#Genesis is bored so FLIRT and TALK SHIT mode have been enabled
theomachst · 6 months
“Well, well, well… hello kitty.”
"And if it isn't the Top Cat, himself..." Genesis replies with a smirk, unfolding his arms as he pushes away from the wall. Rhapsodos had been waiting around to bother the Director about something that seemed important at the time, he couldn't be arsed to recall what now that too much time had passed and boredom was rearing it's head.
"The elusive Tom finally wants to play with the other kitties? I suppose it'd be utterly foolish of me to let such an opportunity escape my claws."
Ah, Tseng. Such a self-controlled and placid man, which was positively dreadful for someone like the First. Genesis thrived off of impulse and enjoyed playing certain facets of his personality up simply to see what reactions he could elicit. Sadly, this never seemed to work on said esteemed Leader of the Turks.
Giving up was for losers and weak-minded underachievers though, so the redhead closes the distance between he and the elder agent and gives a graceful bow. He genteelly takes Tseng's hand in his gloved palm and glances up from beneath the curtain of his bangs, giving a quick wink before pressing his lips against the ridge of the other man's knuckles.
"So, what brings you to our humble little floor? If you're looking for Deusericus, he's probably far too busy adjusting a new cravat pin or something. I haven't seen hide nor hair of him all day."
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