#Freeburg Dentist
freeburgdentist · 2 years
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Freeburg Dentist - Advanced Dental Care & Orthodontics
Our goal at our advanced dental center, is to help you avoid major dental problems with the right at-home care regimen such as Brush and floss, regular cleanings, and examinations. That’s how you can keep all your teeth for your whole lifetime.
Address: 321 Marketplace Dr, Freeburg, IL 62243, USA Phone: 618-539-5300 Website: https://www.advanced-smiles.com/
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 TRIVIA: Ken Kirzinger had to undergo some dental work during filming, but it would have taken too much time to remove his make-up and costume and reapply them. When he arrived at the dentist's office still dressed as Jason (without the hockey mask), people were afraid he was an escaped psychopath, and almost called the police.
 Standing at 6'5" (1.96 meters) tall, Ken Kirzinger is the tallest actor to date to play Jason Voorhees.
 The final film in which Robert Englund plays the role of Freddy Krueger.
 Brent Chapman (Blake's father) and Kyle Labine (Freeburg) appeared in Halloween: Resurrection (2002), making them the first actors to appear in a Freddy, a Jason, and a Michael Myers film.
 Brad Renfro was originally cast as Will, but had to be replaced less than a week before shooting began. Jason Ritter, who actually got the part, had initially tested, but they didn't feel that he was right for the role.
 Robert Englund was excited at the casting of Katharine Isabelle as "Gibb", as he was a big fan of her cult-film Ginger Snaps (2000), a Canadian werewolf film.
 During test and advance screenings, the ending was not added to the film. Instead, the following text appeared: "On August 15th, 2003 see the final sixty seconds and see who has survived...and what is left of them." This is a direct reference to the tagline for the original The Texas Chain Saw Massacre (1974), which is "Who will survive and what will be left of them?"
 Gibb (Katharine Isabelle) is always shown wearing a red baseball hat. This is an reference from Carrie (1976), where P.J. Soles' character always wore a red baseball cap. Isabelle appeared in Carrie (2002).
 According to the book Slash of the Titans: The Road to Freddy vs Jason, the crossover sequel officially had sixteen screenwriters across ten different versions of the story. This was per the Writer's Guild Arbitration Panel findings. Unofficially, this movie had many more unsolicited treatments and drafts, both internally and externally.
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stone-man-warrior · 5 years
October 15, 2018: 6:52 pm:
October 15, 2018: 5:55 pm:<br><br>Yesterday, 10-14-2018, there was an intrude... StoneMan .Warrior - 2018-10-15T21:52:55-0400 - Updated: 2018-10-15T21:52:55-0400
October 15, 2018: 5:55 pm: Yesterday, 10-14-2018, there was an intruder in my home. This is typical. I went for a short walk, five minutes only, then returned and came into my house. Shortly after I entered, I received a phone call. The call was from someone I would very much like to speak with, however, I am under the impression that the person who called me is dead. The phone call was strange, it included a number of pieced together recordings of the persons voice. What I heard on the incoming call was an edited collection of old conversations from the past all put together into a variety of different subject matter. The call specifics included that if I asked a question of the person who was portrayed, then, some other third party was manipulating, or controlling the response to the question I had asked such that the operator was able to manipulate an answer to my question with the use of recorded and edited together sound bytes of previous conversations. While I was very interested in speaking to the person who had called, and also while under the impression that the person that I was speaking with is either dead or being held captive someplace, I encountered the intruder. In the midst of this very strange phone call, when my attention to the call was one-hundred percent enthralled in listening so I could determine the validity of the person, or perhaps hear clues as to the whereabouts of this person, that is when the intruder made himself known in my house and was directly behind me as I was sitting on my reclining chair. The intruder had climbed over the chair and was crouched down behind it. The intruder stood up, while I was deeply focused on listening to the phone call, and speaking to the caller. The intruder was wearing a large robe with very large hood over the intruders head. The robe is similar to the kind of robe that is known to be worn by KKK members, or other kinds of ritual oriented club members. I injured the intruder while on the phone call. The injury was to the intruders arms, and to the intruders head. I did not kill the intruder, he was able to leave the house under his own power without assistance. Jeff Monroe was part of the attack, and so was a young woman with green colored hair. Those two provided a "dog and pony show" outside such that anyone who would have seen them doing the activities they were doing would notice them, and observe for a moment to make an assessment of safety. They were noisy, loud, and moved around hurriedly like something may have been wrong or perhaps a dangerous condition was present. As that was happening, there also was the sound of a young child shouting for his or her mother. There are no young children that are known to be at the Monroe's, and I had not heard any young children shouting for their parents over there before. This is a typical means that is used by the terrorists I report about on this page, for demanding attention away from where other terrorists are at. Yesterday, they were drawing my attention away from where the intruder was advancing towards my home, and entering. The dangerous condition that indeed was present, was that while those two, Jeff Monroe and a young woman with green colored hair, were performing their act, making a scripted scene of loud and unusual behavior, or otherwise engaging in a pre-planed, elaborate, rehearsed, perfected and deployed intentional means to participate in the attempted murder of an American Citizen. Like I said, this is typical, it happens regularly, and is effective as a means to aid in the advancement of another terrorist soldier toward a target location without being seen as they advance through the wooded areas around my home and towards my front door, which is where the intruder entered. My locks on my doors have been changed this year. The doors were all locked. There are no extra keys to the door-locks. I have all of the keys that came with the locks that were changed. The terrorists have their own locksmith that is able to make keys for almost any kind of residential door lock available locally. Today, I needed to run some errands and was presented with nothing less than persecution, and that persecution is better described as attempted murder. In fact, attempted murder took place at three different locations today as usual. I needed to go to Medford Oregon today, and then to the Fred Meyer, I stopped at one other location. During today's errand running, it was revealed to me that the intruder was Bruce "Brewsky" Freeburg. Mr. Freeburg, of 535 "MyStreet" and his wife Janice "Jay-Bob" Freeburg, are the Generals, or Commanding Officers of a terrorist air-force. The Terrorist air-force, formerly known as "Luftwaffe" is now called "Air-Support". The terrorist air-force known as "Air Support" consists of very large and powerful helicopters that are built and operated by Erickson Air Crane company of Eagle Point Oregon. The terrorist air force, "Air-Support" also consists of smaller, Robertson Helicopters, as well as other brand names, and larger ones that are suitable for touring uses, six to eight passenger models. The "Air-Support terrorist air force uses, and controls the Grants Pass Municipal Airport. The Freeburgs who are the commanding officers of that terrorist network of pilots and aircraft are most likely responsible for the killing, or extermination, of the United States National Guard that was once located at the Grants Pass Municipal Airport. This entry is to document the intruder inside my home yesterday that was injured resultant of the self defense that was necessary for my own survival. and the circumstances that are part of that attack at my home by terrorists who use Nitrous Oxide/Versed airborne gas mixture as a means of subduing US American Citizens, and then killing and replacing them with terrorist soldiers who assume the identity of the Victims that they kill.
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toneMan .Warrior - 2018-10-15T23:43:25-0400
October 15, 2018: 7:57 pm: The sound of a generator, the kind of generator that is used to provide electricity. The sound of the small internal combustion gasoline powered engine attached to a generator that is suitable for producing electricity and is commonly used by Recreational Vehicle owners who use them to provide electricity for motor homes. The sound described above has been present around my neighborhood since the time of the Smart Meter Pacific Power special assassins began to engage in terrorist activities associated with attempting to murder me, take my home, my income, my personal belongings, my identification and in fact my very existence such that after the kill, a terrorist soldier would be selected to replace me in such a way as to make the circumstances surrounding my death appear as though I did not die. That is what is happening in Oregon. American Citizens are killed, and a replacement soldier enters society as the Victim who was killed n such a way as to prevent any notion that any one died. The sound of the generator is part of an elaborate and complicated set of circumstances that are designed to cause doubt, deception, diversion, a detour, or otherwise fool others who are not part of the attack on my person. The generator was first put into play about ten days ago. The generator is being used as a part of the Smart Meter Pacific Power Special Assassin attack on me. The generator is being used as a decoy. The generator decoy is provided such that it is noisy. The generator can be heard over a distance. The generator is there so that Public Safety personnel interested in solving the crimes associated with the terrorist activities around here will be confused by the sound of the generator along with a fabricated story that is being provided by the impostor Oregon State Police, Pacific Power Corporation, the Josephine County Sheriff, and a variety of possible "witnesses" who know absolutely nothing about me or who I am... except for what they have learned through the unauthorized use of the stolen StingRay surveillance equipment, and the access to the broadcasted sound of my voice due to the communication microphone/transmitter/implant that was put into my jaw by a terrorist posing as a dentist in 2011. The terrorists have access to everything I say, day and night, twenty-four hours per day, all year long and have had access to it for more than seven years. All of that access to every sound I have made for seven years has been recorded by the terrorists. They have been using the recorded sound of my voice in ways that are beyond what I am able to know. The generator sound described has been coming from Russel Road, and South of 3701. A few days later, the sound of the generator was coming from across the street from 3701 Russel. After that, the sound of the generator, which begins in the evening hours and persists until about midnight has been heard from locations progressively moving North along Russel Road. The sound of the generator has reached the location of a terrorist cell that is called "Sunflower", and is located on Russel Road across the street from the Makepeace terrorist cannibal Seventh Day Adventist family cell. The "Sunflower" terrorist family cell can be identified by a wooden fence in the front yard that has a large painting of a sunflower on it. The fence and painting may have decayed and fallen over or been taken down, the last time I saw the sunflower fence it had been faded and worn out. Also, sunflower terrorist cell on Russel Road can be identified by the exotic birds such as Peacocks that they have there. They keep a wide variety of birds there and breed them. The birds are used for terrorist means. The birds, such as peacocks, are released into an area and when curious American Citizens see the exotic birds, those Citizens may stop and have a closer look at them. That is when the terrorist cell called sunflower will strike the victims after exposing them to the Nitrous Oxide/Versed airborne gas mixture. The Sunflower terrorist cell, and other terrorist cells, capture animals of all kinds, such as possums and skunks, deer and foxes, snakes and even fish... they are all used for terrorist activities. So, if there are public safety personnel trying to figure out what is going on in Josephine County Oregon, I strongly advise that you safely leave the area and come back with a very large military presence. The terrorists in Josephine County Oregon control everything there is in the county. There are aproximately fifty-thousand terrorist soldiers who are waiting to take the heads off of public safety personnel. They will not hesitate to kill public safety personnel, and in fact, they have tried and proven means by and through which that public safety persons that come from afar, can be killed or held in captivity, while impostors who pose and are disguised with Hollywood style professional make-up artists who can recreate the identical appearance of any human being. The send the impostors back to the agencies from where the public safety persons had come from, and then, those impostors kill the entire agency from where the public safety people came from. They do this with Hollywood make-up, the help of Screen Actor Guild members, and Nitrous Oxide/Versed airborne gas. In this way, the terrorists are able to spread and grow exponentially in number and strength. The leader of this terrorist movement is Donald J. Trump, President of the United States of America... he is only President for the purpose of destroying and eliminating the USA so it can be replaced with another country with a new Constitution called "French American Republic Territory". The new nation will occupy the same geographic area that is currently being occupied by Canada and the USA. They will not stop advancing after the new nation is obtained, they are after total, global domination. The terrorists are successfully achieving their goals while the people who are supposed to be protecting the USA are busily watching and worshiping the members of the Screen Actors Guild who are killing everyone. And that is what is happening. Tonight, the generator is at Sunflower.
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freeburgdentist · 2 years
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Freeburg Dentist - Advanced Dental Care & Orthodontics
Our goal at our advanced dental center, is to help you avoid major dental problems with the right at-home care regimen such as Brush and floss, regular cleanings, and examinations. That’s how you can keep all your teeth for your whole lifetime.
Address: 321 Marketplace Dr, Freeburg, IL 62243, USA Phone: 618-539-5300 Website: https://www.advanced-smiles.com/
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freeburgdentist · 2 years
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Freeburg Dentist - Advanced Dental Care & Orthodontics
Our goal at our advanced dental center, is to help you avoid major dental problems with the right at-home care regimen such as Brush and floss, regular cleanings, and examinations. That’s how you can keep all your teeth for your whole lifetime.
Address: 321 Marketplace Dr, Freeburg, IL 62243, USA Phone: 618-539-5300 Website: https://www.advanced-smiles.com/
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freeburgdentist · 2 years
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Freeburg Dentist - Advanced Dental Care & Orthodontics
Our goal at our advanced dental center, is to help you avoid major dental problems with the right at-home care regimen such as Brush and floss, regular cleanings, and examinations. That’s how you can keep all your teeth for your whole lifetime.
Address: 321 Marketplace Dr, Freeburg, IL 62243, USA Phone: 618-539-5300 Website: https://www.advanced-smiles.com/
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freeburgdentist · 2 years
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Freeburg Dentist - Advanced Dental Care & Orthodontics
Our goal at our advanced dental center, is to help you avoid major dental problems with the right at-home care regimen such as Brush and floss, regular cleanings, and examinations. That’s how you can keep all your teeth for your whole lifetime.
Address: 321 Marketplace Dr, Freeburg, IL 62243, USA Phone: 618-539-5300 Website: https://www.advanced-smiles.com/
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