ankle
sompong_tom / Getty Images
Several types of arthritis, including OA, RA, AS, and PsA, can affect the heels and the ankles.
Symptoms of arthritis in the heel might include:
Stiffness upon awakening in the morning
Recurring pain in the heel
Swelling of the heel
Limited movement
Skin changes, including rashes and growths
Inflammation at the heel from RA, AS, or PsA can lead to conditions that cause heel pain. This might include Achilles tendonitis, plantar fasciitis, or retrocalcaneal bursitis, a condition in which the bursa (the fluid-filled sac at the heel bone) becomes inflamed, causing pain and swelling.
The ankle is not affected by arthritis as often as other joints, but it can be a source of severe pain and instability when it is affected. Additional symptoms of ankle arthritis include swelling and stiffness of the ankle and problems with mobility. Ankle arthritis will eventually affect gait—the way a person walks.
Arthritis in the Toes
Ocskaymark / Getty Images
Arthritis in the toes is often the result of wear and tear of the cartilage in the toe joints or inflammation of the toe joints. The big toe is most often affected by arthritis, but other toes can also be involved.
Common symptoms of arthritis of the toes may include pain that can take hours or days to resolve and swelling and inflammation in and around the toe joints. Both RA and PsA can cause significant pain and swelling. However, with PsA, the toes become so swollen that they can resemble sausages (dactylitis).
Additional symptoms of arthritis in the toes might include:
Restricted range of motion due to swelling or cartilage damage
Development of bone spurs, which can further restrict movement
Difficulty and pain with bending the toes
A toe that might bend permanently downward
Pain that worsens with weight-bearing activity—running, walking, climbing stairs, etc.
A bump formation or sore
Pitted, separated, thickened toenails
Curling of toes—hammertoe or claw toe
Gout in the Big Toe
Robert Kirk / Getty Images
A gout attack in the big toe might cause intense throbbing and burning joint pain. Gout attacks are known for coming on suddenly and causing swelling, tenderness, redness, warmth, or discoloration of the affected joint. 
Because gout attacks can cause severe pain and swelling, a person experiencing the attack can struggle with walking or standing for long periods.
Claw Toes
PAUL CAMPBELL / Getty Images.
Claw toes are a condition in which the toes bend into a claw-like position. Claw toes are not a serious problem on their own, but they are generally a sign of an underlying condition like arthritis.
You should call your doctor if your toes show signs of becoming clawed. Your toes may seem flexible early on, but they can become stuck in this position permanently over time. Treatment is important to keep this from happening.
Arthritis in the Middle/Top of the Foot
SDI Productions / Getty Images.
Arthritis might affect the middle or top of the foot. In the midfoot, symptoms include pain and swelling that becomes worse with standing and walking. Arthritis can also cause a bony bump or bulge at the top of the foot.
Other Changes in Appearance
OA, RA, PsA, gout, and AS can cause changes in the appearance of feet. These include skin and nail changes, bunions, bursae inflammation, and nodules.
Skin and Nail Changes
daizuoxin / Getty Images
Inflammatory arthritis, especially PsA, can cause skin and nail changes. For example, rashes associated with PsA and psoriasis can occur anywhere on the body, including on the feet. PsA is also associated with a condition called palmoplantar pustulosis, which can cause tiny, pus-filled blisters on the soles of the feet.
Up to 80% of people with PsA will have nail involvement. Toenail symptoms are also common in people with RA.
Nail changes associated with arthritis include pitting (small indents in the nails), discoloration, brittle nails, and onycholysis (nails separating from the nail bed).
bgwalker / Getty Images
Bunions are bony bumps that form at the joint at the base of the big toe. They occur when the bones at the front part of the foot move out of place. This will cause the tip of the big to be pulled toward the smaller toes, forcing the joint at the base of the big toe to stand out. The skin covering the bunion can become red and sore.
Bunions are often associated with arthritis conditions, especially inflammatory types, like RA.
Pornpak Khunatorn / Getty Images.
Inflammatory arthritis can inflame the natural bursae of the foot. Bursae are thin, fluid-filled sacs that act as a cushion and reduce friction between bones and soft tissues like muscles, tendons, and skin. The foot and ankle have several bursae that can become inflamed and painful.
Conditions like RA can cause the bursae to become inflamed, leading to a symptom called bursitis. This symptom is often seen in the early stages of RA. Bursitis can lead to pain, swelling, and redness. Bursa pain can be disabling and affects the ability to walk.
Hopfphotography / iStock / Getty Images
Some people who have RA can develop hard lumps under their skin called rheumatoid nodules. In the feet, these nodules appear over the Achilles tendon, in the heel, or over any bony spots. Nodules can be painful with walking and as they rub against shoes or socks.
More Symptoms of Arthritis in the Foot
Additional common symptoms of arthritis in the foot include swollen or warm joints, joint pain and stiffness, clicking or popping sounds with movement, and locked joints.
Swelling or Heat
Swelling and warmth are common characteristics of inflammation. When inflammatory arthritis affects the feet or the ankles, you may experience swelling of one or more joints of the feet, ankles, or toes. Abnormal warmth in one or more areas of the foot often accompanies swelling in the joints of the feet, even while the rest of the body remains generally cool.
Swelling is noticeable after a person has been sitting for a long time, or after they get out of bed in the morning. Swelling can make it hard to put on your shoes, and shoes may feel tight when you first start walking around.
Pain and Stiffness
Pain is one of the most common symptoms of arthritis in the feet. You may feel general foot pain with stepping, pain in the toes, and/or pain only in the big toe.
Foot pain can be sharp or stabbing depending on the amount of inflammation or the level of damage in the foot. Pain can make it harder to do normal daily activities.
Arthritis is known for wearing away at the cartilage between the joints, inflaming tissues, and damaging synovial fluid (fluid responsible for lubricating joints). All these changes will make the joints in your feet, ankles, and toes stiff and make it harder for you to move.
The lack of cushion and support makes joints harder to bend and stretch, which leads to pain. And because your toes play a big part in maintaining your balance, pushing your feet off the ground, and moving with each step you take, you might experience further pain with walking.
Clicking or Popping Sounds
The sound you hear when you crack your knuckles is the same one your toes will make when flexed if you have arthritis. You hear this sound because the cartilage has deteriorated. With no cushion, the bones will rub against one another and cause these noises.
If you develop bone spurs in the feet, you may hear clicking and popping. According to the Cleveland Clinic, the feet are commonly affected by bone spurs, either from arthritis or from joint damage.
Locked Joint
Locked joints are typical when there is a lot of swelling and stiffness. Locking means that the joint is hard to bend. Rough edges on bones and bone spurs can also cause joints to lock up.
Toe joints can get locked up, which can be painful. Fortunately, a locked toe joint isn’t permanent. You can usually loosen a locked joint by walking around or manipulating the toe joint so it bends again.
Coping With Arthritic Feet
Your doctor might recommend different therapies to treat arthritis in your feet. This might include:
Your doctor might recommend surgery if other treatments don’t work to manage foot and ankle arthritis. Surgical options might include:
Arthrodesis: Also called fusion surgery, this involves fusing bones together with rods, pins, screws, or plates. When bones heal, the bones will stay joined.
Joint replacement surgery: Also called arthroplasty, this surgery is used only in severe cases. The surgeon will take out damaged bones and cartilage and replace them with metal and plastic.
Home remedies you can try to help you cope with arthritic feet include:
Creams containing capsaicin or menthol: These creams may stop the nerves from sending out pain signals.
Hot or cold packs in the affected areas
Gentle exercises, including yoga and tai chi
Foot massage
Making changes to your lifestyle can also help you to feel better and keep arthritis in your feet from getting worse. Lifestyle changes might include choosing low-impact exercises like swimming rather than high-impact ones (e.g., jogging), maintaining a healthy weight to keep stress off joints, and reducing or avoiding activities that trigger symptoms in the feet and ankles.
A Word From Verywell
Arthritic foot and ankle pain can be debilitating, but it is treatable. If you have foot pain that is connected to diabetes, a recent trauma, or a high fever, you should seek out immediate medical attention.
You should also reach out to your doctor if you experience pain in both feet, have swelling, redness, and warmth in one foot or both feet, or if you see a visible deformity in your foot.
If you have chronic foot pain that comes and goes, talk to your doctor about any pain that lasts longer than a couple of weeks, swelling that lasts longer than a few days, or numbness in either foot for any amount of time. These are symptoms that might indicate an underlying health condition that requires ongoing treatment. 
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cut-off-the-grain · 7 years
Work in Progress?
I started writing this a couple months ago for the wonderful @helliskylux She said she wanted something which explored intimacy between Hux and Kylo. Well, of course that’s when my brain decided to completely blank and refuse to cooperate (Why are you like this, brain? After all I do for you.) She waited very patiently while I tried to get my act together. I’m still not happy with what I’ve got, an unfortunately every time I try to work on it I’m less happy with it. But, I am very happy with this first scene, and it does well standing on its own. Maybe after a little distance I’ll be able to get it whipped into shape, but until then, I hope you enjoy this.  
It’s well past the end of Alpha shift when he steps out of his shuttle into the perpetually chilly air of the hangar bay. Despite the hour Hux is waiting for him, shoulders drawn back and hands loosely resting in the small of his back, the picture of military perfection. Hux doesn’t say anything, only tilts his head in question at the limp in his stride, the obvious stiffness in the way Kylo is holding himself.
He nods, in greeting, in relief, and when Hux, without a word, turns on his heel and strides evenly across the hanger, he follows, his footsteps an unsteady downbeat to the even rhythm of Hux’s gait.
When they reach Hux’s chambers he pulls his mask off. The tip of his nose and the broad sweep of his forehead are chafed raw and red, dried sweat having worsened the spots his helmet already rubs uncomfortably on, his hair lank and dirty, his scalp itching from days’ worth of grease and dirt. He feels his cheeks flush when Hux makes a face of disgust, his nose twitching, pulling wrinkles across the bridge of it, his lips curling into a brief frown.
But Hux doesn’t say anything. That is, after all, why he’s here.
He follows Hux into his refresher. The luxury of Hux’s command allows him a ‘fresher with actual running water and as Kylo starts to shed the heavy layers of his robes, stiff with grime and sweat and blood, Hux twists on the spray and in moments steam is curling into the small room. Water is a scarce resource on a vessel like The Finalizer and continuously recycled. The steam smells slightly of the sharp tang of chlorine tablets necessary to sterilize it. Regardless, he inhales it deeply, feels muscles wound tight from long days of too much adrenaline and not enough sleep start to relax just in anticipation of hot water on his sore skin.
Hux tuts, a sharp click of his tongue, when Kylo finallys unfastens his trousers and reaches out to brush his fingers along the concave curve of his stomach, the hollow between his hips. “You haven’t been eating.”
Despite what Hux accuses him he does have a self-preservation instinct, so he resist the urge to roll his eyes.
“I was too busy trying to stay alive.”
Hux lays his hand, warm and smooth, flat against the plane of Kylo’s stomach, palm grazing the coarse curls of hair. He sucks in a breath at the touch, feels a hot throb of arousal shoot through his veins, his dick, lying soft and limp against his thigh, jumps.
“Clean up,” Hux says with tilt to his lips Kylo recognizes as the closest thing Hux ever gets to a smile. “And I’ll order dinner delivered for you.” Hux starts to step away and he reaches out, grabs his wrist.
“Stay,” he says, embarrassed by how desperate the one word sounds. He shivers, even in the balmy room, at the loss of Hux’s touch, chilled by the loss of contact.  
Months ago, Hux, eyes red and weary after too many hours staring at screens following too little sleep, had looked at Kylo across battle plans and said ‘If you were as brave in your personal life as you are with your maneuvers you would’ve kissed me weeks ago.” Hux had smirked at the blush which bloomed on his cheeks, the shy duck of his head. “It’s late and I’m tired of looking at this,” Hux declared, rising from his chair. “I’m going to bed.” Kylo had sat, still, shocked, wondering desperately what he had done to give himself away, until Hux paused at the door and leveled him with a look that said he was clearly unimpressed. “Aren’t you coming?” He asked, and Kylo had never heard Hux sound so amused as he scrambled out of his chair, knocking it to the floor in his haste.
He had expected Hux to be quick and efficient, to bring them both off and send Kylo away once the flood of endorphins had ebbed enough their legs stopped shaking. He hadn’t anticipated the soft kisses Hux fluttered along his jaw, the possessive way Hux curled his fingers around his hip to coax him closer, the nudge of Hux’s nose in his hair as Hux puffed warm breath against the shell of his ear, sending shivers down his spine. He hadn’t thought to imagine the achingly tender way Hux stroked him, the touch almost reverent.
And after, their bodies pressed close despite the tacky come drying between them, Hux had kissed him, slow and soft and sweet. And when Hux pulled back he had keened and arched to follow and Hux had given him that hidden half-smile. “Greedy,” he had accused, but he relented and let Kylo take more kisses.
Hux had been right, he was greedy, is greedy. Gluttonous in his hunger for Hux, for the heat of Hux’s body against him, on top or beneath or inside him, for the way his skin prickled when Hux skimmed fingers over his flank, the ratcheting of his pulse when Hux nipped into the flesh of his thigh, nosed along the fold of skin where leg met his body. Desperate not just for release but for the warm press of fingers on skin too long untouched. It had been so long since he had been treated as anything more than a weapon that he hungered for familiar touch, relished the way Hux curled up beside him in bed as much as he enjoyed the orgasms Hux wrings from him.
That same desperation pulses in him now, a heady need to have Hux close. He needs touch to ground himself, to remind him that he means something to someone, that after weeks spent focusing only on bare necessity survival and his mission that the human parts of him are not lost, only buried, temporarily pushed aside until they can be coaxed out.
“Please,” he asks again, “stay.” Hux softens, the line of his shoulders falling just enough to be noticed, the steam filling the room causing a lock of hair to break free and hang on his brow which he doesn’t push aside.
“As you wish,” he says, and Kylo lets go of his wrist when he tugs gently. “Get in, get warm. I’ll join you shortly.” Hux gives his shoulder a gentle nudge to the refresher as he leaves to go change.
He steps into the stall with a sigh, the warm water even more relaxing with the promise that soon Hux will run soapy hands over him, wash the itchy, tight feeling off his skin.
Hux announces himself with a burst of cold air as he opens the door and a sharp hiss of breath, fingers ghosting over the bruise blooming black and purple low on Kylo’s back. “Have you had this looked at?” He asks, pressing lightly until Kylo sucks in a breath. “It looks deep.”
“No,” he says, and Hux’s hand slides away, wraps around to rest on his belly and pull him tight against Hux’s chest. “I came straight here.” I wanted to see you, he doesn’t say.
Hux doesn’t say anything for a long moment and he worries that somehow he’s projected the thought, sent it into Hux’s mind. “Tomorrow,” Hux finally says. “Get it checked tomorrow. It’s close to your kidney.”
They don’t say anything else as Hux cleans him up, leaves trails of suds over his chest, strong fingers tilt his head down to lather it, tilt it back to rinse it clean. Hux wipes a soapy hand over his cock and it fills with blood, his hips jerking forward into the warm touch.
His high, keening gasp gets lost beneath the patter of water on tile but he moans when Hux’s grasp tightens, feels the breath pulled from him with each drag of Hux’s hand on his hardened dick.
Hux works with with a tight fist, water and the remnants of soap easing the way to slick down Kylo’s cock, a drag of palm over the head making him whimper, pushing him closer to that ever-nearing tipping point. “Please,” he whines, breathless, “please Hux, I need-”
“I know what you need,” Hux growls, and snaps his teeth into Kylo’s neck, at the spot where it slopes into shoulder, and he knows he’ll have another bruise to add to the collection littering his body, one which will pull and smart whenever he turns his head, a reminder that he has returned to Hux.
That last thought, right as a sharp burst of pain flares as Hux breaks skin, sends him tumbling over the edge of pleasure, he sags forward, Hux’s arm braced around his middle as he catches himself on the slick wall, sucking in lungfuls of humid air to try and steady his legs as his cock drips a final few dribbles of come, the pearly liquid washed away by water.
Hux holds him, traps him between the solid line of Hux’s body and the tiled wall as his legs steady, releases his dick when it starts to soften. When Kylo can stand steady again Hux lets him go but keeps a grounding hand on his hip as he twists away to shut off the water.
Hux tugs him out, dries him with a towel made soft from repeated washings. He grins at the towel, grey although who knows what color it once was, because there are certain luxuries, like fluffy towels, even a general can’t expect aboard a Starship.
He follows Hux out into the room as he attempts to dry his dripping hair. There’s a fluid grace to Hux’s movements, a rigidity he drops behind closed doors that allows his muscles to flow and flex smoothly and Kyo finds it a pleasure to watch the shift of Hux’s naked body.  
“Come,” Hux beckons, no command in his voice, but he finds himself obeying anyway, climbing onto the bed and mussing the perfect sheets. He stretches, the small standard-issue cot feeling extravagant after long nights spent cramped, sitting slouched over at the controls of his ship, attempting to catch brief minutes of fitful sleep.
Hux lifts something off the tray and holds it to Kylo’s lips. He bites into it, juice trickling down his chin as the sunny burst of citrus hits his tongue. “Good?” Hux asks, and he hums as he scrambles to wipe the liquid spilling down his chin up, licks the fresh flavor off because it’s too good to waste.
“Delicious,” he grins, and Hux ducks down, kisses him, and he finds the fruit tastes even better when he’s sharing the bright flavor with Hux.
He devours the rest of the fruit, gorges himself of fleshy, juice bites and sucks the lingering taste off Hux’s nimble fingers until the fruit is gone. Hux piles the detritus on the tray then lays down beside him with a soft sigh, his dick, shrunken in it’s unaroused state, tucked against the still damp skin of Kylo’s hip. He’s suddenly overcome by the lingering warmth of the shower, the fullness in his belly, the reassuring press of Hux’s naked body so close to his own, the memory of angles and sharp planes of Hux’s form a comfort he pulled around himself like a blanket on lonely nights.
He can’t fight the yawn he muffles against Hux’s shoulder, although he tries.
Because now, surely, Hux will send him away, will look at him and tell Kylo he’s clearly too tired for anything, he should return to his own bed. And it’s unfair, because he spent sleepless nights wishing to be right here, forced himself to stay awake when his eyes drifted close all for the chance to return to the warm press of Hux’s body that much sooner. And now, that stubbornness, that very determination, is what will betray him, because while he’s spent the night in Hux’s bed many times before it’s always after sex, after Hux leaves him trembling and shaking, and he’s never had the courage to knock on Hux’s door and look at him with weary eyes and ask to just be held, no matter that he aches for it. He feels Hux shift his hips away, his cock no longer pressed against Kylo’s body because Hux has clearly realized all his bedwarmer will be good for tonight is actually warming his bed.
He should leave before Hux has to kick him out, but he can’t find the strength to, closes his eyes when Hux starts to speak.
“You must be tired,” Hux says softly, and there’s a kick in his gut, worse than an unexpected punch, but Hux’s fingers are running through his hair, smoothing out the knots not worked out in the fresher, and Hux sighs, low and soft and sweet. “I’m glad you’re home,” he breathes, and the words ring true but there’s something else, something buried and hidden, in the same way Hux hides the softness he is capable of, the care he can give, beneath the hard lines of his uniform.
“Yes,” he agrees, “it’s good to be back.” Just like Hux the words are true but there’s something lurking beneath their surface, the words he wants to say. It’s good to be back with you. I will always come home to you.
Hux hums in response, doesn’t say anything even as they’re both lulled to sleep. He awakens a one point, sticky hot with the way Hux is curled around his back, a narrow arm tight around his middle. He could shift away, he could get up and leave, could wake Hux up too and coax Hux into fucking him. Instead he pushes to covers off and resettles on the pillow they’re sharing, and closes his eyes, content and warm.
To Be Continued?
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yellowtoenailscured · 7 years
Hammer Toe Causes & Treatment Options – without Getting Surgery
See Hammer Toe Causes & Treatment Options – without Getting Surgery in its original form on yellowtoenailscured.com or check it out here if you prefer.
Hammer toe is a condition that affects the feet. Anyone can develop hammer toe – some people even inherit it and have it from birth. If left untreated, hammer toe can be incredibly painful for the sufferer. It can lead to corns, calluses, difficulty walking and permanent damage to the feet.
Hammer toe (sometimes called mallet toe) is a deformity which occurs as a result of an imbalance in the muscles. It can cause the middle joint of the toes to bend downwards instead of pointing forward. It’s most common in the second, third and fourth toes.
A small number of people have hammer toe at birth. For most people, it starts as a mild deformity and becomes progressively worse. The good news is that hammer toe is eminently treatable if you catch it early enough. Avoiding treatment can cause the hammer toe to grow more rigid, and make it less likely that it will respond to non-surgical treatment. The YogaToes Gel Toe Stretcher and Separator can help, so it's worth reading our in-depth review.
In this article, you’ll learn all about the different causes of hammer toe. We’ll also be looking at the various non-surgical treatment options, such as [easyazon_link identifier="B01BMY4W6A" locale="US" tag="yellowtoenails-20"]Dr. Frederick's Original 2 Piece Hammer Toe Treatment Set[/easyazon_link], for those who want to cure their hammer toe before it gets worse.
What Causes Hammer Toe?
There’s no single cause of hammer toe – there are a variety of factors that come into place. One of the most common reasons why people develop hammer toe is because they wear ill-fitting shoes regularly.
If your feet are forced into a cramped position for many hours, it can cause an imbalance in the muscles and tendons in the feet and toes. This then leads to the painful condition of hammer toe, where the toes begin to curl downwards.
Women are more likely to develop hammer toe because of the pointed or high-heeled shoes many of them often wear. However, that doesn’t mean men can’t experience hammer toe, especially if they wear tight or ill-fitting shoes often.
There are also some other things that can cause or increase your risk. If you have an unusually high foot arch, you may be more likely to develop hammer toe than others. Arthritis in the toes can also cause this condition to develop, causing pain to the sufferer – though often the pain is caused by arthritis, rather than the hammer toe itself.
If you have a bunion (a painful deformity of the big toe), this can also lead to a problem further down the line. Naturally, the combination of a bunion and hammer toe can be very painful and could lead to trouble walking unaided. If you think you might have either of these two conditions, it’s important to seek treatment as soon as possible.
Genetic conditions that affect bone structure can cause hammer toe, as well as muscle-related illnesses like Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease, or Friedrich’s ataxia.
Lastly, if you suffer a traumatic toe injury, it can cause hammer toe to develop. If you’ve severely stubbed your toe, or if you’ve suffered a break, it’s more likely that you will develop the condition in this particular digit. Make sure you follow your doctor’s advice post-injury to ensure the toe sets in a normal, healthy position and doesn’t start to curl downwards.
What Are the Symptoms of Hammer Toe?
Look out for any of the following symptoms:
Irritation or pain from the affected toe – especially when wearing tighter footwear.
The appearance of corns and calluses on the ball of the foot or between two toes.
Redness around the affected area
Inflammation and a burning sensation.
The toe visibly curling downwards.
Open sores are a possible symptom in severe cases.
Inability to flex your foot.
Inability to wiggle your toes.
Difficulty walking or even standing.
If you’re experiencing some of these symptoms, there’s a chance you may be affected. Consider looking into treatment options, or go and see a medical professional for their verdict.
What Are the Long-Term Effects?
The longer you leave hammer toe untreated, the harder it will be to treat when it starts to cause problems. The condition will always worsen without treatment – it cannot be cured without intervention once the toes have started to curl.
The long-term effects of hammer toe can be devastating. You may find it impossible to stand or walk anywhere because of the pain, and you may even experience loss of feeling in your toes.
If you suffer from diabetes or poor circulation in your toes, the effects of hammer toe can be even more dangerous. People with these conditions are at higher risk of infections in the foot area, and hammer toe can cause ulcers and blisters. Should these become infected, the prognosis can be very bleak, depending on how quickly the infection is caught and treated.
 What’s The Difference Between Hammer Toe & Claw Toe?
Hammer toe is often confused with another condition – claw toe. The two have many similarities, but they are different conditions entirely. Confusing the two could mean you seek the wrong treatment, so it’s important to understand the different conditions.
Claw toe affects both the middle and end joints in the toes, and usually, all four toes are affected. By contrast, hammer toe only affects the middle digit. Any of the toes can be afflicted with hammer toe, but it’s most likely the second toe along.
If you think you have either hammer toe or claw toe, visit a podiatrist to get their opinion and confirm which of the conditions that you have. Then you can treat the condition accordingly.
How To Fix Hammer Toe without Surgery
The good news is that if you start treatment for hammer toe quickly enough, you’ll be able to avoid any surgery at all. There are a variety of different treatments you can try, from over-the-counter solutions to gentle stretches and exercises.
Using Splints & Wraps
One of the best treatments for the early stages of hammer toe is a splint. You can buy a splint online. They help to keep the toes in place, as well as preventing rubbing, pressure, and overlap. The support they provide can reduce pain and discomfort in the toes.
[easyazon_link identifier="B01BMY4W6A" locale="US" tag="yellowtoenails-20"]Dr. Frederick's Original 2 Piece Hammer Toe Treatment Set[/easyazon_link] is a very popular option. It comes with gel cushions and is made from a soft, flexible material that still provides full support. You should wear the splints every day for maximum effect, and should continue to wear them for a few weeks even after your hammer toe appears to have subsided.
Hammertoe wraps can also work well in the very early stages. Much like a splint, a wrap helps to correct hammer toes that still have a little flexibility, and haven’t gone totally rigid. They also relieve the rubbing and irritation that can occur as a result of the toes being deformed.
Wraps like the [easyazon_link identifier="B00FT2I7S6" locale="US" tag="yellowtoenails-20"]Profoot Toe Straight Hammertoe Wrap[/easyazon_link] are often thin enough to wear underneath socks and in any shoes without causing them to become too tight. They often come with cotton linings, some infused with healing balms like aloe to soothe the skin they are wrapped around.
Changing Footwear
It’s also absolutely vital that you change your footwear if you believe that’s what has caused your hammer toe. If you regularly wear shoes that are too small, or that make your feet feel cramped and uncomfortable, consider swapping them for more suitable options.
Shoes with pointed toes or particularly high heels can force the toes against the front of the shoe. This is one of the main causes of hammer toe, and it can exacerbate the condition further if you develop it. Try to avoid these types of shoes while you’re recovering.
Instead, opt for shoes that don’t confine your toes. Many brands offer ‘wide fit’ ranges suitable for those with slightly broader feet – this can help reduce the risk of hammer toe developing. You should also avoid wearing heels that are any higher than two inches, to prevent your toes from being crushed against the front and starting to curl downwards.
Unfortunately, there are no particular oral or topical medications that can help treat hammer toe. However, you can use medication to alleviate some of the symptoms.
If you’re experiencing pain and inflammation as a result of your hammer toe, anti-inflammatories like ibuprofen can help to provide some relief. You can also buy topical pain-relief gels at many pharmacies. Some are designed specifically for use on the feet, alleviating the pain from bunions, corns, and other ailments.
Hammer Toe Treatment Exercises
Another great way to treat hammer toe without surgery is to carry out some simple exercises regularly. These will help to stretch out the muscles in the feet and prevent the toes from becoming rigid. If you allow the hammer toe to become rigid, you’ll likely need surgery to correct the problem, so it’s certainly worth carrying out the exercises as often as you can.
Toe-Spreading Exercise
The toe-spread exercise is a simple movement that you can do while you’re sitting at home. Cross the affected foot over the other leg. If you’re experiencing hammer toe on both feet, you’ll need to do this both ways. Simply push one finger into the gap between the hammer toe and the toe next to it. Then, if you can, squeeze your finger with the toes.
You may be flexible enough to interlock all of your fingers and toes and still squeeze. Switch between spreading the toes and squeezing them for between five and ten minutes. Repeat once or twice a day for the best results.
Toe Crunch
This move is a little like the crunches you do at the gym for your abs – except for your feet! Sit in a chair and put a towel or some other material (an old t-shirt will work) under the affected foot.
Keeping your foot on the ground at all times, use only your toes to crunch up the towel, then release. Repeat for a few minutes – then carry out the exercise on the other foot, if you need to. You can add extra resistance and make this move a little harder by adding items to the end of the towel. A magazine or a book would work well to add resistance.
As you progress, you can even move onto picking up harder objects. A small marble is a great item with which to practice. Sprinkle a couple of them onto the ground and pick them up one by one, using only the muscles in your toes.
Manual Stretches
You can also use your hands to help stretch out the toes. Sit on the floor with your legs stretched out in front of you. You can either wrap a towel around your toes or use your hands for this move.
If you’re using a towel, pull the ends of it towards you, stretching the toes out effectively. If you’re flexible enough to use your hands, repeat the same action, except using your own hands behind the toes. As with the other exercises, repeat on both feet if necessary, and repeat every day for the best results.
Toe Taps
You can do this exercise standing up or sitting down. Raise the affected foot off the ground (if you’re standing, feel free to hold onto something for balance). Try to point your big toe towards the floor, while pointing your other four toes up to the ceiling. Hold the position for a couple of seconds, then relax.
Repeat this exercise 10-12 times. You can also reverse it for maximum effect. Point your big toe to the heavens and your other four toes down to the floor to retain flexibility in all five digits.
Latest Treatments for Hammer Toe
Medical progress is being made all the time in terms of hammer toe treatments. Many of the latest treatments for this condition involve some implant in the toe. This is a halfway option between nonsurgical treatment and surgery.
The implants are usually made from stainless steel or plastic and are a permanent fixture. They help to correct the deformities and keep the bones aligned. Keeping the implants in permanently means there’s a significantly reduced chance of hammer toe reoccurring.
Other Tips To Help Treat Hammer Toe
As well as regular stretching and wearing splints, there are a multitude of ways you can fight hammer toe. These tips will also help you to prevent hammer toe from occurring in the first place. If you believe you might be at risk, take heed of these hints.
If you spend most of your day on your feet because of your occupation, invest in some comfortable shoes that don’t restrict your feet. Orthopedic shoes are a good choice. These are made specifically to support and accommodate all the different areas of the feet and ankles, so you should feel comfortable all day.
Understand how to trim corns properly, or see a podiatrist who can do it for you. Keep corns and calluses free of hardened skin by rubbing them with a pumice stone after you’ve showered or bathed.
Consider an orthotic device. These are custom-made devices which are placed inside the shoe. This can help to address the muscle and tendon imbalance that is causing your hammer toe.
If the pain of your hammer toe is very serious, consider injection therapy. You can get corticosteroid injections from your doctor to ease the inflammation and reduce the pain in your toe. However, it’s important to remember that this won’t address the issue itself – it will only alleviate the pain.
Why You Should Try to Avoid Hammer Toe Surgery
Hammer toe surgery is performed on those unaffected by other treatments. It’s often seen as a ‘last resort’ by doctors. The toes in these patients will have become rigid and won’t respond to splints, stretches or other treatment methods.
Surgery for hammer toe can be stressful and even painful. It can involve removing small pieces of bone from affected toes, as well as using pins to keep the digits in the right position while they heal. Tendons often need to be lengthened, rebalanced or transferred entirely, and surrounding joints may need to be relocated to compensate for the change.
Hammer toe surgery can result in long recovery times. For those who need to work or remain active and mobile, this is not ideal. That’s why it’s so important to seek treatment for hammer toe as soon as you see the early signs and symptoms. We've found that the YogaToes Gel Toe Stretcher and Separator is an easy-to-use preventative method if you're concerned about the condition of your feet.
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