psychopasss4 · 6 months
MoFA's S.A.D 🥰
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Sugino will celebrate bday 🎈 🎂 🎊 together 🤣 leaving Fredegami have dinner together 😅
📸Artwork by Koschwarz.
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white-queen-lacus · 11 months
Idk why Frederica,Kougami and Tenzing’s found family dynamic in SS case 3 was very interesting for me.Frede very much served as the matriarch of their own ragtag family.She has an extremely nunaced grip on Kougami’s personality as well(after all she’s the one who made him come back to Japan) and is very much capable of keeping up with him.Ever since the FI manga extra I feel like writers have an inclination to build up the relationship more(If you compare Frederica’s approach to Sugo and Kougami you can clearly tell she’s very much interested in Kougami).It wouldn’t need any buildup.Just a little confirmation and they can be a thing(unlike koukane who they have refused to lean into for years).Shiotani has already expressed his interest for a MOFA SAD spin off multiple times and it has a good chance of happening considering Kougami’s popularity.If that ends up happening I can easily see them working out.Like Japanese Batman and Catwoman hah!I used to have a diligent passion for koukane but I have made peace with the fact it has become stagnant and their ideologies would never converge.It would be great to let them both move on with their respective love interests and stop ship baiting.
Oooooooooooooook, I agree to an extent. I've previously and many times said that I Kourica? Fredegami? however we do want to name their "ship" is my guilty pleasure. The problem is that even if everybody on the high floors says that Shinkane is only platonic, senpai/kouhai, or whatever, the tension exists. Their bond exists. For the sake of uprightness, I must say that, or Shiotani-sensei is very bad at writing romance (and yet, we have Kunikara, Kei and Maiko, even the hints of Karina and Arata, Mao and Kei, and the more explicit Irie's feelings for Mao again, but I should add Sugo's friend and her husband from Case 2, just to say, and sorry if I'm forgetting other) or, simply, everything is in the realm of "better keeping the status quo because things should get worse next installment and we need the characters to be focused and not distracted by romance"... I'm more for the second, actually. Now, I agree with everything you say about Case 3, but even if Frederica's approach is definitely more personal regarding Kou than regarding Gino and Sugo... mhhhh... Kougami is the one: 1) totally oblivious to feelings (he wasn't even able to figure out why Akane wanted from him in PPP, nor, in Frederica's case, able to read her in Case 3 novel); 2) uninterested in love or romance (season 1: Kougami was revenge!driven; case 3: see above; season 3: brooding, constantly p*ssed off, his only goal was to free Akane from jail); 3) there's the possibility (but unless there is an official confirmation, I would take it with a grain of salt) that he's not attracted by women... That's why I think that everybody has the right to ship or to want the characters they love with everyone they want, as long as there is respect for the ones who think differently. Should Shinkane happen I'd be the happiest person in the world, but after all, all that they need is happiness and freedom before everything (also, considering what kind of existence they live), then we'll see. If Fredegami or Shizuaka tho should happen... well, to me, they're both quite a guilty pleasure, so I'm totally fine with it! 🤭
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psychopasss4 · 8 months
Checkout the arrow of correlation 😵
When was Kogami living with Frederica in Japan?! 😅
Alright congrats to Fredegami Shippers 🤐😓😊
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yeah I'm tagging Akane so that she knows 🤣😜
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psychopasss4 · 6 months
Shinkane/Fredegami Analysis
[Disclaimer: The views & opinions expressed on this post does not necessarily reflect the PPC's character represention]. 🤗
Now let's delve into...
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Season 1 shows us the obvious reasons that lead us to think any romantic possibilities of Shinya x Akane. As mentioned in my previous post From Shinkane to ShizuAka.
And the release of 劇場版 PSYCHO-PASSサイコパス fueled our interest even more. 😍❤️‍🔥
It all started in this scene from Psycho Pass: Sinners of the System 3.
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Where Frederica openly flirts with Kogami (as described in the novels) and expresses her interest about him. Kogami was indeed mesmerized by this beauty.
The Comparison:
As hurtful as it may sound. Shinkane is one-sided. Let's face it and be honest.
The showcase of Shinya x Frederica is intentional for Psycho-Pass Providence movie.
The Story Debunked:
After the events of 1st Movie. Kogami seemed to step away further from Akane & the whole Div. 1 as advised by Ginoza.
The latter did that for the sake of Akane, seeing how Kou's influence affected her deeply. And as he explained further in the boat scene from PPP. He wants to prevent Akane from being a latent criminal which Kou fell into.
Kogami met Frede in Tibet-Himalaya Kingdom, after she cases for him (probably after the events of SS3 where she was first introduced). Akane might have initiated it to help bring back Kogami since she wasn't successful in SEAUn.
Kou begins to ease-up (not necessarily open up) with Frede seeing how dedicated she is to her work in MoFA and how she is a potential good leader judging by how she work as girl boss.
In PPP, Kou still care for Akane but it's obvious he starts to give Frederica a chance. Thinking about how she was used by Yabuki to intentionally lie (Saiga's ultimate downfall).
In Kogami's head, Frederica is amazingly tough but also a soft woman from the inside. Which is why he sided with her after Yabuki's death.
Being with her in the dark room, tagging her along the rescue mission. Wearing the same coat. Plus and the most striking, is the fact that he let Frederica say out loud "ME AND KOGAMI WILL JOIN AKANE TSUNEMORI"
Also, [I believe] the events of PP3 Manga; (the Hotpot, & the Gun sparring) happened before Akane's release and the events of Psycho Pass 3 and before Azusawa-kun introduction and the BiFrost. Which shows a somewhat sweet interaction between the two.
But the events of FI happened, and Kou realized that Frede isn't as fragile as he thinks she is.
So he somehow wants to mend his connection with Akane by picking her up from the Tokorozawa Correction Center.
The Ship Analysis
Kogami & Frederica might've feel some spark after the events of SS3.
They might've gave it a try which leads to their closeness in PPP movie and Few chapters from PP3 Manga (which again I believe happened before the BiFrost narrative).
But during and amidst the BiFrost incident, Kogami might've realized Frederica is similar to his ideals. Accepting bribe for the sake of Justice.
Note: There's one thing that the online translator failed to translate which not all fans (who upload their copy of the manga/novel) easily realized. It is about the tone.
In the Season 3, after Kou beat the heck up from Kei, he received the instructions from Frede to let Azusawa-kun escape to which he obliges BUT with a tired (and almost fed-up) tone.
So eventually they slowly and silently fell apart. And intend not to pursue any chances of relational progress. They've kept their professional closeness but slip through any possibility of building a solid chemistry.
Therefore, Kogami gradually re-establish his Season 1 connection with Akane. By showing up in a car and let her decide where to eat just like the old times.
Because deep inside, Kogami longs to have a solid source of affection eventhough he can't explicitly admit it to himself. That's one thing Frederica called him off during their conversation about the Cigarette puff (where it conveys too much love or less affection received from childhood).
At one point, he might've think that Frede was the one. Same age, badass beauty but soft and tender inside. I think that's the type woman Kou likes. But he finally realized Frede is a well-established woman who doesn't need his protection.
The views/opinions expressed on this post are based from what I read from the Manga/Novel and anime SS3/FI/PPP source materials. With the characters's perspective in mind. You may take it with a grain of salt to which you are very much welcome 😉.
All in all, let's just wait for Season 4 shall we? 💕🥰😊🤗 It might have more revelations.
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psychopasss4 · 6 months
Previous anon here thanks for answering the ask🫶🏻I’d like to clarify I don’t mean to spread negativity at all.I am just a little disappointed with how things are turning out to be.I know we won’t know further until the next installment comes out but what do you think about Frederica so far?In providence did you notice how upset she was when her boss Yabuki asked her not to tell Kougami about using Saiga as bait?She also followed Kougami into the Akane rescue mission when she didn’t have to.I think she likes Kougami?😅Also what do you think about Kougami’s feelings towards her?He is a stoic through and through.I don’t think he’s directly expressed anything for anyone so far,has he?I know Kougami likes a“bijin”a traditionally attractive woman who can also be a good companion he can talk to but has he ever expressed anything for someone at all?I know he loves his mother and Tenzing,I am talking about his romantic relationships strictly.
I need to clarify this but I meant a Kougami x Frederica x Ginoza love triangle in my previous ask since Kougami and Ginoza both like Frederica.😮‍💨
Hi Anon! Again, sorry for the delay 😅
I kinda step back to writing down my own views for the series, coz I feel I have pour them all out on my previous posts (especially about Kogami x Frederica). And I should promote the official work instead.
But as a fan, I could definitely say Frederica likes Kogami. And Kogami tolerates her SO MUCH. 😁 And that's what the writers seem to impose.
Like for hundreds of times they mention Shinya x Akane is not a thing. They can't be in a relationship. But the fans keep on insisting so in the end they created Frederica Hanashiro to be paired with Kou.
Yet they saw the ShinKane is a BIG FANBASE so they use it's influence to bank on the merch. 😅😂
For the "rescue mission", she only joined because Kogami tagged her along.
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Right after Akane called Kou, he asked Frede "I would go, how about you?" And the next day they showed up in front of Akane wearing the same coat. 😅
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The whole Kogami x Frederica thing starts on the indirect bottle kiss and the fact that Kou calls her without honorifics. Like they're too comfortable with each other.
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I don't think I have to explain things further. The whole fanbase felt it. Notice it. Got it. The writers are into something. And I don't have to expound that. And most of us are heartbroken with the transition. 🤧
For Ginoza, I don't think he's completely smitten by Frede. I mean, he's nice to everyone but also a bit reserved when it comes to relationship. That's why he remains NGSB (No GF since birth).
The Seiyuus, particularly Kana Hanazawa-san, said she likes Ginoza for Akane. Because he's way too nice to her and more concern to her. He is always on Akane's side. Even when he didn't visit her often when she's on her cell. More on that on my actual (Shinkane or Fredegami analysis which I will post when there's time).
Ginoza is kind but I don't think he is as smitten as Kougami. In my heart, I will remain a Shinkane fan, and no one can stop me from shipping them. Eventhough I am still in the process of accepting or digesting the fact that the author's have different plan.
I think Kogami should be more worried over Shizuka Homura 😂
Overall, let's just wait for the Season 4 ☺️
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psychopasss4 · 6 months
I think everyone has their own vision of the charecters.The voice actors,the writers,the director all have different vision.I have respect for the voice actors but the only vision that matters in the end is writers+directors+producers.Seki is more like a veteran stage actor who loves tragedy so he wanted a tragic ending and no romantic attachments for Kougami but that doesn’t mean that’s what the creators have in mind for him.As for Kana Hanazawa she’s literally never hidden the fact she prefers Kougami by a long shot.She clearly said to the director “Insensitive but honest types like Kougami are preferred by all of us(including her)and more popular(over Ginoza).That’s why akane and Kougami’s relationship moves people’s heart.”(on page 3 of the Newtype spread on July)
As for the creative team they have always said Akane’s relationship with both Kougami and Ginoza are workplace relationships.You hear about Akane and Kougami more because it’s the relationship people want to know about again and again.
Kougami doesn’t make any moves because you know he’s seen Akane as someone he needs to protect and he probably convinced she’d never be interested in him romantically(can’t blame him because Akane hasn’t shown signs so why would he assume?)
My impression is they have showed again and again Akane likes Kougami,haven’t they?Akane has never liked any other man aside from Kougami.And she SHOULD tell him she likes him.That she’s grown up and not to see her as someone who needs to be protected but as a potential romantic partner and she wants him.Maybe more casually but you get the gist.Akane ending up with someone she’s no feelings for as a consolation price is very icky to me.She’s the best girl of the series and she should be with the man she’s liked since day 1.
Hi again Anon 🤗. Totally agree 👍🏻, everyone has different opinion. As per the NewType spread, it doesn't necessarily imply that Hanazawa-san voted for Shinya x Akane, but rather she acknowledged their strong fanbase and the reason why.
Again, as mentioned to my first answer to you let's just wait for Season 4. And hope for the better and focus on the plotline rather than Shinkane or Fredegami or any other ship. 😉
As for Akane, I think the writers understand her well enough (Ubukata and Fukami) and focuses more on her character development than relationship development.
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For "Kougami in-love with Akane and just shy to admit it". There's a chance. It could be❣️ and I wish it does. But nothing is for sure. Otherwise, it should have been explored more in PPP film.
For now, the only thing we can confirm is that Akane have (or perhaps used to have) feelings for Kogami. But as most fans noticed, it's a bit one-sided. The girl likes the boy, but the boy is flirting with other girl 😅.
And I love Akane's character for her to suffer from a one-sided love. Anyways, I love all characters. Even Kogami who exhibits the same behavior as Gin-chan 😉🤣
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psychopasss4 · 6 months
You know I never say anything because people will call me a hater but the inclusion of Frederica is so bizarre to me.I have been saying for years that I’d like Akane’s design to be a little mature and her to be a part of field action?Lo and behold Frederica’s grand entrance in SS3.Not only does she have the greatest design among the female cast,she is an experienced fighter who can fight in red stilettos,a great sniper who handles a Barrett m95 like no one’s business.She also has a background in psychology and profiling(but she mostly used Saiga’s class to obsess over Kougami lol).It’s like the writers took everything I wanted for Akane and gave it to her.Also she got fanservice scenes with both Kougami and Ginoza eg the water bottle scene with Kougami in ss3 and the providence explosion scene with Ginoza.Also lots of shots of Frederica in ss3 where you can see her naked,taking a bath,or wearing pretty lacy underwear so I guess fanservice is okay if it’s Frederica?A lot of shippers pretend Kougami barely tolerates her but from what I see Kougami gets along so well with her(can’t blame him because obviously she’s sweet and pretty and flirty and also a great boss,things Akane was never allowed to be)and the horrible part is I can actually see them being a good couple.Even Ginoza was smitten enough to arrange a cafe for her when she’s stressed and he thinks she’s so cool that she’s the female Kougami?Wow.Is this about to be a love triangle?!!!But if I point these out obviously I’ll be called jealous and hateful.But this is what I have wanted for Akane for years now.I feel sad and disappointed and I can’t even talk about it.
~So sorry for the late reply, Anon. 😔 I've been hardly checking my inbox. And just catching up to post PP logs.
Anyways, as a fan's PoV, when Sinners of the System first came up, I remember Dir. Shiotani wants to intentionally introduce new characters who would play a major role. And when the fans pointed "Akane's lack of screen time" since SSS trilogy upto S3/FI, he said he purposefully wants to feature other characters as protagonist.
I would say Frederica is not a coincidence nor a side character. Once the PPP novel and Season 4 is out, I would expound on that one. For the meantime, I will patiently wait in silence 😅.
I don't consider her as a love triangle for KoAka (a.k.a. Shinkane) because Kogami x Akane is not a thing. As confirmed by everybody in Psycho-Pass Production Committee even the Seiyuus themselves (*Coughs* Seki-san 😷).
I leave it to my fellow fans' "profiling" and/or "deduction" abilities. But I think most of us have that gut-feeling already. But again, it's too early to say something and I can't speak on behalf of the PPC.
During the promotionals, I made some ノイズログ which expresses my personal opinion as a fan in this Tumblr Space. Because I don't want fans to feel betrayed. And at the same time, I can't stand the growing "misdirection" of some KoAka fans (Japanese Shinya x Akane fans) which they twist some points of the story. It seems like they only watch PSYCHO-PASS for Shinya x Akane only, instead of enjoying the overall plot.
For now, it is what it is until the official novel and potential Season 4 is released.
Meanwhile, I enjoy and cherish the interactions of Shinya x Akane as they are portrayed in the anime.
For the writer's and production crew, I understand about the marketing strategy but I think they should be sensitive on how the fanbase will perceive things before they start "selling out" those merch 🤭 P.S. no pun intended. [i.e selling KoAka merch while low-key supporting Fredegami 😅]
I don't have beef with the J-KoAka's, because there's no wrong in betting on our fave ship. But we should be open to all kinds of Interpretation the Production Committee is trying to convey.
Let's just wait for the next Season. And no matter how it turns out, Shinkane/KoAka fanbase will always remain as solid as ever 💖!!!
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